Devil Daggers

Devil Daggers

475 ratings
Devil Daggers V3 Strategy Guide (2019)
By Braden
The most detailed and thorough Devil Daggers guide ever created.
There's a LOT of information to go over, so I'm going to go over ranges of seconds, e.g. 0-39.

In revising this guide for 2021, I decided to give names to the sections so they're a little less obtuse. Names are based on this chart, which was originally designed for a video guide series I haven't gotten around to doing:

A note about style
This is probably only relevant to you if you're proofreading. If you don't care about how this guide's use of English is styled, you can skip to the next section (Basic Mechanics).

Otherwise, follow this pastebin link:
Basic Mechanics

Movement is extremely important in this game. It is as, if not more important than aiming. There are already a lot of guides on movement, and actually quite a few of the mechanics covered in this guide involve movement.

The first rule of movement is NEVER run away from a skull in a straight line. You will die. You can run towards skulls in a straight line and dodge them to put a bunch of distance between you and them, but running away will get you killed every time.


There are a few forms of shooting. Holding down the left mouse button releases a dagger stream. Letting go of the mouse button before the stream emerges causes a shotgun blast. Holding down the mouse button during the cooldown period shortens the cooldown period, and timing that for another shotgun blast allows you to spam shotgun blasts at high speed. This is known as the shotgun tech, and it's covered in the Advanced Mechanics section.

Further, there are homing daggers you can use with the right mouse button. Same mechanics, although you can safely fire a short stream of homing daggers if you, while streaming daggers (left mouse), press the right mouse button. This will prevent a shotgun blast of homings from being released, and allows you to better control where your homing daggers go. Note that you don't get homing daggers until you get the level 3 hand, and you want to avoid using them as much as possible, as you need to save up 150 homing daggers (220 gems if you don't use any homing daggers) to get the level 4 hand, which is the most powerful upgrade in the game.


Aiming is very randomized and imprecise in this game. Not even the top players in the world can achieve an accuracy of >50% in a serious run. Learning to aim is very important. Think of your stream as something of a "whip", if that helps. Also note that Skulls actively dodge your daggers, making it even harder to hit them. They will literally one-frame clip into the ground if you're unlucky.


Memorizing what spawns and when it spawns will help you prepare for them. Hit TAB to show the in-game timer. Here's a list of all the spawn times:

You are not expected to memorize this in one go. You memorize from experience. But the website is a good reference.

Gem Collection

STOP IT with the constant streaming. Letting go of your fire lets the gems attract towards you. Without gems, you don't get upgrades. Without upgrades, you won't make it far. Gems will disappear after 10 seconds if you don't collect them, and if a Spider is alive, it will suck them up and turn them into more enemies.

The upgrades are:

Approximately when you should get it
Farm: ~50s, No farm: ~45s
Farm: ~130s, No farm: ~155s
150 homing (~220)
Farm: ~270-300s, No farm: ~275-320s (depends heavily on skill), Chaos farm: ~220-250s

If there are spiders alive, they are the highest priority target. It doesn't matter that there are skulls chasing you. That's why you need to learn to kite (covered in Advanced Mechanics). You can turn around and quickly snuff SKULL IIIs if needed, although you run the risk of losing a gem or two.

Protip: the hitbox for a Spider's gem is above the gem. The entire "skull" is the hitbox. Look at what lights up when you shoot it.

In-game Timer

Hit TAB to activate it. You'll need it.


You want an FOV of 90-110. Lower FOV is good for aiming, but as I said earlier, movement and awareness are more important, so set your FOV high and get used to it.

You want to set your look speed very high. You should be able to do a 360 spin with just a slight movement of the mouse. Get used to the high speed and you'll be able to react a lot faster to threats. This game moves VERY fast, so you need to be able to react fast or else you'll die.

^ why haven't I crossed this out up until now?

Set your look speed low. Quick turning is rarely necessary. Aim with your elbow/shoulder rather than your wrist. Smooth fluid aim is the key to getting those skulls under control.

Also consider setting your Gamma low. It's counterintuitive in this game. Unlike every other game that has a gamma setting, in Devil Daggers, lower means brighter. I use ~1.4. You can set it by ctrl+clicking.


I have seen the light. Turns out good movement negates the need for twitch aiming, and you rarely have to turn more than 90 degrees in a short amount of time, and slower, smoother aiming is actually more effective at killing swarms of skulls and scraping centipedes. So lower look speed is actually ideal for this game. I still don't understand how players like Bintr and Chupacabra can play with eDPIs in the 100s, but I get it now.
Advanced Mechanics

There's two types of strafing: circle-strafing and strafe-running.

You'll mostly be strafe-running in a circle in this game, although sometimes it's useful to circle strafe. Like when you're finishing off a swarm or fighting the Leviathan.

Strafe-running is done by holding two directional keys at once. E.g. W+D or W+A. this makes you run slightly faster, and when combined with bunny hopping, lets you move really fast.

Bunny Hopping

Bunny hopping (Bhopping) isn't REQUIRED to survive, but it sure is helpful for not only outrunning SKULL Is, but also for gaining enough speed to kill things sooner than later.

To bhop, you need to time your space presses correctly. A well-times press will result in a basketball-sounding sound, and an increase in your FOV.

Air Control

Not really much to say here. Air control is a little weird, you can strafe and look with the mouse in one direction to influence the direction you move in-air, but I still don't quite understand it. This is something you just have to get used to.

Dagger Jumps

Not a necessary technique, but you can rocket jump in this game. If you aim downwards and shotgun blast and jump within a small interval (order doesn't matter), you will jump very high. You can even double rocket jump. The only time this is necessary is if you are fighting a GIGAPEDE and it coils around you. But even then, you're more likely to fly into a random body part and die.

It can save your life, though.

Shotgun Tech

I would consult Bintr's video for this one. His tutorial is excellent.

It's important not to spam the shotgun too much, especially when there are gems on the arena. You need every gem you can get, and shotgun blasts actually move gems AWAY from you. Although you can make an exception when fighting the Leviathan or the ghostpede. By the time you're fighting them, you'll have the maximum upgrade and their yield is so small (6 for levi, 10 for ghostpede) that it's not worth it.

