A Hat in Time

A Hat in Time

62 ratings
Midouri's Guide to Death Wish: Battle of the Birds
By Miri Ryllis ミリス
A comprehensive guide to every Death Wish in the game, including the secret ones.

Battle of the Birds Edition
Welcome to my guide, thank you for checking it out. It's my first one, so please do not hesitate to comment suggestions or the like below.

I know there's several out there already, but I feel like I could be able to give my own little spin on things (plus I could always use an excuse to ramble about Death Wish).. This series of guides will house all 38 + 2 secret Death Wishes.

Each Death Wish will be grouped by chapters (so Mafia Town, Dead Bird Studios, etc) and will feature information of:
  • Alterations from the vanilla game mission
  • The 3 objectives that must be completed
  • General advice of what to keep in mind before you start, and recommended loadout... If a boss mission, then the boss attack patterns, tells, and HP
  • The nitty gritty explanations of how to win each objective
  • A video from my YouTube channel that showcases the mission for the visual learner

Looking for another chapter of Death Wishes?
Note that this guide assumes you are NOT using Peace and Tranquility mode. You are free to if you wish, as it will make the death wish easier.

Without further adieu, let us sign the contract of updooting the guide and BEGIN!
Death Wish #11 - Snatcher Coins
Alterations from Vanilla:

Aquire 3 Snatcher Coins

General Advice:
The Compass Badge sold by the Mafia Boss inside Chapter 2's shiproom will tell you where the coins are with a purple arrow. This mission has to be done on 3 separate acts.

Coin Locations:
  • Snatcher Coin 1 of 3: Located in Act 1, Dead Bird Studios, you can find it on top of the fake school house. Simply walk into it and take left following the trail of pons,jump onto the schoolhouse, and then jump on top of its "clock." You may also get this coin from Security Breach.

  • Snatcher Coin 2 of 3: Located in Train Rush, once you are at the section where you're on the outside where you have to climb a rock and 2 hookshot hot air balloons, you want to use the first hookshot to land on top of the silvery handle on the 2nd hookshot hot air balloon, then jump back to the silvery handle on the 1st for the coin. You may also get this coin from 10 Seconds.

  • Snatcher Coin 3 of 3: Located in Picture Perfect, immediately head left from DJ Groove's stand and go to the building tops. Head to the small red building and it is located behind the sign that is hanging off it. You may also get this coin from the Big Parade and Hootenanny.

Death Wish #12 - Security Breach
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • There are more cameras and penguins/owls to find you, in different locations and more patterns
  • Missles will show up during the 4th, long ride of the machine
  • Do not accrue a debt of 200,000 pons
  • Do not get noticed (fulfills above)
General Advice:
The most important thing to note is that it does not count against you if a penguin or owl simply howls and has a yellow light. They have to actually stop you from moving and damage you to count against you. This goes for both objectives, which makes them a lot easier.

Cameras can be stepped on top of without triggeing them, however jumping on a guard will instantly alert them of you.

The two objectives go hand-and-hand so I will list the troublesome areas:
  • First area: I advice heading right toward the cameras, jumping on them, and then jumping to the staircase. No major movements of enemies besides the 1st patroller

  • After the 1st machine: The pipe is no longer safe, but the stands above it are. Beware afterwards, as an owl will be facing the school house with another one periodically changing from facing the set to facing your path. Jump on the clothes rack and then double jump dash toward the school the moment the rotating owl faces the set.

  • Schoolhouse: The entire floor is littered with owls. Jump on the clothing racks and immediately dash toward the lever. Learn the timing of the owl rotating and hit the switch the moment before he rotates and jump onto the machine asap.

  • DJ Grooves Set: After the sandbags, missles will start launching themselves toward you. Once the owls are not covering the switch, hit it and immediately hide again. Once the coast is clear again, hit the switch again and immediately double jump and dash into the machine as it will move very fast.

  • DJ Grooves Set 2: Beware when jumping on the initial platform after eexiting the machine, as the penguin will get suspicious of you if you're even a little in the air. Stand still until he rotates then quickly jump onto the platform, and double jump air dash toward the power circuits and complete that section.

