A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

101 ratings
Midouri's Guide to Death Wish: Mafia Town
By Miri Ryllis ミリス
A comprehensive guide to every Death Wish in the game, including the secret ones.

Mafia Town Edition
Welcome to my guide, thank you for checking it out. It's my first one, so please do not hesitate to comment suggestions or the like below.

I know there's several out there already, but I feel like I could be able to give my own little spin on things (plus I could always use an excuse to ramble about Death Wish). This series of guides will house all 38 + 2 secret Death Wishes.

Each Death Wish will be grouped by chapters (so Mafia Town, Dead Bird Studios, etc) and will feature information of:
  • Alterations from the vanilla game mission
  • The 3 objectives that must be completed
  • General advice of what to keep in mind before you start, and recommended loadout... If a boss mission, then the boss attack patterns, tells, and HP
  • The nitty gritty explanations of how to win each objective
  • A video from my YouTube channel that showcases the mission for the visual learner

Looking for another chapter of Death Wishes?
Note that this guide assumes you are NOT using Peace and Tranquility mode. You are free to if you wish, as it will make the death wish easier.

Without further adieu, let us sign the contract of updooting the guide and BEGIN!
Death Wish #1 - Snatcher Coins
Alterations from Vanilla:

Aquire 3 Snatcher Coins

General Advice:
The Compass Badge sold by the Mafia Boss inside Chapter 2's shiproom will tell you where the coins are with a purple arrow. I'd recommend doing this mission on the act 'Vault Codes in the Wind"

Coin Locations:
  • Snatcher Coin 1 of 3: Take the cannon back up to the Mafia Casino island where you fought Mafia Boss. You will now be allowed to climb the building. Do this by climbing a gold statue on the ground then jumping to either of the front shades, then jump on the statue base on the wall and finally jump again onto the roof. The coin is at the center of the roof

  • Snatcher Coin 2 of 3: Located at the very top of the giant belltower where Mustache Girl stood in Act 1. You can fall to this from the Mafia Casino or by going to the gerder construction zone and jumping to the very top where the hat yarn was and jumping to the belltower from there

  • Snatcher Coin 3 of 3: Located in the waterway underneath the under-constructilm tower where the Badge Salseman is (it's neighbored by a pool)

Death Wish #2 - Beat the Heat
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • Locations of nozzles have been shuffled to new locations.
  • Water tubs are now spread across the mission to cool Hat Kid down when she gets too hot
  • Hat Kid will now begin to take gradual damage from being too hot after a period of time without dipping in water tubs that reset the timer

  • Clear the level without being burned
  • Do not dip into a water tub more than twice

General Advice:
There are 6 faucets you need to turn off as well as 3 sources of water you may use to cool yourself off. The location of all of them are marked on your map, but I'd advice taking one or two runs to learn of any obstructions in the way of each. It takes roughly 80 seconds for Hat Kid to take damage from overheating, you will know you're about to take damage when you hear a beeping sound and your screen has a thick wavey border. Anything that is on fire, if it makes contact with you, will count as Hat Kid overheating. Conversely, No other source of water besides the buckets and the pool will cool Hat Kid down, so do not worry about running into the waterway.

Faucets are disabled after 2 well-timed hits (wait about 1 second after the first hit), or you can just button mash 4 hits and be done with it. Learning when you've made the final hit to disable it will greatly help you beat the objectives as you can get a 1-2 second head start to the next faucet or water bucket while the other shuts off.

Objective Guides:
It's relatively simple to do both at once, so I will assume this is your goal.

You have a very lenient 80 seconds to take down 6 faucets and you may dunk yourself in water twice. Furthermore, the cannon that shoots you to the top for the Time Piece also acts as a cooling agent but does NOT count against you. A reminder that anything on fire, be it the lava, fish, or whatnot, will count as Hat Kid overheating and fail the objectives, and that no other source of water besides the buckets and the pool will cool Hat Kid down

My recommendation is to do a water dip every 2 faucets, 3 if you feel confident in your speed.