The enemies you want to use this against the most are:


Everything else can generally be killed with the next technique or by just streaming/scraping it to death.

Combining Stream + Shotgun

This is really effective against a lot of enemies. You can lead a stream into a shotgun blast, and it's good for killing...

* SKULL IIs - the stream stuns them and makes them vulnerable to the shotgun
* SQUID Is @ Level 1
* SKULL IIIs @ Level 1
* SQUID IIIs @ Level 3
* SPIDER Is @ Level 2 and 3
* etc

Steam Shaking

I've seen Bintr do this in his runs. It's actually pretty effective at taking out large swarms of skulls with level 2 and above. But you need high look speed/DPI to make it work. At least that's how it seems.

Shotgunning the floor

You can shotgun the floor immediately in front of you to make the daggers bounce off into an even wider spread. Varying the distance varies the angle and spread, so it's worth experimenting with.


Kiting is a very important maneuver. If you don't learn how to do this, you'll get overwhelmed when the trios of spiders spawn at 175s and 200s. Kiting is the act of leading skulls or centipedes in a circle so that they can never quite reach you. It's a big part of movement.

You don't really have to kite centipedes, as they're pretty easy to deal with. And kiting Gigapedes is also super easy, since they move as fast as you walk. The hard part is scraping them.

The most important thing to remember here is to NEVER run in a straight line. The Skulls move faster than you and will overtake you very fast. Keep your movement in circles, and your circles mostly anti-clockwise. Sometimes it's necessary to go clockwise, but it's rare. There are only two times when moving in a straight line is okay.

1. is when the arena is clear or mostly clear and a Squid or Spider spawns. Running towards them is usually the most effective way to take them out. And it's also part of my strategy for dealing with 134-174.

2. (and you should be strafe-running while doing so) is when you're in the middle of a farm and there's a lot of SKULL IIs flying around. Cutting through the center of the arena lets you kill a ton of them and makes it less likely that you'll get randomly snuffed by one. When doing this, it's probably a good idea to alternate the direction you're looking in. I.e. if you were kiting anti-clockwise, and keeping your mouse movement going to the left. You'll cut through the center with a smaller anti-clockwise circle while moving your mouse right. This is because the Skull IIs are actually tracking how you move and will try to blindside you if you cut through their territory. Contrary to what every other guide says, the Skull II's actually DO chase you. They chase you when you get too close and/or aren't looking directly at them, but they try to strike you from above or from the side.

Scraping Centipedes

A lot of people go wrong here. Centipedes have some nuances to them that you should understand when fighting them.

The wrong way to fight a centipede:

Do NOT go under the centipede. It will burrow under the ground immediately and you'll lose your chance for a clean scrape.

The right way to fight a centipede (includes scraping the centipede at 174s):

Notice how I angle my aim "inwards" to get more daggers into each gem. Also, I'm moving straight to the right or left. This is one of those rare times when moving in a straight line is okay. Moving here helps you avoid the Skulls that spawn at 184 and kill the centipede faster, which makes the later part that much easier.

Scraping Gigapedes

Gigapedes are hard :( watch Bintr's video:

Pay special attention to the kiting and the way he leads into the scrape. That's what you want to do, but you have to be REALLY good at it. Don't circle too wide, and don't circle too narrowly. You'll be stuck on this for a while. Just don't give up. You can also try to throw in some Centipede scraping strats. It helps you scrape off just a few more gems.

Aim tilting and movement are two things you'll have to become very proficient with to get a good giga scrape.
Advanced Mechanics (continued)
Scraping Gigapedes - Nullifier's strat

Nullifier's strategy for handling the Gigapedes is similar to Bintr's.

Doing this involves...
* getting on the opposite side of the arena from the smoke clouds
* choosing a good target
* prefiring said target while it's coming for you
* waiting until said target is over your head
* charging forward while maintaining aim on the same spot on the target
* going around the target and getting under its arch
* stopping and tilting your aim up to speed up the scrape for about 1-2s
* backing out while reversing the aim tilt to maintain aim on the same spot

Executing all of these steps correctly will easily result in 45-50 of the gems coming off.

It's hard to explain, so here's two videos


Farming is when you leave Squids alive for extra gems. I consider there to be four types of farms:

1. Easy farm - killing almost everything and only collecting enough to get exactly 70 gems by 134s.
2. 80 farm - leaving all SQUID I alive until 80s. Whether you kill SQUID II or leave them alive for extra gushes is up to you
3. 130 farm - leaving all Squids alive until 130s.
4. Chaos farm - leaving all Squids alive until you get level 4 at around 240s. You can get away with killing a couple SQUID II at 100s and most top players do this when chaos farming.

80 farm is the farm demonstrated in the walkthrough section. It can get annoying, which is why I developed the Easy farm. There are many ways to do the easy farm, but my preferred way is to kill the first 3 Squids, let everything after (except 94s Squids) gush a second time, including the 109s Squid. Doing this correctly will result in a clean, easy farm and exactly 70 gems when you get to the 134s wave.

Here's a video


Stretching is what you do when you've completely lost control of the arena -- trying to survive for as long as possible. A good stretch requires proficiency with movement and a good understanding of enemy movement, and what you can and can't get away with. By the time you get your first 500, you'll know very well what a stretch is. Trust me.


Normally, when two Squids spawn on opposite sides of the arena, the strategy is to focus one down, turn around and focus the other down. Eclipsing (and I just coined this now) is when you get close to one of the Squids so that it gushes past you, in such a way that you're facing both swarms at once. Doing this lets you kill both swarms at once. This strategy is most effective on levels 3 and 4.


This is closely related to the stream shot technique. Prefiring can refer to a lot of things, but generally, it refers to firing at an enemy early to get the jump on them. You can prefire Squids, Spiders, Centipedes and Gigapedes.
Advanced Mechanics (updates)

When kiting a large swarm of skulls, you can reverse directions and cut low to "tunnel" through them.

Centipedes (2021 note)

In February 2021, the game received a QoL update for its 5th anniversary. Among other things, centipede AI was changed to be more gigapede-like. This means that they won't immediately burrow when you get under them. This means that the cheese strat demonstrated in "Centipedes the right way" is not as viable as it used to be. This is all well and good, though, because now it means you can use centipedes to practice for gigapedes. I believe new players will have an easier time getting used to gigapedes by the time they get to them, thanks to this update.