  • Final Vehicle Ride: Missles will constantly launch themselves at you, and will persist this assault until you make it to the red velvet room. Tthere are 4 guards to be spotted by during the trip with the machine. To avoid the missles, simply shimmy to the side just before they make contact, and try your best to stay to the left of thee machine so that you have wiggle room to avoid any guards that begin facing you.
Shortcut #1 - When at the switch guarded by 2 rotating owls, instead of waiting to hit the switch and the machine, when the rightward owl is no longer guarding the far-right corner of the platform you may jump to it and try to double jump + dash as close to the DJ Grooves set on the right as you can. If you made it far enough you'll warp to it when you take fall damage.

Shortcut #2 - When you make it to the 2nd electrical circuit switch within "DJ Grooves Set 2," instead jump once onto the wall to the left of it, then kick off and jump back onto the top of the circuit box. Then do one jump toward the end of the section, and quickly turn the camera left while jumping again, followed by a dash, to make it up to and wallclimb up the billboard. This will then let you jump straight to the final penguin without going thru the "Final Vehicle Ride" obstacle and the security guards afterwards.

Death Wish #13 - The Great Big Hootenanny
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • A lot more owls will follow behind you. a LOT
  • Health Pons no longer spawn
  • There are much more frequent hazards that will spawn as the parade progresses. If you need a reminder, this includes missiles, and buildings constantly being lit by fireworks. Buildings will have a movie-reel style countdown from 3 to showcase this.
  • Do not get hit by the Express Band
  • Do not let any DJ Grooves tokens expire

General Advice:
IMPORTANT NOTE: As of DLC2, this Death Wish has been nerfed. you no longer need to hit switches 3 times on the first phase, simply press 3 buttons.

This is essentially just a more aggressive version of The Big Parade, with the same general rules. Time Stop Hat is very nice here. Simply do not stop moving, and if you need to clear the way from the Band for some objectives, I advise you find a big open space and just walk across the top, making minimal variations in horizontal movement when you want to make a new row, it should look similar to the image to the right. Alternatively, try just circling the entire edge of the area. This will cluster the Express Band into one area for a time, giving you the opportunity to hunt down objectives and tokens.

The first objective will have you pushing buttons across rooftops, with the second having you push buttons across moving platforms that shoot missles. Using Time Stop as you approach each objective may be a good idea as you'll be able to assess how you want to proceed in peace. Recall that there is a wait period between objectives where you must deal with the hazards introduced in that objective phase, and they persist until you win the mission. Plan how you move the Band to line up with an objective, do not run across a 2nd objective switch when you're about to activate the 2nd objective, for example

I advise prioritizing tokens over objectives, as the former is timed with 30 seconds to get it upon appearing whereas the latter is not timed.

Once the Time Piece descends, I recommend using Time Stop immediately, as from my experience the Band likes to rubber-band into you once the cutscene stops.

Death Wish #14 - 10 Seconds until Self-Destruct
One of my favorites

Alterations from Vanilla:
  • The timer is set to 10 seconds
  • Bombs more aggressively shoot out, especially in the final room
  • Gates will appear to obstruct your path in the 2nd room, as well as there will be additional light-up platforms after you touch the initial 3.
  • More saws appear in the 3rd room, and the carts near the end of the room will wildly move
  • The platforms in the 4th open-air room will have spinning fire turrets
  • The light-up platform minigame will have missles constantly rain down on you
  • The hookshop in the final room is gone, you must weave through the fire.
  • There is now a gate in front of the 3rd light-up platform puzzle so you cannot jump behind.
  • Most light-up platform puzzles in the final room will have lava pillars rotating around.
  • You somehow lost sanity.exe
  • Collect all 9 Conductor Tokens
  • No Hat Abilities, One-Hit Hero Badge.
General Advice:
Due to a nerf from Nyakuza DLC, the 10 Seconds Stopwatch timer is slowed. Now, it takes 1.25 real-time seconds to reduce the stopwatch by 1.00 second, giving much more wiggle room to win.

