124 ratings
Content Types: Mod, Structures
File Size
80.608 MB
5 Sep, 2019 @ 4:41pm
1 Feb, 2020 @ 10:06pm
17 Change Notes ( view )

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I will no longer pursue my modding hobby and therefore there will be no support or updates for this mod in the future.
Ich werde mein Modding-Hobby nicht mehr verfolgen und daher gibt es in Zukunft auch keine Unterstützung oder Updates für diesen Mod.

Mod ID: 1854993418
The mod contains 7 ships, 4 shipyards, 5x3 sails (colored flames to choose from).

All ships use their standard decks and planks except the HeavyFreighter ship needs its own decks, planks, cannons, sails and fixtures.
LitteAtlantis uses his own "extension".
Modern Boat uses his own Decks and Planks(Do not use the ship's anchor xD).


-HeavyFreighter (Not finished yet)
Size + 100%
Loading weight 105'000
Crew 120
Bed 30
Maximum number of beds by skill 60
Structural limit 2230

Load 80'000
Crew 99
Bed 10
Maximum number of beds by skill 60
Structures limit 1115

Loading weight 50'000
Crew 40
Bed 6
Maximum number of beds by skill 50
Structures limit 820

Loading weight 18'000
Crew 20
Bed 4
Structures limit 560

Loading weight 6'000
Crew 9
Bed 2
Structures limit 280

Louding Weight 5'000
Crew 20
Bed 10
Structuren limit 1000

-ModernBoat (still in development)(DO NOT USE THE ANCHOR)
Louding Weight 20'000
Crew 25
Bed 5
Structuren limit 300


-HeavyFreighter Shipyard (HeavyFreighter)
Size + 100%

-HeavyShipyard2 Large (HeavyGalleon2, HeavyBrigantine2, ModernBoat)
-HeavyShipyard2 Small (HeavyShooner2, HeavySloop2)
-LitteAtlantis Shipyard (LitteAtlantis)


-GhostSail (HeavyFreighter) (Wrong NPC sitting position)
Gas multiplier greatly increased
Size +100%
Health +100%
Ghost material / effect

-HeavyFreighterSail (HeavyFreighter) (Wrong NPC sitting position)
Gas multiplier slightly higher than HeavySail2
Size +100%
Health +100%
Various colored flames to choose from

-HeavySail2 (HeavyGalleon2, HeavyBrigantine2)
Gas multiplier slightly higher than normal
Various colored flames to choose from

-HeavySail2Medium (HeavyGalleon2, HeavyBrigantine2, HeavySchooner2)
Gas multiplier slightly higher than normal
Various colored flames to choose from

-HeavySail2Small (HeavyGalleon2, HeavyBrigantine2, HeavySchooner2, HeavySloop2)
Gas multiplier slightly higher than normal
Various colored flames to choose from

Decks / Planks:

-HeavyFreighter Deck (HeavyFreighter)
Size +100%
Health +100%
Hundreds of structures added snap points

-HeavyFreighter Plank (HeavyFreighter)
Size +100%
Health +100%

-HeavyFreighter Gunport (HeavyFreighter)
Size +100%
Health +100%

-ModernBoat FullDeck (ModernBoat)
-ModernBoat Rumpf (ModernBoat)


HeavyFreighter TorpedoLauncher (HeavyFreighter Gunport only)
HeavyFreighter MonsterCannon + (HeavyFreighter Gunport only)
HeavyFreighter MonsterCannon (only HeavyFreighter GunPort / ShipDeck: All)

Ship attachement:

-HeavyFreighter Hangar Dinghy (HeavyFreighter)
Ship class adjusted

-HeavyFreighter Diving Attachment (HeavyFreighter)
Ship class adjusted

-HeavyFreighter Cargo Rack (HeavyFreighter)
Ship class adjusted
Size + 50%
Item weight reduction multiplier slightly increased

-HeavyFreighter Ship Spike (All)
Size: length 400%, width 200%, height 200%

-LittleAtlantis Erweiterung
This can increase the construction area.