You can watch my pink run guide to see an example of a good way to handle centipedes.

I also made a centipede guide in 2020, although it's slightly outdated because of the new AI. The guide still works because I showcased how to actually manipulate their AI rather than just cheese them.

Reversing Directions

Simply reversing directions can be used in a lot of situations. Because skulls follow (for the most part) a predictable boid pathfinding AI, you can manipulate them into going into a circle (kiting), and then abruptly reverse your direction. This will force them to run into you at a "straight" line, and it can be exploited. Another way this can be exploited is in a scenario where you are in a triangle with two far away squids. You can W+D strafe towards the one on the right with a healthy stream to cut down most of its swarm, and then W+A kite towards the one on the left to cut them down. In the act of strafing towards the right squid, you'd led the left swarm in a semi-circular path towards you, so by abruptly switching your direction, you line right up with them. This is very important in the end loop.

Also important to note is that skulls have a tendency to hover near to the ground, so gently sweeping left to right and low-to-the-ground is a great way to tunnel and cull skulls.

Video Demonstrations

I recorded a couple farming runs to try to showcase these techniques. It's subtle, but powerful. The video on "cut-through" was sort of trying to get at this, but I didn't fully understand it at the time, and that video specifically was more trying to show how you can break your kite to either bait Skull IIs towards you or avoid them when they get close.

0 - 39 (Early Game 1)

From 0 - 39 seconds, you will be bombarded by 4 SQUID I. These guys have a single red gem, which is their only weak point. You can shoot the red gem, or the area immediately under the red gem. They gush every 20 seconds after spawning and float towards the center of the arena. They gush 10 SKULL I and 1 SKULL II.

Strategy (no farm)

Aim your stream directly above the top of the SQUID I, where the tentacles start. Once the SKULL II emerges, your stream will catch it and it will start flashing, indicating it's stunned. Do a shotgun blast, that should kill it and most of the swarm. You'll want to shake your stream in a light circle to clean up the rest of the swarm. Moving backwards in small stutters while doing this helps. Try to learn how to do this quickly.

Now kill the SQUID I, and repeat this for the next 3. Be sure to have everything dead and all the gems collected before 39s, which is when the SPIDER I spawns.

Strategy (farm)

You should only be farming if you're stuck at the Gigapedes, as it helps you get the level 4 hand a bit earlier. Otherwise, there's no real point. Although if you want to do it for practice, to get better at handling and killing skulls, go for it. I don't recommend attempting this unless you can easily and consistently kill everything in this wave before 35s.

You're basically doing the same thing as above, except you aren't killing those SQUID I.

You'll want to keep a mental map of where each SQUID I is. After Squid #3 gushes, stay close to it (or remember where it is) and kill the spawn from Squid #1. Then stay where you are and stream Squid #4's spawn to death. Try to do it quickly, because at 37s, Squid #2 will gush its second swarm. It's important to prioritize the SKULL I first and then take down the SKULL II, and do this quickly. And it's also important to have a system for figuring out which SQUID I is Squid #2, so you can take it out quickly. Staying close to Squid #3 helps eliminate one SQUID I from the pool so you can just get up to the one in the middle. You can also kill Squid #3 if it's giving you too much trouble when the SPIDER I spawns. Or you can kill Squid #2 if you're having a hard time killing its spawn in time.

39 - 109 (Early Game 2)

Right off the bat, a SPIDER I and a SQUID II will spawn. The spider is there to suck up your gems. This is twofold bad, because it deprives you of your power source and turns it against you by transmuting the gems into eggs. These little bastards can quickly turn the tables on you if you don't deal with them. So do NOT focus on the SQUID II, and make sure the arena is clear and you are in the center. The SPIDER I is your highest priority.

Strategy (no farm)

Run towards the SPIDER I and shoot at its gem. Aim above the gem, as the entire skull making up its underside (the thing that flashes when it takes damage) is the hitbox. This is useful to know because aiming purely at the gem results in a lot of misses, and if you miss too much, the spider will duck and become much harder to damage, giving the SKULL III a chance to ninja you.

After the spider dies, focus on taking out the SKULL III, and if you haven't missed any gems, you'll get Level 2[] by now. Ignore the swarm and take out the SQUID II.

From here until 109s, pairs of SQUID I and SQUID II will spawn on opposite sides of the stage in 15 second intervals. The spawn times are 49, 64, 79, and 94. At 109s, a final SQUID II will spawn, but without an accompanying SQUID I. Learn to take Squids and their spawns out quickly and this knowledge should help you have a clear arena by the end of this.

Strategy (farm)

Use everything covered in the Advanced Maneuvers section to get better at farming. The farm I use here involved leaving all SQUID I up but killing SQUID II. SQUID II make things way harder and only give you about 5-8 extra gems, so it's not worth it. You'll want to clean up at 80 seconds, although if it's too hard to have a clean arena by 109, you can start earlier, like at 75 seconds. As long as your collection is good, you should get at least 45 gems by the end, which will net you the Level 3 hand by the time you kill the centipede.

In the video, I use the stream shake method to take out a lot of the SKULL Is earlier. If you can't do that, then just focus on kiting the skulls and prioritize the SKULL IIs and SKULL IIIs as your targets and ignore the SKULL Is until you're cleaning up, so you can shoot at them while commuting between each Squid-type enemy to kill them.
109 - 134 (Centipede)

This wave involves a SQUID II, a CENTIPEDE, and a SPIDER I. The SPIDER I is your priority, and the SQUID II should be easy to kill and clean up before the other guys emerge.

I will stop distinguishing between strategies at this point, as they become identical after 154s. Unless you're Chaos Farming, in which case, you don't need this guide. Good luck.


Immediately after cleaning up the last wave, you want to clean up this SQUID II as well. At 115, a CENTIPEDE emerges, and at 120, a SPIDER I emerges.

It's okay to leave this SQUID II up, as it will re-gush at 132s, giving you still enough time to kill the CENTIPEDE.

