

815 ratings
Pawn Name Variety
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
964.616 KB
8 Jul, 2020 @ 11:47pm
10 Apr, 2024 @ 7:44am
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Pawn Name Variety

Did you know that a large portion of the pawns in your game have predefined names and backstories? This mod makes every pawn truly random, breaks up those predefined names into first, last, and nick names, inserting them into the random name pool to add thousands of new name combinations. See the table below:

Name Type
With Mod
Unisex First Names
Unisex Nick Names
Male First Names
Male Nick Names
Female First Names
Female Nick Names
Last Names

Tribal pawns and Imperial pawns (from Royalty DLC) are not affected, as they have their own naming schemes.

More Details
There are hundreds of predefined "backer pawns" that were designed by Kickstarter backers during Rimworld's Kickstarter campaign. That's cool and all, but I am so tired of seeing the same pawns popping up in almost every game. And on top of that, there are thousands of full names added into the game by the people who purchased the 'Name in Game' option, which means the likelihood of seeing the same names from game to game is quite high. This mod takes every single predefined full name in the game, and breaks it down into a First Name, Last Name, and Nick Name, and inserts those names into the gender specific pools that Rimworld draws from when generating a random pawn. There were literally thousands of names off limits to randomly generated pawns, see the table above.

Compared to Similar Mods
  • This mod outright prevents any predefined 'backer pawn' or 'name in game' name from being generated (unless they are added to the 'Preferred Player-Created Characters' list in the Rimworld options menu).
  • All of the names that this mod adds are already in Rimworld, just unusable by randomly generated pawns. This mod doesn't technically add any new names, only allows for thousands of more combinations.
  • This mod checks for duplicate names before adding any names into the name pool. Not sure if any others do that.

Extra Features
If you've added a name to the 'Preferred Player-Created Characters' list in the Rimworld options menu, that character will still show up in the game. So if you really like Ryoko 'Onesan' Minese, or Amelia 'Engie' Flais, add their name to the list and you'll still see them pop up in your game.

Side Effects
A truly randomly generated pawn only has a small chance of getting a nickname. 90% of the pawns you've seen with nicknames have predefined names. So with this mod there are no predefined names, therefore nicknames become rare.

  • Wont affect any factions that have their own naming conventions. In vanilla Rimworld that's the Tribal factions and the Empire. If a modded faction uses the standard names then this will affect them too, but not if they have their own names.
  • Should play nicely with other mods that add names to the name pool. Let me know if there are problems.

Feeling generous?
Davey Bubbles 22 Jan @ 12:19pm 
Okay so I love the IDEA behind this mod. But can you please include the option to *just* turn off the pre-made backer characters? No offense to you but 90% of the "names" this mod generates are absolute gobbledygook and more immersion breaking than getting the same pre-made character.

I would love to be able to keep using the vanilla random name generator but without the pre-made ones. Thanks!
turkler 15 Jan @ 6:55am 
thank you for keeping this mod updated!
Lovecraft 21 Oct, 2024 @ 12:32am 
Sweet, perfect
Murmur  [author] 19 Oct, 2024 @ 12:29pm 
There is a user configurable chance to use vanilla pawn generation, essentially ignoring this mod. It's 1% by default. I do not know exactly how custom faction names work but they do appear to be taken from a random pool with no backer stuff included. Tynan would show up extremely rarely as it would be 1% chance for a backer pawn on top of whatever low chance he has to begin with.
Lovecraft 19 Oct, 2024 @ 2:03am 
Would love this except maybe having like a 1 in 1000 chance for name-in-game or backer characters to appear. Also how do custom faction names work exactly? Do these backer&nick names appear in those or are those taken from a random pool with no affiliation to anything? This only affects spacers and outlanders right?

Also what about Tynan Sylvester, does he appear anymore? He has a lower chance than other characters but its funny seeing him now and then. Shame if this removes his chance of appearing. You can't set him to the preferred characters either
Qx 21 Jul, 2024 @ 7:52am 
basically: Skye joins my colony. and always dies in a way that noone would expect.
Some ways she died:
Friendly fire from a 50 cal to head while being surrounded by tribals

Moving infront of enemy fire while BEING TOLD to stay behind cover 2x

running into grenades because of combat extended making her flee at random directions 2x

Having a mental break while carrying her husband. which leads to his dead. causing her to casually go berserk during a raid and ends up killing the entire colony

Deciding to run wild and get hunted by an animal

went berserk and punched a thrumbo

And rest is just her dying from casual stuff... I mean she's a great pawn though. Good melee shooting and construction + tough guranteed as a stat. expect im just UNLUCKY AS HELL
USER:_DATA-BANK 18 Jun, 2024 @ 9:20pm 
Finally, no more Ralph "Humps" Brock or Samantha "Sam" Haxton.
it's rachel! 2 Jun, 2024 @ 12:46am 
Went looking for a way to outright disable backer pawns when Juan Manuel 'Lance' Hueso appeared twice in the one colony and this seems perfect. Can't wait to never see Lia and whatever that pizza fan one was called again.
Dave 31 May, 2024 @ 1:46am 
Amelia Engie Flais , Lukas Wakefield BlackJack and Onsesan always appear in my plays.. LMAO. hate the tribal names to has all animal middle names.. meh
Caelum 11 May, 2024 @ 12:26am 
Might be an incompatibility on my end then, thanks