My pathing is to make your way to the lighthouse (north-west from starting position) and take down the 1st faucet along that path, then the lighthouse faucet. Dip into a water bucket, then make way to where you obtained your very first time piece and disable that faucet and the one in the nearby tower. Ignore the pool and hit the faucet where the slides used to be. Then run back to the construction site to sit in that water bucket, then make your way to the docks near the belltower and turn off that faucet. Quickly find the Ice Platform below this faucet on a wooden beam, and use it to immediately go near the cannon.

Death Wish #3 - So You're Back from Outer Space
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • You are no longer chasing the Mafia Goon, instead you must brave a gauntlet of platforming and enemies under a timer.
  • UFOs, Racoons, and Mafia are now littered across the place and will aggressively attack you
  • Missles will now appear near the time piece

  • Smash all 7 UFOs
  • Reach the Time Piece in less than 65 (1:05) seconds

General Advice:
Sprint Hat is a must for this mission. Try to use it at all times, though I advise against the motorcycle as it is harder to steer.

Objective Guides:
  • Smash All 7 UFOs: Simple enough, simply go around the arena smashing the UFOs as you see them. I recommend dealing with them via homing attack as it gives you the most movement and i-frames. Most are on your way to the objective. The first area before the cannon will have 3 UFOs, one on the first platform near the 3 pipes, one where the mafia guy used to stand before the MAFIA flag, and one after. Once you're shot from the cannon, take the rightward path to nab the other UFO. Continue onward and climb the metal platforms for the 5th, and the final two will be waiting for you near the time piece with a gauntlet of missles coming after you.

  • Beat in less than 65 (1:05) seconds: This one will require almost being perfect, and I'd highly advise usage of the shortcut. Ignore all enemies you see, just run past everything. Always use the sprint hat power. Be sure to keep momentum in mind, and so once you've beenn launched from the cannon, sprint-jump into the 2nd balloon in order to get a nice momentum boost, as well as jumping off mafia heads after the wrecking ball section. Once at the rope section, I'd suggest swinging from the hookshot right onto the 1st rope, then jump to the 2nd rope, and from the 2nd rope immediately onto the 2nd UFO platform (closest to the Time Piece) and then grab the time piece!

    • Shortcut - On the orange MAFIA flag in the first area, it is possible to time a double jump at the last moment from the top right corner (facing it from your initial position) in order to be able to air-dash-cancel into the leftward floating wooden platform. This will require a marginal amount of practice but it is not required though, just highly recommended to save time.

Death Wish #4 - Collect-a-thon
Alterations from Vanilla:
A counter wtih a red 300 pon counter will appear on you now, with once you've collected 300 pons you will instantly die. Every pon collected will decrease the red counter by 1 and add to the regular counter by 1, although the regular counter will subtract by 1 every couple seconds.

  • Make the pon counter reach 100
  • Don't pick up more than 200 Pons overall
  • Don't break any crates or barrels for pons

General Advice:
Take the time to memorize the big pon spots throughout the level, as they do not change in this mode. Safes, saving citizens, pon balls, do not count against the "crates or barrels" objective. Sprint hat and magnet badge is a must.

Notable big pon spots:
  • The red safe near the beginning of the level where you spawn
  • The old man in the docks being bullied by 2 mafia
  • The docks near the lighthouse have a decent amount of pons
  • The pon ball near the circus where the barrel battle takes place has a bunch
  • The pon ball you break in order to make the staircase appear is another good source
  • The blue safe after the appearing staircase also has a lot.
  • After the safe if you continue to where the very first time piece was and run past it, there is another small abundance of pons.

Seeing a path in action is honestly the best way to help you with this mission. Ignore me entering the darker room at the start near the red safe, otherwise this path when done perfectly allows completion with just 125 pons collected:
Death Wish #5 - Rift Collapse: Mafia of Cooks
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • You are now timed to beat the mission in 150 seconds
  • You have 3 lives to win, otherwise you will be locked out of the mission for 5 minutes
  • There are new pons to collect, and enemies are more aggressive/numerous

  • Escape the Mafia of Cooks Time Rift
  • Collect all Rift Pons (the crowns)
  • Collect the Time Piece with 30 seconds remaining
General Advice:
Due to a nerf from Nyakuza DLC, the Rift Collapse Stopwatch timer is slowed. Now, it takes 1.33 real-time seconds to reduce the stopwatch by 1.00 second, giving much more wiggle room to win.

