Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

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Mission:Strike Rundown (CM1)
By Berry and 1 collaborators
A full breakdown for the Challenge Mode quest, "Mission:Strike"
Thanks for stopping by, be sure to check out the other guides for Challenge Quests if you're interested in running them for even more SG!

Mission: Decision guide -

Mission: Violent Tremor guide -

You can go to any Ryuker Device in NGS and select block transfer to go into the PSO2 Blocks. Then, you go into the main block teleporters to go into the Challenge Quests blocks (301/302, or Universal Challenge Quests Blocks)
MISSION:Strike (CM1) rundown
If you are unfamiliar with Challenge Mode, it is a special game mode accessed in game by going into the required block (B-3xx on your current ship, or select 'Universal Ship Challenge Lobby') and selecting the quest though the counter.

This guide will assume you not only know the full basics of how the game works and them some, but good knowledge of every class and skill up to Bouncer in order to clear it as smoothly as possible. This is specifically just going about the Challenge Mode quest itself.

In this quest, it has it's own special rules in that going into the quest you start at Level 1 with absolutely nothing at all with the goal being that you need to reach to the end of the quest with whatever you find during the quest, more or less like playing a rougelike version of PSO2. If you have played the original PSO1 Challenge Mode, this will be plenty familiar to you and functions pretty similar to it even. Rather than having a time limit, you instead have a VR Energy meter that is shared with the entire MPA, and you have to make sure you can make it to the end of the quest before it depletes otherwise you automatically exit the quest.

This guide is geared more torwards beginners, but will have a lot of information in order to help you refine your skill in this quest faster. The recommended amount of players total to go through the quest is 4, but anywhere from 2-12 player parties can still use this guide to their advantage.

Expect anywhere from 40 minutes - 1 hour+ of gameplay if you plan to clear the entire quest.

Practice good menuing with the UI a LOT and use shortcuts, you WILL have to make quick drops, trades, and equips even in the middle of the run so try not to delay!

Imported from my google docs guide! You can see the original here -
There are quite a few things the entire MPA needs to settle on before you start the quest, as how you deal with certain points in the quest can easily end the run right then and there.

for roles, you have these:


The most important role in the group. As you might guess, this person is the one who is designated to grab the VR capsules spread about in order to keep the VR count high. The main goal should be to make sure by the time your MPA reaches the interval area, you should cap your VR out at 100 in order to get the maximum bonus and if there's enough spares, overcap to gain as many bonus points as possible. Unless the VR Manager communicates with other players for specific orders, OTHER PLAYERS SHOULD NOT PICK UP VR AND JUST FOCUS ON KILLING ♥♥♥♥ TO MOVE THINGS ALONG.

Being the VR Manager, you may have to delay your own progress in order to properly manage the VR for the whole group. This really all comes from experience to know how to deal with it properly just on how many factors there are to consider, but here’s a visual representation of when to pick up certain types of capsules.

The Red line is for Large (30%) capsules, Yellow for Medium (15%), and Blue for Small (5%) capsules. Picking them up as soon as you reach these lines caps off the VR and gives 1 overcap point.

Alternatively, you can simply time the VR using any kind of timer. The rough values of each VR is as follows:

Small Capsule (5%) - ~25 Seconds
Medium Capsule (15%) - ~75 Seconds
Large Capsule (30%) - ~150 Seconds

Here is Matt#4744 ‘s excerpt for doing VR via timer:

Timer (Recommended for a dedicated VR manager for accuracy)

Step 1: Download XNote Stopwatch here: Extract it to a location of your choice, it does not require an installation.
Step 2: Open xnsw.exe as administrator, right-click on the timer and change it to compact mode and "Always on Top". Resize as appropriate. Right-click on the timer again and click time format. In the window that comes up, untick hours and minutes and click OK.
Step 3: Right-click on the timer again and go to "Hotkeys". In this window, enter the button or button combination that you want to press in order to reset the timer in the Start/Stop and Reset windows. Untick "Prevent keypresses from reaching applications". Click OK.

The button you want here is up to you, but you will want to set it to something that you will not type while chatting/playing, and something that allows you to also pick up VR capsules without resetting the timer.

Examples include:

] - Press E to pick up VR alone, press E and ] together to pick up the VR and also reset the timer. (the button here can be up to you, it just must be something you won't press in passing)
Ctrl+E - Press E to pick up the VR alone, hold Ctrl and press E to pick up the VR and reset the timer.

If using a single button to reset the timer, you can also set a keyboard or mouse macro to press E and the button together in a single press, and if using controller, you can use a program such as Xpadder or Antimicro to change the keyboard accept button in game to your chosen reset button, and set that on an unused button.

Step 4: You're done! Test to make sure you can reset the timer in game, and test it out while playing.

What you do now is pick up VR capsules as close to the times listed below, depending on player number. If you pick up a VR capsule and it does not give you overfill miles, you must not reset the timer as it will throw off the correct timing.

Check out Rushi’s program to have your own VR overlay (720p resolution required)

Aggro Target
On Mission 2 and Mission 7, there will be a Burn Draal and a Vomosbrodyphis respectively that spawns when going in to destroy the baize.


