Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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ILS TTT Traitor/ Detective weapons
ILS community collection
Items (154)
TTT Katana Nerfed
Created by MooseGoneMad
Original addon by Rongo: I nerfed it so that now it only deals 75-95 damage, instead of 80-120 damage. This replaces Rongo's addon. Neither this addon nor Rongo's original works for me. It m...
TTT Barnacle
Created by Dimerson
I ripped it from here and he just reuploaded it from a pack that he randomly found... nice Features: Obvoiusly this adds the item "Barnacle". Barnacles can be placed on ceilings. They will suck terrorists into their doom. Victims can be freed by killing th...
Fire Starter V2 [TTT / Sandbox]
Created by blandon
Fire Starter V2 / ========================================== This weapon is experimental, which is basically my excuse for any bugs that may occur. Although through personal testing I have tried to fix as many bugs as possible, and the weapon seems to be v...
TTT Cloaking Device -- Serial Killer Only
Created by MooseGoneMad
Original by Tassili can be found here: I edited a single line of code so that this item can ONLY be bought by the Serial Killer, found in Jensson's Town of Terror addon: https://steamcommunit...
[TTT] 1 shot Traitor AWP (Unsilenced)
Created by Doktor Paff
TTT balanced AWP Traitor Weapon Ammo: 1 Sound: AWP Unsilenced: Yes One Shot on Body: Yes...
Created by λ_Lambda_λ
Created by Vipes
Dio's fists of fury. Instant kill if last punch connects. One time use. Goes great with Time Stop. Weapon based off of Hokuto Hyakuretsu-ken SWep....
TTT - Traitor Bike
Created by breakbitch hardcore
Reusable propkill traitor weapon for TTT - made in 2014 Makes a loud bell ringing sound when drawn or thrown, will instakill whoever it hits. -E to pick up a dropped/thrown bike -Left click to throw -Right click to ring bell (Does not actually make you go ...
TTT Randomat
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"- Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Randomat is an Item for the Detective which will, after it was used, do something random. I will try to add new things every we...
TTT Handcuffs
Created by Porter - This is a Handcuff SWEP for Trouble in Terrorist Town - > HOW DOES IT WORK? < - You can buy it as Detective in the Shop. - Choose the Handcuffs and Click with the ...
Created by marlboro
Smoke cigarettes in TTT. Why? Because we got to introduce the idea of getting lung cancer to kids while they are still young. Comes with autodownload, just add the .gma to your server. Everyone spawns with it. Hold MOUSE1 to smoke, release to exhale. Press...
TTT - Minifier
Created by Lykrast
WARNING : it's buggy for reasons I don't know, it will requires multiple clics to (de)activate and will print scripts errors in the user's console. Other than that it works fine. A real tool to annoy those pesky innocents, for 1 credit any traitor can affo...
Minigun TTT
Created by SigmaSalt
this is not ment to spawn in but ment to be from the poinshop as a vip weapon! i did not make the model i just ported it for sigma clans ttt server...
TTT Defibrillator
Created by BocciardoLight
Allows traitors to purchase a one-time defibrillator that can bring allies (or enemies) back from the dead. Hold Left-Click to revive a body, make sure that there is enough space around you so that a player can spawn right next to you. Created for TTT by L...
Dubstepgun for TTT
This is the TTT version of the Dubstepgun ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you want Test it Server IP : It's for Traitor and Detective. If you want give me a +rep on my page :P It's coded to TTT :) O...
Created by Derens41210
English: This is the taser gun for TTT. Just to the detective. Spanish: Este es el arma taser para TTT. Solo para el detective. ...
[ttt] Teleportgun
Created by λ_Lambda_λ
Enemy hp > 50 then switch position and deal 50 dmg hp < 50 then teleport enemy to your position and kill there are some bugs......
TTT Nuke
Created by BUGU
100% Free!! Not For Sale, Is Free. Use carefuly in servers. Is very powerful! . Questions addme to Steam, and other addons: buguiitahd o |ЯG| býßυɢυιιTa™ ...