Always have the Sprint Hat and Magnet Badge equipped!!! Learn the layout of the rift and pon positions!
Enemies will try to throw you off in the final room by throwing cans that will stun you if they hit you.
It is tight to do both challenges at once, so unless you want the extra challenge I would recommend going for one at a time, preferably the "All Pons" one first so that you then know what you may be able to cut down on. There are 23 pons in the rift but only 17 are required. .

Pon locations
(the order I list them is the recommended grab order):
If you are to skip out on pons for the 30 seconds remaining objective, I recommend a full clear of Room 2 and Room 3 (Pons #1-11), 1 pon (Prefer Pon #15 or 16) from Room 5, and 5 from Room 6 (Pons #18-22)

  • Room 1 - No pons

  • Room 2 (5 pons, 3 total to progress) -
    • 1. upon entering the room, immediately go to your right for a pon
    • 2. Head back to the portal to the next level to see another pon on a pile of meat
    • 3. Make your way to the small building and jump to the lamppost pon
    • 4. Fall straight down from the lamppost pon and pick up the pon resting on the pipe near the wall of the house
    • 5. Return to where you began the room but head toward the pile of barrels for the pon

  • Room 3 (6 pons, 4 total to progress) -
    • 6. There is a pon to the northeast from entering, underneath the water tower.
    • 7. Another directly behind the left from entering building,
    • 8. Head toward the portal to the next level, jump on the fish rack nearby, and jump to the top of the lamppost. The magnet should grab it for you.
    • 9. Make you way to the tall red house and defeat the mafia goon at the top
    • 10. On that same building, drop directly down thee wall facing the ship to grab another
    • 11. Head back to the center pile of meat and defeat the mafia goon.

  • Room 4 - No pons

  • Room 5 (6 pons, 5 total to progress) -
    • 12. Directly to your northeast from beginning the room
    • 13. Directly left upon picking up the above pon
    • 14. On the polar opposite side of the circle where you grabbed the above pon
    • 15. On top of the tallest tree on the circle
    • 16. Hanging in the middle of the next circular platform with the portal to the next level
    • 17. Directly behind the building where the portal to the next level is

  • Room 6 (6 pons, 5 total to progress) -
    • 18. Immediately jump on the yellow umbrella in front of you for one pon
    • 19. Immediately upon grabbing the above pon, turn southeast and dash to the golden statue for another pon
    • 20. Dash toward the tree next to the statue for another pon
    • 21. To the right after picking up the above pon under the octopus logo on the building
    • 22. On the polar opposite side of the building from when you grabbed the above pon
    • 23. After grabbing the above pon, move to the 4th and final building top you havent gone on yet and rush to the exit

The Time Piece orb takes 4 hits to break.

Death Wish #6 - She Speedran from Outer Space
Alterations from Vanilla:
A timer is added to score the player.

Clear the mission in 1:35 and 1:20 or less.

General Advice:
Have the sprint cap equipped right away. The hat alone will more or less guarantee you the objectives so long as you're constantly moving.

Objective Guides:
Recognize the fastest route right away. You will spawn near the docks and near you is an ice platform that will send all the way up to the Mafia Goon. There is a puddle right next to him, use that to scare him. Afterwards, just rely on your sprint hat to quickly make it up. Shouldnt be a terrible challenge.

A non-required but nonetheless helpful shortcut is the one we used in "So You're Back." Simply double jump + dash off the top-right corner of the orange MAFIA Flag to the leftward wooden platform to shave off a good 2-5 seconds, just be sure you've scared the Mafia Goon off the flag first! To see an example of this in action, simply scroll up to "So You're Back.." or watch the video below.

Death Wish #7 - Vault Codes in the Wind
Alterations from Vanilla:

You are now drastically timed, given just 30 seconds to collect a vault code before death. Collecting one will reset the timer to 30. The vault codes will also have huge movement patterns, though you can constantly track them via a dotted white line.

  • Do not use the Time Stop hat
  • Defeat 10 Mafia

General Advice:
Sprint Hat is a godsend. I'd recommend it over the Time Stop hat unless you really need the time. This level is going to take you a few attempts to memorize the location and pattern of the codes and the mafia goons. I'd recommend doing it in order of: "Docks -> Lighthouse -> Black Tent -Waterfall", as i've found this generally allows the codes to essentially walk into you if you are fast enough. The timer does not stop until you open the safe, and picking up a code will reset the timer to exactly 30 no matter how much leftover time you had left.

