

Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
vincent_renevot 18 Mar @ 6:14am 
This mod is amazing and it has only one issue to correct to be multiplayer compatible.
Chocolate Dust 11 Mar @ 4:04am 
saloon doors have the rain effect on them while under roof
Scryie 6 Mar @ 1:38am 
Silly idea: persona versions of the weapons added by this mod
CloudJuri 5 Mar @ 1:53am 
Saloon Door have rain texture on it even inside of house and under the roof
JikanX 16 Feb @ 8:00pm 
chemshine barrel doesnt appear when i research chemfuel, does anyone know a fix
Errant_Gunner 13 Feb @ 2:18am 
Is the chemboiler supposed to work with dubs bad hygiene as a water heating device? Or is it just for area heating?
swaggy 31 Jan @ 9:09pm 
the bounty quest immediately finished when i entered the tile
DayChap 26 Jan @ 12:18am 
Seems to be an issue with the double action revolver icon. Its to small and low compared to every other weapon.
tehswordninja 18 Jan @ 11:24am 
Noticed that Saloon doors show rain particles even when indoors during a rainstorm
I3eauLeBoi 9 Jan @ 6:25am 
Like wise, i finally decided to visit/ or attack the outpost, and its just vanilla generation.
Big Cheese 8 Jan @ 5:55pm 
the map gen doesn't seem to be working for me
est.on.est 8 Jan @ 5:54pm 
is there a way to remove the apparel gender mismatch debuff? it feels insane to me that my colony that has no rules on male/female clothing requirements suddenly cares if a dude who's married to a mining cyborg and is half goat decides he wants to wear a dress
I3eauLeBoi 4 Jan @ 8:19am 
You could use the mod cherry picker.
But there are also other mods that limit ALL other factions to that of your technology progression, i believe it was called "Ignorance is bliss"
Chomik 3 Jan @ 3:32pm 
Does someone knew how to limit technology level to just steamage ones? Is there any mod which do it?
Prinz Meini 29 Dec, 2024 @ 2:21pm 
When you have trouble delivering a bounty and you're useing perfomance optimizer, you can uncheck "faster getcomp methods replacement" and the button will reapper.
I don't know what the consequences for turning it off are, but you can recheck it after delivering the bounty.
Flat 14 Nov, 2024 @ 8:52pm 
Does the Chemshined hediff ever wear off?
o b s i d 27 Oct, 2024 @ 5:55am 
Group of pigskins showed up to siege us with nerve gas shells and mortars. skipped in my heavily-armored cataphract squad to take care of them. Some dipwad named Wapog threw a stick of dynamite from this mod at us which instantly blew up 3 inches from his face. It set off the nerve gas shells they were preparing to launch and a cloud of deadly neurotoxin spread out immediately 50 pigskin raiders who had been preparing to assault us were choking to death and I had fired all of 3 shots, none of which had hit yet. This isn't a complaint or anything, dynamite having a random detonation timer just makes for really funny stories.
Ravinglegend 23 Oct, 2024 @ 6:51am 
There is a source file left in one of the earlier versions 1.1-1.3, I think its 1.3. I deleted it locally but it reduces the mod's size down to about 2.5 megabytes so it would be cool to have it removed.
DrBossWatson 21 Oct, 2024 @ 4:25pm 
I captured a bounty and brought them to a settlement owned by the faction but there wasn't anything new on the UI for me to click to turn them in.
phantomass 11 Oct, 2024 @ 4:45am 
@xDreadbloodx dynamite are not spawning, not hostile groups that traveling through ur map are dropping it for some reason. And I wonder how to solve this too
Mr. Snek 5 Oct, 2024 @ 4:48am 
@xDreadbloodx I have this with other items and do not (yet) have this mod, its either base game bug or a different mod.
xDreadbloodx 20 Sep, 2024 @ 11:20am 
anyone else having this mod cause dynamite to keep spawning at the edge of the map?
NamelessArcuve 12 Sep, 2024 @ 12:31am 
Settlers for some reason never give bounty hunting/caravan quests, they did in previous versions before
sparkedflint 17 Aug, 2024 @ 9:57pm 
Love the mod, but was disappointed when I realized they can drop pod
MORROGANDER 16 Aug, 2024 @ 9:43am 
Anyone encountered weird bug when bounty hunting? Upon arrive at the quest location the bounty target do not seem to spawn, I killed it's whole camp but just can't find the target
Neopolitan Daze 12 Aug, 2024 @ 7:31pm 
Is this compatible with the Simple Warrants mod?
Marcus 27 Jul, 2024 @ 2:06pm 
Every single raider in this mod is using hunting rifles. I have frontier weapons installed as well. Why is a 22 person siege equipped only with hunting rifles when there are so many weapons.
Kirboh 13 Jul, 2024 @ 7:38am 
In this mod, or only in the Frontier Weapons mod?
Kirboh 11 Jul, 2024 @ 5:46pm 
What about Vanilla Weapons Expanded?
Kirboh 11 Jul, 2024 @ 6:05am 
Has this particular mod been patched so that the Settlers factions only use appropriate tech-locked weapons, or do you need the Frontier Weapons mod for that?
maidqwert 10 Jul, 2024 @ 11:57am 
Adding a wild west duel would be pretty cool
Jaggid Edje 10 Jul, 2024 @ 10:29am 
I started keeping chemshine in my prison cells so prisoners could indulge if they wanted to a few days ago. Today I learned what happens if you execute a chemshined prisoner. This mod is now officially in my "primary" mod list, never to be removed again.
Piggy 10 Jul, 2024 @ 9:45am 
Are settlers supposed to have industrial tech (drop pods, etc)? I feel like they should be stuck in the 18/1900's, like how medievals are stuck in the 13-1500's.
CatsAreCool 10 Jul, 2024 @ 7:52am 
American moment
Moz 30 Jun, 2024 @ 10:14pm 
Yeah performance optimizer broke the button to turn in bounties, removed that mod and now the button is there now
Oskar Potocki  [author] 30 Jun, 2024 @ 2:25am 
Birb II ,,King of the Arc" 30 Jun, 2024 @ 12:26am 
Do I need to deliver the bounty target on foot to the colony to take the bonus reward? Cuz sending him in a lounch pod doesnt give me the money
Jaggid Edje 10 Jun, 2024 @ 1:42pm 
Just came back to answer my own question. Yes, it apparantly needs chairs. Once I built a chair for it, a pawn used it within a day or so.