As covered in the Centipede Scraping section, do NOT run under the CENTIPEDE. Run towards the SPIDER I while avoiding the CENTIPEDE, kill the SPIDER I, and then wait for the CENTIPEDE to come to you where you'll scrape all 25 of its gems off of it.

If you farmed well, you'll get Level 3 upon killing the CENTIPEDE.

If you didn't farm, or you farmed poorly, you'll get Level 3 a little bit later.

134 - 174 (Early Game 3)

This wave is like the 39-109 wave, except it's faster. The interval is now 10 seconds. 4 pairs of SQUID I/II will assault you.


Same as the other wave. You just have to get good at killing these guys fast.

Run towards the SQUID II, shooting at its gem, when you're sure you've dislodged it, tilt your aim upwards to snuff most of the spawn when it gushes out. Make sure to also strafe right while running towards it, so that you can get the other gem when you tilt back down. Now, you'll want to swing around and, while strafe-running diagonally, move your hand in a circular pattern to cast a wide net of daggers. This will kill most if not all of the swarm from the SQUID I. Then you just kill the SQUID I.

Wash, rinse, repeat. Pay special attention to make sure you're on top of everything by 164, as the next wave (which has 3 spiders and a centipede) will spawn at 174.

You can recover if things aren't going your way (say you didn't manage to kill the CENTIPEDE in the last wave) if you ignore the SQUID I. Just focus on killing its spawn and return to the center. Then kill the SQUID II and use the trip back to kill both SQUID Is. Don't leave a SQUID I up for more than one extra wave, or else it will re-gush and you'll have three swarms to deal with (remember: Squids gush every 20 seconds, and the interval between Squids here is 10 seconds). You can stack these, too, just remeber to be back in control of the arena by 164 so that you can clean everything up before the Spider trio.

If you didn't farm, you can still execute this strategy, you just have to be a little more careful as you aren't putting out as many daggers. As long as you remember to collect, you'll get Level 3 by 154s.


No Farm:

And here's a video demonstrating recovery:

174 - 184 (Spider Trio 1)

This is where ♥♥♥♥ gets real. You will get stuck here, and you probably already are stuck here if you're looking at guides. 3 SPIDER Is will spawn along with a CENTIPEDE, and you have 10 seconds to clear them.


If the arena isn't already clear, this becomes much harder. You'll need good aim and to be decent at scraping by this point. It's okay if you don't kill the CENTIPEDE right away. If you miss some gems, you can kill it later, between 220s and 229s, or really at any point it happens to do a fly by and you have the opportunity.

Here is a second video showing the entire section from 174-259 and without using homing daggers. Sound is muted for reasons.
184 - 200 (Early Game 4)

Remember when the pairs of SQUID I/II were spawning in 10 second intervals? Well now they're spawning in 5 second intervals and it's 3/3. You cannot possibly kill all of them before the next wave.

Well, maybe you can, but it would be extremely difficult.


You're going to get swamped with enemies. What you need to do is focus on killing as many Skulls and Squids as possible before 200 seconds. But stop killing stuff at 200 seconds, because the next wave of 3 SPIDER I will be spawning then. Prioritize the SKULL II and SKULL III above all else.

Farming tip (courtesy of TSTAB)

You can gain a few extra gems here if you decide to leave all of the Squids up and only focus on killing the Skulls. With 6 Squids, that's an additional 6 gems.

I like to kill a few Squids here to make it easier to clear the arena before 229, but if you can manage it, every extra gem helps.

What works best for me is killing the first pair of SQUID I/II and then taking one gem off of the other two SQUID II while taking out as many skulls as possible. After killing the SPIDER I trio at 200s, I then wait for the four remaining squids to gush once more and take them out if I want 4 extra gems. Other times I'll just take them out immediately after the spiders.

200 - 229 (Spider Trio 2)

This is where most runs fall apart. Typically, the player gets overwhelmed with the Squids from both 134-174 and 184-200, combined with the CENTIPEDE and 3 SPIDER Is from 174-184, and three more SPIDER Is spawn on top of that making the whole thing utterly unmanageable.


Learn to kite. You will need to be able to dodge the Skulls while killing the SPIDER Is, or else you'll either snag on a Skull or get overwhelmed by SPIDERLINGs. It's okay to kill Squids on the path to a SPIDER I, but be sure to actually be killing the SPIDER Is, too.

By the time you've killed the SPIDER Is, all of the Squids will have bunched up in the center of the arena, making them easy to take out provided you circle around them anti-clockwise and be aware of your surroundings.

Ideally, you want to have everything dead before 220, so that you have time to move to one of the edges of the arena and spawn camp the next wave. The reason you want to do that is because you can kill up to 3 Squids from the next wave before they even gush. Realistically, you'll get 1 or 2, but even that helps a lot.

Make no mistake, this part is HARD. I make it look easy, but I've been playing for over 150 hours, so it is easy...for me. You will have to "git gud" in order to survive past this point.

GRANTED, there is a spawnset you can load into the game to practice this part so you don't have to constantly throw 3 minutes in the toilet.

Thanks, Bintr!

To load a spawnset, use this:
229 - 259 (Early Game 5 / Six-Squid)

This part's pretty hard. 6 SQUID Is will spawn at 229 (hopefully you're at the edge, facing out and to the right, and shooting a dagger stream by now), 3 SQUID IIs will spawn 10 seconds later at 239, and a SQUID III will spawn 5 seconds later at 244.


You can kill 1-3 SQUID Is before they gush, which will help tremendously. You'll want to bhop around the arena anti-clockwise, killing all of the SQUID Is and occasionally aiming towards the arena center to clean up some of the swarm. There is barely enough time to kill all of the SQUID Is before the wave of SQUID IIs spawn. IMMEDIATELY kill the SKULL IIIs and try to knock at least 1 gem off of each SQUID II, because the SQUID III is about to spawn. This bad ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ has 3 gems, is WAY bigger than the other Squids, and has a LOT more health. On top of that, unlike the SQUID I and SQUID II, which each spawn 10 SKULL Is and 1 SKULL II/III, this one spawns 15 SKULL Is and 1 SKULL IV. SKULL IVs are one of the toughest enemies in the game. They have the tightest turning radius, and the only thing that will prevent you from being OPENED by them without attacking them is by literally circle strafing them, which isn't productive. You'll need to shotgun tech them to death while being wary of the swarm of SKULL Is that will try to overtake it and SWARM you.

