Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

6,854 ratings
mighty foot engaged
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Fun, Realism
File Size
651.597 KB
3 Feb, 2020 @ 3:29am
10 Mar @ 7:15am
226 Change Notes ( view )

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mighty foot engaged

In 1 collection by 22050hz amen break sample
Stuff I've done (and like)
17 items
the smod kick of theseus, made to be actually maintained and improved as time goes on
originally grew from a dissatisfaction of what was available and a striving to improve (and everyone says its kinda like maximum action i guess and its true it was inspired by it a bit)
by god, not perfect, but better than everything else
HOW TO USE: Uninstall sharpeye
open the console (SHIFT+ESC)
run "bind g mightyfootengaged"
press G to kick.
You can use any other key for it too, for example "bind mouse4 mightyfootengaged"
to change how it works go to spawnmenu>options>chen's addons>mighty foot
features (mostly compared to other smod kick types):
  • basically a simple universal melee attack that should work with any weapon
  • several animation sets to choose from:
    Names in white require third party addons, and have links to them.
    Apex Legends/Titanfall 2
    Random available
  • an optional real third person animation, requires Extended Player Animations (Draconic Base is not required but xdReanims or DynaBase is)
  • a modified amalgamation of a few smod kick addons and actually somewhat functional code and rewriting by me (including the context menu category)
  • a leg that has player color and accounts for all bodygroups and skins that could possibly matter
  • a more robust kick so you won't have to look exactly at things to kick them (extra helpful with headcrabs and other small things)
  • an extensive list of settings to modify, including kick damage, applied physics forces, door-busting, and a bunch more
  • has the sliders and stuff in options submenu instead of a separate derma panel
  • kicking effects have been restricted to fix unintended side effects (i.e. kicking brush entities through the map, this was a problem with each kick addon i've used; kicking in vehicles resulting in suicide; other such things)
  • option to enable disarming npcs and players upon being kicked (two separate options plus you can't disarm friendlies) (like ez2)
  • kick mid-air to make use of your body to deal more damage
  • kick to press buttons and stuff you're holding away
  • kicking stuff pushes you back and you can kickboost like maximum action/cruelty squad and even launch into fr*icking space with a kick
  • entities, ragdolls, and doors use separate force calculations (tfa's used both ragdoll and entity variables in the same calculation making it absolutely pointless to have the former???)
  • glass panes break and it does not use a bullet trace (why would anyone use a bullet trace when kicks dont leave bullet holes)
  • a number of experimental features such as "projectile parrying" and "kick everything at mass relative force" just for the sake of it
  • probably not completely broken in mp! there's no prediction though because legacy code lol
  • probably won't crash you (hasn't for me)
  • nzombies support that makes it (literally) your second crowbar/knife by cutting out most of the variability in favor of consistency, and *should* work universally across configs
ffgsnz in memoriam
you can find all the related console commands with the prefix "mf_"
wanna make a localization? help me, or yourself, on github[]
4 developers: you can check for mighty foot damage by checking for 67 in GetDamageCustom in the CTakeDamageInfo object
known issues:
  • if your gmod crashes on kicking certain kinds of doors, disable Extended Properties
  • if you have any issues with legs not being present where they should, enable compatibility mode in client options first stop using sharpeye
  • if doors either stay stuck and/or flop over, open the console and run "whereis models/props_c17/door01_left.phy" to find out what other add-on is causing the problem
  • mirrors, remote screens, etc. have you t-posing behind you when kicking in first person fixed since 28th of April 2024
  • should not conflict with other "smod kick" type addons, AT ALL, and if they do they're derivatives of this
  • if your model brings an error, it's the model's fault
  • has a temporary "weapon bash" looking animation in third person only if you don't have the required add-ons for that
notes: i'm not good kind of okay at code
some creds to LeErOy NeWmAn, whorshipper, TFA and the guy who made tfa smod kick modified (for a couple good ideas), and Twilight Sparkle for porting the Apex leg animations.
join lowercase gang

Popular Discussions View All (13)
16 hours ago
not changing animations
14 Mar @ 12:50am
PINNED: is there a bug
22050hz amen break sample
27 Dec, 2024 @ 11:10am
Buy fent
Mishaspace 11 hours ago 
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 20 Mar @ 10:44am 
i have attempted to experiment with it a little before, but don't give it any expectations
苍然灬暖男 20 Mar @ 10:20am 
I have a small suggestion, can you add a setting to retract the weapon when kicking? Every time I kick, my legs are blocked by the gun model, please consider it! thank you!
._VeryBluBoi_. 17 Mar @ 4:30pm 
nvm just a certain arccw weapon that causes this
._VeryBluBoi_. 17 Mar @ 3:44pm 
does Arccw cause bugs on this mod?
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 11 Mar @ 8:08am 
would require me to make npcs be able to do that in the first place
顺丰李师傅95338 11 Mar @ 7:26am 
Can I knock down the enemy? It's like the push of "L4D2"?
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 11 Mar @ 3:12am 
at least the lambda players update isn't on the workshop yet, check my fork of it
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 10 Mar @ 11:42pm 
again, huh
MixedUpManiac 10 Mar @ 6:25pm 
new update broke the lambda players' ability to use it
[mighty foot engaged] lua/autorun/sh_mightyfootengaged.lua:1125: attempt to call method 'DoCustomAnimEvent' (a nil value)
1. MightyFootEngaged - lua/autorun/sh_mightyfootengaged.lua:1125
2. unknown - lua/entities/npc_lambdaplayer.lua:871