Stormworks: Build and Rescue

Stormworks: Build and Rescue

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3 Dec, 2019 @ 1:52pm
4 Dec, 2019 @ 7:43pm
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"Slaps top of Littlecomet" They used to ride these babies for kilometers!

400KM Range with a small diesel (This can get you from spycakes to arctic and back)
3 Medium Fuel Tanks - 562.5 Liters
One manned vehicle ( You can easily add a seat in the back for a extra passenger )

Q: It won't fly Straight!
A: Push Alt And set trim
Q: Why can't i take off?
A: Make sure to turn off high gear and have lots of runway and pull up hard. Once you are in the air turn on high gear. You will know when it's enabled when you are limited to 8 RPS and you also don't need flaps or just a tiny bit for taking off

Found any errors or have a suggestion? Feel free to tell me about it I'd love to find ways to improve my future creations
ChyonE  [author] 19 Dec, 2019 @ 12:34am 
Ty and alt hold seems to be all of a sudden better lol
REZ1. 12 Dec, 2019 @ 9:05am 
Idk how you made it fly so nice and realistic, I love it good job man! :D don’t over tune it it’s sooo good rn if you want I can go test it and find bugs if there even is ones :)
ChyonE  [author] 10 Dec, 2019 @ 11:44am 
Thanks. Could be a little better still been tuning it but gave up a few hours later lol. Probably will get help with it soon
REZ1. 10 Dec, 2019 @ 11:42am 
Mate, your alitiude hold is perfect :D good job