The Aggro manager here is the one who tags both these monsters (You need a rifle, preferably with Steady Shot) and brings them away from the group. You can trap these monsters in a loop by bringing them like so in each area ( Just note that if you stray too far away the bosses will just aggro to the next closet targets, which will very likely be the people trying to clear the baize. Be sure to hold them down well

Here’s a POV on how to trap either bosses on Mission 2/7 -

In addition to those areas, in Mission 4/Mission 5 Right path/Mission 9/Mission 10, you will have to deal with a Gel Wulff E-Trial. The Aggro manager for all these instances are the one who should rush in the specific areas first hand in order to get as much Wulfs on them to kite away from the turrets as best as possible, while the rest of the members stay a little back until they're all spawned in to deal with the trial.

Funji Target

If you take the left path on Mission 6 (Which is more or less the best path to take regardless) you are given the choice between fighting 2 Tagamis or a red box with strong lv 10 pa’s. In the middle of both these choices is the Funji e-trial and the designated person is the one who needs to be caught by this (If you’re taking tagami, be sure to kill both spawns ASAP so the captured targets get their full EXP/unit drops) In this trial, you will face off against some Dagans and a Dark Aragani, ideally this person should either have one of the following:

Pair of 9* TMGs from Interval with TMG gear and Aerial Fire+Bullet Hail

Vita Dual Blades or Twilight with Soaring Blade gear and Heavenly Kite (RNG, but Recommended)

This allows you to get a nice 100 extra miles, and if the bait is fast enough you can potentially skip some spawns (Generally they should be done by the time the MPA reaches the Rockbear spawns)

Here is a POV example being the Funji Target with both Soaring Blades and TMG -

Co-VR Manager

Not required, but in the case the VR Manager takes up multiple roles here (For a casual run, this is OK) there might be times where another person takes up the mantle to pick up the capsules. Some examples is if the VR Manager wants to take Aggro duty, then they may ask to have someone pick up certain capsules in place of them as they kite the bosses away. It’s all about communication, so be sure to plan this out beforehand if possible.

Group Split

When you reach Mission 2, Mission 5, and Mission 7, you will be met with multiple pathways that you have to clear entirely. Even with as low as 4 people, you have to split evenly between these paths to clear in a timely manner. The way how each split should be dealt with is explained in their appropriate sections, but a good way to do it with little communication is to set your online stats in accordance to each of their pathways. A very easy set of lines would be “Left/North, Right/South” and so on.
THE meta
During the run, the best weapons to use throughout the entire quest is Rifle (Steady Shot + Diffusion Round) and Launcher (Cluster Shot + Divine Launcher + Triple Shot) be familiar with these weapon types before going in. It is paramount everyone in the MPA upgrades to Blue Rifle-C when you all reach the final interval (Which requires you to buy Red Rifle-C by the 4th interval) and you all have at least Steady Shot, Piercing Round, and/or Diffusion Round

Depending on how the run is going in terms of drops, you may have to pocket the following weapons: Katana / Bow / Soaring Blades / Twin Daggers / Wired Lance. This all depends on how little/which specific drops you might get in each area, which some applications are explained later on in this guide. Refer to Interval 4 for some more information

This CM also makes use of some utility weapons, in which they are Twin Daggers and Jet Boots. The Twin Daggers are used to do simple dashes to move around a little better, and Jet Boots with Gran Wave makes both for quick travel and very easy to deal with the laser trip in Mission 2 and Mission 8. It is also possible to dash around using Bullet Bow step.


Dying without a Challenge Doll effectively reduces 10 points off your score, but you’ll regain most of the VR back if someone uses a Moon Atomizer. Be sure to not run out of those fast (Buying them from intervals is really expensive, so try not to rely on doing that!)

If you were fairly unfamiliar to how weapons and damage formulas worked in this game[], just keep in mind how 7-11* weapons behave to the calculations compared to 1-6* weapons[]. (tl;dr version is that 7-11* weapons have a ‘rarity bonus’ and will have a higher average DPS output, while 1-6* weapons will have very wild DPS outputs due to a lower damage floor) So just consider weapon rarity weapon into account when choosing between weapons during the quest.

Challenge Dolls work similarly to Scape Dolls, but they are automatically used the moment you die so just keep that in mind. There is no limit on how much you can use in a single run, but you can only carry 2 at a time. They cost 7 grinders throughout all the intervals, and free ones can be chosen at Mission 2 and Mission 7.

As a small note, if you reach an interval area (Mission 2, Mission 4, Mission 5, Mission 7, Mission 9) the rest of the MPA will get teleported after a short while with no penalty (unless they happen to die without a doll) so it’s OK to only have one person go through while the rest pick up remaining stuff from the stage if needed.
Mission 1 (Forest 1)

Weapons - Sword, Rifle, Rod
Discs - Twister Fall, Steady Shot, Foie

The first spawns you get here are Oodans, then Oodans+Za Oodans. A Green box will be in the middle with some recovery items. Ideally a weapon should drop by the first set of spawns but if you don’t care too much about getting a really high score then dealing with this entire set with just unarmed is totally fine.