TTT Thompson
Created by Ted
TTT Shurikens
Created by BocciardoLight
3 Sharp ninja star blades for the Traitors Left-Click: Throw CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shurikens, Item, Shuriken,...
[TTT] Miniduck
Created by Maygik
The miniduck is the pinnacle of technology, with the ability to shred your opponents like a duck through bread. With a general shape like a minigun but the power of a human sized duck, the miniduck is a perfect weapon!! Give it to your kids, your friends, ...
TTT Medkit
Created by Yashirmare
Medkit for traitors and detectives. Heal your friends for 30HP or heal yourself for 20HP. Feel like donating? Click here ...
[TTT] Jetpack
Created by MikuDonald's
Please feel free to report any bugs, issues or improvements to me in the comments below What is it? It is a modified version of The Jetpack by Jvs which allows you to fly around while being able to use your guns. Just left click to deploy your Jetpack but ...
TTT Tranquilizer
Created by PenitentParadox
This a is Functional tranquilizer for TTT It is based off of UselessGhost's Tranquilizer M9 , so if you want it in sandbox, download that addon to do so. It works on ot...
TTT Traitorfier
Created by DatLycan
Turn those pesky innocents into Traitors! What it can do: With this item (Traitor use only!) you can turn anybody into a Traitor, but with a twist, first you need the blood of a Traitor (a dead buddy or your own), if you use it the Player that changed into...
[TTT] Dragonsbreath
Created by Nikey
This is the Dragonbreath addon from sandbox ported to TTT It can be bought in the Traitorshop and supports TTT2 usage (No Convars though) It has 7 Shots that ignite anything they hit Deals similar Damage to a normal Shotgun => Other Bullet/Spraypattern ===...
The Ghoster TTT
Created by DJ Bat
Ever wanted to ghost without being banned? now you can, gives you 20 seconds to talk to the dead before bringing you back. Thanks to for uploading the knife addon so i could customise Also Great thanks to http://ste...
TTT Cannibalism
Created by Dr. White
Provides ability to eat dead bodies and regenerate your health. Added attack animation on knife. Access: Only for traitors & sandbox free 4 all. Sandbox: For eating npc , you need to allow "Npc corpses" For eating your friends you need to allow creating co...
TTT Eagleflight
Created by marcel
This addon adds the item "Eagleflight Gun" into the TTT-Traitorshop. With the "Eagleflight Gun" you can fing yourself onto other players to kill them. Try it out! Have fun! Github: Update : you'll not be st...
Puncake for TTT
Created by KäseT0T
For TRAITORS. I did not make this! I modified it only a little bit....
[TTT/2] Martyrdom [ITEM]
Created by dhkatz
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "TTT2" gamemodes. Features This equipment is available for both the Traitors and Detectives in the Equipment menu. When somebody dies, the players who bought the Martyrdom perk will drop...
TTT Trigger Finger Chip
Created by Psychotrickser
A super cool advanced traitor weapon to trick your enemies Attach this device to the back of your victim's head, run off to a secure location and press the button to fire the victim's weapon. Watch as the players blame the victim! Has 8 charges. Console Co...
TTT Randomgun
Created by Xopez
A gun with random fire modes every shot for detectives and traitors. Fire modes: - normal 50 damage bullet - barrel - explosive microwave - burning dart ( aka Flare Gun ) - kinetic push ( Newton Push ) - health for target - change your HP with your target ...
[TTT] Combinebow
Created by Nikey
This is the Combinechargerbow from a sandbox addon ported to TTT Works with TTT2 aswell It can be bought in the Traitorshop (Features a custom Icon now) - Shoot non-Hitscan projectiles or Energybolts if you will, that deal about 125 damage. - After buying ...
Claymore for TTT
Created by KäseT0T
Very OP. For Traitors! I did not make this!...
Lightsaber TTT
Created by y2k
TTT Melooka
Created by DasNerdwork
The Addon ( ) translated to German for the German server. Additional changes: - Name change to Melooka...
