Arma 3
61 ratings
Peace Keepers
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer, Coop
Scenario Type: Infantry, Vehicles
Scenario Map: Altis
File Size
6.779 MB
17 Oct, 2013 @ 12:17pm
1 Feb, 2015 @ 8:23pm
18 Change Notes ( view )

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Peace Keepers

In 1 collection by HaZZarD
HaZZarD's AIII Missions
10 items
SP/COOP - 1/13 players - respawn side

You are a peace keeper and your OBJ is to help the people of Molos in defending themself from the rebels and then evac the wounded civilians to the U.N. hospital.

Features :

-full tasks
-briefing explained in the intro
-cinematic Intro/Outro with music
-random enemy rebel patrols
-random mines position/quantity
-random time arrival for reinforcements
-kill penality if civilians are killed by U.N. forces (6 civ down and the mission fails)
-Ultra Simple Patrol Script


-Be aware that letting the A.I. using your vehicle main gun may cause Civilian casualties

-Follow the route marked with empty black arrows

- I suggest you to play this in at least two players with the two human players driving the two U.N. vehicles because the AI is really bad in driving ( especially on mine fields :D )

- The APC is Mine-Resistant , use it to clear the way , if you damage its wheels remember the engineer can of course repair them.

! READ ! Mods Needed :

Mods used / credits :

African Conflict by massi

NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Weapons by massi

NATO SF and Russian Spetsnaz Vehicles by massi

Special credits and thanks go then to the whole Arma III community which is a fantastic one !!
And BIS for creating this great series !

Good luck and have fun
OGREFail 8 Sep, 2016 @ 6:10am 
well now its confirmed you didnt try... I put in "African_Conflict_Vehicles_mas and there you go.. its done fantastic try my friend cant see difference with you and my dad
OGREFail 8 Sep, 2016 @ 6:05am 
Thomas same but did you even try... its prob just one mod that needs another and its prob fixed I think you didnt see it and just went here and asked why?
Thomas K 12 Aug, 2016 @ 12:24pm 
I dont have the APC in the begining and i have all three mods, why?
RickOShay 19 Jan, 2015 @ 12:27am 
Nice work!
Ghostly 16 Jan, 2015 @ 10:05am 
ok thx bro and nice mission its look really cool
HaZZarD  [author] 14 Jan, 2015 @ 12:56pm 
you just have to click subscribe

then check Mods used / credits : for the links to the needed mods, I suggest you to install the mods using play with six
Ghostly 14 Jan, 2015 @ 11:45am 
where i can dowload the mission?
RickOShay 15 Dec, 2014 @ 1:35pm 
Cool thanks!
HaZZarD  [author] 15 Dec, 2014 @ 3:52am 
ah crap sorry, I will modify
RickOShay 15 Dec, 2014 @ 2:11am 
This is not a mod or an addon - please remove the mod/addon tag! If there are dependencies for running this level then list them in the description. It messes up the SW search filter.