

838 ratings
[FSF] More Quests
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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173.805 KB
22 Jan, 2020 @ 1:22am
16 Apr, 2024 @ 2:08pm
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[FSF] More Quests

In 1 collection by FrozenSnowFox
[FSF] FrozenSnowFox Mods/Update Info 1.5
27 items

This is a simple mod that increases the amount of quests the storytellers give you. By default you should get 2 quests within 12 days or 1-3 quests in 12 days for Randy. This mod doubles it so you should receive 4 quests within 12 days for all storytellers including Randy.

You really do not need this mod as the same thing can be achieved with the in game scenario settings by adding an incident to trigger quests every X days. I'm keeping it here because some people like it and the only update it needed was a version number change.

Note: Quests by default require a certain wealth threshold to be reached to trigger. In very low wealth starts like naked brutality or tribals its possible you might not get quests for a year or more until you hit that specific threshold.

This mod is included in [FSF] FrozenSnowFox Tweaks.

Compatibility/Load Order

This mod uses patching to modify all storytellers so it should be compatible even with mod added storytellers if they have a section for quests using StorytellerCompProperties_RandomQuest like vanilla storytellers. Simply load this mod after your storyteller mods.

Customisation - XML Extensions

If this mod finds the XML Extensions mod loaded it will load an XML Extensions version of the mod instead of the normal version. This version comes with a mod settings menu allowing easy customisation of the frequency of quests. You can access the XML Extensions menu by clicking the plus icon next to the mod options in the main menu.

Customisation - Manual Editing

If you want to change the frequency of quests it's very easy to do. You will however have to redo your changes if the mod is updated. You can find the mod located under


The file you need to edit is located under the Patches folder. Simply open the file in notepad and you’ll be able to modify it. Inside you'll find 3 paragraphs of text, each for a different setting. I don't know the exact function of these settings so this is what I think is correct. The onDays setting is the time span setting you will receive numIncidentsRange quests within this time span at a minimum of minSpacingDays. The minSpacingDays must be small enough that your numIncidentsRange fits within the onDays.

For instance you can't have 5 events trigger within 2 days if they must have a minimum of one day between. If you try to do that the game will throw an error. For minSpacingDays the lowest I've seen is 0.1 which should be no more than a few hours between events.

For daily quests use the following settings onDays 1, numIncidentsRange 1, minSpacingDays 0.5.


Q: The mod isn't working. I'm not getting quests as I should.
A: Are you playing a new game? For random quests to generate you need to meet a minimum wealth threshold. Depending on your starting conditions and progress reaching this threshold can be relatively quick or extremely long. For very low wealth starts like a no tech naked brutality it can sometimes take years to reach the minimum wealth threshold.


Made by FrozenSnowFox
The mod icon is from Game icons[game-icons.net] and was modified by me. It is used under the CC BY 3.0 Licence[creativecommons.org]

If you enjoy my mods and want to give me a little tip check out the link below.

FrozenSnowFox  [author] 16 Dec, 2024 @ 1:02pm 
@Ranger Dimitri
There's mod settings with a slider if you have the mod XML Extensions, you can find more information in the description. As for manual editing you can find the file you need to change at the location below.

Ranger Dimitri 16 Dec, 2024 @ 1:04am 
I can't tell which folder you are referring to as a patch to edit it. I'm guessing it would not be easy to just make a simpler slider menu in mod options in game to edit the quest generation rate?
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 1 Dec, 2024 @ 5:16pm 
@Doc Cross
If you're having issues with manual editing then I'd suggest you get XML Extensions. It'll be a lot easier to use the in game menu and you won't have to worry about the file being reset by steam at any point.
Doc Cross 1 Dec, 2024 @ 4:52pm 
I may need the XML Extensions mod you mentioned. I found the file you are speaking of, but it doesn't seem to want to let me edit it. I could copy and paste it into notepad to change things, but then how would I make sure it is formatted properly so that I don't mess up what is there? I'll admit, I'm not well versed in these things.
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 1 Dec, 2024 @ 4:26pm 
@Doc Cross
If I recall correctly for the scenario settings you want to do Create Incident and I think there was something labelled Quest or similar.

If you have the mod XML Extensions there's an in game menu you can use to edit the settings.

As for manual editing you can find it at the location below. It's an XML file but you can edit it in notepad without issues.

Doc Cross 1 Dec, 2024 @ 4:13pm 
I can't tell if the mod isn't working, or if I am still just not satisfied with the amount of quests im pulling in. I've tried to follow the instructions on adjusting the frequency of quest pop ups, but I don't see any options in the game scenario settings as the description suggests, and I am unable to locate the notepad to adjust things manually. I can find some sort of Microsoft Edge link to code, but it isn't editable. Any advice?
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 31 Oct, 2024 @ 3:27pm 
It doesn't require any expansions. Just bear in mind as per the FAQ there is a minimum colony wealth threshold for firing quests.
MassiveRockP 31 Oct, 2024 @ 2:59pm 
Do i need all the rimworld expansions for this to work? or will it still work for me only using the ideology and biotech expansions?
FrozenSnowFox  [author] 18 Sep, 2024 @ 2:05pm 
@Maki Zenin
Yes it's safe to add or remove midsave.
Femto bandit.gg 18 Sep, 2024 @ 8:23am 
so can i add mid save and it'll work