Clearing those out, the east and north path opens. A Rappy will start it’s escape animation at this point and it’s vital you beat this rappy up as it has a very high chance of dropping a weapon and/or PA/Tech disc. (A person with any kind of weapon can easily clear this rappy out, but generally 2 people should be enough to hit it. It also does it’s ‘get up’ animation as you defeat it the first time so keep watch on it.)

The VR Manager should go to the east and hit all the switches all round the area and grab all the items there. The rest of the MPA should just go up north after dealing with the Rappy to clear out the spawns there - it’s pretty much a straightforward shot now with various spawns and a Rockbear at the end. On the split pathway of the rockbear, the left side has a small jumping puzzle which has a box that can drop units and a Large VR capsule, while the right leads into Mission 2. The VR Manager needs to grab the remaining VR and potentially delay it if the MPA needs a little more time.

By the end of this mission everyone should have weapons (preferably Rifles with Steady Shot or a Sword) If by any chance even just one person didn’t get any weapon drops here besides Rod then that will affect the clear time a bit - might even be worth a reset in any case.
Mission 2 (Volcano 1)

Weapons - Twin Dagger, Twin Machine Gun, Wand
Discs - Bullet Hail, Raging Waltz, Barta, Gizonde, Rising Edge, Homing Emission, Strike/Range/Tech/Dex/PP UP 1

The first set of spawn is low-tier Dragonkin mobs with a Green box, and then a bunch of various Falspawn on the middle area with a Large VR Capsule and a Green box. Once you clear all these out, the Baize is active and now you have roughly ~3 minutes to clear out all the mobs from the East and West side of the map including the Baize itself. This is where you need to do your first split.

Between your MPA, you just need to split on each side evenly and deal with all the mobs on each side. The West side has Dragonkin mobs and a Caterdran to deal with. The East side has Falspawn and a Wolgahda to kill. After you kill all the mobs, you need to press the button and claim your Miles.

Be sure that the Aggro target is ready to grab Burn Draals aggro at this point!

When both buttons are pressed, Burn Draal spawns and you are free to destroy the Baize with whatever time you have left. Hopefully your Aggro bait has kited Burn away fast enough, but even so Burn will occasionally summon fire pillars all over the map so be sure not to get caught by them, it’s an instant death. You can trap burn like this on the left side -

Whether the Baize was successfully destroyed or not, the next area gives you a choice between a Medium VR capsule or a red box containing a Challenge Doll. If you want to maximize your points, go with VR. if your MPA sucks, pick the Challenge Doll. Gwanada will spawn once you’ve made your choice, and you simply need to kill it in order to move on. You can potentially use Burn Draal’s fire pillar attack to deal extra damage and even inflict Burn on Gwanada to make it go even faster. You can stand on the buttons in order to protect yourself from the fire pillar attacks -

Once that’s dealt with, you can move onto the next area. Because the VR is spread far apart on this map, it might be a good idea to only have one person go to the next area first while the rest of the group goes and grab the remaining VR/Drops (Be sure not to get killed by Burn cause it will still drain your resources)

You will now reach Interval 1
Interval 1
A small breather stage with 5 minutes to exchange anything you want with other players and buy stuff from the shop. Here’s what you can expect from the shop:

Weapons - Grand Cross, Saint Kilda, Rose Crane, 4* Sword, 4* Rifle, 4* Wand, 4* TMGs, 4* Twin Daggers, 4* Rod

PA/Tech - Rising Edge, Aerial Fire, Steady Shot, Foie, Gizonde

Skills - Attack PP Restorate, Point Blank Boost 1, Charge PP Restoration, Wand Fanatic, Sword Focus, Twin Dagger Focus, Twin Machine Gun Focus, Wand Focus

Items - Various Recovery items, Challenge Doll

Units - Dot set, “Vinculum” set, Resist sub-units


Point Blank Boost 1 is a modest increase in your DPS for ranged weapons, so go ahead and buy that too. Go and purchase Attack PP Restorate as well here too, this lets you get enough PP back quicker for more PA usage, which will always be more DPS. If you were only able to get one of the two, the priority goes to Attack PP Restorate.

If you have a strong preference for the other weapons here, you can consider it but my recommendation is to save the rest. The ol’ Scepter + Wand Fanatic/Focus combo still works fairly well alongside having Gizonde and Foie. Buying the Grand Cross here is a waste.

If your Funji target prefers TMGs, they should get TMG Focus and be given an Aerial Fire + Bullet Hail (You can buy the better TMGs later on, everyone should be on Launcher or at least Wand)

If there were not enough Steady Shots that drop in Mission 1 for your entire party, then buy it here. (Don’t ‘upgrade’ a steady shot if the current version is lower than the drop/shop, even a lv1 ♥♥♥♥♥ out more DPP than any other weapon in this quest. Be sure to share whatever version of Steady Shot to players who don’t have it.)

If you still have your 1* Rifle and Twin Daggers, just keep them handy. The Rifle with Steady Shot still puts out good DPS for bossing and Twin Daggers allows you to dash around the map a little quicker. Upgrading to the 4* Rifle here isn’t a terrible idea here too, but just keep count of your spare weapons, you really want to try and save them up at this point. The Launcher is still a priority though, so if you need to sacrifice utility weapons to get that then it is what it is.

