Arma 3
138 ratings
BECTI 0.97 - Stratis
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer
Scenario Type: Air, Infantry, Vehicles, Water
Meta: Dependency
File Size
1.589 MB
7 Nov, 2013 @ 10:08am
1 Change Note ( view )

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BECTI 0.97 - Stratis

BECTI is a Conquer The Island gamemode based on the old school OFP MFCTI where two teams composed of Players and AI fight for the controls of an island in a power struggle with towns and bases.

The commander is the leader of your side, only he may build the base and set the income distribution, all team leaders shall always listen to the commander. The commander is the only one which is able to perform upgrades and assign orders.

Towns need to be captured and held by your side, to capture a town, you simply have to stand next to the flag while no enemy is around, but watch out ! the town occupation may try to defend it ! The generated income and the units may vary depending on a town's size.

Funds are mainly earned by capturing town and salvaging wrecks but killing enemies will also reward you with a bounty bonus, funds may be used to purchase units and gear.

Parameters allows you to play with a different setup all the time, nearly everything can be changed (AI, base, environment, economy, gameplay, module, respawn, towns...).

As the fights goes on, different assets may appear such as:

HQ: The HQ is the commander's main toy. Once destroyed, a side may no longer build factories so move it wisely!
Repair trucks: Repair trucks may be used by anyone to buy and place defensive structure but they can also be used to repair and build factories. FOB may be deployed from it upon request!
Ammo trucks: The ammo truck act as mobile resupply point for both infantry and vehicles. The gear and the service menu may be accessed from it.
Salvage trucks: Salvage trucks may be used to gain a certain cash amount from vehicle wrecks (You get 50% of the bounty, the rest is split among the other units). Independent trucks may also be purchased by commander.
Forward operating base: Those special structures may be built from Repair Truck and may act as a mobile respawn/resupply point. Note that they are limited in a way that only X of them may be placed at a time. They can be dismantled by using the Repair Truck contextual menu.
Respawn: Whenever the player dies, he/she may choose to respawn at a FOB (if near) or at a factory built by the commander. The player may choose to respawn in one of his AI units if near (note that you get the AI's gear upon respawn). Revive will be possible in future versions.
Air/Sea Lifting: Roads are unsafe? Why not lift the HQ by the air or by the sea? SDV can hook wrecks underwater (HQ recovery!)
Command Center: Are you far from the base? Have you forgotten to buy a vehicle? Then this structure is meant for you! The Command Center increase the purchase range and allows the use of custom assets such as Units Cam and Sat Cam.

The mission is also composed of multiple menu (GUI) like:

Purchase Menu: This menu allows the player to reinforce his/her own squad with units/vehicles. The commander may purchase units to other groups.
Gear Menu: Thanks to the Barracks, FOB and Ammo Trucks the player may swap his gear on the fly (nb vest/uniform don't have any valid gear manipulation commands atm)
Orders Menu: The orders menu allows the commander to change the orders assigned to his/her teams. Some may need to to take town X while other have to take and hold town Y.
AI Micro Menu: By default, the engine gives a basic AI management regarding AI in one's group. This menu extends this management allowing the leader to plan/use custom orders for his/her AI such as patrol/take towns (Some orders like move or patrol can be queued)
Service Menu: This menu is used to perform utility/resupply actions on units and vehicles (heal, repair, rearm...)
Upgrade Menu: The commander has to perform upgrades in order to improve it's side assets (better units, better loadouts...)
Units Camera: When a Command Center is available, the units camera become available allowing the monitoring of other groups members.
Satellite Camera: When a Command Center is available and when this asset is upgraded, one may use the Sat cam in order to find enemy whereabouts.

󠀡󠀡 15 Jan @ 3:48am 
FYI, Benny died IRL almost 2 years ago. Based on what a common Steam friend said.
dukee02 13 May, 2021 @ 1:15am 
We puted a bit of work to Bennys Arma3 CTI, now its working very well and the first maps are published to steam: .
I realy hope we can have benny back to arma!
Makad 16 Jun, 2019 @ 3:10am 
Pls Update ...
masterheap 2 Jun, 2018 @ 3:17pm 
Have a bug for you:
-Zafir and Rahim. Ammo does not work. The weapons cannot be used unless found/scavenged.

I also get the error the player below mentioned (comment below mine, the "no entry").

Love the mod, used to play the old OFP version. Play this version like a junkie. :D
meikrenafor 29 Dec, 2017 @ 10:53am 
Hello there. Scenarion is awesome. The only issue I have is warning message when opening Resources tab.

It says: No entry 'steam/__cur_sp.stratis/description.ext/CTI_RscTransferResourcesMenu/controls/CTI_Menu_Funds_GroupsList.ListScrollBar' .

Do I missed something? Maybe additional mods required to get rid of this warning?
varus 14 Aug, 2017 @ 6:55pm 
Interesting and good mission also in SP. But there is no way to build a second FOB! This is a poor test.
Snowdude 4 May, 2017 @ 8:32am 
Great mission, but for some reason if i save i cant load it. I'm running this on a MP server for a better experience
Colonel Chekhov 12 Oct, 2016 @ 4:13am 
The OPFOR (CSAT?) 7.62 weapons don't work with the mags anymore. Not the 'Rahim' Or machine gun. Any fix?
Balalaika 23 Jul, 2016 @ 7:40pm 
Question. How do I switch to commander position? Have difficulty finding the option or vote.
TheTribunal 3 Jun, 2016 @ 7:05pm 
Great mission. my brother and i have been playing against eachother for the past couple days. in that time, we discovered that whoever is blufor tends to win. We also noticed that Opfor ai tend to be a little worse than the blufor team. anyway way you could see about balancing a little? thanks Benny.