112 Operator

112 Operator

64 ratings
Workshop Guide
By eMka and 1 collaborators
Guide for uploading and testing 112 Operator modifications.
This guide describes how to make and upload modifications for 112 Operator. At the moment, the modifiable content are translations, vehicles, incidents, calls and faces. More options will be enabled in future.
Creating a mod
To start making a mod, navigate to C:/Users/<user_name>/AppData/LocalLow/JutsuGames/112 Operator/MyMods, and create new folder. All content for a single modification should be organised into proper subfolders here. The subfolder names you will need to use are specified in each mod type section.

For example if you want to add new vehicle to the game, with a proper description, create new folder in MyMods, called "My new vehicle", and in this folder create two subfolders: "Vehicles", where new vehicle properties will be, and "Languages", where you will put text file with vehicle description in the chosen language(s).
Content and StreamingAssets
In this guide you will be often asked to modify or look at files in "StreamingAssets" folder. To find it, right click on the game in library, select Properties, then go to LOCAL FILES tab, and click the BROWSE LOCAL FILES button. This will take you to the game's install directory. From there, navigate to "Operator 112_Data\StreamingAssets\."
Example mods
In this guide we often use mods that are currently in workshop as an example. You can check what is inside of them (as well as in any other mod). To do this, subscribe to the desired mod and wait for Steam to download it (starting the game can help prompt the update). Then, navigate to <steam_directory>\steamapps\workshop\content\793460\ - here should be folders containing the mods, where you can check its content.

You can copy a single folder to your MyMods directory, to see how it looks using the in-game Workshop Uploader (you won't be able to upload though, if you are not mod contributor). To start your own mod based on one from the workshop, after moving it to MyMods directory, delete the config.json file. During upload, Steam will create and return a new workshop item for your mod.
Subfolder name: Languages

Creating new translation
The whole process of creating translation for the game is described here:

If you have your localization file ready, move it to MyMods/<modname>/Languages/ directory. If you want to make it from scratch, just copy default english translation there, and edit it's values. The "en-US.txt" file that you can use as a base for new translation, is located in StreamingAssets/Languages/.

Localization files placed in mod's Language folder will be shown in language dropdown in settings, with a default flag and the same name as filename.

You can add a simple configuration file to the folder, to set language name and iso code. The file should have same name as translation file, but with ".json" extension instead of ".txt". Content of the file should look like this:
{ "name": "Brazilian", "code": "pt-BR" }

Then this translation will be presented in dropdown like this:

The flag is automatically set based on the code from config file.

Overriding translation
You can override existing translations from the game by freely modifying the files from the directory with translations, shown above. Copy the chosen language file to your mod's Language folder, and change whatever you want. This type of modification is used in Censored English mod:

Adding new keys
When you create new content, and want to add some new texts that describe it, you don't need to upload whole language file. Just put chosen language with new keys in your mod Language folder. The Police tandem mod is done this way:

It has en-US.txt file that has only 2 keys, for vehicle name and description:
{ "text.names.ve_poltandem": "Police tandem", "text.descriptions.ve_poltandem": "Like regular two bicycles... but better." }

It has also pl-PL.txt file with the same keys, working with polish translation. All other versions will use game default English version.
Subfolder name: Vehicles

Modifying vehciles
The simplest way of modifying ingame vehicles, is to use our xml file with vehicles definitions, from StreamingAsstes/Vehicles/vehicleTypes.xml. Copy it to your mod's "Vehicles" folder, and change whatever you want:

