Football Manager 2020

Football Manager 2020

269 ratings
The 2006 07 DB V.1
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12.748 MB
15 Apr, 2020 @ 9:12am
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The 2006 07 DB V.1

This is the 2006/07 season database. Everything in the FM20 database, has been reverted back to 2006. All the leagues is as they where back in 2006, with all the teams from back then. The players attributes is copied from FM07 (2006/07 season). So now you have the chance to train and coach all the legends from the middle of the century, in the best football management simulation game ever. To get the full experience please read the instructions below.

Playable Leagues : England (Premier League + Championship) Italy ( Serie A + Serie B) Spain (Primera) France (Ligue 1) Germany (Bundesliga) Scotland (Premier) Brazil (Serie A) Argentina (Primiera) Portugal (Premier)

SETUP INSTRUCTIONS for downloading/subscribing on Steam : Start a new career and !!!IMPORTANT !!! Choose the default FM database 20.1.0. Then tick the box saying 2006/07 DB and make sure no other boxes is ticked. Press confirm and choose advanced setup. Choose how many of the playable leagues you want to load and then press Approximate Player Count, and choose Advanced. Then choose as many nations as you want to load players from besides the leagues you have loaded. Tick the boxes saying Players Based In Nation. Even if your computer says that the number of players exeeds the recommended level it will only load the 10.000 players which is created in the DB. Finally press Start Game and enjoy.

Go and Re-live or change football history.

NB ! Get the latest update for the DB on my Patreon, Discord, Twitter and Facebook pages.
kkkkkmos 29 Oct, 2021 @ 8:53am 
Will the database of this mod be updated? I mean I have played for more than a dozen seasons. Will there be any stars in history? Such as Pogba, Kanter, Salah, etc.
Littlefinger 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:44am 
That is ok, and I totally get that my man. Love the mod nonetheless anyway! Great work :)

-Former Marster-Thrige
ruicosta10 2 Aug, 2021 @ 1:31pm 
how to get Daniele Rossi in playing because he and physical trainer ?
初唐君子李渊 26 May, 2021 @ 5:07am 
Chelsea and Arsenal has not Ashley Cole
初唐君子李渊 26 May, 2021 @ 4:59am 
Does this mod have porto's RB Bosingwa(in others league)
lotan374 25 May, 2021 @ 9:39am 
DB for FM21?
h€nc$ck 22 Mar, 2021 @ 7:44am 
Could u add Russia to DB, please ?
The Mad Scientist / FM  [author] 22 Jan, 2021 @ 6:37am 
TamarinMonkey16 If Rooney is ineligible for games its because you didnt choose the default 20.1.0 football manager database when setting up a new career. If you've chosen a fm database with an update it will conflict with the 06/07 DB. Please read the setup instructions above.
TamarinMonkey16 22 Jan, 2021 @ 2:03am 
rooney is ineligible for games
The_Monk27 16 Nov, 2020 @ 3:18am 
Paul Parry is missing from Cardiff