All of the Tickets have a set pattern in how they fly, so take a run or two to learn that. Here's a visual aid though:

Objective Guides:
  • Do not use the Time Stop hat - Simple enough if you are only gunning for this objective. Ignore the mafia goons at all costs and just sprint to each vault code in my recommended order of "Docks -> Lighthouse -> Black Tent -> Waterfall". Do NOT forget about the blue auto-move-up hookshot near the bullied old man at the docks! After the waterfall ticket, look around the base of the stairs waterfall and you'll find an Ice Platform. Use it to be sent directly to the safe

  • Defeat 10 Mafia - It should be noted you do not have to beat the level to get this stamp. You could zerg-kill 10 within 2 tickets and be done. However, to help, take a run or two to memorize all Mafia locations if you have not already. Utilize the Time Stop hat whenever possible. You can easily kill one just after you spawn by dropping down immediately to where the group of birds are. Drop further down into the location of the first time piece to easily kill another 3 mafia (the one near the safe dies in 1 hit). At this point, you should be at (4/10) and I'd recommend only killing 2 mafia per vault code from here on just to be safe (this works when going for both bonuses). After the Lighthouse vault, kill the 2 mafia standing near the blue bridge in the docks, maybe the third if you're feeling confident with time. The two bullying the old man after the black tent is another easy catch, as well as the two are near the blue bridge above the waterfall vault code.

Death Wish #8 - Mafia's Jumps
Alterations from Vanilla
A Jump counter now appears for the player

Complete the mission in just 11 / 7 jumps

General Advice:
The No Bonk Badge will help you here. Double jumping counts as 2 jumps, but a "jump" from a dash cancel does not count as a jump! Forget the jump button exists and learn that there are other ways to gaining height. The Ice Hat in general is great for this. Take advantage of Hat Kid's ability to auto-climb walls when she lands on them the right way.

A massive tip for the Ice Hat Cancel trick is that the shorter you hold the button down for, the higher you'll go (as much as twice as high!) than the Ice Hat normally does. So, flick/tap the button instead of holding it for a second!

Objective Guides:
Start similar to how you did "She Speedran," but be sure you are not jumping on your way to the ice block in the docks. Use the ice hat and you'll be launched to the top. When you make your way to the Mafia Goon, dash-cancel to the building as this will not consume a jump, and trigger the event by scaring him.

With sprint hat, use one jump then an air-dash to make it to the next platform where you'll scare him.

This is where it gets a tiny bit tricky. You will need to utilize the height gained from instantly cancelling the usage of the ice hat followed by a dash. Facing the pipes, stand in the center of their diameter and ice-cancel then immediately air-dash into it, Hat Kid should climb up them. Repeat this again for the next pipe if you didnt make it up to it, and again to climb the platform near the pipes, which is most easily done by dashing into the lifesaver.

With sprint hat, consume a 2nd jump + air dash to make it to the next platform, and a 3rd + air-dash to the one after that just before the flag. Ice-cancel + air dash to the mafia flag, then

You may then do one of two things, whichever you find easier:

1.head to the left side of the flag and utilize No Bonk to slide to the very top of it. Then head to the corner closest to the platforms and ice dash into it. After that, use sprint cap to do one big jumprun (4th jump) into the wall then jump off (5th jump) the wall. Use sprint-jumps to make it to each following platform. Afterwards, simply do one last jump (this should be your 7th) and wait for the mafia to arrive and talk to him. Finally, ice-cancel and dash into the time piece above him.

2. Do the same mafia flag method described in "She Speedran" and "So You're Back" where you go to the top right corner close to the leftward flying wooden platform and double jump and dash toward it. This will send you from 3 to 5 jumps, with a 6th one sending you to the final platform. Just talk to the mafia, and either jump to the time piece since you have a spare jump, or ice hat for a record of 6 jumps. An example gif of of this tactic is in "So You're Back"

Death Wish #9 - Encore, Encore!
Alterations from Vanilla:
Mafia Boss will generally move faster, and so will his attacks. Sandbags will constantly rain down on you.

