Arma 3
43 ratings
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer
Scenario Map: OtherMap
Meta: Dependency
File Size
2.197 MB
21 Jul, 2019 @ 12:11pm
22 Aug, 2019 @ 3:23pm
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Beta project with no forecast of completion, lack of planning of other urban areas and lighting system.
It is not an island nor a mod. This is a composition made with 3den.


É uma questão ética simples e a única coisa que peço em meus materiais é, usem a vontade e de forma livre, contudo sempre coloquem ou disponibilizem para terceiros a fonte, ou seja o link de onde foi baixado no workshop, é um trabalho artístico e todo autor deve ser valorizado e respeitado.

It is a simple ethical question and the only thing I ask in my materials is, use your will and freely, however always put or make available to third parties the source, that is the link where it was downloaded in the workshop, it is an artwork and every author must be valued and respected.

NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 21 Dec, 2023 @ 8:01pm 
J-Money 21 Dec, 2023 @ 6:59pm 
damn bro this looks amazing.
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 22 Nov, 2021 @ 2:08pm 
Grateful for the explanation, if I go back to arma 3 I will look more at works from Bohemia itself with fictitious names and etc., when it comes to reality these days there is a lot of debate and little production, that is, they discuss this or that, they forbid this or that which really does good for both sides, be it entertainment or reality. Again, grateful.
PsychoRayRay 19 Oct, 2020 @ 3:31pm 
I know there is no such thing as a Middle East expert designers for middle wars. But when you label it Taliban, make sure you make no reference to Iraq/Saddam Hussein. Taliban are limited to Pakistan and Afghanistan (located in South/central Asia). A little bit of authenticity shouldn't be too much to ask for.
Other than that, keep up the great work:)
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 20 Apr, 2020 @ 2:19pm 
strange ... I don't remember using something from GM in this scenario
eor33 20 Apr, 2020 @ 1:35pm 
this happens in all your scenarios
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 20 Apr, 2020 @ 12:59pm 
GM is global mobilization
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 20 Apr, 2020 @ 12:58pm 
I'll see if this is giving error, as soon as I have the answer, but I believe there may be some mod that is missing
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 22 Sep, 2019 @ 3:07pm 
which error?