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Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
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Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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8 avr. 2020 à 4h58
10 avr. 2024 à 6h25
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Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers

Dans 2 collections faites par Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
107 objets
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 objets


1.2.0 (28/04/2021): Caravan raid size now capped at half wealth value of your colony.
1.1.8 (02/10/2020): - Chemlamp can now be properly placed on top of table, dresser...
- Protection fee request now take into account colony wealth
- Saloon doors now open quicker than normal doors
- Caravan raid is now using the quest system. The number of guards now scale with player wealth
- When using Vanilla Weapons Expanded, settlers and bandits can spawn with whip
- Bandana no longer hide hairs

After the success of our Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval, which was a faction mod closing the gap between tribal faction and outlander faction, we have begun work on another faction mod - this time adding frontier settlers, inspired by western films. The scope of this mod is quite similar to our Medieval mod, so you can expect it to be a well fitting mini-expansion.

Thanks to Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers, you can experience the harsh reality of being a gang of bandits on the rimworld frontier. Settlements of this faction are built in the same way they were in frontier America - with a main road separating a town into two parts. Thanks to new outfits and headgear, as well as several new weapons, your colonists will be able to blend in perfectly alongside all those thugs and prospectors shooting each other on the streets and drinking chemshine - a new, highly volatile chemfuel distilled alcohol. A large amount of new chemfuel-themed structures allow you to witness the power of combustible fuel, making your bases look just like the wild west settlements! A new starting scenario allows you to play bandits, a faction hostile to every other civilisation on the planet, and with new, fully revamped world quests you can become a bounty hunter or a caravan raider! Sorry, no stagecoach robbery included!

A new storyteller, Diego Dire, would like to tell you a story that begins with the blaze of glory. Not only will he provide you with more western-style events than regular, vanilla events, he will also scale backwards - meaning the beginning will be difficult, but it will slowly become more and more friendly. That is, of course, until Diego decides to start the cycle all over again, throwing the worst of the worst at you. Can you handle the challenge?

With a native support for the other Vanilla Expanded mods, settlers will come equipped with Vanilla Apparel Expanded clothing, whilst thanks to Vanilla Weapons Expanded, bandits will start using lever action rifles and sawed-off shotguns!

And watch out for drunk muffalos. Those beasts love chemshine!

This mod requires a Vanilla Factions Expanded - Core to run.



Oskar Potocki, an artist and a designer, responsible for all the artwork and visual imagery.

Trunken, a programmer responsible for the XML code of weapons and apparel.

LimeTreeSnake, a programmer responsible for the C# and XML code of the mod.

Kikohi, a programmer who helped with finalising the mod for release.

Storyteller art by Vitalii.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

Thank you:

Vanilla Expanded team for constant support.

Beta testers, including Chowder and Logger, for finding pesky bugs.

(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

Q: Why did you re-release the mod?
A: The 1.1 version depends on our re-released 1.1 Vanilla Factions Expanded - Core. If I didn’t re-release the mod, I would have to add two dependencies to one mod, which would cause confusion.

Q: Can I suggest a feature?
A: Absolutely, leave a comment down below!

Q: Will you keep updating the mod with new content?
A: Possibly, but we will much rather focus on developing new modules for the faction mod.

Q: Do I need the base module for it to work?
A: Yes, the base module is required as it contains all the functionality of the mod.

Q: Is this mod compatibile with Combat Extended?
A: Yes.

Q: Is this mod save game compatible?
A: Yes, you can add it and remove it whenever you like, however you do need a mod like Orion’s Faction Discovery for the settlers faction to actually spawn.

Q: Is it compatible with Go Explore?
A: It is compatible with majority, if not all, mods. In case you encounter errors, please refer to Known Issues section.

Q: Is it compatible with Westerado?
A: Yes it is!

Q: Are the mod features active without having Diego Dire as your storyteller?
A: Absolutely! You just get more Caravan raid and Bounty Hunt events with him!

Q: Can I grow chemroot in hydroponics?
A: Yes. It requires 120% fertility - hydroponics provide 280%, which means chemroot will grow just fine. It will also grow in fertile soil. It will NOT grow in regular soil.


Discussions populaires Tout voir (17)
15 mars à 4h49
Bounty Target not spawning
2 sept. 2024 à 6h57
Caravan ambushes not spawning
Sulya Sparrow
19 avr. 2022 à 12h18
Reporting bug with gog version
The Old One
1 275 commentaires
vincent_renevot 18 mars à 6h14 
This mod is amazing and it has only one issue to correct to be multiplayer compatible.
Chocolate Dust 11 mars à 4h04 
saloon doors have the rain effect on them while under roof
Scryie 6 mars à 1h38 
Silly idea: persona versions of the weapons added by this mod
CloudJuri 5 mars à 1h53 
Saloon Door have rain texture on it even inside of house and under the roof
JikanX 16 févr. à 20h00 
chemshine barrel doesnt appear when i research chemfuel, does anyone know a fix
Errant_Gunner 13 févr. à 2h18 
Is the chemboiler supposed to work with dubs bad hygiene as a water heating device? Or is it just for area heating?
swaggy 31 janv. à 21h09 
the bounty quest immediately finished when i entered the tile
DayChap 26 janv. à 0h18 
Seems to be an issue with the double action revolver icon. Its to small and low compared to every other weapon.
tehswordninja 18 janv. à 11h24 
Noticed that Saloon doors show rain particles even when indoors during a rainstorm
I3eauLeBoi 9 janv. à 6h25 
Like wise, i finally decided to visit/ or attack the outpost, and its just vanilla generation.