-Skill HeavyShip2
HeavyShipyard2 large
HeavyShipyard2 small
HeavySail2 handling
HeavySail2 Speed
HeavySail2 Weight
HeavySail2 Medium Handling
HeavySail2 Medium Speed
HeavySail2 Medium Weight
HeavySail2 Small Handling
HeavySail2 Small Speed
HeavySail2 Small Weight

-Skill HeavyFreighter:
HeavyFreighter Shipyard
HeavyFreighterail Handling
HeavyFreighterSail Speed
HeavyFreighterSail Weight
HeavyFreighter Deck
HeavyFreighter Plank
GhostSail Handling
GhostSail Speed
GhostSail Weight
HeavyFreighter Hangar Dinghy
HeavyFreighter Diving Attachment
HeavyFreighter Ship Spikes
HeavyFreighter Cargo Rack
HeavyFreighter Gunport
HeavyFreighter MonsterCannon
HeavyFreighter MonsterCannon +
HeavyFreighter TorpedoLauncher

-Skill LittleAtlantis:
LittleAtlantis Shipyard
LittleAtlantis Erweiterung

-Skill ModernBoat
ModernBoat Deck
ModernBoat Rumpf
ModernBoat Antrieb

Remember: Some parts of this mod are still under development and you can lose your progress
Popular Discussions View All (6)
23 Sep, 2022 @ 6:53am
PINNED: HeavyShip2 Bug Report
22 Dec, 2019 @ 8:57pm
PINNED: HeavyShip2 Spawn Commands
1 Nov, 2019 @ 8:25pm
Swashbucklers Paradise PVPVE 3x3 10x10x20 Using HeavyShips 2
Mr.怪鸽 8 Apr @ 12:34am 
Hey, bro. Your cool mod still work! But can you tell me how to change the structure limit of the heavy frighter? Should I need to edit the and which software do I need? I'm a rookie sorry. :(
British Commander 19 Oct, 2023 @ 11:23pm 
loving your mod great work
Tomcat Gaming 8 Jul, 2023 @ 11:54am 
Froschhaarpinsel do you have any operational files at all?
Aeon 1 Jun, 2023 @ 8:44am 
Ok, kein Problem, ich frage immer, man weiß nie :D

Vielen Dank für Ihre Antwort
Froschhaarpinsel  [author] 31 May, 2023 @ 12:21am 
Hello Aeon

That's the big problem, back then I made a big mistake in handling the data in the editor and lost/destroyed it, and it was also a very time consuming project, so I decided to cancel the project.
To say it again clearly ---> I sadly have NO more data from back then.

Das ist dass große Problem, damals hatte ich einen großen Fehler im Umgang mit den Daten im Editor gemacht und sie verloren/vernichtet, und es war auch ein sehr zeit konsumierendes Projekt, deshalb hatte ich mich dazu entschlossen das Projekt einzustellen.
Um es nochmals deutlich zu sagen ---> Ich habe trauriger weise KEINE Daten mehr von damals.
Aeon 28 May, 2023 @ 6:26am 
Hello would it be possible to have the file in open source?
suppi 31 Jan, 2021 @ 12:49am 
Hi super Sache
bei mir werden die segel angezeigt ,aber in der schmiede nichts
blockiert da ein mod ?
spawnen geht aber alles bis jetzt was ich probiert habe.
Aber wieso zeigt die schmiede nichts an ?
Ich spiele im singleplayer/Host
Duckets 22 Jan, 2021 @ 10:17pm 
on freighter theirs a issue where the cannons on the front end of the ship have ammo but the NPC's wont fire them for some reason has the red person icon
123 5 Jan, 2021 @ 3:07am 
Всем доброго времени суток. Частично я решил проблему с модом для себя, но столкнулся с другой проблемой. Я так понял, чудовищные пушки не дружат с обычными снарядами. Порывшись в моде, я не нашел подходящих ядер. Скажите, тут нужен какой то дополнительный мод или проблема с ядрами решается как-то иначе?
Заранее извиняюсь за возможно непонятный перевод, пишу через google переводчик
123 5 Jan, 2021 @ 3:07am 
Guten Tag für alle. Teilweise habe ich das mod-Problem für mich gelöst, bin aber auf ein anderes Problem gestoßen. Ich verstehe, dass monströse Waffen nicht mit gewöhnlichen geschossen befreundet sind. Als ich in Mode kam, fand ich keine passenden Kerne. Sagen Sie mir, hier brauchen Sie einen zusätzlichen mod oder das Problem mit den Kernen wird irgendwie anders gelöst?
Ich entschuldige mich im Voraus für die vielleicht unverständliche übersetzung, ich Schreibe über google übersetzer