[TTT/2] Clairvoyancy [ITEM]
Created by dhkatz
NOTICE: This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" and "TTT2" gamemodes. Features This equipment is available for the Detective in the Equipment menu. When somebody dies, the detectives who brought the Clairvoyant Powers (and are far enough ...
TTT Suitcase
Created by G. Freimann™
This is a modified version of the "The T Suitcase". Its icon for the traitor shop has been changed. Original mod:
[TTT/2] Fingergun
Created by GengarDC
Bang Bang! Summary Adds a Fingergun to your secondary weapon slot. Roles : Traitor & Detective Controls Primary : Single Shot Secondary : Shotgun Shot...
[TTT] Tacticalpistol
Created by Nikey
THIS ADDON WONT WORK FOR THE SANDBOX OR DARKRP GAMEMODE ITS ONLY DESIGNED TO WORK IN TROUBLE IN TERRORIST TOWN This addon features the Tacticalpistol, a new Traitoritem. - Deals 30 (Bodyshot) & 60 (Headshot) damage - Has 12 bullets in it's magazine - High ...
Shrekzooka for TTT
Created by KäseT0T
Traitor-Weapon. I did not make this. I modified it only a little bit....
[TTT] The Constructor
Created by Hansoms
*Imagine This* You're face to face with the Traitor in a long corridor, One escape, behind you, BUT WAIT! If you turn around, He'll just kill you! You need this win or your mum will NEVER approve of you so its time! You pull out the constructor, Flood the ...
TTT - Halo
Created by twilight
Halo for TTT Charge a Halo to kill everyone Restrictions: (prevent being op af) - Only the last Traitor standing is able to use it - 50% chance to fire the halo - 1 try - You'll get unmasked when you charge the halo successfully I'm not updating or fixing ...
TTT - Parasite
Created by twilight
Let your victim move of the map or something.. I'm not updating or fixing these addons any time soon...
Scavenger TTT
Created by vRebellion
Scavenger from Call of Duty Black Ops reworked for TTT by me Only Contains 1 Ammo Does ~125 DMG at blast center Does ~65 DMG at last outer radius Half the explosion radius of the Holy hand Grenade on our server It is very survivable as it has a charge up s...
TTT Defibulator
Created by Cheetahz
TTT - Added Defibrillator with modifications to prevent possible benefits Things changed with the swep consist of : - Made the swep delete on player death - Made the swep not able to be dropped to another player - Made it so that you can only revive identi...
[TTT] Iron Man Suit
Created by Darth Vader
This addon adds Iron Mans Weaponised Super Suit to the detectives buy menu (as used by the Yogscast and Hat Films). It also balances the suit so it is not too overpowered for traitors to beat. This is based on the SWEP by Darky. Original Addon: https://ste...
Vape SWEP for TTT
Vape SWEP is obviously a requirement. This does NOT include the models, sounds, and such for the Vape SWEP, just modifications to make it TTT compatible. Expect bugs. If you find a bug and can fix it, please share the fix. I'll fix it in the workshop versi...
TTT - Crossbow ( Updated )
Created by stach
Silenced crossbow for the gamemode - Trouble in terrortown. This is a Silenced Crossbow, which deals 100 damage, in 1 shot. But be carefully, you don't get spotted with it :-)! If you like it, remember there is a Thumbs up button up there :) -------UPDATED...
TTT - Position Swapper
Want to bring chaos to your friends? Well here is the solution! The "Position Swapper" is a traitor weapon that allows you to swap the position with someone else. Use the right mouse button to select a victim, then press the left mouse button to swap your ...
[TTT2/TTT] Manipulation Knife
Created by LeBroomer
This is an addon for the gamemode "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Please do not try to use it in any other gamemode and report errors or downvote it due to that reason.
TTT - Thanos Snap
Created by Pocable
Allows you to snap half the server away at the price of broadcasting your name. This is a traitor purchasable weapon which can be dropped to people for the ultimate question. Left Click - Horn intro, "I am inevitable", and then snaps server on Thanos' snap...