id - id of the vehicle. If you want to modify an existing vehicle, chose the line with the desired id, and change it's other properties. To create new vehicle, type a new id.
type - type of unit (FIRE/MEDICAL/POLICE). ARMY is currently not used, and CIVILIAN is for vehicles used by running scenes.
bonuses - type and value of vehicle's bonus(es) (SEARCH/INJURED/FIRE/TECH/TALL/DYING). Vehicle can have more than one bonus (look ve_fireheli).
price - price in euro. Will be converted to your city currency, as all prices are in the game.
visibility - 1 means that incidents won't spawn near this vehicle.
armour - percentage chance (0-1) that team member using this vehicle will dodge the bullet.
maxSpeed - max vehicle speed in km/h.
acceleration - how fast vehicle will get to max speed, abstract value.
immobilizedBy - what type and value of weather immobilize vehicle
offroadSpeedModif - speed penalty for driving offroad. 1 means no modifier, 0.25 means vehicle will go with only 25% of it's maxSpeed.
trafficSpeedModif - multiplied by maxSpeed gives value, which is used when unit is going through traffic. 0 means unit will drive with default traffic speed.
teammembersSeats - how many team members can be assigned to vehicle (max 4 for default onsiteModel).
transportSeats - how many injured or suspects vehicle can take (max 6 for default onsiteModel).
upkeep - per duty cost for using this vehicle.
terrain - only to determinate if vehicle is moving on road or flying (terrain = "air").
patrols - not used parameter.
spawnChance - not used parameter.
allDrive - if true, then all team members need to be able to drive (need to be humans). Used in bikes, bicycles etc.
chaseProficiency - how good the is vehicle at stopping pursuit incidents. Abstract value. 0 means it can't stop scene at all.
unlockOnDuty - on with duty vehicle should be unlocked. 1 means it will be unlocked from begining, 2 - on second duty etc. -1 means it will need to be unlocked by console or story module. Note that it is STAGE dependent: first duty on middle counts as 4th duty overall, and first duty on senior/principal counts as 16th duty overall.
onsiteModel - which model should vehicle use on on site view. It should be id of any of built in vehicles, and it will have same amount of team member and transport seats as chosen vehicle. For example, if you type "ve_medvan", your vehicle will have 3 team member seats and 2 transport seats. Note that using model that has less member/transport seats than specified in xml may cause errors. "ve_poltrans" is default (4 team member, 6 transport seats max).

If you want to change only one or few vehicles, it's good practice to remove other, unchanged lines from file, to prevent overriding other mods. The Chasing helicopters is done this way.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1250"?> <ArrayOfVehicletype> <Vehicletype id="ve_polheli" type="POLICE" bonuses="SEARCH=1" price="200000" visibility="1" armour="0.3" maxSpeed="260" acceleration="10" immobilizedBy="Wind=15" offroadSpeedModif="1" trafficSpeedModif="0" teammembersSeats="2" transportSeats="0" upkeep="20000" terrain="air" patrols="false" spawnChance="0" allDrive="false" chaseProficiency="10"/> <Vehicletype id="ve_polhelibig" type="POLICE" bonuses="SEARCH=1" price="350000" visibility="1" armour="0.3" maxSpeed="230" acceleration="10" immobilizedBy="Wind=15" offroadSpeedModif="1" trafficSpeedModif="0" teammembersSeats="3" transportSeats="2" upkeep="35000" terrain="air" patrols="false" spawnChance="0" allDrive="false" chaseProficiency="10"/> </ArrayOfVehicletype>
The mod overrides only police helicopters, setting new chaseProficiency variables for them.

Adding new vehicles
The process of adding new vehicle is pretty similar to modifying existing ones. The main difference is in setting new id for it. Police tandem is example of this type of mod.

Setting name and description
To set vehicle's name and description you need to add localization file to your's mod Language folder. "en-US.txt" is most important, because it will be used as fallback language, if the game can't find the name and description in game's current language.

Key patterns that the game will search to find your vehicle's name and description looks like this:
{ "text.names.<your_vehicle_id>": "<name>", "text.descriptions.<your_vehicle_id>": "description" }
You can find example of this in Police tandem mod.

Vehicle icon
Setting vehicle icon is really simple. You just need to add a .png file to the Vehicles folder, with name same as the id of vehicle that you want to change. This way you can set icons for your newly vehicles, as well as override any existing vehicles icons.

So you can make your country themed vehicles mod, just by pasting few .png files with proper names, without the need to edit any text files, as it is done in 911 vehicles icons mod:

Examples of vehicle icons used in game are in StreamingAssets/Vehicles/
Incidents popularities
Subfolder name: Popularities

Overriding popularities
To override incident popularity (the frequency that incidents spawn in-game), you need to prepare a .json file, that defines a list of incidents with new popularities for a certain country and/or district. The base template of this file looks like this:
{ "countries": [{ "isoCode": "<country_2_letter_iso_code>", "incidents": [{ "id": "<incident_id>", "popularity": <numeric_value> } ] } ], "districts": [{ "id": <district_id>, "incidents": [{ "id": "<incident_id>", "popularity": <numeric_value> } ] } ] }

You can also use csv file, in which first row specifies countries and districts that should have popularities overrided, and each next row determines incident and its new popularity value for each region. Template looks like this:

Note that no value means base (or country) value will be used. This example should looks like this when opened with text editor:

;<country_2_letter_iso_code>;<district_id>;<district_id2> rep_stroke;0;2;12 rep_drug_dealer;10;;3

The example of this mod is Pacifist Poland.

