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Final Frontier
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27 Oct, 2019 @ 8:24am
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Final Frontier

Ever felt that the gravity burdens your shoulder and makes racing tiresome? Well then, what about 25% reduction to ground gravity and 75% reduction to air gravity? And as a bonus; A desolate, alien environment with 6 layouts follows. Sidenote: AI cannot drive at all at this due to high speeds, bumps and reduced gravity. For best experience bring some of your friends to the fun!
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8 Nov, 2019 @ 2:26am
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The Very End
The Very End  [author] 4 Dec, 2023 @ 11:11am 
Maybe! Will have to see if I can find the old files hehe! Almost 4 years old :o
Rancho Relaxer 23 Nov, 2023 @ 9:33am 
Could you make a version without the physics?
Brainpiercing 13 Apr, 2020 @ 1:37pm 
Thats sad. Cant race my other mods with that low gravity.
The Very End  [author] 13 Apr, 2020 @ 1:09pm 
No way to make it different sadly. You cannot, at least now, alter physics on one map only.
Brainpiercing 13 Apr, 2020 @ 12:54pm 
It messed up the physics of the other maps aswell. Thats bad.
The Very End  [author] 25 Nov, 2019 @ 11:55am 
Damn haha! Some stealth-fix then (depending on your view) :)
🦊 Hermit 25 Nov, 2019 @ 11:43am 
Aw, I r dissapoint :( Looks like the latest update broke our fun, the cars no longer fly up into the air on the loop. If you're going fast enough you do still phase through it, but on the downward section rather than the upward one, so you just end up faceplanting the floor. Can cause some interesting car deformations, but no trips into space any more.
The Very End  [author] 16 Nov, 2019 @ 7:29am 
Hehe yeah, true, death loop is a suitable name now. And as you mentioned with AIs; they cant handle the gravity at all. They are programmed with full gravity in mind, don't think it is possible at current times to persuade them to adhere to changed gravity settings :)
🦊 Hermit 16 Nov, 2019 @ 6:27am 
lol well the track does have another route to take to avoid the loop, so it's not like it's gamebreaking or anything. Sure it may put 50% or so of the AI field out of commission, but the AI struggle to deal with the low gravity on any track, so if a player is driving vs. AI it'd likely be for the lulz rather than an actual challenge. So yeah, personally I'd be okay with keeping it XD

Only issues I could forsee is if it were used online with human players, they wouldn't be able to take the loop to be competitive in that case.

Your call, I respect your decision since it's your mod^^
The Very End  [author] 15 Nov, 2019 @ 11:14pm 
Lol! Hmm! Weeeellll... I guess that is a bug, alas a strange one. Not sure how one would go about fixing it and not sure BB would prioritize it either. Maybe we can call it a feature? Haha!