TTT Spring Mine
Created by BocciardoLight
Spring Mine that kick Innocents/Detectives into the air. Can be purchased in the Traitorshop CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: Spring, Mine, TTT, Traitor, Item...
TTT - (Detective) Golden Gun
Created by Altamas
TTT Laser Pointer
Created by xHF01x
A laser pointer that deals damage and blinds your enemies if you hit them in the face. Buyable for traitors....
TTT Super Smoke
This is a T weapon meant to help you hide things, or use as cover for T rooms, and such. Smoke is bigger, thicker, and lasts longer in comparison to the normal smoke grenade. Is rebuyable....
TTT - Orbital Strike
Created by twilight
Works like a friendshipbeam I'm not updating or fixing these addons any time soon...
TTT Heal Gun
Created by MilfSniffer
This is a new Item for the Detective. You can heal now peoples up to 70 HP. This Addon is build for the Gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town....
TTT - Door Locker
Created by Exho
Ever felt like locking a door and murdering the Innocents inside? Well now you can! **** Info: Billy Mays here, er.. This is a project I've been working on to add a change in gameplay and something cool to do on maps. You can Left Click a door (provided yo...
TTT Prop Exploder
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: After you buy it, you can choose a valid prop that you want and left click it. Then you can press right click and the Prop will expl...
TTT Banana Bomb
Created by GHXX
This Addon adds a Banana Bomb which releases many small, explosive Bananas. It was originally made by schnul44. I updated it. Causes error in Sandbox, but you can just ignore them. This addon works for both Sandbox and Trouble in Terrorist Town (trouble to...
TTT Kamehameha Weapon
Created by Lord Hamster
Channel your inner super saiyan with a Kamehameha in TTT Traitor only, launches your victims in hilarious ways. Be careful of the blast! Features: - Custom Kamehameha beam and explosion materials - Beam explodes on contact with a non-living object (Can kil...
TTT/2: G2 Contender Sniper - Secondary Version
Created by Kreddel
This is an addon for the gamemode Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). It adds a secondary weapon, that spawns randomly on the map. The G2 Contender is a one-hand-held sniper rifle. It is equipped with a scope. It deals 40 damage to the body and is a onehit ki...
TTT - Time Stop
Created by Vipes
Toki yo tomare! Time Stop is an expanded upon Za Warudo. It freezes the players, blinds the players, freezes any AI, and freezes physics for nine seconds. In order for the bullets to be affected, you'll need Physical Bullets 2. One time use....
TTT Almigthy Push V1
Created by Feldway
Only available in the Trouble in Terrorist Town Gamemode. Can be bought in the Traitor Shop. This World shall know Pain Left Click: Pushes everything away from the User and damages it. Players take additional damage if they hit anything shortly after beein...
TTT Door Buster
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Door Buster is an item for the Detective and the Traitor. It is placable on doors. If somebody that's not you then the door will...
TTT Jump Gun
Created by Delta7x
A rather basic gun which allows you to push yourself in the opposite direction you fire. For example, if you were to aim at the ground you would go up into the air (At least for a few seconds). This gun is a Detective only gun (As in only Detectives can bu...
TTT Traitor Bioweapon
Created by Slaughtered
***Description*** Bioweapon obtainable in the Traitor's buy menu. Shoot one person and watch as the infection spreads amongst the sheeple. Be careful traitors, by default you can also catch the disease, so shoot from a far and stay hidden. The infection is...
TTT DeadRinger
Created by Porter - This is a DeadRinger SWEP for Trouble in Terrorist Town - It's converted into TTT by myself from the DeadRinger SWEP of Niandra Lades. I asked her if i could Uploa...
TTT Traitor Turtlenade
Created by TheTrueLor
I'm no longer providing updates or support, anyone is welcome to re-use the code or concept. A grenade for traitors that spawns several hostile turtles (using the headcrab npc) on detonation. Requires Trouble In Terrorist Town, CSS. Legacy Addon/Scripts: h...
TTT Air-to-surface Missile
Created by Salt
Credits to Xegors I only made it work in Trouble in Terrorist Town as a traitor weapon....