Ideally, if you have the grinders, buy the “Vinculum” set from the shop as well (Look at the affixes on the units, one set has the Vinculum affix hence the name) They cost 3 grinders each so they’re a bit pricey, don’t fret too much if everyone can’t afford their own sets. Give priority to these units to everyone but the VR Manager since they likely might need to delay progress. Don’t try to convert too much stuff into grinders to afford these either, stuff is pretty expensive along the next few intervals so it’s in your best interest to save some weapons/discs for later on.

If you have extra grinders or just don’t wanna buy the units, it’s never a bad idea to buy challenge dolls for people, it’s a free life after all.

This is the only place you’re able to buy Charge PP Restoration, so if you want to use Tech weapons in this mode you might want to get that too.
Mission 3 (Desert 1)

Weapons: Jet Boots, Katana, Bow, 8* Rod
Discs: Gizan, Ragrants, Lunar Flourishing, Master Shot, Grand Wave, Strike/Ranged/Tech/Dex/PP Up, Trap Search, Ele. PP Restor. Field, Step Advance

After opening the Green box and pressing the switch to open the blue fence, the first set of spawns will be a Guardinan formation. Be sure to keep your distance and kill them ASAP! If you happen to get spotted by their lasers, it will spawn a Tranmizer which simply wastes a lot of time because it has a lot of HP, gives virtually no EXP, and drops nothing.

To further mention that, opening the fence sets a timer for ~3 minutes. You have to reach to the end of the long hallway of multiple spawns which will give you Miles and a Blue box containing units. Although it’s not a requirement, if you want a good score you need to make sure you clear out the spawns as fast as possible. Your VR Manager should be picking up the VR from the straight line as you go along

After dealing with the Guardinans, there will be a tripwire fence that is fully intended to be activated, just rush through ahead (Although it is possible to go through it if you want, but doesn’t reward anything special[].) beyond that spawn, you’ll face a group of Falspawn. After that spawn, it’s a couple of Automata and some Barbalilipans, keep watch of those Lilipans since their missile throw can easily take off more than half your health easily.

Getting past that, there’s two moving tripwire traps moving back and forth with some moving spike traps. If anyone happens to get a Jet Boots drop before this section, they should equip it and use it to double jump and easily clear the trap. Hit the Green button to disable all the traps. If you’re unsure of clearing it, it’s better just to stay back and only have one person go through. If you trip the wire, you will spawn a Mizer with the same restrictions; basically wasting your time further. You can get past this part easily with certain setups.

Clearing that, it’s another set of Automata + a Barbalilipan. If you manage to clear this whole section fast enough, then enjoy your Miles + Box. The box can potentially drop nothing, but it otherwise can either drop Grinders, the 4* Cross units, or even a 7* Elemental unit which is a lot of defense at this point of the quest. Even if you didn’t make it in time at any point, you will be given a teleporter to port to the other half of the map (It’s worth noting that you should at least try to make it up to this spawn, otherwise the fence actually locks off this area, losing your MPA a Medium+Small VR capsule.)

Once you’re on the other half of the map, the first set is a Wolghada spawn (Cougar NX if you’re playing the JP version) + some stun bugs. You can actually trap the Wolghada by using this trick to aggro the mob to around this spot. (Yes this still works even with the different spawn) It’s generally recommended you kill this boss because you get access to a box with some skill discs inside you can’t get elsewhere, and the boss drops itself which does have some fairly good stuff in it. If you get caught in the Tornado you get transported to the other side of the white fence.

You can actually skip the Wolghada spawn here, which leads you to a rare Transmizer+Gwanada spawn and 2 Barbalilipans. If you’re going after a high score, then it’s recommended to do so with only one person dealing with Wolghada but if you otherwise want drops then just deal with the spawns normally. Either way, it’s not as detrimental as you might think if some people skips the spawn here as long as just one person does deal with Wolghada (usually the VR Manager or the Co-VR Manager does so)

When the second set of bosses are dealt with, you can freely grab the two Medium VR capsules and head on to the next area.
Mission 4 (Forest 2)

Weapons: Wired Lance, Launcher, Katana, Bow, Knuckles, 7* Rifle, 7* Bow, 7* Katana, 7* Soaring Blades
Discs: Cluster Shot, Wire Drive, Lunar Florishing, Soaring Camilia, Master Shot, Penetrating Arrow, Strike Gust, Samegid, Gizan, Zonde, Grants, Strike/Range/Tech/Dex/PP up 1,

Training wheels are off. At this point you can literally fail at a single point if you all suck.

There is a Large VR capsule at the start, and you’ll face off against Nab. Natives then a group of Falspawn at the next set. At that point a Campship will become corrupted and will begin shooting missiles all over the place until you reach the very end. Shooting it is actually not a bad idea at all however, as it will disable the ship for a good minute or so and it’s relatively easy to take down if you can hit the Falspawn core consistently enough.