It overrides some incidents popularities to 0, so that they will never occur, with exception of one district in Warsaw, where these incidents popularities are significantly increased. District incident popularities always override the country ones.

Note that these incidents won't occur in early duties of game anyway, because their "stage" parameter is set to 3. More about incidents and theirs modifications will be available in further workshop updates.

Incidents ID
Incident's ID can be found in StreamingAssets/Incidents/general_incidents.xml.

District ID
The simplest way to find the desired district ID is to start game on it and check the save. The save is a .json file, in which you need to find "areas" array, where the name, ID and other data about your districts are.
Subfolder name: Incidents

Modifying incidents
As always, its best to start by copying the file with our incidents definitions. This file is named general_incidents.xml and is located in your "StreamingAssets/Incidents/" directory. Copy it to the Incidents folder in your mod directory and feel free to experiment. It contains list of "incident" markups that has the scenes and their objects, that can be changed in many ways. Note that changing an objects ID will need new definition in the localization file.

An example of this type of modification is the Angry kids mod. It sets the age of aggressive suspects in most incidents to "CHILD".
It is good practice to upload only the incident definitions that you are modifying, and remove the ones that you didn't change, to prevent overriding other people's mods.

Creating new incidents
The process of adding new incidents is similar to modifying existing ones. To create a new incident you just need to change its "id" attribute to something new. The example of new incident modification is Crazy modder:
It adds new a incident, with it's own titles and descriptions in English and Polish languages. It also uses a custom photo and on-site picture.

To test your incident in game, use the EnableCheats and then SpawnIncident <incident_id> commands. Be aware that the incident won't spawn if it requires specific POI as location (for example BRIDGE), and there is no POI of that type on the map.

Incidents created by Call editor
Calls are basically incidents with dialogue, and so, you can use Call Editor to create incidents definitions. Call Editor has option Save Incident option with will convert call to the incident definition.
Subfolder name: Calls

NOTE: we made dedicated tool for creating calls - Call Editor. This section only describes minimum amount of technical informations for implementing your own calls.

Modifying calls is similar to modifying incidents (in fact, a call is just an incident, with additional "dialog" markups). The main difference is that you can't have many calls in one .xml file. You need to create new directory in your mod's "Calls" folder, for each call you want to add or modify. Of course, you can copy the one from our StreamingAssets/Calls or StreamingAsstes/Call_911 directory.

It is important to name the .xml file the same as the call's "id" attribute inside this file. Same as with incidents, using an existing id will override the call, and using a new one will add a new call to the game.

To add (or override) a call's audio, create a folder within your call's folder (the one with the call's .xml file) named "sounds". In this folder place the .mp3 or .ogg files that you want to use. They should be named using this pattern: <call_id>_<dialogOption_id>

For example, if you want to change audio file of first caller dialog option in call c_followed_remastered, create new folder in MyMods directory, create folder "Calls" in this new folder, and copy StreamingAssets/Calls/c_followed_remastered there. Open MyMods/<mods_name>/Calls/c_followed_remastered and create folder "sounds". Place the audio file named "c_followed_remastered_2" in the folder. This new audio should now be played in game, instead of the original audio.

Translating calls
By default, a call will display text from it's dialogOption "texten" attribute. You can localize it, by creating the proper language file in your mod's directory (see Translation section), and adding the keys using pattern below:
"incident.<call_id>.dialog.<dialogOptionid>": "<dialog text>"

You can test your calls using StartCall <call_id> command in-game.
Subfolder name: Faces

To add a new face to the game, add new folder(s) to the Faces folder in your mod directory. Each folder's name will can be later used as face id. In these folders, add .png files of faces that you want to use for this id (when using photo id, random image from it's folder will be drawn). The size of face image should be 61x61 pixels.

