Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis

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Mission:Decision (CM2) Rundown
By Berry and 1 collaborators
A breakdown on the Challenge Mode quest, "Mission:Decision" (CM2)
Thanks for stopping by, be sure to check out the other guides for Challenge Quests if you're interested in running them for even more SG!

Mission: Strike guide -

Mission: Violent Tremor guide -

You can go to any Ryuker Device in NGS and select block transfer to go into the PSO2 Blocks. Then, you go into the main block teleporters to go into the Challenge Quests blocks (301/302, or Universal Challenge Quests Blocks)
Mission:Decision (CM2) Rundown
If you are unfamiliar with Challenge Mode, it is a special game mode accessed in game by going into the required block (B-3xx on your current ship, or select 'Universal Ship Challenge Lobby') and selecting the quest though the counter.

This guide will assume you not only know the full basics of how the game works and them some, but good knowledge of every class and skill up to Bouncer in order to clear it as smoothly as possible. This is specifically just going about the Challenge Mode quest itself.

In this quest, it has it's own special rules in that going into the quest you start at Level 1 with absolutely nothing at all with the goal being that you need to reach to the end of the quest with whatever you find during the quest, more or less like playing a rougelike version of PSO2. If you have played the original PSO1 Challenge Mode, this will be plenty familiar to you and functions pretty similar to it even. Rather than having a time limit, you instead have a VR Energy meter that is shared with the entire MPA, and you have to make sure you can make it to the end of the quest before it depletes otherwise you automatically exit the quest.

This guide is geared more torwards beginners, but will have a lot of information in order to help you refine your skill in this quest faster. The recommended amount of players total to go through the quest is 4, but anywhere from 2-12 player parties can still use this guide to their advantage.

Expect anywhere from 25-35 minutes of gameplay if you plan to clear the entire quest.

Practice good menuing with the UI a LOT and use shortcuts, you WILL have to make quick drops, trades, and equips even in the middle of the run so try not to delay!

Imported from my google docs guide! You can see the original here -
Roles/Starting Points
Unlike in CM1, there’s actually a little less roles to worry about here. Nonetheless, they are still very important to know and fulfill for each party. These are your roles:


The same as the previous mission, this player is the guy who will make sure your VR does not drop down to 0, and if going after a good score making sure you overcap on points properly. THE OTHER PLAYERS SHOULDN’T GRAB THE VR UNLESS ASKED TO. It’s important to make sure if you’re the manager, your party should not be hurting for VR at any point (unless they keep dying) and by the time you reach the Interval area, you should get the full 100 VR bonus.

Depending on the situation, you may have to delay progress in order to space out the VR properly. It’s definitely a bit easier to manage in this quest than the other one, but nonetheless the proper way to deal with all comes from learning experience. Here’s a visual representation of the VR bar and generally a good idea of when to grab some:

The Red line represents the Large (30%) Capsule, the Yellow for Medium (15%) and the Blue for Small (5%) Grabbing the appropriate Capsule as the VR reaches the line caps off your VR meter and gives you 1 overcap point.

Alternatively, you can simply time the VR using any kind of timer. The rough values of each VR is as follows:

Small Capsule (5%) - ~25 Seconds
Medium Capsule (15%) - ~75 Seconds
Large Capsule (30%) - ~150 Seconds

Here is Matt#4744 ‘s excerpt for doing VR via timer:

Timer (Recommended for a dedicated VR manager for accuracy)

Step 1: Download XNote Stopwatch here: Extract it to a location of your choice, it does not require an installation.
Step 2: Open xnsw.exe as administrator, right-click on the timer and change it to compact mode and "Always on Top". Resize as appropriate. Right-click on the timer again and click time format. In the window that comes up, untick hours and minutes and click OK.
Step 3: Right-click on the timer again and go to "Hotkeys". In this window, enter the button or button combination that you want to press in order to reset the timer in the Start/Stop and Reset windows. Untick "Prevent keypresses from reaching applications". Click OK.

The button you want here is up to you, but you will want to set it to something that you will not type while chatting/playing, and something that allows you to also pick up VR capsules without resetting the timer.

Examples include:

] - Press E to pick up VR alone, press E and ] together to pick up the VR and also reset the timer. (the button here can be up to you, it just must be something you won't press in passing)
Ctrl+E - Press E to pick up the VR alone, hold Ctrl and press E to pick up the VR and reset the timer.

If using a single button to reset the timer, you can also set a keyboard or mouse macro to press E and the button together in a single press, and if using controller, you can use a program such as Xpadder or Antimicro to change the keyboard accept button in game to your chosen reset button, and set that on an unused button.

Step 4: You're done! Test to make sure you can reset the timer in game, and test it out while playing.

What you do now is pick up VR capsules as close to the times listed below, depending on player number. If you pick up a VR capsule and it does not give you overfill miles, you must not reset the timer as it will throw off the correct timing.

Check out Rushi’s program to have your own VR overlay (720p resolution needed)


If you have 6 or more members in your MPA, then you can skip this role. 5 or less people will want to do this.

During Mission 2, after dealing with the Lilipan section in whatever way your MPA did, you will face off against a Mizer with two seemingly long pathways. On the East side will be various platforms, two wall buttons on some of the platforms you’ll have to hit with any kind of attacks and a pressure button on the top of the last platform. By activating all these switches, you will open the barrier on the West side that allows you access to a Photon Turret. This allows you to deal a lot of damage to Mizer, especially for a low-man run.

