

304 ratings
More Descriptive Words and Names
Mod, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
362.557 KB
28 Jul, 2020 @ 5:22am
13 Apr, 2024 @ 5:42am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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More Descriptive Words and Names

In 1 collection by Holgast
Names and Descriptions Mods
9 items
Adds a plethora of new words to add variety to the generated names of traders, settlements, map features, conversational topics, art descriptions, etc. This mod does not edit any of the generators, just adds more words used.
Almost every language file has had several entries added, which are also used by the random seed generator for things such as tribal/Viking names (they sometimes use animal names).
This will also add more variety to book descriptions from Vanilla Books Expanded. (A dedicated update for this will be coming soon.) Ideology should pull from this list a bit too but I'm not quite sure how yet. :)

Also adds more set names for nobles and tribals, in the same vein as vanilla. Byzantine names sourced from BehindTheName, SCA, Peiraeus Public Library (sorry, gendered surnames aren't supported by the game so there will be a little mismatch there). Tribal names sourced from various Galician sources.
Because of the changes to tribal names, if you are using Rainbeau's Tribal Pawn Names, please load this mod before that one so that Rainbeau's names overwrite mine.
Also adds more set names for Vanilla Expanded Classical senators and settlements. Roman names sourced from BehindTheName and NamesGalore Latin fork.
I'm sure the syllable set needs tweaking, so if you see anything weird, let me know!
ALSO added more mech names for Biotech. I personally don't name my mechs, but if you press the 'randomise' button it'll give you one from a list, which I added to.

This mod has no conflicts with 'More Ideological Words'. You should be able to use both together, with no issues.

Holgast  [author] 3 Jun, 2024 @ 1:58am 
Yes, that was it! It's always annoying when perfectly fine mods get deleted. guess I'll download a local copy from that sketchy website and see if I can do something similar
Kov 1 Jun, 2024 @ 11:10pm 
Holgast  [author] 31 May, 2024 @ 7:12pm 
does anyone remember what the recent mod was that did this for 1.5/Anomaly books? I can't find it
Holgast  [author] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
I assume that it will! if they both edit the same files, you can just have one enabled and paste all of the entries into it
Kov 12 Jun, 2023 @ 7:28am 
Hey, thanks for making this mod, and the collection as well.

While searching the workshop for more of this kind of mods, I found Better Orbital Trader Names . Would it conflict with this mod?
Holgast  [author] 13 Nov, 2022 @ 6:37pm 
Haha. I don't usually pay attention to surnames, so I think that, similarly, most players won't notice :)
The Former 13 Nov, 2022 @ 6:35pm 
Only thing for it is to run Character Editor and painstakingly hand-gender every Byzantine name we see...
Holgast  [author] 13 Nov, 2022 @ 6:00pm 
uh oh, just found out that Byzantine surnames are gendered (makes sense; modern Greek ones are too)
so both the vanilla Imperial surnames and the modded ones I added are gonna be a bit inaccurate. oh well, nothing can be done, gendered surnames aren't supported 🤷🏼‍♀️
Now I can't unlearn this.
The Former 27 Oct, 2022 @ 1:38pm 
Have my upvote!
Holgast  [author] 16 Oct, 2022 @ 6:08am 
Minor update

Added some more strings (more 1.4 compatibility)
Actually uploaded the senator names (I just overwrote the ones in VFE Classical local files before 😅)