The face image can be then used in incident and call definitions by assigning the proper ID to a person on the scene:
<suspect id="murderer" properties="prison=1; personBuilder.photoId = <face_id>; aggressiveness=0.8; weapon=[0.4: e_knife | 0.6: e_pistol]; personBuilder.isCriminal=0.5;" />

For your custom photo background, you can use the one that is used by built-in photos. It is located in StreamingAssets/Incidents/portrait_bg.png.
Subfolder name: Hats

There are two ways to override team member's hats in game: override the default ones or create a set for a specific country. In both cases you need to create "Hats" folder in your mod directory, and another one (with your hats images) in it. The difference is in naming of this folder - to override default hats, name it "default", to override hats for specific country name it with proper 2-letter iso code of chosen country[en.wikipedia.org]

For example if you want to create a mod with custom hats for team members when playing in any city in Germany, your mod directory should look like this:
MyMods/German Hats (or any other name)/Hats/DE/<hat images should be here>

Hat images should be 61x61 pixels large, with a transparent background. It needs to be .png file, named the same way as the type of the hat that it need to override. Current hat types used in game are:
  • medic
  • police
  • fire
  • doctor
  • policeSergeant
  • fireSergeant
  • swat
  • riot
  • heavyFire
  • army
  • dispatcher
  • bomb
  • radioactive
So, if you want to override hat for German police officers, the image path should look like this:
MyMods/German Hats (or any other name)/Hats/DE/police.png

911 Operator hats is example of mod that changes a few hats in game:
Subfolder name: Scenarios

Scenario is a tool for setting up a city, events, units, calls and incidents together, which gives you the opportunity to tell unique stories and even your own mini-campaigns. Note that any mod that contains Scenario directory is marked as scenario mod, and it's content won't be loaded outside any of it's scenarios. Also, when playing scenario from workshop, all other installed mods will be disabled.

The main example of this mod is Bulldozer rampage scenario, which can be found in the workshop:
You can also peak into built-in scenarios that can be found in StreamingAssets/Story_Module/Scenarios. The Story_Module directory also contains definitions of the game's campaign and free game modules, that can be helpful in setting up your own events.

Basic setup
To create new scenario, add new directory to the Scenarios subfolder. Name it with chosen scenario id (the convention is sc_scenarioid). Inside this folder you need three correctly named files: <scenario_id>.json, districts.json and storyModules_scenario.xml.

Scenario definition
The scenario definition file (which must be named same as scenario directory with .json extension) is a json file with basic informations about scenario. For our example it looks like this:
{ "id": "sc_rampage", "month": 6, "year": 2004, "iso": "US" }
Month and year determines date of scenario. Iso is the 2-letter ISO code that sets the appropriate flag on the scenario label in the menu. Additionally you can add "dlc" variable to ensure that player without proper dlc won't be able to run scenario. Valid values for dlc variable at this moment are "facilities" and "water operations".

Districts definition
The districts.json file determines the districts in which the scenario is played. The easiest way to create it, is to load that city in free game, copy save file and remove everything beside contents of "districtsData".

Next you need to set value of stagesDistricts in this file (should be filled with "null" value for now). It determines which districts are used on which difficulty level. You must provide the appropriate district identifiers in three separate square brackets. In our example it looks like this "[17152],[17152],[17152]", because we have only one district and we want to use it on every difficulty level. A better example is the Frankerstorm scenario:
"stagesDistricts": [ [ 1484501 ], [ 1484501, 37697, 37687, 1486584, 105022, 1486625, 37779 ], [ 1484501, 37697, 37687, 1486584, 105022, 1486625, 37779, 1503641, 1546457 ] ]
With this stageDistricts setting, the player will control 1 district on easy difficulty, 7 on medium and 9 on hard. You can find the district ID right above its name in your file.

Story Modules definition
StoryModules_scenario.xml is the heart of your scenario. As with its counterpart in campaign and free game, it is responsible for everything unusual that happens during the game. A correctly set file should contain at least 4 story modules with the following identifiers: sm_scenario, sm_scenario_easy, sm_scenario_medium, sm_scenario_hard. Story module named sm_scenario is the entry point to your file and is often used to activate other story modules or set some important variables. The rest are activated on corresponding difficulty chosen by player. They can be empty (like in our example), but they can be used to change event parameters (check shootout scenario).