You must know the position of and collect EVERY single +20 second timer scattered across the level. The Sprint Hat and Time Stop hats will come in great handy with learning the location and patterns of the new hazards and obstacles, so memorize those on your first several deaths, but do not rely on the hats too much if you plan to go for the bonuses. Bombs will spawn fairly commonly and explode a second or two later, the tell being their fuses will be lit, so be on the lookout. To greatly help with time, there is a major shortcut in the 4th open-air room to jump directly from the broken train tracks into the first platform, ignoring the hookshots, and then jumping from that to the 3rd platform where the ring of fire is.

Objective Guides:
  • Collect all 9 Conductor Coins: There's no beating around the bush, you simply must memorize their location and be able to grab them while still on the move. Time Stop hat will make this task much easier as you can take your time collecting while slowing a majority of the hazards and obstacles down. All but the last 3 are generally out of the way of any hazards, though.
    • 1. 1st room after you begin the timer, on top of a suitcase on the left.
    • 2. 2nd room, after you pass the first gate and land on the left falling platform, immediately go right to find it on the right falling platform. Watch out for the platform falling!
    • 3. 2nd room, after you pass the 3rd gate and land on the right wooden box, immediately go left to find it on the left wooden box. Watch out for the shooting eggs!
    • 4. 3rd room, on top of the crates after the Piano to the left. I'd advise immediately jumping to the balloons after picking it up.
    • 5. 4th open-air room, on top of the piano at the peak of the rocks.
    • 6. 4th open-air room, to the left of the 2nd fire-shooting machine on the 2nd platform after the 2 hookshots. To best get this without getting hurt, be as close to the turret as you can be without taking damage and follow its rotation across until you get the token and can jump to the ring of fire
    • 7+8. Final Room, located at the very end of the car on the left and right before you enter the room where the conductor is. I'd strongly advise Time Stop hat as there are 2 pillars of flame constantly rotating around them.
    • 9. you get this automatically at the end by pressing the button.

  • No Hats, One Hit Hero: This is why I advise learning without the aid of a hat. If you are ignoring tokens, the No Hat part becomes relatively trivial. However, you have to essentially master the course if you are to do it without taking hits. An important note is that bombs will auto-donate and kill you if you touch their heads, so be careful not to land on one!! I will advise the toughest sections:
    • 3rd room, double jump over the sawblades
    • 4th open-air room, simply NEVER STOP MOVING and shimmy away from missles as they get close to you. Because they lock on to your location, if you move just before they make contact you will likely avoid the explosion.
    • Final Room, hop on the very left elevated side of the first bridge and make constant use of airdashing to avoid the explosions of the bombs.
    • 2nd light up puzzle, I advise rotating around the 5 switches, hitting the corners first, to minimize taking damage from weaving through the lava pillars.
    • 3rd light up puzzle, beware that a bomb will show up after you hit either the far left or far right eyeball platform, so move quickly but carefully.
    • Final light up puzzle, keep your calm. You're almost there.I'd recommend hugging the very right edge of the leftward platforms, either edges of the middle platform, and the very left edge of the rightward platforms, as the cannons cannot hit you with this. Then time yourself to jump through the fire pillars.

Death Wish #15 - Rift Collapse: Dead Bird Studio
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • The rift is mirrored
  • You are preciously timed
  • You have 3 lives. If you lose them all, you are locked out for 5 minutes.
  • Escape with 30 seconds remaining
  • Collect all Rift Pons

General Advice:
Due to a nerf from Nyakuza DLC, the Rift Collapse Stopwatch timer is slowed. Now, it takes 1.33 real-time seconds to reduce the stopwatch by 1.00 second, giving much more wiggle room to win.

Always have the Sprint Hat and Magnet Badge equipped!!! Learn the layout of the rift and pon positions!
There are many more patrolling guards in the final room than before, so be careful.
It is tight to do both challenges at once, so unless you want the extra challenge I would recommend going for one at a time, preferably the "All Pons" one first so that you then know what you may be able to cut down on. There are 15 pons in the rift but only 11 are required. .

Pon locations
(the order I list them is the recommended grab order):
If you are to skip out on pons for the 30 seconds remaining objective, I recommend a full clear of Room 2 (Pons #1-5), only 2 from Room 3 (Pons #7 and 8), and 4 pons from Room 4 (Pons #11-14)

  • Room 1 - No pons.