TTT Yee Bass Cannon
Created by MilfSniffer
TTT Traitor Item. Its just the Normal Orbital Bass Cannon but..... WITH THE FUCKING "YEE" MEME feat. DUBSTEP SHIT Bass Drop from the song "Ganjaman"...
TTT - Binoculars model
Created by Exho
A view and world model for TTT's binoculars to replace the default model. Credits: - Valve for the model - JVS for the SWEP which I got the model from...
GMN TTT Snowball
Created by GMN | TheClonker
Yada yada OP Item / TTT & GMN ist tot ... Sagt wenn ihr nen Bug findet! Frohe Weihnachten zusammen :^]...
TTT throwable crowbar
Created by Rederin0
Ok so a friend of mine made a suggestion to make a crowbar that you can throw or drop and here it is, if you left click it will do a normal hit and it will do 20 damage if you right click it will throw the crowbar and if you hit someone it will do 20 damag...
TTT Captain America Shield
Created by Jenssons
I made this to replace LeBoomers boomerang cause i disliked his newest update DISCORD join me on discord if you want updates on mods or be apart of our awesome community! our patreon page
TTT Light Saber
Created by Shad0w
Pretty simple addon makes you have light sabers on TTT easy to use and multiple models if you do not like the color. This will replace the crowbar Models you can change it to: v_blowbar.mdl - Black i think v_browbar.mdl - Blue? v_growbar.mdl - Green v_lrow...
[TTT/Sandbox] Riotshield
Created by JKirO
All of my addons are up for adoption. If you're interested in the continuation of one or more of my projects, please feel free to do so. You are free to change, add and reupload. However I would greatly appreciate you mentioning me as original author. This...
TTT Random Tester
Created by Hagen
This Addon only works for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town"-Gamemode. This weapon will not show up in sandbox mode. Features: The Random Tester is an item for the Detective. If he uses it, a random ALIVE player will be tested, after 30 seconds. In the 30 sec...
TTT MyatrophieGun
Created by Porter > This is a MyatrophieGun for Trouble in Terrorist Town < Defaults : - Buyable for the Traitor. - Only one time per round for every Traitor buyable. - 1 ammo clip in...
[TTT] Gravity Fists
Created by Hansoms
Introducing the Gravity Fists These fists bring power and fear wherever they go! Smash left click or right click to create a powering punch into the heart of your enemys! In the future, these fists will morph to be Rainbow! Credits: iCharlie Hds46 Q&A: Wha...
[TTT] Chair Thrower
Created by supermomme
A TTT-Weapon for a Traitor that throws Chairs. Chainglog: 8.3.: Change Model and Change Ammo Capacity to 1...
TTT Explosive Deagle
Created by Sportacus
It may look like an ordinary Deagle, but in reality it's a bomb in disguise. This Deagle will explode instantly when beeing shot by a Terrorist. Traitors can use it in a suicide attack or drop it for an unsuspecting victim. - Will always kill its user - Qu...
TTT Bomb Station
Created by BocciardoLight
When innocents use this health station, it will beep before exploding. Traitors will simply deplete the fake charge. Left-Click: Place Bomb Station...
TTT Poison Station
Created by Kalbintion
This creates a Traitor "Health" Station similar to the Detectives Health Station, however when used, will drain life from the person using it down to 5 hp as long as the player keeps attempting to use it. == Configuration == ttt_poison_station_amount_tick ...
Created by Nyrb
A Tratior explosive proximity mine that will explode when anyone gets too close. Sounds OP but has built in limitations: 1. Can kill team mates if not used properly 2. Can be shot and destroyed. Will not arm until there are no players nearby. On arming wil...
[TTT] Demonic Possession
Created by LeBroomer
If you have ideas on how to improve the item or run into technical issues, feel free to post here to let me know about it. I will try to improve and fix it to the best of my abilities. This is an addon for the gamemodes "Trouble in Terrorists Town". Pleas...