I will briefly describe the content of StoryModules_scenario.xml from our example. It's sm_scenario module looks like this:
<storyModule id="sm_scenario" priority="main" actionOnStart=" SetSMLevel(1); SetAnyCallLimit(0); ActivateStoryModule(sm_rampage)"> <freegame tier="CONTROL"/> <exec expr="SkipManagement()" dutyDays="0" order="0" mode="LOAD_FINISH"/> </storyModule>

SetSMLevel(1) - set level of calls
SetAnyCallLimit(0) - set how many random calls will be generated
ActivateStoryModule(sm_rampage) - activate other story module
<exec expr="SkipManagement()" dutyDays="0" order="0" mode="LOAD_FINISH"/> - scenario will start without management phase

The body of activated sm_rampage module:
<storyModule id="sm_rampage" priority="main" terminal="true"> <freegame tier="CONTROL"/> <objective id="mission_scenario_rampage" priority="main" dutiesToComplete="1" possibleToFinishEarly="false" possibleToFailEarly="true" lessThanGoalToComplete="false" progressCheckFunction="CheckEffectiveness()" goalDefinition="0.9" /> <call id="c_op_rampage" dutyDays="0" order="0" timeToStart="250"/> </storyModule>
terminal="true" - after completing this story module scenario will end (with game over screen if objective was failed)
lessThanGoalToComplete="false" progressCheckFunction="CheckEffectiveness()" goalDefinition="0.9" - overall effectiveness needs to be higher than 90%
<call id="c_op_rampage" dutyDays="0" order="0" timeToStart="250"/> - call c_op_rampage will be started on first duty, after 250 seconds (with first time speed).

This is only a small part of the possibilities offered by story modules.. For more information, check out the story module files of the existing scenarios, campaign and free game.

That's all what you need to run the scenario. If everything was set up correctly you should now see your scenario at the bottom of scenario list and you should be able to run it. It will lack of text propably, but we'll cover that in the next step.
Additional scenario files
New language keys that you will need to add to your language file are:
"text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.title": "scenario title", "text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.desc": "scenario description", "text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.region": "scenario region", "text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.objective": "objective(s) that need to be fullfill to complete scenario", "text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.easy": "easy difficulty conditions", "text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.medium": "medium difficulty conditions", "text.descriptions.<scenario_id>.hard": "hard difficulty conditions"

If you created new objective(s) in your story module file (like mission_scenario_rampage above), you should also add some corresponding keys:
"text.names.<mission_id>": "objective titile", "text.descriptions.<mission_id>": "objective description", "text.descriptions.<mission_id>_fail": "objective fail reason"

More about creating language files in proper section above.

Level Data
Level data files are basiclly save files that you can add to your scenario. Game is then loaded basing on these files, which can be helpfull if you want for example setup certain units and team members or facilities. To prepare level data file, just start your scenario, set everything that you want to player to have, save the game, move the save file to your scenario directory and rename it to levelData.json. Now you will propably need to remove everything from the file beside things that you set up. Just remember that if you want to save squad list, you will propably also need list of team member, vehicles and gears. For example look at sc_areafire_basic scenario.

If you create single levelData.json file, it will be loaded for all difficulty levels. You can also specify different file for each difficulty by naming it respectively levelData_easy.json, levelData_medium.json, levelData_hard.json.

Dev Config
DevConfig is a configuration file for the game and also for the scenarios. Full example of this file can be found in StreamingAssets/Story_Module/Scenarios/devConfigExample.json

This file has many parameters that can change the behavior of the game. The most useful variables are those that determine which units the player gets, how much everything costs, or how many incidents will occur. You can also change the settings of most of the events. Just be aware that some of the parameters are old and do nothing, while others can break the game. Have fun!

There is an example of devConfig files in Bulldozer rampage scenario. It is used to increase numbers of stations spawned on map (minPoiToCareerPointsRatio), define the types of units that player will receive at start (vehicleToAdd), and set up number of incidents to occur during duty (basicAmountOfIncidents). Notice that same as with levelData, you can have one devConfig.json for whole scenario, or one for each difficulty level with the same sufix convention (for example devConfig_medium.json).

Wrapping it up together
That's all that you need to know to start creating your own scenarios. You can mix that with the knowledge from the previous sections to create unique stories and gameplay.

Bulldozer rampage scenario has one simple call created in call editor, which spawns scene with tank moving around the city and demolishing buildings. To increase difficulty of stopping that incident, I added another modification (vehicleTypes.xml) that significantly lowered the units parameter responsible for stopping moving incidents (chaseProficiency). And by doing that I also had to add another modification file (Popularitiesv2.csv), that resets popularity of all moving incidents (like speeding, red light offence or drunk driver) as they would be impossible to catch right now.