  • Don't miss a single opportunity to hit him (when he's blue)
  • Win with one-hit hero badge equipped (take no damge)

General Advice + Moveset:
Brewing Hat is a savior for both objectives as you can hit him from a pretty far distance, making the fight generally shorter as he has no chance to not be hit. If there's anywhere you feel you may not be able to hit him in time, consider using it. Utilize Time Stop whenever he is not vulnerable, especially for when he begins using Ultra/Megacharge, though be wary of when he will become vulnerable (listed below) and switch back to Brewing Hat to deal with him. Mafia Boss will occasionally spawn Health Orbs for you to heal with.

Assume he can use every move as they're introduced across all phases unless I state otherwise, or unless it gets an upgrade. To best avoid the sandbags, simply do not stop making even tiny alterations in your current location (I like to jump), and be sure not to get too close to the boss while he's not vulnerable/blue so you dont get pushed back into one!

  • Phase 1 (5 HP)
    • Spin Dash - Mafia Boss will utilize a faster spin attack. He is invulnerable during this until he has made 2-3 rotations, increasing in speed each time. Double jump above him until he's blue. Alternatively, hugging the corner while double jumping when he gets near you also works. This extends to 4-5, as the fight progresses. The tell is he will quickly wind back and let out a yell as if he's lifting something, and the length of his vulnerability is determined by how far away you are from him.

    • Super/Megacharge Lv.1 - He will also use supercharge that now spawns a ground shockwave every time, and a bouncing shockwave every other time. Do not panic, jump with very slight back and forth movement should be fine. Initially this will just be 6 shockwaves, but later for the rest of the fight he is vulnerable after 8 total shocks have happened. The tell is he will jump to one side of the arena (usually opposite of where he is) and immediately wind back, yelling "supercharge"

    • Goon Attack Lv.1 - After 2 hits, he will begin raining sandbags in your proximity for the rest of the fight except for certain moves, so be wary of what's above you. He will also begin spawning 1 mafia goon when he sits in the audience as well as sandbags. To best avoid these goons and the sandbags, you should run into the corner that Mafia Boss was closest to and just chill there. Alternatively, you may double jump as the goons run toward you, and dash as soon as the first set of sandbags begin to fall, then cancel your dash once you're underneath where a sandbag currently is and then quickly slide to where a sandbag used to be so you dont get hit by the next set The tell is he will jump into the stands.

  • Phase 2 (4 HP)
    • Weapon Throw - Mafia Boss will jump back into the background and more quickly boomerang his weapons. He is not vulnerable until the 2-3rd though, and this lengthens to a 4-5th, as the fight progresses. He always jumps to your current position so move the moment he jumps. The tell is he will jump into the background.

    • Goon Attack lv.2 - is whistle will now spawn 3 mafia goons, and he will jump to your position after he is done. Avoidance is the same as it was previously, though if you choose the "Hide in a corner" strategy, you will want to be in the middle of the arena then run to the opposite corner goons spawn in. Mafia Boss should jump before you make it to the corner, thus preventing him from landing on the corner

  • Phase 3 (8 HP) - The longest and most tiring phase that will test your endurance.
    • Mafia Ball - His mafia ball is faster, though it will never stop until you hit it. If you need to, consider it a rest period as it will never time out the "miss your cue" objective. The tell is he will yell "Mafia Ball" after having jumped to one corner (usually the right corner). If you have trouble clipping through the ball and taking damage, try to spam the jump button if you fall in, or simply use the brewing hat's auto-homing attack to attack him without needing to climb up. Another "glitch" you can do is once you know he's about to use it, wait a second and then jump above him and spam the jump button, it will send you to the top of the ball as it forms and instantly hit him.

    • Super/Megacharge Lv.2 - His ultracharge gets an upgrade, as after he does 8, he will fly to the other side of the arena and use MEGACHARGE, a red-colored faster variation. Megacharge starts off launching 8 times and future uses go to 10. Do note that the "bouncy ball" electrical attacks simply go from one end of the arena to the other in one arc, so just stay in the relative middle and you'll be fine. I'd recommend time stop during this. And if you're unable to or prefer not, especially for Seal the Deal, I'd be about 75% away from Mafia Boss, then try to jump+dash over 2, jump backwards over the 3rd, jump+dash over the 4-5th, jump backwards over the 6th, ad jump+dash over the 7-8th. Preferably getting progressively closer to Mafia Boss. Be sure you watch for sandbags above you for how you may want to alternative this strategy.