The saving grace here is that a dagger stream WILL stun the SKULL IV, slowing its progress towards you, which can get you out of a lot of tight situations.

Another saving grace is that they'll be blocked by big enemies like GIGAPEDES.

The SKULL IVs aren't terribly difficult to take out, but they can easily overwhelm you, and they DO NOT drop gems. So you want to kill SQUID IIIs ASAP.

You have to be quick on this wave. If you can at least kill 99% of the swarm and all of the SQUID Is, then you can stream some homing daggers (a very short stream--don't waste your homing daggers or else you'll lose progress towards Level 4) to help take out the Squids.

I made a video in 2020 demonstrating how to optimize this section.

259 - 307 (Gigapede 1 + 2)

Here we are. The big difficulty curve. You get to get acquainted with the GIGAPEDES and see how utterly hellish the second half of the game is. This will put your determination to the ultimate test.

Gigapedes are HARD

but eventually you'll "get it" and the gigapedes will be fairly easy.


At this point, you want to start learning how to farm, and balance your runs between pushing your farm ability and optimizing your gem collection. You may think you're collecting everything, but if you don't farm and have less than 80 / 150 homing daggers at 260 (you can check these stats in the replay graph), that right there is an indicator that you're losing gems. It's pointless to spend so much time farming if your farm barely gets you 80 homing daggers--you should be focusing on optimizing your collection and ability to stay calm instead. Likewise, if you're already optimized to the point of 100% collection, you're doing yourself a disservice by not farming. The earlier you get the Level 4 hand, the easier this part is. At the latest, you want Level 4 before you face off against the nastiness that is 307.

Also, you'll want to use DDSE to load up the 259 practice spawnset so you can practice the GIGAPEDE trio with varying amounts of homing daggers (I suggest 50, 80 and 100). Cover all your bases and don't spend too much time on one single thing.

The strategy here is to scrape the GIGAPEDEs, collect their gems, and stop scraping at 275 and 290. At 275 and 290, a wave of 2 SPIDER Is and 1 SPIDER II will spawn. SPIDER IIs have a ridiculous amount of health, but they are also one of the easiest targets in the game due to how massive they are.

I really don't have advice for this section. You can try releasing about a 1/2 second's worth of homing dagger stream in the SPIDER II's face when you're right up against it, which will make it die fast, but also use a sizeable chunk of your homing daggers. Be judicious, and try to get good enough at scraping GIGAPEDEs that you can 1-cycle them.

Don't be afraid to get close to the GIGAPEDEs. You pretty much have to if you want your wimply little level 3 stream to do much against them. Daggers have random spread, so the closer you are, the better. Prefire, get in there, pivot around the point where their belly dips into the ground, and deliberately tilt your aim so as to get as many daggers into each gem as possible.

The biggest danger with the GIGAPEDE trio is that you can be cut off by the other two GIGAPEDEs when trying to focus down one of them. You'll have to learn how to dodge and anticipate them so that you can weasel your way out after getting a good scrape.

GIGAPEDEs have 50 gems, so if you have 100 homing daggers at 260, you only need one full scrape to level up. Use this information to your advantage, because it's much more useful to get level 4 at 270 than at 290 or 305. 290's not a bad time to get level 4, but 305 means you're falling behind pretty badly. Practice scraping them, prioritize killing at least 1 GIGAPEDE over getting the level up. If your collection and scraping are good, you'll likely get it by 290 at the latest anyway. The next section is a lot easier with 1 or 2 GIGAPEDEs than it is with 3.

Also, do NOT use regular dagger streams on SPIDER IIs. That is a waste of time. Use the shotgun tech. It takes 6-9 shots with level 3 and 3-5 shots with level 4. SPIDER IIs, THORNs, GHOSTPEDEs and LEVIATHAN+ORB (the latter three you'll deal with later) are literally the toughest enemies in the game, health-wise. Anything less than shotgun tech is a waste of time, and as you're probably aware by now, time is everything.

Again, Bintr's guide is a huge help.

Here's the practice spawnset:

Simply load it in via DDSE (Ctrl+I), set your additional gems, and tell it to replace (Ctrl+R), and you're all set.

This is a decent run by 2020 Braden standards. I did the very same "simple farm" Bintr recommends in his GIGAPEDE guide. Said farm gets you to about 150-160 gems. Ideally, you want to get the Level 4 hand on the first scrape. You can keep scraping (but remember to collect!) until the clock hits 275, at which point you need to STOP or else the spiders will steal your gems and ruin your run. At the latest, you want Level 4 by the end of this section, right before 307.

At the end of this section, I fire off a short stream of homings immediately after scraping the last GIGAPEDE and manage to kill one of them. This is also ideal, as it's much easier to deal with 307 with 2 GIGAPEDES alive than it is with 3. Don't sweat it if none of them die, though.

Here is another video showing the entire GIGAPEDE section all the way from 259 to 350 and without using any homing daggers. The sounds are weird because I was playing with cake's meme soundpack[] when I had that run.

Hopefully not muting the entire video doesn't come back to bite me. If it does get claimed I'm muting the entire video.
307 - 329 (Gigapede 3)

Sojk (one of the top players; "Olof" on the leaderboards) has a YouTube video called "My approach to farming", wherein he describes this part as the "roadblock that is 300 seconds".

There's a good reason for that.

See, this part has you fighting not only the 3 GIGAPEDEs which are probably still alive because, like me, you suck at scraping GIGAPEDEs, but it also now throws in 3 SQUID IIIs.


Ideally, you want at least 1-2 GIGAPEDEs dead and Level 4 by this point, but it's still doable with the GIGAPEDEs still alive. I STRONGLY recommend having Level 4, though, because otherwise this is almost impossible...unless you spam homing daggers. But I do not recommend attempting a level 3 pink run.

Run up against one of the SKULL IVs that spawned around you and blast it in the face with a dagger stream. While it's stunned, use the opportunity to circle strafe around it and bhop backwards while facing it and the other two SKULL IVs that have joined it by now. Kill them. Don't let the SKULL Is kill you while you're trying to kill them. They can sneak up on you.