TTT Final Hour
Created by KhrumoX
Traitor / Detective Weapon for Servers Description: The final hour has arrived for your enemies ! When a player carries this item and he gets killed, after a few seconds (~20sec) his killer will die too ! Now you will have your vengance, when that **** kil...
[TTT] Thunder Thighs
Created by krrrrrrk
Alternative Transportation Method for Terrorists and Detectives. -Slot 8 -3 Uses This will probably kill you. Left Click launches you towards where you are aiming. Right Click will launch you upwards only. Some form of fall damage reduction is advised. (Fo...
TTT Rocket Launcher
Created by BocciardoLight
RPG for T Shop Left-Click: Shot Rocket Right-Click: Say something... Created by BocciardoLight...
TTT Traitor Remote
Created by ✪ Killberty
HELP WANTED: If you can make ViewModels, please contact me. This is the Traitor Remote for TTT. German video by 'Spandauer Inferno' of it in action: "Mega geil" - Sola Contents Traitor Remote (Traitor) Remote control you...
TTT Hunting Bow
Created by Abi
This is not my SWEP, I have just edited it to be compatible with TTT ORIGINAL SWEP ttt_huntingbow_do_autospawn (def. 1) - if 0 the bow can be bought by traitors and detectives, if 1 it spawns randomly. ttt_huntingbow_damage (def. 100) - The percentage dama...
Adrenaline TTT Jihad
Created by Just Sheld
A version of the Jihad Bomb which supports custom sound effects via pointshop. Use if ya' want....
[TTT] Night vision
Created by AycBaa
A Night vision weapon for the "Trouble in Terrorist Town" gamemode. It can be bought by traitors and detectives. I got some inspriation from here and added the Night Vision Binoculars model from here. Other players will not see you using your NVG, but they...
TTT Headcrab Grenade
Created by Orcus
This addon adds a grenade which spawns headcrabs upon the explosion. Only usable in TTT. Spawned headcrabs are normal NPCs from Half Life 2, therefore this addon is compatible with other addons modifying headcrabs, for example Headcrabs-Plus. This addon is...
GMN TTT Pumpkin
Created by GMN | TheClonker
The Halloween Event Weapon for our Servers...
TTT Throwable Manhacks
Created by BocciardoLight
Throwable Manhacks like the ones from Half Life CREATED BY Phoenixf129 Edited by BocciardoLight Tags: TTT, Traitor, Shop, Items, Manhacks, throwable, drone...
TTT Pascals Babymaker
Created by Gladiolus
PASCALS BABYMAKER This is a modified version of the popular Babylauncher. - You have 1 shot to insert your baby into your opponents :3 - If you hit your target, IT WILL BE DEAD! To be clear: The source does not belong to us; we just used the given Babylaun...
The NPC Vault - TTT
Created by Logan
Traitor weapon for TTT - Created for Ben of The Yogscast. Formally known as "The Zombie Vault" Throw down and activate to unleash NPC hell! Choose between Fast Zombies, Antlions, or Manhacks! Supports custom NPCs utilizing the DrGBase - THIS IS OPTIONAL - ...
TTT The Traitor Vampire
Created by Porter - This is a real Vampire for Trouble in Terrorist Town - > HOW DOES IT WORK? < - You buy it in the Traitor Shop and it will automatically equip. - Primary Attack : H...
[TTT] SpongeBomb
Created by RelishedChicken
Makes a funny. Jihad bomb that plays spongebob music. No pictures as its 1000% basic....
TTT Lightning Strike
Created by DJ Bat
Shoot high in the sky and land with lightning explosions This addon lets you destroy the pesky innocents in a truly shocking way *cough* bad pun it took me a while to get this working quite right, im not the best at lua but i try my hardest so an upvote wo...
[TTT] Blue Firework
Created by Puschel
------------------------------------------ This add-on adds a new Traitor weapon that shoots players in the air and let them explode. ------------------------------ You can buy the Blue Firework only one time as a Traitor and you have two shots if you miss...