If you feel you may still need help, check out Elzquiem's Guide specialized on bosses

Objective Guides:
  • Don't miss a single opportunity to hit him (when he's blue) - Brewing Hat usage will ensure you never miss an opportunity. Remember that he is always vulnerable after every attack he does besides when he summons goons. The Mafia Ball will never time out your cue to attack.

  • Win with one-hit hero badge equipped - You had better have learned the ins-and-outs of his tells by now. This is largely where Time Stop hat comes in handy in case you panic, though the Ice Hat works too but I consider it a little risky. The super/ultracharge move is likely to be your biggest hurdle here, so get comfortable on the timing of it (once again, try to jump over 2 megacharges at a time followed by a dash over another 2 if you can unless you use timestop hat)

Death Wish #10 - Snatcher's Hit List
  • Kill 5 Mafia without being punched
  • Kill 10 "Elvis" Pushy Crows without getting pushed
  • Defeat all enemy types

Objective Guides:
Kill 5 Mafia without being punched - Mafia Town. Don't get hit, GG

Kill 10 "Elvis" Pushy Crows without getting pushed - The Science Lab Time Rift is the fastest way. The are is absolutely littered with Pushy Birds. be careful!

Defeat all Enemy Types - This includes:
  • Mafia - fulfilled by above objective
  • Rat - Down with the Mafia on the ceiling where Cooking Cat is
  • Crow - you probably killed one with the above, but either birdhouse or mafia town near the 1st time piece.
  • UFOs - Picture Perfect in Chapter 2 has one right in front of the fountain
  • Pushy "Elvis" Crow - fulfilled by above objective, but The Birdhouse.
  • Egg Bomb - The Birdhouse, 1st giant birdhouse.
  • Spiders - Either Subcon Forest, Sleepy Subcon, or The Finale
  • Burning Crow - The Lava Cake has some nearby, or The Finale has one right in front of you when you begin
  • Express Owls - I think the one's in Train Rush are attackable, otherwise The Finale has them after the first Ice Platform
  • Sleepy Raccoon - You can find them in either the Lava Cake, The Finale, Sleepy Subcon, or Mafia Town during "She Came from Outerspace."
  • Thief Cats - Either The Finale, Skyline's Purple Rift, or the alternate route path to Birdhouse
  • Octopus - Probably the one you forgot existed. They're in either Sleepy Subcon, Deep Sea, or at the very end of the docks near the ship in "Bon Voyage." In case you forgot, they're the enemies with a bandage on their head that emit shockwaves.

That is all the main Mafia Town death wishes, i hope this helped you. Please leave any feedback below for what I may do to clarify or improve and I will do my best to do better.

Below you can find links to the other guides:

Shoutout to CraftMasteeer707 for originally making the DW guides

As well as Elzquiem for his Boss-Specific DW Guides
[Sept.4th 2019] - General improvements to explanations in all Death Wishes
[Jul.31st 2019] - Added extra avoidance strategies to "Mafia Goon," "Spin Dash," and "Super/Megacharge Lv.2" for Encore Encore
Hyper 25 Jul, 2021 @ 9:29pm 
Just some stuff I noticed while going for the Snatcher's Hit List Death Wish here, you can actually also find Spiders in the leadup to the Lava Cake, Rats can also be found in the Mafia of Cooks Time Rift. Also I think it might be important to note that unlike the Spiders and Raccoons, which can be found in the Lava Cake area, the Burning Crows can only be found directly inside the Lava Cake. Finally I can confirm that you can defeat the Owls in the second part of Train Rush, and it'll count towards the candle. Great guide :)
COMPANION❤CUBE 5 Jul, 2020 @ 10:18am 
mafia ball DOES cue the miss
PlayerName 10 Mar, 2020 @ 3:10pm 
How exactly am I supposed to attack the egg bombs? All that happens is that I get blown up by them.