

1,014 ratings
Carry Capacity Fixed
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
File Size
1.019 MB
5 Nov, 2019 @ 3:08am
29 Jul, 2021 @ 3:31pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Carry Capacity Fixed

In 1 collection by Dr Zhivago
Doc Collection - Industrial+
317 items
Public Service Announcement

Discord deleted my account / server because I posted a study about COVID-19 derived from the United Kingdom Government. This inability to speak openly and deleting my ability to speak with friends that I have built relationships with for years, has killed my motivation. Discord was the community that kept me interested in modding. I also promised that if Discord did delete my account that I would move on. This sweeping algorithmic censorship is intolerable and abhorrent to human progress. If we shut down each other's critical discussions and ability to listen, what form of communication is left?

As such, my work in RimWorld is suspended indefinitely. Everything I have created is under licensing (mostly GNU General Public License v3.0). Feel free to pick up the projects. As per the licensing of course.

I'll still be around on Steam and GitHub if you wish to reach out to me. Best of luck to everyone out there with the challenges ahead!

November 5th, 2021

The behavior of carry capacity for pawns is 35 kg multiplied by a body type multiplier. This mod aims to change that. Pawns will now be able to hold more in inventory, as well as increase caravan capacity. This mod effects animals and colonists.
Suggested to use CCF with "Pick Up And Haul".

  • Save-friendly (add or remove)
  • Incompatible with:
    D9 Framework, must change settings to disable "Apply Carry Mass Framework Patches"

Smash Phil - For the C# (basically for the mod)
Original Inspiration[ludeon.com]

Popular Discussions View All (1)
6 Oct, 2020 @ 8:18am
Carry Capacity Calculation
Dr Zhivago
Shark 18 Mar @ 5:11pm 
Lol GTFO Anti-Vax cretin
Lord Pheles 4 Mar @ 12:51pm 
Most of these comments are stupid
The_Last_Mando 11 Feb @ 12:35pm 
Bruh you stopped modding just because some woke moderator banned you on discord?:steamlaughcry:
hog_jockey 13 Jan @ 1:09pm 
Anti-vax scum
FluffDragon 26 Sep, 2024 @ 5:01pm 
Some conspo clown self-owning harder because they encountere consequences is peak theater. Now if only every threat to society would have the self-reflection to remove themselves like this to own the libs or something.

Oh well, looks like the actual mod is in stabler hands.
Astronut7 21 Aug, 2024 @ 11:03am 
I was looking for the bloody pockets mod, or another one that easily switches between weapons/tools. I have a colonial pawn equipped with a firebeater, because they enjoy trees so much, and I need to preserve my log supply farm, and they need a backup weapon in case of raids and prisoner escapes. I already have a backpacks mod, but I don't actually know whether or not it's working, because I only just found out from these mod details that the pawns are using the Skyrim/Pathways into Darkness system of having a carry weight, instead of a maximum stack size.
Astronut7 21 Aug, 2024 @ 10:57am 
Oh, and @whatever your username was before it became an eight-point asterisk: I'm imagining it, and I'm not seeing how it can be more "cringe" than Xbox Live Party Chat with estranged "friends" from overseas, or the Minecraft Discord servers with or without the developers. From the information I have from Dr Zhivigo's post, the group of friends that they lost could be people who discuss anything from statistical data from the UK and US governments and medical associations from around the world, to people who panic watching When The Wind Blows, and decide to create a modern day satire. Or they could be from the Borderlands games and be completely psycho (fitting with what many users of/players of Rimworld see fit to accomplish).
Astronut7 21 Aug, 2024 @ 9:12am 
@zytukin Perhaps because I'm from a technologically inept family, or from a poor government associated family, I was not able to peruse the video game space in the early 2000's, but it seems to me what little misinformation existed was fairly obvious "You've Won!" advertisements only working on the desperate. It is a common misconception that a private property owner is free to do whatever they like to their guests. If a common citizen burned your clothes, chased you to your home, and destroyed all your paper records, they would go to jail for arson and vandalism. If a corporation does it, particularly online, or to your computer and other devices, they get away with it because the people with morals don't actually have the power or the ability to prevent it from happening, or punish them for doing so. Much like the ancient myth of vampires--once they're invited in, guests have power over the private property owner.
ζ͜͡ϙ> 13 Aug, 2024 @ 8:51am 
Man dropped an entire hobby because he got banned from Discord for preaching conspiracy theories to a community of Carry Capacity Fixed users. Imagine how cringe those chats must have been.