Dealing with that, going to the next section spawns a bunch of really annoying Falspawn enemies and 3 Gel Wulfs that will begin chasing players around by proximity. Chaos ensues.
Generally the best way to deal with it is to have one person (the Aggro guy) activate the E-Trial first and attempt to get as many Wulfs chasing them down. Once this is achieved, then the rest of the party goes in to use the turrets to destroy the Wulfs. Failure to clear this Trial will lock away the 2 Large VR Capsules which is definitely a huge detriment (if failing this trial didn’t already fail the mission already at that point) it’s easily the hardest part of this quest and you do have to deal with it 5 times so it’s a bit of a doozy.

Going forward is simply two sets of Native spawns, the second set having two Rockbears. Keep in mind that there will be hidden traps all over the place so unless you managed to memorize the location (They are set so there is a path to follow eventually) you just gotta hope someone managed to get the Trap Search disc from Mission 3 awhile back. Pretty straightforward otherwise.

After dealing with the Rockbear spawns, the next room has the lighting go dark and there will be a couple of buttons around the room with Falspawn guarding it. Activating the buttons turns on the lights and frees the green fence that contains another 2 Large VR capsules and 2 Red Boxes. These boxes can either drop Grinders, some Tech discs, or either a 7* Bow, Rifle, Katana, or Soaring Blades, all of which would be extremely good to have and will save you from buying one weapon from the next interval. Deal with this room however you see fit, what I normally do is just have 1-2 people activate all the buttons and have the rest clear out the mobs.

There will be 2 Wolghada spawning in the next room after that, there’s a bunch of hit-buttons around here too but all it does is turn on the lights, which considering there’s 5 buttons to activate with attacks it’s definitely a waste of time dealing with that and instead, you should just DPS down the bosses quickly.

Use a Shifta Essence here if you want, the final set of spawns here is the Banther kitty duo. The best way to deal with this is to have only one person step forwards to spawn the cats, then back off to the previous room. This is because Banshee spawns near the Falspawn tower and will actually aggro onto it if no one else is near it, meaning that now you only have to deal with Banther first before dealing with the other later. Whichever way you prefer to deal with it though, you can simply head on over to the next area, picking up any drops and VR (As always, be sure that when one person stops the timer, there’s enough VR capsules around so you get the 100 VR bonus.) You will now reach Interval 2
Interval 2
Weapons - Hyperion, Carino Light, Gravel Cores, Firearm, 5* Katana, 5* bow, 5* Launcher, 5* Talis, 5* Jet Boots

PA/Tech - Wire Driver, Overhand Straight, Lunar Flourishing, Cluster Shot, Master Shot, Strike Gust, Gizonde, Ragrants

Skills - Elemental Amplifier, Dive Roll Shot, Rapid Fire, Talis Technique Bonus, Wired Lance Focus, Knuckles Focus, Katana Focus, Jet Boots Focus

Items - Various Recovery items, Challenge Doll

Units - Dot set, “Vinculum” set, Stamina/Spirit sub-units

First things first, if you managed to get the 7* Rifle/Bow/Katana/Soaring Blades then you don’t need to buy any weapon from here (unless you really want to bring out a little more damage out of your launcher, but it’s very minimal here due since enemy HP isn’t very high still) Just use or buy the appropriate PA’s and skills for the weapon you got (the 7* katana would want to get Katana Focus and Lunar here for example) even though there’s nothing for the Soaring Blades here, the normal attacks deal a ton of damage so you can still shred bosses with just those.

If you otherwise didn’t get those, then priority is either the Firearms or the 5* katana with their appropriate skills. Get Elemental Amplifier as well, and if you haven’t gotten the Vinculum set now’s the time to do so (Or you can buy the Stamina sub-units, for more survivability. Your choice.) Dive Roll Shot is also one you want to get here, it makes handling your Rifle a lot easier.

Although I wouldn’t recommend the other 5* weapon options other than the Katana, if the 8* weapons in the shop appeals more to you than the rifle then feel free to use those instead if you want, they certainly aren’t as good but gets the job done nonetheless. Just be sure to get the appropriate skills and pa/techs for them.

I would highly recommend buying Cluster Shot from here if you did not get enough of these for your MPA at Mission 4. This makes mobbing so much faster and easier it’s probably the best value buy all things considered.

As always, if you have any extra grinders feel free to use them to buy more dolls. You actually might need them for the next Mission.
Mission 6 (Forest 3)

Weapons - Rifle, Sword, Rods,
Discs -

This is a very straight forward area, but you are given two choices after the first set of Nab. Native spawns. If you choose to go North, you will fight Elder Hunar. If you choose to go West, then you will first be given a choice between killing 2 Tagami Spawn or a red box containing some powerful lv.10 PA/Tech discs. There is a Funji capturer waiting when you approach this area, afterwards it’s a longer detour path with various mobs to deal with along the way. The person getting captured by the Funji will have to deal with a Dark Argani and some Dagans inside the Funji.