  • Room 2 - (5 pons, 3 total to progress)
    • 1. Immediately after entering, jump on the boxes on your right and double jump dash to the uppr right platform for a pon.
    • 2. From there, immediately climb the broken wall in front of you and make a sharp left, jumping to the pon on the grate
    • 3. After that pon, turn right and drop down to another pon that is in front of a broken wall
    • 4. Turn southwest and grab the pon on the pipes
    • 5. Dash to the other end of the bridge and use the ropes to jump all the way up to the pon

  • Room 3 - (5 pons, 4 total to progress)
    • 6. Head straight, taking the path that is slightly left when moving straight. Go all the way to the ice platform and grab the pon on the pipe to the left of that.
    • 7. Run back away from the Ice platform and straight run onto the red platform where you see 3 pons on the side on the wall. Wall jump to the top then immediately turn around and double jump dash into the pon in the distance.
    • 8. Face away from the wall where the pon was and dash jump to the platform in front of you. Jump to the next then drop down to the right of the platform with the green tarp and footprints for the pon.
    • 9. Return to and climb up the green tarp'd platform and hookshot dash-jump to the other platform after the sandbags. Jump onto the crate closest to the pon at the platform with 2 cameras, and then use it to jump to the pon.
    • 10. Locate but continue past the portal to the next level, there a pon on the corner of the level past it.

    Room 4 - (5 pons, 4 total to progress)
    • 11. Immediately go left and grab the pon at the end
    • 12. Immediately turn right from that pon and dash over the pon in the hole, magnet will pick it up
    • 13. Run right into the middle platform, if you're fast the owls wont spot you. Climb to the platform with 2 tarps covering 2 sides and use your dash jump to make it to the platform with 2 rotating owl guards. The pon is at the end of this.
    • 14. This pon is located inside the partly-open shutter door that you jump to
    • 15. When at the portal to the next level, do not take it. A pon is at the end of the support beam.

    The Time Piece orb takes 4 hits to break.

Death Wish #16 - Killing Two Birds
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • Both DJ and the Conductor will attack you at once, but they share a health pool
  • They attack much more aggressively, with altered attacks
  • The fight does not end until both are defeated

  • Win with the timer having at least 100 seconds remaining.
  • Only ever attack one director before attacking the other.
General Advice + Moveset:
The fight immediately begins with both bosses jumping to the ceiling and slamming down on you, so look out! Both also attack independently, so just because one is doing something does not mean you can ignore the other!! You will have to try to learn how to keep track of both bosses at a time, be it their audio cues or visual cues. The bosses share a health pool, so say Phase 1 has 5 HP. You can do this by either hitting DJ 5 times, or by hitting DJ 2 times and the Conductor 3 times. Timestop hat will save you a lot of pain when things get tricky, so keep it close at hand. I recommend attacking solely via Homing Attacks as you are invincible during them.

Helpful Tip - You can sometimes damage a bird even if they've hit the threshold for the phase. So if you hit them 5 times in Phase 1 and squeeze in a 6th hit before Phase 2 starts, Phase 2 will only be 4 HP, use this to your advantage to save time and earn the timed objective.

Phase 1 (5 HP) -
  • Ceiling Slam Lv.1 - The boss will jump to the left corner ceiling (Conductor) or the right corner ceiling (DJ Grooves) and after a pause you'll hear a "pop," a red circle, and the boss will "HYAH" and slam into your location. Jump when they do this to avoid them, then use Homing Attack, if you fail to punish them, they will zip back to the ceiling and repeat the attack a 2nd time, and a final time if still left unpunished.

  • Raining Lights Lv.1 - Either boss will step onto the stage and whistle, causing a small amount of theatre lights to rain into your current position. Keep moving.

  • Belly Slammo! - After Raining Lights, either boss will charge at your position and belly flop, causing damage if hit. Keep moving. They will do this 2-3 times and then are open to an attack

  • Disco Bash Lv.1 - Either boss will zoom up to the ceiling and come down with a Disco ball. They will within a few seconds crash down that will trip you if you're on the ground, and release a shockwave that can damage you, so be sure you are jumping before it hits the ground.They are vulnerable for a few seconds afterwards.

