

941 ratings
Royalty Tweaks
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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513.237 KB
9 Mar, 2020 @ 4:27pm
4 May, 2024 @ 12:35pm
41 Change Notes ( view )
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Royalty Tweaks

Limits throne room requirement to highest ranking royal. Also re-enables passionate skills.

Royalty Tweaks 1.3
What noble in their right mind would let their knights each have their own throne room? Not mine, that's for sure!

This mod removes the demand by nobles other than the highest ranking in your colony to have a throne room. You can still give them one if you like but it's entirely optional.

Conceited royals (greedy and/or jealous) are also a little less lazy now that they remember how much they used to like to do the... things they liked to do... before the mysterious brain implants. They will continue to work their passionate skills even after ranking up.

  • The only royal who will have need of a throne room and the Authority need that goes with it is the royal with the highest title who lives on the same map.
  • If they are married to another royal, their spouse can also have need of a throne room and authority need if their title demands it. This option can be changed in the option menu.
  • If there is a tie for loftiest title regardless of relationship, both will demand throne rooms until you give one to one of them.

  • Conceited royals will now continue to work their previously title-disabled passionate skills. This feature can be turned off in the options menu if desired.

None! (Hopefully)

Q. Can this be installed in a pre-existing game/save?
A. Yep! No problem. It can also be removed at any time without barfing.

1.221 Direct Download[github.com]

HawnHan - Chinese Translation

1.3 - Applied all changes to CombinedDisabledWorkTags

1.221 - Fixed Mutant code that Ludeon changed before release.

1.21 - Fixed compatibility with traits disabled through genes (Thanks, TheCakeMachine!)

1.2 - Fixed DLL to work with Rimworld 1.5

1.19 - Fixed DLL issues. (Sorry, folks!)

1.18 - Upgraded to 1.4 game version support.

1.17 - Upgraded to 1.3 game version support.
Support for multiple spouses (I hope).

1.16 - Removed Inspiration from Inspiring Speech stuff because it's been added to the core Royalty experience. Updated the mod to not throw warnings about game version 1.2.

1.15 - The second highest royal will no longer demand a throneroom when the highest one gets sent on a caravan or goes out trading or something. It should now work as expected. Thanks to Delmar for reporting that bug.

1.14 - Progress marches on. I removed the authority stuff since it's been removed from the game itself. I did some code cleanup on some renamed methods as well.

1.13 - Authority need decay rate is now adjustable. You can make your royals spend less time in the throne room if you like.

1.12 - Inspirational speeches can trigger skill inspiration in listeners.

1.11 - Removed shared throne room stuff because it's now in the vanilla game.

1.10 - * Option to allow all nobles to share a single throne room.

* Attempted to address issues some people have with saving settings.

1.09 - * Updated to support conceited royals.

* Addressed Incapable List bug.

1.08 - * If there is more than one royal with the highest title, the others will stop demanding a throne room when you assign a throne to one of them.

* Added Chinese translations to the options menu.

* Attempted to limit the mod logic to prevent strange behavior in other circumstances.

1.07a - Throne Room adjustments are now optional and controlled in the options menu. Made minor changes to try and make the mod settings turned on by default.

1.06 - Resolved Work Tab incompatibility

1.05 - You can toggle if you'd like to re-enable all passionate skills or just major ones in the options menu.

1.04 - Saved skill priority settings now properly loading for passion skills.

1.03 - * Royals will now continue to work their passionate skills.
* Fixed spousal throne room desire to be true for new installs. If a spouse isn't demanding a throneroom and you wondered why, this is why. It defaulted to false previously and erroneously. You can always toggle it either way in the mod options (now plural!) menu.

1.02 - Spouse throne room desire can now be changed via an options menu checkbox.

1.01 - You can now assign lower title pawns to their own throne rooms and reestablish their Authority need/work but also get the mood bonuses for having a throne room. Also speeches... because who doesn't love listening to a really great speech? Maybe during a heat wave... cozying up to some burning braziers while standing next to a cannibal wearing a raider hat.

1.00 - Initial Release

(This is my first time ever publishing a mod so any suggestions are welcome!

Thanks for looking!)

Copyright 2024 Mobius Mods This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named Mobius
Popular Discussions View All (3)
16 Jan @ 7:22pm
4 May, 2024 @ 12:12pm
16 Mar, 2020 @ 5:31am
Can you please provide a non-steam link?
(≡◉‿‿◉≡) 9 Feb @ 8:04am 
Yeah.. this mod is not working. Before I installed this mod the throne room is not a requirement for a novice now it's asking me for a throne room already unlike before. Plus the Knight title still needs a throne room even though I deactivated it on the setting. Just like the guy below me. It might have conflicts with the latest updates or with Empire itself.
yutheboxer 27 Dec, 2024 @ 5:43am 
Perhaps it could be fixed by making a throneroom for the knight, then accepting the bestowing ceremony. And once the title is given, get rid of the throne room and see if it's fixed?
yutheboxer 27 Dec, 2024 @ 5:42am 
Could be an issue of not having this Royalty Tweaks mod's options turned on by default. I thought this was active by default, but then I checked the options of this mod and just found out that it was indeed not turned on.
Mobius  [author] 26 Dec, 2024 @ 1:40pm 
yutheboxer: Thanks for letting people know. You might be able to put my mod later in your mod order to fix that, but then it's possible other features of their mod might not work. Hard to say.
yutheboxer 26 Dec, 2024 @ 7:19am 
This mod seems to conflict with Vanilla Factions Expanded: Empire mod. The knights still seem to require their own throne rooms, despite having toggled this mod on.
Revixtre 5 Sep, 2024 @ 10:59am 
vanilla factions expanded empire thats what it is @Mobius
Mobius  [author] 29 Jul, 2024 @ 7:26pm 
@Misty Step: I don't know what that is so can't say. Feel free to try it and post your results!
Huayra-tata 29 Jul, 2024 @ 7:26am 
is this compatible with VFE Empire?
Mobius  [author] 31 May, 2024 @ 11:18pm 
Kalisa: That's not intended/ I never looked at the mechanics for leveling up so if it cares about the throne room, I don't change it. Thanks for letting me know. Next time I'm in the code, I'll look for that.
Kalisa 31 May, 2024 @ 9:26pm 
not sure if this is intended, or perhaps a mod conflict im getting, but having to still need a throne room for pawns of lesser rank to at least rank them up, once they are ranked up though i can take the throne room away and they are fine. So they still need the throne room initially to get the rank even if its a lesser rank then the highest noble you have.