Although the North path gives the quickest exit in theory, as all you have to deal with is Elder Hunar, it’s simply not worth it. Hunar both has a lot of HP, deals a ton of damage with the units you have at that point, doesn’t have a very impressive drop pool and doesn’t give you a lot of EXP (your character should level to roughly Lv.13 if you were alive on it’s death) It rewards a couple of VR capsules and a guaranteed 10* weapon, but compared to the West path it doesn’t really compare. Other than just trying it out for fun, don’t bother with this pathway.

If you do take the North pathway, well it’s simply just a fight with Elder Hunar. Just try not to get caught in his combos because it’s sure to kill you if his basic attacks haven’t already.

The West side, the one you should care about, rewards much more than the North ever will. After dealing with a quick pack of trash mobs, there will be two buttons each containing the Tagamis and the red box respectively, make sure the person who is the bait for the Funji goes in first, picks the selection fast, and makes sure they see the drops before they are teleported away (This means both Tagamis needs to be killed or the box needs to be destroyed ASAP) Either selection here is fine, but there’s a heavy preference for picking the Tagami spawns here because it always drops one piece of the Blitz set, an extremely good unit to have in this mission. When you pick a choice, you want to try and have your entire MPA kite the fungi around so everyone, including the bait can get the full EXP and/or drops. After the Funji bait gets captured, the rest of the MPA will simply push forward and kill all the mobs up ahead until they reach the exit. It’s not a run ender if you let someone get captured before they get the drops, but that’s backtracking that will cost you some time/points.

For the person getting captured by the Funji, once you’re fully loaded in the Funji just keep using your TMG/Soaring Blade and be sure to stay in the air as much as possible. Wise Stance won’t work well here, so keep it turned off. Heavenly Kite/Aerial Shooting helps to achieve this goal, which makes it easier to break through the Funji alongside dodging most of Argani’s attacks. If you happen to die, even with a Doll here you fail the trial, can’t give a shortcut to the other players, and have the bonus miles locked. Ideally you want to be attacking both the Funji and Arghani at the same time. Removing the Funji gives you the Miles, and when Arghani is dead lets you hit the buttons to let the rest of the MPA skip certain spawns to reach the end. (Ideally, the Funji person should be done clearing the Trial+Killed Argani by the time the MPA is fighting the Rockbear spawns. The rest of the MPA might need to kill all the mobs anyways if the bait was too slow.)

After all the people get what they need, just keep going on to the next area.
Mission 7 (Volcano 3)

Weapons - Katana, Soaring Blades, Launcher, Rod, Wand
Discs -

This is more or less Mission 2, but now within the split is yet another split - North and South. For both sides, if you happen to have more than 4 people within your MPA then just know only 1-2 people need to go to the South side, while the rest heads North. Each side regardless needs to hit the switch on each side.

Also to note, starting from this mission, there are now “Hidden” VR capsules, which basically aren’t highlighted on the map nor accompanied by a glow effect making them pretty easy to miss. The map shown shows their location by the gray numbers.

Going back to the beginning, the first few spawns are some Dragonkin then some Darkers. After clearing the Darkers, the timer for the Baize starts and you have much less time to deal with it (You thankfully should be able to clear out the mobs even faster though if you purchased the right things, but still otherwise speed is of essence here; there’s still no penalty for letting the Baize explode but it’s no less annoying to deal with regardless)

On the East section, you face off against Falspawn enemies, then on the second split the North taking care of an Alonaguarda and the south taking care of a couple of Goldrahdas and a Solza Brahda.

On the West section, you face off against Dragonkin, then on the second split the North side will face off against some Dragonkin Riders and a Catre Drahl. The South deals with 2 Dragonkin Riders. It’s recommended that whoever is the Aggro target, they take this path and go South since this pathway is the shortest one to complete, allowing the Aggroer to be set in position to grab Vomos as soon as it spawns.

Once the party has properly done their split sections accordingly (People who went on the South should clear it fast enough to help those on the North kill the bosses) and hit all the switches. Vomosbrodyphis will now spawn in the center. Whoever aggros it should grab aggro ASAP, then proceed to trap it. It’s much easier to trap it since it won’t deal any ranged attacks and just hop endlessly when done correctly, but nonetheless at this point it WILL oneshot ANYTHING with EVERYTHING it has. Be careful. You can still trap Vomos like you can with Burn (It’s even easier too!)[]

Whether or not you have cleared the Baize trial, just move on to the next section and you are once again given the choice between getting a Medium VR capsule or a red box containing 1 Challenge Doll. Hopefully you should be in a position to pick the VR if possible. Whichever you do pick though, a group of Falspawn will come in and there will be a Gwanada Nero. Eliminate all these enemies, then you’re free to enter and freeze the VR timer while anyone who stays behind will go and pick up any drops/VR capsules left behind. You will now enter the 4th interval.
Interval 4
Weapons - Red Weapons

PA/Tech - Sonic Arrow, Symponic Driver, Piercing Round, Heel Stab, Samegid, Gibarta

Skills - Fury Stance, Stationary Fire 1, Element Conversion, Rapid Fire, Talis Tech. Bonus, various Weapon Focus

Items - Various Recovery items, Challenge Doll

Units - Dot set, "Vinculum" set, Stamina/Spirit sub-units

First and foremost, BUY A RED RIFLE. It will be upgraded on the last interval, and will be your main DPS weapon for the rest of the quest. After that, you can choose to buy a Red Launcher for slightly better AoE (If you really want to stick to launcher instead, then that can also be upgraded further) The weapon upgrade asks for 5 weapons and 2 units, if you don’t have extra units just buy any one of the sub-units in the shop for 2 grinders each. Again, the Launcher you bought at the 3rd interval is still more than good enough for mobbing purposes up and including until the end of the quest.