Creating scenarios will often need knowledge from other moddable aspects of the game. Understanding of story modules and dev config files could be helpful as well, but it is beyond the scope of this guide to describe all the features of these files. Thus, I would like to invite you to Operator Fans discord server, led by our modderator Prof. bartussx
You will meet other modders there, always willing to help with modding problems.

We are waiting to see your scenarios!
Uploading a mod
When you have your modification ready to upload, go to the main menu of the game, and open the console by pressing "~" key. Type "UploadMods", press enter and "~" again to close console. The Upload panel should open.

On the left, you can see list of all your folders in your MyMods directory. Select the mod that you want to upload. Interface should show the basic mod info.

Here you can set what will be sent with the current upload of the mod:

Title - title of the mod. By default, this will be the name of the mod in your directory.

Description - description of the mod, shown in workshop.

Language - language of current upload's title and description. This will be set to English if empty. This is used to properly localize your mods title and description - if you want, for example, a Spanish title and description to be shown for users with Steam language set to Spanish, type the translated text in title and description fields, and "Spanish" in language field, then upload. Repeat for every language you want your title and description to be translated on.

Overriding - if your mod is using whole file from the game (for example you took and edited every vehicle in vehicleType.xml or edited whole en-US.txt like Censored English mod) choose "all". If your mod is overriding single lines from game files (like Angry kids or Chasing helicopters mods) choose "single". If your mod isn't using game files at all and is only adding new content (like Crazy modder or Police tandem mods) choose "none".

Visibility - determinate if mod should be visible only for you, your friends, or the whole community (public).

Thumbnail - thumbnail of your mod in the workshop. Auto-generated from the first .jpg or .png file that is found in your mod root folder.

Changelog - you can type some info about changes made in current upload here.

Auto-generated tags - if toggled on, item will be uploaded with tags, based on subfolders in your mod folder (for example, if you have folders "Vehicles" and "Languages", item will have "Vehicles" and "Language" tags added in workshop).

When everything is set, you can upload mod to the workshop or just save it for later (changelog is not being saved!).
If you choose to upload, the content will be send to the Steam Workshop, and after a while you should see confirmation message.

Open URL button will show the Steam overlay, opening the browser on your item's workshop page. Here you can made additional changes, like adding screenshots, changing mod visibility or adjusting tags.
Downloading and testing
After uploading, the game will still load mod from your local files. To test if everything works, you need to subscribe to your mod in the workshop and download it as it is described in Example Mods section. You also need to delete your local version of this mod from MyMods folder, because otherwise game will use it instead of it's workshop version.

If you want to update something in the mod, copy it's folder from the Steam directory to the MyMods directory (if you deleted it), make any changes, and just upload it the same way as described in the "Uploading a mod" section.
Lera 29 Oct, 2024 @ 12:55pm 
And where the hell are mods saved so I can look into example mods? I don't get it
Lera 29 Oct, 2024 @ 12:48pm 
so I followed this and tried making my own unt but no matter what I do it doesn't work
Rino47 28 Aug, 2024 @ 8:16pm 
Same issue evil orc is having
MIYATAKE 23 Jun, 2024 @ 4:25am 
STC Continuum 14 Apr, 2024 @ 8:58pm 
How do I modify the backup/reinforcement units?
StregKoden 12 Mar, 2024 @ 5:16pm 
Others who can't see the mods in the folder:

Then, navigate to <steam_directory>\steamapps\workshop\content\793460\ - here should be folders containing the mods

My folder is just empty, even with 3-4 subs and one is my own mod.
I can see the added cars in-game so thats weird.
nick_joseph11 10 Feb, 2024 @ 10:13pm 
How do i add mods to the gae but on mac without workshop?
Lucaxk_ 28 Jan, 2024 @ 7:33pm 
Quick question: is it possible to change background vehicle icon colour?
Herogus3xD 1 Sep, 2023 @ 2:13pm 

I am trying to upload a 2nd mod, when i try to do so it gives a upload failed error saying: k_EResultLimitExceeded. What does that mean? I am also not doing much different from my first mod.
Sw3zzY 27 Apr, 2023 @ 3:18pm 
nice game