Now you want to take out the SQUID IIIs with extreme prejudice. ♥♥♥♥ the GIGAPEDEs. Kill those SQUID IIIs before they gush again!

Don't tunnel vision on them. Alternate between each Squid as necessary. If you have 2 or 3 GIGAPEDEs up while doing this, I recommend keeping your first roundtrip INSIDE the Squids. You can go behind them on the second round trip. The reason for this is because going behind them too early is liable to get you thrown off the arena. This section is easy as long as you keep your cool and don't do anything stupid.

You can use the cooldown period to scrape more gems off the GIGAPEDEs. Hopefully one of them dies. And you'll DEFINITELY want them dead by the end of the next wave.

I hesitated at the end there. The GIGAPEDEs were out too wide so I backpedaled out before it was too late.
329 - 350 (Gigapede 4)

This wave is peculiar. It spawns 3 SQUID IIs. They don't really add that much danger, since you have Level 3/4 by now, but they ARE a nuisance.

You'll want to have the GIGAPEDES dead by the end of this wave, or else your run is about to become a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nightmare.

I shotgun-blasted my homings at 333. Don't do that. That was an accident. It's okay to spray some homing daggers to finish off the GIGAPEDEs if they refuse to die. You want the arena clear and to stand 2-4 tiles from the edge in preparation for the LEVIATHAN as I did in the video.

I died soon after the LEVIATHAN spawned cause I couldn't take it out in time. ~420s or so.

Prioritize the GIGAPEDEs during this section. Use homing daggers or ignore the Skulls if you have to. The SQUID IIs will not regush until 353, so you have time.

When everything's dead--hopefully by 350--you'll want to prepare for Leviathan. You have 8 seconds. Read the tiles at the edge to find your edge and position yourself 4 tiles in from the edge. Use this guide to learn how to do that:

350 - 400 (Leviathan)

Say hello to LEVIATHAN, or as we affectionately call it, Levi. This is the game's "boss".

When you get here, ideally you want at least 60-120 homing daggers. If you're panicking too much in the earlier parts, your homing spam will set you back. Try to get that under control.

LEVIATHAN has 6 gems with 250HP each, making this enemy a MONSTER to kill. Levi will send a beckon ring every 20 seconds starting about 5 seconds after it fully spawns. Skulls caught by this beckon ring will fly up Levi's anus and become hard in a process called transmutation. TRANSMUTED SKULL II and TRANSMUTED SKULL III do not yield gems. Transmuted Skulls are much tougher than their normal counterparts.

Each gem takes 6 or 7 shots to pop depending on how well you aim. It takes about 15 seconds optimally to take it down.

When LEVIATHAN dies, THE ORB will take its place and activate 10 seconds later.

THE ORB is a ♥♥♥♥♥. It will beckon every 2 seconds, and there are only 2 ways to delay that. 1 is to stun lock it with constant damage (I hope you're good at teching by now), 2 is to evade its gaze. Evading its gaze is not useful on its own, but it is a good way to save yourself in case you choke on your tech. But beware, if its gaze catches you and it isn't stun locked, it will beckon immediately, pulling in a ton of skulls and pretty much ending your run.

It takes 40 shots to kill THE ORB. If played optimally, each part takes 15 seconds, so starting from 360, LEVIATHAN should die at 375 (380's fine, too), and starting from 385 at THE ORB's awakening, it should die at 400 seconds (405-410 is serviceable, but try not to be any later than that)

Strategy (Pink Run)

There are two ways you can go about this. The first is what we call a pink run. I already linked a video about that earlier in this guide.

It's called a pink run mostly as an in-joke. The idea is that by getting 500 without killing LEVIATHAN, you didn't really earn the Devil Dagger, so instead of being red, your score "should be pink". Don't take it too seriously. We call leaving THE ORB alive and surviving as long as possible a "black run".

That said, if you are gonna do a pink run, you should spend some time practicing the 397 and 451 spawnsets so you can get a feel for how Post Orb and End Wave 1 flow. Learning these spawns will greatly increase your chance of survival.

Post Orb Practice:
End Wave 1 Practice:

Pretty much just follow the video.

Strategy (Red Run)

To kill LEVIATHAN, you're gonna need to spend some time practicing your shotgun tech and fine-tuning your precise aim and movement so you can take each gem with 6 shots rather than 7. It's subtle, and looks easy when a high ranking player does it, but popping a Levi gem in 6 shots is actually quite difficult and a lot harder than it looks. Just keep practicing.

To see what I mean with why I keep harping on about shotgun tech, each gem takes 6 shots, that's 6x6=36, and THE ORB takes 40 shots. That's about 80 shotgun blasts, 40 consecutively each. It's a gauntlet alright.

That said, optimally, you'll take down 5 gems and by then, aim down and take care of the beckoned skulls. Make sure they're well fed. With daggers. Either Shotgun at them 4-6 times or stream at them. You'll want to spray a few homing daggers during this, too. It'll help take care of some of the Squids.

Immediately after that, aim back up and finish Levi off. You're gonna have some SKULL IIIs on your tail, so kite them if you need to. Once Levi dies, aim up and fire a HSG (homing shotgun), then aim down and tech skulls like mad. SKULL III and SKULL IV take priority. The homing daggers should take care of the rest.

Collect if you can, then relentlessly tech THE ORB until it dies.
400 - 456 (Post Orb)

This section gives a lot of players a hard time. It has 2 SQUID Is, 2 SQUID IIs, a SQUID III, a GIGAPEDE, 2 SPIDER Is, a SPIDER II, 2 more SQUID Is, a SQUID II, a SQUID III, 3 THORNs, a GHOSTPEDE, and a SQUID I and SQUID II.


Hopefully your practice from earlier got you at least a little familiar with this section.

What you want to do is, immediately after THE ORB dies, kill the SKULL IV and fire a HSG in the air, then tech the rest of the skulls down while the homing daggers take care of everything else. Assuming you had at least 60 homing daggers at LEVIATHAN, you should have enough.