After getting the weapons set, be sure to buy Stationary Fire 1 from the shop. If for whatever reason you don’t have Steady Shot by this point, then you can use Piercing Shell instead for rifle.

Once you get all that sorted out, if there is any weapon type you prefer to use then practically all of the weapon gear skills are available here. From this point on very powerful 10-11* weapons will start dropping and can be potentially more powerful than Blue Rifle with the right PA drops. Still, I would highly recommend instead that if everyone has done their exchanging then you should start converting every extra you have into Grinder at this point.

It’s worth noting that this is the last time you’re able to buy recovery items and any kind of PA/Tech/Majority of the skill discs. If there’s something you may want, be sure you buy it now

With those grinders, you can restock on some Challenge Dolls if you wish.

If you were planning to use a melee-based weapon beyond this point, then be sure to pick up Fury Stance. Likewise, Elemental Conversion if you were using tech weapons as this is the only chance to get these skills.
Mission 8 (Desert 2)

Weapons - 10* Weapons
Discs -

This is practically the same as Mission 3, just with a different second area. The first area is the same straight shot with more or less similar, but different spawns and a stricter time limit (But again, you should be able to blaze through the mobs fast enough if you gotten the proper upgrades) One of the Barbalilipans in the 2nd box room spawn stands on top of a Small VR Capsule, you’ll need a movement tech that gives you air time like Jet Boots, Heavenly Kite etc. to reach it.
The only thing to really note for the first part is that the final spawn is a group of Goldrahdas + 1 Barbalilipan, surrounded by a couple of Ice Barrels. The ideal way is to have everyone stay back during the laser trip wire fence while the one person goes through and with that, they should be able to gather all the spawns to the center which exploding the Ice Barrels should wipe all the mobs there very quickly. Clearing this section fast enough rewards more Miles and the box may give you the 9* Vent units, which can be nice to use especially if someone didn’t get a full Blitz set from Tagami. It’s quite fast to get through it with gear at this point.

Once you reach the second area however, you are greeted with a jump pad and a Small VR Capsule + Hidden Medium VR around the backside. Using the jump pad now brings you to a quick trial in which 99 Goldradhas will be rushing at you to suicide bomb near you. You have some Ice Barrels and two Photon Lasers to help you, these mobs however have the same HP as a Lv.1 Rappy so this should be very easy to deal with as long as you keep using your Launcher that you should have. Clearing this, there will be a Hidden Medium VR capsule near the exit that takes you to the next area.
Mission 9 (Forest 4)

Weapons - 10* Weapons
Discs -

Back in hell again

This is very similar to Mission 4, however as soon as the first set of spawns there will be traps laying all around the map so whoever potentially has trap search needs to quickly deactivate them. Otherwise watch your step. There is also a lot of Hidden VR around the map, you can see on this visualization certain section may contain a Medium VR capsule but the locations are randomized so be sure to look out where the possible locations are on each section (The grey formations shown on the map is the possible locations the Hidden VR can spawn, and only one on each triangle will spawn on those locations)

After clearing the first two sets of spawns, there is the same Gel Wulfs E-Trial placement, just with only one Photon Turret spawning in at first and different mobs to deal with. Just use the same formation as before (One person goes in to get the Wulf attention, then the rest goes in to clear the trial) and it should play out just fine if the Wulfs don’t immediately destroy your entire MPA.

Manage to get through that, you will deal with some Nab. Native mobs and even some Ultimate Nab. mobs too, the next room after those is a similar layout where the room gets dark. However the switch this time is a big button that needs to have someone standing on them to activate it after a certain amount of time (More people on it moves it faster) You will deal with various Falspawn and a Dark Ragne.

Clearing out the Falspawn, the next spawn to deal with is a Bearabos. He deals a lot of damage, so ranged weaponry helps in staying safe while still dealing the damage. If you still need to activate the switch (Which you should anyways) have one person bring the boss spawn over to the group and try to kite it around so that the players standing on the button don’t have to move around too much but still also can shoot it from a safe distance. When the button is activated, it opens the fence containing a Green box, a Medium VR capsule, and a red box that can contain Grinders or a piece of the Fegali set, also a nice unit to use if someone didn’t get Blitz.

Be sure to grab any VR before going too forward, as there will be a jump pad going over a fence that you cannot pass through again. Buff yourself with Shifta, and use the jump pad to face against a normal Banshee spawn and two rare Banther/Banshee spawns. A small note is that a hidden Medium VR capsule might be hidden before the fence so you might need someone to get that first before jumping.