Phase 2 (5 HP) -
  • Scissor Throw Lv.1 - Either boss will hop on stage and then bring out a knife and fall down. The lights will turn off and they will rapid-fire 6 knives at you. you should dodge this via jump and dashing. they are vulnerable after the final knife and I recommend Time Stopping for this. The other boss will still attack even during this!!

  • Scissor Ora - Occasionally after using Scissor Throw, the boss will hop to the front and then grumble for a second before then pulling out their knife and zooming toward you while ORA ORA ORAing the scissors in front of them. They are vulnerable during this attack with a Homing Attack

  • Disco Bash Lv.2 - This time they will pause and pretend to fall only to stop midway, and then crash down a moment later. They are vulnerable after they land.

    Note that it is possible for one boss to use Scissor Throw and another to use Disco Bash, at the same time.. when this happens, just forget about punishing the Disco one. Go far back either corner, & double jump, airdash, dash cancel while moving one direction to avoid knives+shockwaves, and punish the knife boss.

Phase 3 (5 HP) -
  • Car Crash - Unique to this phase. Either boss will head to the stage and whistle, dragging you to the center of the area and summoning a mountain of cars to crash into you. The safest way to counter this is to double-jump and dash into either the back-left or back-right corner and wait it out, which also makes it easier to handle whatever attack the other boss does in the meantime.

    ! ! DANGER ! ! - It's entirely possible for the game to ♥♥♥♥ you over and have one boss use Car Crash while the other uses another move. When this happens it's really hard to ensure safety. Dodge the cars as you normally would, & at a corner do double jumps, air-dashs, and dash cancels to stay in the air as long as possible. When it comes to knives, you may also want to consider trying your best to move left or right so that you may avoid the vertical hitbox of the knives better.

  • Disco Bash Lv.3 - This time they will spawn 2 clones to slam down with them, one at a time with the boss slamming last. They are vulnerable after they land. This upgrades to 4 clones after a few hits and remains this way the rest of the fight

  • Scissor Throw lv.2 - Same for Disco Bash Lv.3, they will spawn 2 clones this time, each throwing 2 knives one at a time at you. They are vulnerable after the last knife throw. This upgrades to 4 clones after a few hits and remains this way the rest of the fight

Phase 4 (10 HP) - This is where the timer comes in, starting at 200 seconds.
  • Running Away - Either boss will simply run around. You can hit them during this. They will usually give a quip about how slow you're being when they do this.

  • Ceiling Slam Lv.2 - This time they will throw 2 sets of saws rapidly toward you. Jump out of the way and you should be fine. They will slam into you once the 2nd set hits the ground and are vulnerable, so double jump and homing attack once the 2nd set falls down, they will repeat the attack until punished or they've done it 3 times.

  • Raining Lights Lv.2 - This time the tell isnt as obvious. Just be ready when one jumps to the stage.

  • Floor Saw Throw - Either boss will jump near the stage, yell (pushing you back if you're too close), and begin throwing out 3 sets of saws. The easiest way to punish this it to use Time Stop, followed by a double jump (and a dash if needed), and then Homing Attack them. If you do not punish them by the 3rd set, they will jump to a new position and repeat the attack.

Phase 5 (8 HP, 4 each) - Phase 5 is identical to Phase 1 with the addition of Sword ORA and the below:
  • Express Band EX - For the rest of the fight, a large Express Band will follow you, attempting to attack you. Do not stop moving. Only attack when it is safe.

  • Raining Lights Lv.3 - This time, the lights will fall in an orderly fashion, as parallel lines across the arena

Objective Guides:
Win with 100 seconds or more left on the clock - Learning the precise moments in which they become vulnerable to attack is a must, so study the above and practice with your own fights as this is a narrow window even if you know what you are doing. Consider utilizing Time Stop a lot, as this will slow down the death wish stopwatch, giving you some more time to squeeze in hits

Only ever attack one director before attacking the other - The hardest part about this is simply the fact it makes the fight much longer (almost doubles it). Choose whichever you want, as they have the same aggression and moves. I recommend making use of time stop hat whenever you can, so that you can clutch in an attack (cuz this fight is long enough as it is) and possibly prevent yourself from accidentally hitting the other director. Once you've made it to Phase 5 and defeat the director after 4 hits, you are free to attack the other one a few times and end the fight.