This should clear the arena before the GIGAPEDE comes out. Ignore the GIGAPEDE and instead go for the spiders. Then go for the squids. Once you kill the SKULL IV, scrape the GIGAPEDE. You can finish it off halfway through with any homing daggers you have left, and you should, because the GHOSTPEDE spawns at 440-445. GHOSTPEDEs eat homing daggers. So if your only goal is to reach 500, just ignore them, because they'll stay out of the way (except for when they decide to spawn right in your ass). Otherwise, I advise killing the GHOSTPEDE at 490 or 550, not at 450. You need that time to finish off the THORNs and remaining Squids.

THORNs just take up space, get in your way, and sponge up your homing daggers. It takes 14 homing daggers to kill 1 THORN, and a HSG uses 30 homing daggers. So don't fire a HSG into a thorn.

Once again, here's a video demonstrating the different ways to take on Post Orb

456 - 1000 (End Loop)
The end loop goes on forever, speeding up with each wave. The arena keeps shrinking until about 1200 seconds, also. Both of these factors continually increase the difficulty until you can't keep up any more.

On every third wave, a GHOSTPEDE spawns instead of a GIGAPEDE. So waves are thought of in terms of 3's.

456-600 = Waves 1-3
600-700 = Waves 4-6
700-800 = Waves 7-9
800-860 = Waves 10-12
860-920 = Waves 13-15
920-980 = Waves 16-18
and so on...


Waves 1-3 (the 500's)

You want to prefire a SQUID I and then turn around after it gushes and cull the other one, as well as killing the Squid itself. Then, a SQUID I+II will spawn, so fire at one swarm, then the other. Then, a SQUID III will spawn, so take out the SKULL IV, and try to have all the Squids dead before the GIGAPEDE emerges. This takes practice, but eventually you'll get the hang of it. Then kill the 3 Spiders and fully scrape the GIGAPEDE, then kill the next 2 Spiders, 3 THORNS, and 3 Squids as the wave comes to a close.

Remember: a GHOSTPEDE indicates that you're at the end of the current set of 3 waves. Learn to recognize and pay attention to this so you can prepare for the next triad.

Waves 4-6 (the 600's)

You need to be a LOT faster now. Falling behind even a couple seconds will make it nigh-impossible to scrape the GIGAPEDE before the final 2 Spiders spawn in, which will force you to use homing daggers. You want to avoid homing use until the 700's. On the ghost wave, you can spread out the SQUID III between the spiders. I.e. kill spider -> pop gem -> kill spider -> pop gem -> kill SPIDER II -> pop gem -> kill ghost.

But if you feel overwhelmed, go ahead and use homing daggers at 680 to assist. Try to get that wave down manually, though.

Waves 7-9 (the 700's)

It's homing time. This is the point where you have to switch to scraping the GIGAPEDES after killing all 5 Spiders, and finishing the scrape with a homing spray to have everything dead on time.

You WILL struggle on wave 9's ghost.

Waves 10-12 (the 800's)

This is where ♥♥♥♥ gets real. Up to now, you could spam homing daggers willy nilly and pretty easily PB. But the 800's are where you have to really start optimizing. Now you have to spray homing daggers before and after scrapes. Now you get to rage at your homing daggers not doing what you want them to do. Now, you get to experience the unholy 860 ghost, and experience the longest rut you have ever been stuck in.

Now, you have to git gud.

Waves 13-15 (the low 900's)

More of the same, except it's time to learn how to homing scrape, and it's time to mald endlessly at the 860 and 920 ghosts ruining your runs.

Waves 16-18 (the high 900's)

This is the part where you spend 6 months to a year optimizing your homing preservation so you can have enough homing daggers to homing scrape the 950 and 980 GIGAPEDES and finally get that sweet, sweet 1k.

If you made it here, you don't need this guide anymore.

Watch how it's done
I finally did it! Here's the replay of my first 500 run.

Here's another one, this time without farming.

And here's my first 1k run

And here's cookle getting 500 with the level 2 hand. Not that complicated, you just have to play the game for 6 years and be an absolute monster at it.

Other videos
I compiled a guide with some useful videos, too:
Everyone uses tools at some point. Let's go over them.

Information and resources about the game
Lets you track your in-game stats so you can track and optimize your runs
You can talk to top players. They won't bite. Except cake. And sometimes cookle.
Perfectly safe. The game hash-checks the spawnset before submitting runs. There are plenty of spawnsets designed to help you practice certain parts of the game. Use DDSE (Devil Daggers Survival Editor) to install spawnsets, set custom gem counts, etc.
Big thanks to Noah (xvlv) for his website[] and Bintr for his guides and spawnsets.

Thanks to Pritster for the thumbnail image used for this guide. It can be found in the art assets for 2DDD.
If you wanna make a translation, go ahead. Give me the link also, so I can link your guide here.

Possible statuses are:
* WIP (work in progress) - links may not work
* Published
* Needs Update - I updated my guide in April 2021 and let the existing translators know

Use this plain text source to make your life easier:

Archived Sections
Old sections are archived below.
350 - 500 (old)

Quite a leap, but chances are, you're going to get to 500 by luck long before you're able to kill the Leviathan.

This is the part where the game throws EVERYTHING at you. At 456s, the game's end loop starts (meaning I died right when the end loop started :[ ). The end loop will get faster and faster and the stage will get smaller and smaller until it becomes impossible. The longest anyone has ever lasted is 1114s. That person is Bintr. If you watch his replay, you'll see why.

But this only covers until 500s. Which means you only need to fend off one 'wave' of the end loop to survive to 500s. And it's not hard provided the LEVIATHAN is dead.

This wave opens with the LEVIATHAN. It will transmute skulls into ridiculously more tough versions of themselves. Do not let that happen or you will die. Also don't walk under the LEVIATHAN. You'll get forcibly sucked up into its anus and be transmuted into apparently a SKULL II. Meaning you're dead. Seeing why this is hard with the GIGAPEDEs chasing you yet, and why you need those things dead?


Kill the LEVIATHAN and THE ORB before 420s. Ideally at ~405s.

Seriously. If you managed to get here, then the only thing preventing you from getting to 500s is the LEVIATHAN. If the LEVIATHAN is dead, everything else is a piece of cake.

Failing that, just bhop evasively around the arena and try to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ your way to 500s.

Watch Bintr's video for the strategy on how to kill the LEVIATHAN.

