Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

3,329 ratings
Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Scripts
Tags: mod, Campaign
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343.427 MB
11 Dec, 2019 @ 6:10pm
26 Mar, 2024 @ 6:45am
50 Change Notes ( view )

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Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD Scripts

MK1212 Scripts Component:
This component contains all the scripts for Medieval Kingdoms 1212 AD, aiming to further enhance the gameplay experience with the addition of new mechanics and quality of life changes. This is a required component for MK1212's campaign.

Special thanks to Causeless, Drunk Flamingo, Marthenil, Hardballer, and various C&C Modding Den discord users for their help!

Main Features:
Annex Vassals: Diplomatically annex vassals who have been subjugated for 10 or more turns.
Buffer States: Release vassal buffer states from conquered territories where your direct control may be tenuous.
Challenges: If you find the campaign too easy or just want to shake things up a bit, challenge campaigns are available when starting a new campaign.
Crusades: Travel far from your homeland to retake the Holy Land, in service of God or perhaps in search of glory and power.
Decisions: Enact decisions that can affect your ruler or your realm.
Frontend Overhaul: The frontend has been overhauled with changes such as a Grand Campaign start date selector (currently only 1212 AD is available), a modified faction selection screen, and increased room for factions in custom battles.
Dynamic Faction Ranks: Any faction in the campaign can grow from a county to an empire.
Holy Roman Empire System: Factions in the Holy Roman Empire are represented in the HRE system, complete with elections, imperial decrees, and reforms.
Increased Building Slots: Increased the number of building slots in settlements from 6 to 10.
Ironman Mode: Play with manual saving disable and unlock custom achievements!
Nicknames: Characters gain nicknames as a consequence of their actions or the traits that they have.
Population: Cities now have population, which directly affects their squalor levels and economy. All non-mercenary units require population of their respective classes to recruit.
Region Trading: Regions can be traded with AI factions, with weighted values based on diplomatic attitude, distance from their borders, and the value of the regions' buildings.
Story Events: Various factions have scripted story events, offering unique challenges for certain factions.
The Pope: Catholic factions may find themselves with a thorn in their side in the form of His Holiness himself. However, those who placate the pope may receive certain boons.
War Weariness: Returning from Age of Charlemagne but modified to suit the needs of MK1212, War Weariness encourages shorter and fewer wars.
World Events: The world itself will not stand idle as you progress through the campaign. Invasions, great plagues, famines, and climate change can all ravage the land.

Coming Soon:
AI & Multiplayer Population System Support
College of Cardinas & Playable Papacy
New Decisions & Story Events
Republic Mechanics

Recommended Mod Load Order
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Scripts
All Settlement Walled - Siege Map Replacer
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Base Pack - Campaign Alpha
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 1.v2
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 2
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 3
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 4
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 5
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 6
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Models Pack 7
Medieval Kingdoms 1212AD Music

Note: This mod currently only supports English unless you also have a translation submod enabled.

View a more detailed FAQ on the main mod workshop page.

MK1212 Scripts Github[]

MK1212 Development Trello[]

Please let me know of any bugs you encounter!
Popular Discussions View All (166)
20 Oct, 2024 @ 12:02pm
Saving is broken
9 Mar, 2024 @ 1:39pm
Mod missing
29 Oct, 2024 @ 8:49am
HRE doesn't work anymore?
Marksheen5858 17 hours ago 
anyone know how to stop other religions spreading into your provinces? I am King Jerusalem, have a catholic church (lvl2) and surrounded by latin christians in Anatolia but somehow some provinces are being overtaken by Orthodoxy and others sunni islam. No armies, agents or factions bordering with either religion
SaracenBear 20 Mar @ 2:26am 
The Ayyubids don't get any armor upgrades
l000ORPHANSs 17 Mar @ 11:17am 
hey anyone able to tell me how to get the mod working properly i keep loading into the campaign and i cant even move the camera around because its so choppy
Blicks 10 Mar @ 6:26am 
After around 10 turns, the option to become a Kingdom disappears.
Only noticed this problem after the last update. is there anything that I can do to fix this?
Barry Goldwater 7 Mar @ 1:33pm 
Anyone have any idea when the late campaign is going to drop?
DRROP 5 Mar @ 2:48am 
will there be a fleet in 1212?
wbryan19 4 Mar @ 11:48am 
how do i get rid of political situation debuff
zero balance in this mod and things just stop randomly the turn button lmao. cool af ideas and units but the mod is broken. uninstalling.
IWAwarrior 23 Feb @ 11:10pm 
I recently downloaded this mod, and in my campaign I tried to increase the building slots, and the script ran and nothing happened. The settlement acknowledged me saying I can construct buildings but there were no slots available. How do I fix this? Thanks in advance
Sherwood68 19 Feb @ 12:25pm 
I'm experiencing a crash when I start a siege battle in Constantinople in the campaign. The game instantly crashes to the desktop without any error message. I also verified my game files and disabled other mods, but the issue persists.

Is this a known bug, or is there a possible fix? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!