Death Wish #17 - Community Rift: Rhythm Jump Studio
Alterations from Vanilla:

  • Collect all Pages
  • Collect all Rift Pons
General Advice:
The entire rift is set to a jazzy rhythm. You will notice there are blue and pink blocks that constantly take turns being solid and intangible. This occurs about every second, just listen to the beats and you'll learn quickly. Have fun, there's nothing stressful here! If you need help with pages/pons, refer to the video

Death Wish #18 - Zero Jumps Candle
Alterations from Vanilla:
  • You are not allowed to use the Jump button at all
  • Clear 4 Missions without Jumping
  • Clear Train Rush without Jumping
General Advice:
Note that ANYTHING that requires pressing the Jump button is not allowed. this includes kicking off walls, hopping off wires, and well... jumping.... just forget the button exists, yeah? You'll want to get good at using the Ice Hat cancel for air followed by a dash. To perform this, just release the hat ability button the moment you press it and you'll gain height without it counting against you. No Bonk helps here too so you may easily wallclimb after an air-dash cancel caused by this, so keep that in mind, i will call that combo Ice Dash Jump.

Should you get stuck on a ledge without having been able to climb up, just press the crouch button to get off without using a jump.

Optional but Helpful Techs:
  • Jump Storage: If you hold the jump button during a dash and never let go, you can "store" the button which allows you to easily climb up off of ledges and it wont kill you.

  • Max Height: The height you gain from the Ice Hat Cancel is dependent on how long you hold the button down for before letting go. The shorter you hold onto it, the higher you'll go. This height difference is minor and yet at the same time greatly changes what you can and cannot reach. To best achieve this, you essentially want to "flick" your hat ability button.. so, instead of tapping it or holding it down, just run your finger across the button with a little weight to it.

  • Cancel Momentum: It is possible for you to slightly move in whatever direction you're pointing your movement stick/key toward during the moments after you cancel your Ice Hat ability. I find the most success from pointing toward where I wish to go the very moment after I perform the cancel. It's a very small movement, though the better you master "Max Height," the further you'll go, which when combined with a dash+cancel can give you JUST enough distance to make it where you want to go.

  • Hat Switch: After using the Ice Cancel and then air-dashing, the cooldown of the hat resets fast enough that you can use a hat ability. Either use the Wheel, the D-Pad, or pause the game and switch to a hat in the menu to use before you land on the ground. This has niche use, but is helpful for if you want to grab Dweller's Mask or Time Stop to make it over something.

  • Super Slide: This game has weird physics. Sometimes if you dash on a (usually sloped) object just right, it'll send Kid flying high and fast somewhere. It can sometimes be difficult to tell what can and cannot make you Super Slide, but it's fun and helpful to reach places!

  • Super Trip (Co-Op Only): It is possible in Co-Op mode to put one of the Kids facing and against a relatively vertically flat surface and using the other Kid to use the Ice Hat ability to slam down to the ground. This will send the other Kid far higher in the air than normal. The effect can be vastly enhanced by holding down the Hat Selection Wheel button of the Kid (who is going to be launched) frames after they start flying. Note, this requires access to a controller so you may independently control both kids.

Missions to be Done:
Surprisingly, from what I have read and played, there is a staggering 51 total regular missions and 28 death wishes that can be done without jumping. That being said, most require interesting tech. As such, I will list what I feel is the easiest to do, along with Train Rush because that one is required.

Chapter 1 Act 1 - Welcome to Mafia Town! - Probably the 2nd easiest mission in the game to do it with. What you'll want to do once you start is go out a little bit until Mafia Girl crashes down. To your right you should see a smoking pile of dirt. You want to Ice Dash Jump into the wall while you're on this dirt and continue holding forward until you've climbed to the top. From there, go right and climb the wooden plank until you're at the orange and blue umbrellas. Ice Hat onto the table, then Ice Dash Jump above the wire into the section where the Mafia with the Time Piece is. After that its free, just remember to pick up the Time Piece via Ice Hat and not jumping yourself.