TTT Weapon: Pepsiman
Created by Huldeen
A traitor weapon that upon consumption turns you into pepsiman (complete with themesong). Pepsiman does not use guns, but instead his bare hands to kill all those "innocent" coke drinkers. Left click is a rapid fire highly damaging punch. Right click can b...
TTT Fire Bow
Created by Avalon
--This addon was made for the server 'Avalon-Gaming'-- --Don't expect updates as long as it's working for said server.-- This Bow is only for TTT, it will not work in sandbox This addon adds a "Firebow" to the Traitor menu. ================================...
Detective Camera TTT
Created by 宫保鸡丁
TTT Fake Shotgun
Created by Sportacus
This unsuspicious shotgun will set its user on fire when being shot. Otherwise this weapon looks and behaves like a standard vanilla shotgun. It can be dropped by a Traitor to spread death and confusion among the Terrorists. - It is only available for Trai...
[TTT] Flintlock Pistol
Created by Ashuraa
ATTENTION! This addon is a very early development type, and is designed to add more content to Ashuraa's BeTTTer Server. If any bugs are found that make the addon faulty, please report them, and I will work away at this. This is the Flintlock Pistol, as fe...
TTT Russian Roulette
Created by Wazanator
This is a gun for playing Russian Roulette that the detective can buy. Every time the barrel is spun (equipping or secondary fire) the gun picks between 1 and 6. If the player press primary fire they say a voice line then pull the trigger. If it is a 6 the...
TTT Disease Dash
Created by DJ Bat
Dash forward spreading disease to innocents around you they will die soon after. it took me a while to get this working quite right, im not the best at lua but i try my hardest so an upvote would be super nice. if you want to check me out or test the addon...
TTT Body Bomb
Created by Slaughtered
A fake body wired with explosives purchasable through the traitor item menu. How to use it: -purchase through traitor item menu -switch to "Body Bomb" weapon -primary fire (left-click) to drop bomb Features: -cannot be activated by traitors to prevent acci...
TTT Bee Grenade
Created by Mangonaut
Features: Throw grenade -> spawn 5 to 20 bees 15 to 25 dmg to innos 5 dmg to traitors Addons I used: Jenssons TTT BeeNade My Links My uploaded Addons My TTT Addon Collection My Steam Profile ...
TTT Detetive Lure
Created by St. Addi
Adds "Call Detective" functionality to the decoy included in TTT by default. Use the deocy ("weapon_ttt_decoy", included by default in TTT) to call the detective(s) via primary attack (left mouse button). It looks just like a regular call to a players corp...
TTT - Gravity Changer
Created by Bumbo Schreiner
This traitor item changes the gravity. Left click to decrease gravity. Right click to increase gravity. Reload for the normal gravity. You can change the gravity every 12 seconds but reset it at any time....
[TTT] Player Pinger
Created by Maygik
The player pinger is a weapon for TTT that is purchasable by detectives and traitors. Upon use it forms a glowing aura around every player for the user that is visible through walls for 15 seconds....
Tsunami TTT KSG
Created by Tick1e
TTT Detective Boots
Created by AutomaticFrenzy
Makes the detective move 30% faster ...
TTT Movespeed Gun
Created by Wambo
Give the Innocents a bit too much movespeed for them to handle...
[TTT] The Skaro Dalek
Created by Hansoms
TTT Paint Gun
Created by Wazanator
A paint gun for the detective and traitor that let them paint players and objects in a nice shade of purple, comes with 5 shots and you can buy as many as you want. A great counter to my Shadow Person item for traitors
TTT Shadow Person
Created by Wazanator
Have you ever been traitor and thought "Gee I sure would like to dabble in the forbidden magic of the Shadow People"? Well now you can! Buy this from the traitor shop and use it to become a semi transparent shadow person, just keep in mind anyone that spot...
