

4,214 ratings
RimPy Mod Manager Database
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
12.071 MB
28 Aug, 2019 @ 7:30am
1 Jun, 2023 @ 3:56pm
94 Change Notes ( view )

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RimPy Mod Manager Database

In 1 collection by Paladin
Project Realism
169 items

This is a database for RimPy Mod Manager. You need to download an app to actually use all of it benefits (check Download section below). Database contains latest information about mods and latest versions of community made auto sorting rules. You should not put Database in your active mod list, because it contains o useful data for game itself, only data needed for RimPy Mod Manager.
The benefits of RimPy are as follows:

  • Automatic mod sorting
  • Manual mod sorting (move up/down, drag/drop)
  • Mod list management (create, save, load different mod lists)
  • Mod update log (shows which mods recently updated)
  • Mod filtering (name, author, mod path, packageId, color code or supported game version)
  • Mod context menu (open folder/url, change color, create sorting rule, etc...)
  • Steam and Local modpack creation
  • Mod pack management (install several mod packs and run them independently with different settings)
  • Run game from the Rimpy Mod Manager
  • Rimworld Mod Downloader from Steam Workshop (for non-steam versions of the game)
  • Rimworld Mod Updater (for non-steam versions of the game)
  • Notifications and checks to make changes as safe as possible
  • Windows and Linux support (Debian tested)

Download latest Windows/Linux release
Link was removed by Steam, google my github "RimPy - Mod Manager Github Releases", go to releases tab and download it manually

English Video Tutorial by Dr_Zhivago:
RimPy Mod Manager Tutorial

English Tutorial by Dr_Zhivago:
RimPy Mod Manager Basic Tutorial[imgur.com]

English Tutorial by Gadgetguy from Discord:
RimPy Mod Manager for Linux Tutorial

Chinese Tutorial by HawnHan:
RimPy Mod Manager使用指南——集排序、管理、下载于一身的优秀工具

It will sort them differently and that is normal behaviour, read below about how sorting will be done.

First: Alphabetically
This allows mod lists to be standardized and will help with bug reports.
Contrary to some belief, alphabetized mod lists are 100% ok.
Every mod must be loaded according to a few things:
-Known dependencies are loaded above their dependent mods (Library mods like Harmony for example)
-Known conflicting mods are loaded above/below each other as specified by author/s
-Known incompatible mods are not loaded together

Second: Reads Vanilla Data
This is the information in the About.xml
This is the same information the Vanilla auto-sort feature uses.

Third: Manifest Files from Fluffy's Mod Manager
Some mods still support these files, but may be considered obsolete due to the newer vanilla sorting features.

Fourth: Steam Data
When a mod author states a mods' dependencies on Steam, RimPy reads it.
This may be considered outdated or inaccurate in some cases.

Fifth: Custom and Community Rules
Rules made by users like you!
Reviewed and then submitted into this mod.
This is also when your own locally made custom rules are implemented.
That means you can make RimPy sort mods however you want, automatically, once you make your own rules.

If you have problems with RimPy try these steps:
- Restart PC
- Reinstall videocard driver
- Report bugs at this link

I get errors when I enable this mod. Fix it!
This Steam mod contains the database of rules that modders and the community have made. Download the mod and keep it unloaded for the database, or choose not to use it.

For his great mods. This program uses Manifest.xml files implemented by him with Mod Manager. The pioneer in autosorting, before RimWorld and Ludeon even had it.
For helping with Steam, giving ideas, troubleshooting and creating this great description and tutorial!
For general support and making our amazing discord below!
Popular Discussions View All (42)
5 Nov, 2024 @ 5:22pm
Questions and bug reports
10 Oct, 2024 @ 9:11pm
Feature requests
23 Aug, 2024 @ 8:22am
MacOS support
Quantum Book
王牌破门手春日野穹 17 Mar @ 6:05am 
why i using RimPy change the mod it always get black screen when i finish launch?
Wilihey 13 Mar @ 10:43am 
it still doesnt specify how to use it, this isnt a crazy thing to say when all the other tutorials would use .xml files and load them in rimpy etc it was confusing

it was not clear that to use this mod you keep it unloaded and click sort in the rimpy tool, this isnt an insane thing to wonder, and vitakaninen replied to my question and it was done
Darth Ceveo 10 Mar @ 11:54am 
@Wilihey Pretty sure that in the description, a mere scroll up from here. There, right beneath "Questions" is are two very simple sentences that, as a mod user, tells you everything you need to know about this specific mod. Two. Sentences. I KNOW those two sentences were there prior to 2025, because I myself questioned the purpose of this mod back in 2023.

Read people. It causes you absolutely no harm and only serves to better you understanding.
Alu 7 Mar @ 3:52pm 
It's not a mod
You leave it inactive
You download the app listed in the desc
The app uses it
Not the game
Wilihey 7 Mar @ 2:29pm 
i read it 3 times actually and researched online for about 2 hours and i had no definitive answer on how to actually use this mod, its just second nature knowledge that you're supposed to leave it there unactivated and not load it as an xml or whatever in rimpy
The Dutchman 7 Mar @ 12:50pm 
Guess reading the description is too hard for people. Smh
Wilihey 4 Mar @ 1:05pm 
alright thank you, thats what i was doing but i wasnt sure if it was working
VitaKaninen 4 Mar @ 11:00am 
@Wilihey Yes. You just subscribe to it, and leave it inactive.

You would need to download the RimPy program and run that in order to sort your mods.
Wilihey 4 Mar @ 10:47am 
how the hell do i use the database? do i just leave it as an inactive mod and click sort in rimpy?
i've been searching online but i only find outdated tutorials
Ebaklak 2 Mar @ 9:56pm 
idk if rimpy caused this but the moment i try launching a game with 146 mods or more it crashes