It really should say that it requires chairs in the description like all of the vanilla game recreation which requires chairs does.
Jaggid Edje 9 Jun, 2024 @ 5:30pm 
Can anyone tell me if the five finger filet table needs chairs or something, and if it does, what position to place them at? I've had one built for like 2+ years in game and no one ever uses it.
Santas Helper 9 Jun, 2024 @ 4:12am 
also: dunno if this is not actually supposed to be prohibited, but i had an outlaw bandit raid who i refused protection money from show up in drop pods... wtf? i know drop pods are "industrial tech" in the game, but geez, lol. is there a way to disable a specific tech from a faction pack or do i need to use a mod to move the drop pods to spacer tech?
Santas Helper 9 Jun, 2024 @ 4:10am 
given the horrible accuracy of the gatling turret, the aiming time should be less than 2sec, only time you can hit something with it is when you are 2-3 tiles from the target, and even then you get maybe 2 shots off before they move out of range again and have to restart the "warm up" cycle. cool concept, but it isnt practical when pawns move so fast and the range is so short. also, why would it explode on destruction? the only thing "flammable" is the stripper clip fed into the top, which is no more a danger of exploding than a shotgun in your hand. i could go on about how it isnt "realistic" but i know that isnt the goal here. i just want it to be useful, as it is, it is a downgrade to literally any other weapon in the hands of a pawn, and that is without considering the penalties applied to it. just makes me sad that it is so neat, yet so detrimental to use.
RandomHero 14 May, 2024 @ 10:46am 
It works fine most of the time for me too. This might be an edge case. Maybe it has to do with the wanted quest picking a pawn that has a relationship with another pawn in the game. Also, it occurred before 1.5 too. If the mod author could state that the mod is intended to create the pawn record in two places in the save, maybe that would help me troubleshoot which other mod might be conflicting. My mod list generally only consists of UI improvements and Vanilla Expanded content.
Brandon12340987 13 May, 2024 @ 10:58pm 
this mod works fine, you may want to check all your mods in their comment sections to see if they are actually 1.5 many mods updated the version number without checking if they work, new conflicts with mods that used to work is also an issue
RandomHero 13 May, 2024 @ 10:09pm 
Is there a way to disable the "wanted" quests? I never use them, and they seem to be continually corrupting my save file with duplicate IDs. It may be a combination with another mod, but I get errors saying duplicate weapon/item IDs and the items/weapons belonging to the pawn created by the quest in both pawnsForcefullyKeptAsWorldPawns and WorldObjects/Site. It has happened multiple times, and it seems related to wanted quests. Example:

Cannot register RimWorld.Apparel Apparel_Tuque11288424, (id=Thing_Apparel_Tuque11288424 in loaded object directory. Id already used by RimWorld.Apparel Apparel_Tuque11288424.

I deleted the archived quest with dev mode, and edited the save to clear the two pawn records, and the errors went away. Instead, I got a warning about a null pawn in a relationship of another pawn. I saved in-game and loaded that save, and the warning is also gone now.

I created a bug report with google forms. Hopefully it helps. Thanks for all your hard work.
Definitely a Virus 12 May, 2024 @ 6:13pm 
Vanilla outpost quests inform you how many enemy pawns are present at the site (which is hilarious at times, because, like, under what circumstances am I ever taking on 20 pawns for 200 wood? lol)

I noticed that this mod's Caravan Raids do not, but I was wondering if there was any chance of that changing at some point? The way raid points calculate, enemy pawn count can increase pretty quickly and drastically at times and I often find myself very wary of trying to actually raid other faction's caravans because I have no way of knowing if I'm sending enough bandits out.
kongkim 12 May, 2024 @ 11:51am 
Are there a reason way when its raining, it always look like there are no roof over the saloon door? or is it a bug? have had that as long as the mod has beenn out :)
Officer_Doofy 1 May, 2024 @ 11:04am 
Thank you! (I have no idea how I missed the links for that above)
Oskar Potocki  [author] 1 May, 2024 @ 3:43am 
You can try RimWorld public discord, in the troubleshooting channels.
Officer_Doofy 30 Apr, 2024 @ 10:42pm 
Sorry if this isn't the place, but where would I go to ask about bugs? I seem to have one with faction settlements not loading correctly. Thanks!
Brandon12340987 27 Apr, 2024 @ 6:47pm 
narrowed down the mod that might have been causing the world gen issue and so far it seems to not be this mod but a completely unrelated one to the world map