Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

13,456 ratings
Equestria at War
File Size
2.585 GB
6 Aug, 2019 @ 1:27am
1 Feb @ 4:51pm
139 Change Notes ( view )

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Equestria at War

Equestria at War (EaW)
is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings and Equestria.

+ Pleasant My Little Pony fantasy setting
+ New custom map based on the My Little Pony Universe
+ Over 100 immersive focus trees, allowing for many possibilities
+ Expanded technology trees. Extended tech branches, magical equipment
+ New technology trees with racial and magical abilities of the fantasy races
+ Thousands of events and event chains
+ All new artwork created for the mod and art from across the My Little Pony fandom
+ Ponyfied UI
+ Custom 3D models
+ Custom soundtrack, featuring multiple tracks made specially for the mod
+ Equestria at War Music Mod!
+ Supported Languages:
- English
- Russian
- Chinese

Special thanks to Plainoasis[www.deviantart.com] for allowing us to use his great art as steam logo background and in other parts in the mod and to Shamanguli[www.deviantart.com] for his wonderful arts that are often used as thematic main menu backgrounds.

“Daring Do and the Yaks that SMASH!” 2.3

Deep within the frigid mountains of northern Equus lay some of the fiercest warriors the world has ever seen: The mighty Kingdom of Yakyakistan. With traditions older than memory and pride matched only by their strength, the clans within this realm serve under the guidance of Prince Rutherford, firstborn of the late King Winford. But not all yaks agree with Rutherford's rule, and some of them whisper to one another about his unpopular decree to open their borders to the ponies in the south...

Among those who have opposed Rutherford's decisions are his younger brother, Prince Bradford, along with a multitude of clans in the east that have united into the Jaki-Clan. These yaks have fought a great war with their brethren to the west - one that ended in an uneasy truce as there was no clear victor. Now Bradford's situation grows more and more dire as his supplies, morale, and public support edge closer to drying up with each passing day...

Even further to the east lays the land of Nova Griffonia, a former colony of the once-great Griffonian Empire. Long ago, these griffon colonists drove some of the yaks out of their ancestral homeland, and ever since, there has been tension between the two races. Unfortunately, that is not the only problem that plagues this nation: When the Griffonian Empire underwent a revolution thirty years ago, the resulting outcome utterly destroyed Nova Griffonia's economy, leaving its governor, Teafeather, low on funds and even lower on options to recover. Still, he holds the country together through sheer force of will, but will that peace last?

Peace, as it turns out, has now become a pipe dream for the ponies of Equestria. With the return of Nightmare Moon and the subsequent splintering of Equestria into multiple pieces, the reality of the Lunar Empire's control on the eastern half of Equestria became apparent as several resistance movements broke out, one of which is led by none other than the worldwide famous storybook character Daring Do. The odds may be stacked against this Celestial Resistance, but with such a legendary figure leading the charge, they might just earn their happy ending.

With such diverse nations with new stories to tell, what great and terrible changes might come to the continent of Equus? Will a mighty yak become an even mightier khan and achieve a grand victory over their enemies? Will Nova Griffonia survive problems both internal and external? Will the Celestial Resistance manage to unite the southeastern region of Equestria and be forced to deal with the reality of what has happened to the rest of their home? Or will they all fall to darkness? The choices are yours, and yours alone!

Read full changelog
Read full changelog (before 1.5.1)

✢ SoonTM
• Rework of Equestrian nations

                                                             Equestria at War Wiki[equestriaatwar.wiki.gg]
                                                            Equestria at War Discord[discord.gg]
                                                        Equestria at War VK[vk.com]
                                                Equestria at War FimFiction Group[www.fimfiction.net]
                                                            Equestria at War Reddit
                                                            Equestria at War BlueSky[bsky.app]

Thanks to every volunteer, scripters and writer who are supporting the development of the mod.

The mod includes pictures from several artists, used without explicit permission. If you are the owner of the artwork and wish to have it removed, please send a note to one of the contributors on Steam or on the Discord server.
Popular Discussions View All (285)
15 Mar @ 9:24am
Bug Reports [ENG]
Bullet Barrage Spy
31 Oct, 2024 @ 4:33am
Mod updated but I can't play my outdated save
Taha Pasha
15 Feb @ 12:17pm
Surviving as the Griffon empire
NightShade 1 hour ago 
PLEASE do a collab with The Fire Rises for april fools!
Scooby Jew 11 hours ago 
The promised DLC
Detrix 18 hours ago 
Хоть какая-то радость в мире без глобальных изменений HOI 4
Yiling 20 hours ago 
homies dont know the about the previous version button
SVaughan 20 Mar @ 8:06pm 
Asking for an update doesn't make it happen any faster. Be patient.
Mentalist 20 Mar @ 7:36pm 
pls update
m8ao 20 Mar @ 1:41pm 
Во что я превратился? Я доволен
sebach 20 Mar @ 6:50am 
Лучший мод
钢铁雄心4玩家 19 Mar @ 4:43pm 
Xcool348 [505th] 19 Mar @ 3:48pm 

I love this mod