TTT - (Detective) Defuser
Created by Altamas
Created by s1raN
TTT - (Detectice) Binoculars
Created by Altamas
TTT - (Traitor) Raygun
Created by Altamas
[TTT] Space Time Throttle
Created by Hansoms
Ooo-weeee-ooooo! The TARDIS is pulled directly from the vortex and is sent straight into your enemies to vaporise them This item is sponsored by THE YOGSCAST TTT Fan-Server! created by the community of The Ministry of Archangel Server:
Pew Gun [TTT / Sandbox]
Created by blandon
Pew Gun V1.2! Makes cool PEW sounds Dissolves bodies on death (Only works in sandbox) Shoots blue burning lasers! ______________________________ You can revert these changes at any time using the pew_revert ConVar (server only). Note: Map restart required ...
TTT M1911
Created by Ted
TTT Portable Tester
Created by Zuko
A TTT Portable Tester I made. As a Detective you can buy this and use it on another player to confirm they are Innocent or if they are A Traitor. Both you and the player must hold still while testing them. You must not look away from them or let go of the ...
TTT Detective Rifle
Created by Zuko
A Rifle I made that can be used on TTT. It's a Detective Rifle so only the Detective can buy it. I got the model and materials from the M9K Packs but coded the lua file myself (with a little help from some friends)....
TTT Flamethrower SWEP
Created by Emforus
Hello and welcome to my first G-Mod addon ever made! This is a very basic but working flamethrower swep, made specifically for TTT Credits: Drako2k for original flamethrower and some FX seabeds for the thumbnail Fortress Forever for the freaking awesome we...
Super Discombobulator (TTT)
Created by Ikkou@:)
Works exactly like a normal discombobulator, but on a much much bigger scale. Throw it and watch people fly. (Warning: No Cape included.)...
Created by girrrrrrr2
Just the gun from the TTT weapon pack, but by itself so that some servers can use it that way. Thats the pack...
TTT Shotgun Pack
Created by Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 3 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 3 using shotgun ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. Striker-12 Fast firing but low damage shotgun. Nothing really more to...
TTT Pistol Pack
Created by Lykrast
Requires CS:Source (for the hands). Includes 2 new weapons for the TTT gamemode, all 2 using deagle ammo. All spawn along with other weapons if the current map has random weapon spawns. Remington Fires faster but deals less damage than your traditional Dea...
TTT Detective Shotgun
Created by Zuko
A Detective Shotgun I made for TTT. Only Detectives can buy it. Use it to kill those pesky Traitors! I made it using models I got from the M9K Heavy Pack....
The Bulk Cannon[TTT]
Created by JLopez755
-Read this!- Babel Industries and TS Industries are proud to present to you the Bulk Cannon, the world's first Break-Action Revolving Automatic Shotgun. Baras sounds lame, though. It's an ORIGINAL MODEL, not from Metro or that one game series with the guns...
TTT - Grapplehook (WITH ICON)
A re-upload of the TTT - Grapplehook with a fixed icon....
Molotov Cocktail for TTT
Created by Maul Pax
Left click throws it and right click drops it, it then explodes after 4 seconds. The secondary attack causes a bit more damage as it is more difficult to place the molotov unseen. If you want to change the damage yourself: -The addon folder contains a sent...
[TTT] Melon Launcher
Created by Andre | Daywalker
This addon adds a melon launcher to the traitorshop in TTT. You can shoot an exploding melon with it to kill innocents in a cooler way :) It also has some small sound effects and a working ammunition-bar....
TTT Jihad Bomb
Created by Gaz
This is a Jihad bomb made to be used in the TTT gamemode. How to Use Left click detonates the bomb and right click taunts other players. Credits: Wulf (3) for the base of the Jihad bomb
TTT DeathFaker
Created by jayjayjay1
TTT DeathFaker Addon - The Traitor can buy a death faker in the Traitor shop - but beware! The Detective can easily identify a fake body with the visualizer Big Update! Scoreboard now updates and configuration of the killed person, weapon used to kill and ...
TTT Weapon Turret
Created by TTT Weapon Turret
This is a Weapon Turret for Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT). This is accessible via the Traitor menu....
TTT Traitor AUG
Created by joe sturged em
This is a silenced aug used as a sniper each clip has one bullet. *NOTE* You are able to pickup ammo!...