Chapter 2 Act 3 - Picture Perfect - Pretty much you want to talk to all 3 DJ Grooves Token and every single cameraman and waving fan that is on the ground, though do not talk to the DJ Grooves Token on the table until the end. The 1st DJ Grooves Token you'll find at the fountain will require some Ice Hat + No Bonk shenanigans by Ice Dash Jumping to the first fish, then again to the top, but everything else is free. Once you're either at ~12,800 Diva Points, or you're sure you've interacted with everyone on the ground, go to the DJ Grooves Token that is behind a table and choose the "Ketchup" Option for ultimate MAX DIVA

Chapter 3 Act 5 - Mail Delivery Service - All of the minions within this chapter are in reach of you without needing to jump. Simply move your camera around and you'll find ones you can target, especially be sure to get the one on the bridge to Vanessa's Manor, and one is way up above in the platforms in the fox village.

Train Rush:
Oh boy, everyone's favorite mission to do jumpless, eh? It's actually not nearly as bad as it may seem, so do not fret. I will go over each room (during the countdown) one by one.

Room 1 - Simply Ice Dash Jump over to each side

Room 2 - You should dash into the acid to damage boost yourself to the wooden crate, where then it is just abuse of the ice hat. If you're ever having trouble progressing, consider dashing forward into the acid for a boost. There are 2 health pons waiting for you at the end if you need them, then Ice Dash Jump to the door.

Room 3 - Intimidating, but nothing stressful. Just Ice Dash Jump at the edge of every gap, and be sure to grab onto the hookshot you moment you can.

Room 4 - The big troublesome room. Your first obstacle will be getting over that giant rock. This is where No Bonk shines. You are going to want to Ice Dash Jump to each step. The 2nd step is going to give you the biggest headache most likely unless you can master the height trick i mentioned earlier. If you can perform the max height tech, simply be on the right part of the 2nd step and flick the button, followed by a dash+cancel and you should roll up. If you cant get a hang of the height trick, do the same thing but to the left, where Hat Kid should wallclimb her way up like you see in the GIF to the right.

The fun with Room 4 does not stop there, as now you'll have the 4 platforms and fire ring to contend with. The only way you're really going to make it past this is to Ice Dash Jump with as high as you can get using "Max Height" tech (with "Cancel Momentum" helping considerably), while also being at the very very corner closest to the platform you're aiming for, we're talking pixels man. Personally I recommend just going to the 2nd platform and then immediately go for the hookshot in the ring of fire, but you can go to the 3rd if you wish.

The rest of room 4 is simple.

Room 5 - Ice Dash Jump over to each bridge. Once you make it to the 3 spewing fires, you will want to dash underneath, or take damage to raise upward. There are 4 health pons at the halfway point of this room. All of the Light-Up Platform puzzles are simple with the Ice Dash Jump, just take care not to fall off.

Train Rush Video:
That is all the main Battle of the Birds death wishes, i hope this helped you. Please leave any feedback below for what I may do to clarify or improve and I will do my best to do better.

Below you can find links to the other guides:

Shoutout to CraftMasteeer707 for originally making the DW guides
[Aug.5th 2019] - Added extra tech to Zero Jumps
[Jul.31st 2019] - Added other missions you can do Snatcher Coins on
Miri Ryllis ミリス  [author] 31 Jul, 2019 @ 2:00pm 
That's true! It's good to note just in case people wanna kill two birds with one stone.. heh
and thank you!
Amberstar 30 Jul, 2019 @ 10:34am 
Just letting you know that the 'Picture Perfect' Snatcher Coin can also be found in 'The Big Parade' and 'The Great Big Hootenanny' because they all use the same map, the parade ones are basically the floor is lava. I know this because I saw the coin while doing 'The Great Big Hootenanny' and went to get it in 'The Big Parade'. Great guide though!