Also there's a spawnset:

You'll want to practice shotgun tech. Get a 160bpm metronome going and just practice. Practice practice practice. If your hand starts hurting, you practiced too much. Get a wrist immobilizer, wait a week, and when shotgun tech is muscle memory, you're ready.

With the arena clear, stand 3-4 tiles in from the edge. Aim up at the LEVIATHAN. 356, start a stream at where its nodes are gonna be. Once it becomes visible at 359, turn that stream into a tech. 6-7 shots per node depending on how good your aim is. Go clockwise. Be quick.

In your peripheral vision, you should see beckoned skulls come out. By now, you should be on the 5th node. Quickly aim down and kill as much of the swarm as possible. Now aim back up and finish off levi. You will have to dodge skulls. It's okay to aim back down again to kill dangerous SKULL IIIs. You want levi dead by 379.

Immediately after levi dies, kill that SKULL IV and 360-spray some homing daggers. 1/2 - 1 second. Make sure everything is dead. 10 seconds after levi dies, the orb will become active. Now focus your stream on the orb before it becomes active, and once it does, tech it. Keep teching it until it dies. Focus on absolutely nothing else. 40 shots. At 396, start moving in an anti-clockwise circle around it while teching until you see the SQUID III that just spawned. Get close to the orb. Once that squid gushes, start backing up and continue circle strafing the orb. Do not get hit by the other two swarms from the SQUID I and SQUID II that also spawned. Orb should die around 405s. Once it dies, immediately kill the SKULL IV and a bit of the swarm, then do a 1-second 360 homing stream. This should kill everything.

Now wait for the GIGAPEDE.

When it spawns, dive in to scrape some gems off. But stop scraping by about 418. Kill the spiders as fast as possible, and dodge the swarms while scraping the giga. Kill the SKULL IV and, if there's a lot of skulls around, spray some homing to assist. Now try to kill the GIGAPEDE. A GHOSTPEDE is about to spawn. The ghost spawns around 450-ish. You should have a clear arena aside from IIRC some thorns. Ignore all of that and kill that GHOSTPEDE ASAP.

The end loop starts now.

Good luck.
End Loop (old)
This was originally intended to be a first 500 seconds guide, but I'm gonna throw this in anyway.

At 456, the game's end loop starts. This end loop repeats and continues forever. Here are the initial spawn times and intervals:

Initial spawn

*EMPTY is a special enemy type that denotes no spawn but still inserts a delay between spawns. It is also used to denote the beginning of the end loop. Technically, the EMPTY here is at 456 with a delay of 5s, but I think it's less confusing to present it the way I did.

This end loop continues forever. The intervals get shorter and the arena gets smaller until it has a radius of 20. I'm honestly not sure how that is measured, because the stage is actually 10 tiles wide at that point, but this is why thus far, nobody has managed to last until 1200s.

If you are going to tackle the end loop and therefore the top 100, you need to practice Chaos Farming.

The strategy to get to 1100+ seconds is, generally, to Chaos Farm your way to Level 4 and avoid using homing daggers until ~700s. The GIGAPEDES will build up your homings so that you can survive a little longer in the late game. After about 700s, you want to start spraying homing daggers just after finishing each GIGAPEDE scrape, and at about 850+ seconds, you'll have to start spraying homing daggers to kill GIGAPEDES and other enemies, meaning you'll quickly start running out of homings. How long you can conserve your homing daggers, how good your RNG is, and how good your movement is will all determine how long you last past 950 (and whether you have a shot at dethroning Bintr)


There is no one strategy for the end loop. You have to figure out what works best. And you have to be dynamic to adapt to the increasing spawn speed.

When it starts out, you want to kill the spiders and then the giga, then the other spiders and then the squids.

The order of your targets will have to change as things speed up, and eventually, you're gonna start tracking things like what and when your peak homing count is (via ddstats). The game gets absurd after 850. You're gonna start spraying homings immediately after giga scrapes, and then you're gonna be scraping gigas WITH homings. After 1000, it's, as cookie describes it, a skill-less luck-based grind. Because luck is the only way to progress after that point. The longest you can stay on top of the spawns is up to about 1070, at which point it doesn't matter how good you are, you're gonna stretch until you die.

1200 when Bintr?

Chaos Farm

The Chaos Farm is an advanced farm that only the most skilled players can pull off. The goal of this farm is to reach Level 4 before the GIGAPEDES spawn. From my observations of many of the top runs, you are supposed to leave ALL of the spawners up, and only start killing SQUID IIs at around 100 seconds. At that point, you kill the SPIDER I, scrape as much as you can off the CENTIPEDE, and continue to farm all the way through 200s. Once you kill the SPIDER Is, kill as many Squids as possible and by the time you're done, you should have the Level 4 hand just in time to kill everything else and tackle the GIGAPEDES. This farm is EXTREMELY difficult. You need near perfect movement and aim to pull it off.
SHUPINKLES 25 Sep, 2024 @ 8:01pm 
Here I am each year trying to get 500s
Anteron 11 Jun, 2024 @ 9:30am 
Managed to reach 300+ after some rough tries and a hella long stretch, thanks a lot for this guide, definitely going for the 500 !
SpiffySuits 16 May, 2024 @ 6:31pm 
Holy shit...

This is the most comprehensive guide ever.
ganon304 11 Apr, 2024 @ 9:54am 
merci/thx for help! i have 510 :)
Juicalicious Niblets 23 Oct, 2023 @ 11:57pm 
With this guide as my bible, I finally got the red dagger. Thanks Braden <3

Also, shout-out to Bintr for his great vids
HURTN4ASQUIRTN 13 Feb, 2023 @ 11:45pm 
holy shiiiiiit. comprehensive as all hell.
what about the single achievement??
what is it? and how to get it?
Cpt. Jules Jager 22 Dec, 2022 @ 4:12am 
just great. best steam's guide on this game hands down.
paul_trunks 15 Aug, 2022 @ 9:52am 
Amazing work:steamthumbsup:
yevets 17 Mar, 2022 @ 6:03pm 
thx now i dont have to keep opening up youtube vids
Wehzy 25 Dec, 2021 @ 5:10pm 
thanks friend