

3,229 ratings
Go Explore!
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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4.888 MB
24 Jul, 2019 @ 11:12am
26 Mar, 2024 @ 6:10am
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Go Explore!

In 1 collection by Albion
A spark from a Glitterworld
5 items
Go Explore! - A new event mod

This mod provides new events and exciting opportunities for exploration.
Go explore ancient cities and try to capture a space ship.

New Events

Lost City
An ancient city got somehow destroyed.
You can travel there and loot resources and items but beware the danger!

There are currently 3 different "Lost Cities":
Bombarded city - The city is under constant orbital bombardment. Grab your loot before it will be destroyed.
Infested city - The city is infested with insect hives. Try to avoid them and grab some loot or exterminate them all.
Toxic city - Everything is under a constant toxic rain. The former inhabitant build some shelters to survive and store their stuff. Open them up at your own risk.

Ship core startup
You detect a neraby energy signature of a ship core that is powering up!
Go investigate. Maybe you can take over the ship or scrap it down for parts.
You'll have to kill the former owners though...

Ambrosia addicted animals
There is a large ambrosia sprout nearby!
However some animals seem to be hooked on the fruits and will defend them from intruders.

New settlement
A faction expanded and created a settlement in your general area.

Research request
A non-hostile factions is stuck with a problem and is requesting your best researcher to help them out.
If you send a good researcher you will end up with a boost to your relationship and some research points to a random unfinished research.

Prison camp
A non-hostile factions asks you for help to free some of their prisoners from a camp near you colony.
You have to defeat the hostile defenders or help the prisoners flee.

Intercepted Message
Your comm unit intercepted an unencrypted message. It indicates a nearby location where some loot is stored.
You suspect it could also be a trap to lure your caravan into an ambush.

  • Yes you can add it to an existing savegame
  • Yes the mod is fully compatible with all commonly used mods
  • Yes it is even compatible with CE - Combat Extended
  • Yes the mod is even compatible with RimCities and Real Ruins. It is compatible with ALL commonly used mods

Check out my other major mod:
Sparkling Worlds Full Mod

  • Albion - creator of this mod and most of the code
  • ChickenPlucker - did the awesome preview
  • Mehni - helped with the code for the prisoners in the prison camp events
  • Halno - created the textures for the storage boxes
Popular Discussions View All (3)
4 Oct, 2024 @ 8:30am
Error and bug report
8 Jan @ 10:59pm
Event suggestions
5 Jan @ 7:00am
BUG when paired with SOS2
Talonus_Reford 16 Mar @ 10:27am 
Ship reactor startup may be conflicting with the vanilla expanded mod that changes base generation. Pretty much got a normal base attack without the ship in the middle of it. Could potentially be save our ship 2 doing that as well not sure.
ZelenthVT 5 Mar @ 3:57pm 
This mod is better and more well put together than any of the official dlc combined
pgames-food 30 Nov, 2024 @ 7:40pm 
hi llunak, ive only been to the Toxic City so far, but that was really cool for me.

i dont want to spoil it too much, but basically the weather there has some toxic particles (so anything that you have like clothing or medicine that can help with that will be useful, but not essential, since you can rotate teams in and out, as long as you leave at least 1 person in the map until the new team arrives etc.

im still in that map event currently (to remove some flooring made of materials i need), but managed to find some really cool stuff there, so definitely worth checking it out - even better if you have helicopters or something to help you get in and out with some cargo room :lunar2019piginablanket:
llunak 30 Nov, 2024 @ 3:47pm 
This mod seems weird. I have tried only Prison Camp and Research Request, but did not like either.

Prison Camp seems so strong that I would need to send almost all my pawns to stand a chance, and I'm not going to do that and leave my base undefended). Also somewhen in the middle of the (losing) fight there was suddenly a message that thanks to my help the prisoners are free, they started to leave and got gunned down by the guards.

Research Request always seems to come from a hostile faction, which does not make sense, and my ~11 intelectual researcher failed every single out of 5(?) attempts, once so badly to even cause a fight.
Devious_Soldier 25 Nov, 2024 @ 2:39pm 
I've got a strange mod interaction, an intercepted message quest popped up but I can't take a vehicle convoy there. There's a ship reactor startup that I can visit, but the intercepted message doesn't give me options to land there.
Mark Bobaba 13 Nov, 2024 @ 2:04am 
@ BladeofSharpness I suggest zooming out and checking no animals or other pawns are red and hence hostile, pretty sure you can't leave this quest until you've got rid of even downed hostile pawns, so you could capture them and take them off the map if you wanna keep them, before packing up the rest of your troop
BladeofSharpness 3 Oct, 2024 @ 10:32pm 
Prison camp
A non-hostile factions asks you for help to free some of their prisoners from a camp near you colony.
You have to defeat the hostile defenders or help the prisoners flee.

It's done, all hostiles on map killed or fled. Well, all prisoners dead too. Is that the reason the quest is not completed?
Velociraptus 30 Sep, 2024 @ 10:42pm 
Hey, Albion, love your mod <3

Just wanted to ask if you have any ETA on the new SO2 compatibility update. No hurries, tho, its just so I don't have to check every 30 minutes :cozycrashfish:
🅾🅼🅸🅲🆁🅾🅽 23 Sep, 2024 @ 12:18am 
@Cockylida That specific ship reactor event just dropped for me. Glad I checked it out here first before committing. I'm running SOS2 and was gonna send my pawns, but sounds like it would be a death trap for no reward then.
@Retsu: I've noticed this issue as well, though didn't know it was this mod causing it. Can anything be done?
Jixxor 21 Sep, 2024 @ 11:41am 
@Uhthis What's the issue with them for you? I only explored one Lost City (Infested) so far but that was quite fun tbh. Went with 2 of my 6 pawns, managed to only open one crate and that almost killed both of them, but looted four triple-rocket launchers from that crate which this early in the game felt kinda nice.