This part can get really chaotic, but the easiest way to deal with part is this: As soon as you jump in, the first boss that spawns (The normal Banshee) just focus it down immediately. By the time the next two bosses spawns you should at least have this boss down at half health, and can finish it off quickly. Once you do, you can either focus one of the bosses down (Banther first because the other Banshee can actually get aggroed to the Falspawn tower again if you keep your distance) or split and have the two kitties separate from each other so you can’t get juggled between them. You should be able to rid of these two fairly quickly with the Red Rifle.

Once you have dealt with the spawns, get your drops, have someone freeze the VR timer, and collect both the normal and hidden VR capsule if it spawned in that arena and hope you played well enough that you still got the 100 perfect bonus going in the last Interval area.
Interval 5
Weapons - Blue Weapons

PA/Tech - None.

Skills - Chain Trigger

Items - Moon Atomizers, Challenge Doll

Units - None.

UPGRADE YOUR RED RIFLE TO A BLUE RIFLE. You need the Red Rifle and 5 grinders. A Holy Ray drop from Mission 9 can be a suitable substitute here too.

Any other Red Weapons you may own, you’re free to upgrade these here as well. But they aren’t required, even the Red Launcher is still more than enough to deal with the mobbing sections here (But if there is a weapon you do use for bossing DPS that’s not rifle, then upgrade that to a Blue weapon.)

Make sure you cap out on 2 Challenge Dolls for everybody, do your exchanges if you have something someone needs, and then convert every possible thing you don’t need afterwards. If you managed to get 50 Grinders after all that, then go ahead and buy a Chain Trigger and use it on anyone that’s not the VR Manager. Chain Trigger isn’t required to clear this mission so liberal use of grinders beforehand was never detrimental.

There’s not much else after that, you’re at the home stretch!
Mission 10 (Volcano 4)

Weapons - 11* weapons
Discs - Photonic Laser, Decimator, Acroblitz, Hurricane Hurl

A straight shot, some Hidden VR here and there but now it’s a DPS race until the clear.

Immediately the first spawn is a lot of Falspawn and Dark Aragni, just watch out for the boss he will deal a ton of damage compared to the others. Usage of Chain Trigger if you have it will kill the boss quickly. There is a Hidden VR if you walk backwards from where you spawn.

The next set is the Carthago sniper squad, and a Alonaguarda + Elder Arm combo. The Chain Trigger person can easily kill the Arms due to it’s massive rear weak point, otherwise just be sure not to get hit a lot because these mobs will juggle you to death. There will be a Hidden Medium VR here. Usage of Wise Stance here can also kill Elder really fast.

The jump pad will spawn after the mobs are cleared, and it’s the last Gel Wulf trial of the quest. One person goes in and grabs the attention, the rest follows a bit after to try and use the Turrets to clear the trial as they can. You can use these turrets to clear the mobs and bosses faster too, but just make sure the Gel Wulfs don’t cause too much trouble - don’t wanna end the run right there so close to the end after all. There is a Hidden Medium VR and a Small VR capsule located here.

Another jump pad spawns to bring you to a room with 3 Barbalilipans, waves of Sparzile, and a rare Tranmizer (Cougar NX ACE in the JP version) The room will also be dark, with a button in the middle to turn it on for a short while. be sure to use Chain Trigger and Wise Stance as needed to give yourself an advantage. There is a Hidden Medium VR and a Small VR capsule here

When the teleporter shows up after the enemies are dead, you now stand in the final room of the quest. The first spawn is practically an exact replica of the final room of Mission 5, however this time around you do have to deal with the caterderps in this room, as they will lift the fences blocking the VR capsules (these won’t be added to the score if you pick them after after killing the final boss, so this is important.)

The same strats are applied here as before though, have one person grab the aggro and kite the Burn Draal away from most of the mobs, and then the others will deal with the Caterdrans to open the fences. When that’s done, then they deal with Burn Draal till it’s dead.

Now for your final opponent: Vomosbrodyphis. By this point he shouldn’t one shot you per say, and you can actually deal a good amount of damage to him, but nonetheless he will wreck your ♥♥♥♥ if you just don’t know how to deal with him. With ranged weaponry, attack the Horn to break and stun for a bit, then keep shooting it’s head. Melee weapons can go after the Wings/Tail for a break for further stuns, but it’s ideal to just aim for the Horn -> Head for the fastest kill time. When Vomos flies into the air and spits down fire pillars to the ground, that’s when he’s almost dead (~20% ish health left) you should pick up the remaining VR at this point and try and clear it as fast you can.

Killed it? Congrats, enjoy your 13xxx Miles and a Rifle camo if it’s your first time.
Version update/Credits
Version 1 - Guide imported to Steam! It's rough at the moment, will be upkept in the coming days but all the info is here.

Sylinder (PID: Sylinder), MahoganyGod01 (PID: MainCharacter) - The boys when I have a cold one
Rushi - RUSHI #1 (Created the VR overlay program)
Ten Evil Stars (PID: Ten Evil Stars) - Also one of the boys but this one is a nerd and also symphogear sux
Unintentional - very cool very epic
Berry (PID: Lucario) - me i made this
r/marinatedpillow - some info provided
C-ma[] - Created the map images shown here
Matt#4744 - VR management via timer pasta