Ideally, the order should be that two people should activate all the East side (Priority should go to Jet Boots > Katana > Rifle users) switches, then head on over to Mizer.

One person (Priority should go to Rifle > Katana > Knuckles users) should rush up to Mizer and grab aggro to pull it away from the East side and bring it as close to the West side as best as possible. When you are at least at the middle section, it’s best to turn Mizer around so when Mizer does it’s jump it’s weak point is clearly exposed to the Photon Turret.

The last people should head West to wait for the Photon Turret to activate it. Note that when you get on the turret, 2 Gawondas will spawn in and will block the turret, it’s suggested that after the players hit the buttons one person will go and help clear out or at least move the mobs away so the turret can get a clear shot. It is possible to clear out the Guwonda mobs with one turret shot with good enough aim.


This is an optional tactic.

On Mission 3, after taking the jump pad when you clear the Gel Wulf+trash mobs, you will be met with a Bomb defusal E-Trial. The idea here is that one specific person will be tasked with defusing the bombs, or at least figuring out the answer to let people know to clear it later on. If you haven’t met with this trial often enough, check this link for an infographic[]

While the person is attempting to find the solution, the other members should try and bring aggro off the general area of the bombs so they can view it properly.

If you would rather brute force it, then technically you can still have this same layout, just instead make sure there’s room for everyone to escape if the answer is wrong as the bombs do generate a damaging AoE if you choose the wrong button, and it will deal quite a bit of damage. Failure of this trial makes all the bombs explode (not hurting the enemies, but one-shotting any human player nearby) and locking the extra Miles away.


In the case that the VR Manager needs an extra hand, basically. There’s really no extra load that players need to bear even in a low group setting, but as usual communication is important.
The ""Meta""
In this quest, the best weapons to get when you reach Interval 1 are Twin Machine Guns, Katana, Knuckles, and Wired Lance. Refer to the Interval 1 section for a full rundown and explanations. Later on by Interval 2, you may obtain some powerful weapons which may be a Rifle, Launcher, Soaring Blades, Sword. Refer to Interval 2 for possible drop information regarding those.

If you’re planning to go after a high score, then keep in mind on the first part of Mission 1, what weapons your MPA gets may influence the run speed. If you happen to gain a surplus of Rifles/Jet Boots from the first box, but not enough Katana/Knuckles then it’s suggested to just reset the run there, as Rifles/Jet Boots have a much slower kill speed than Katana and Knuckles, especially factoring the PA drops afterwards.

There’s no real need to have utility weapons, but it’s noted that Katana, Knuckles, and Wired Lances have travel PA’s they can obtain by Interval 1. It might be a good idea to have some weapon with a guard/lots of iframes on dodge/weapon action if you’re running Knuckles, since later stages get pretty hectic and pretty one-shotty.

SHARE YOUR DROPS IF PEOPLE NEED THEM. Value drops will be explained throughout the guide.

If you die without a Challenge Doll in this quest, you lose VR. Being revived will restore some VR back, but you will still have effectively lost around 10 points for dying. Basically: Try not to die a lot. Or even at all (Revival items can be bought from Intervals, but they are still pretty pricey to get)

Challenge Dolls are functionally similar to the Scape Doll item, however you are revived immediately as soon as you die so just keep that in mind. There is no limit to how many Dolls can be used, but you can only carry 2 at a time. Interval 1 asks for 7 Grinders for each Doll, while Interval 2 asks for 15 (!)

If you reach an interval area from your current Mission (Mission 2 + Mission 4) you will freeze the VR timer and everyone has about ~30 seconds to get what they need before automatically being transported to the Interval. There’s no penalty for doing this, so it’s recommended to use this to your advantage to try and keep the 100 VR bonus.
Mission 1 (Tundra 1)

Weapons - Katana, Knuckle, Jet Boots, Rifle, 9* Gunslash, 9* Rod
Discs - Flash of the Lotus, Quake Stomp, Gran Wave, Piercing Round, Zonde, Heal Sharing, First Blood, Step Advance, Dive Roll Advance, Dive Roll Shot, Snatch Step, Heal Sharing, Attack Advance
Guaranteed sub-units (Add/Stamina, Add/Wall), 4* units

Your first set of spawns here is a group of Yedi and Grulfer. Watch out for the wolves! They can ricochet off walls if their jump reaches that far to do another jump at your direction, easily double tapping you which could lead to many early deaths (and it’s definitely a lot more punishing to die earlier here than CM1) there’s also a Green box containing 5 random recovery items. This map is just a straight path, so the VR manager can just collect VR along the way.

After dealing with that, you first run into an Orange box that will randomly contain 1 of either a Katana, Knuckles, Jet Boots, or a Rifle. As stated earlier, if you want a high score then if you get bad rolls here (more Rifles/Jet Boots than Katana/Knuckles) then it might be best to reset the run here now. But if you don’t care, then just quickly equip your weapon and move long. You’ll face off against more Tundra Natives.

The next set is a Green box, this one will randomly contain 2 Discs of these selections: Flash of the Lotus, Quake Stomp, Gran Wave, Piercing Shell, or Zonde. Use up the disc of your appropriate weapon type, and if you’re left with minimal communication just simply drop any discs that you don’t need for other players to pick up and use if their weapon type supports that disc. If you get a Zonde disc, just hold onto it as it will come in hand for some specific spawns later on. Again, if you’re going after a good score, then if you don’t get the proper PA’s for your weapons here it might be a reset (at least 50-75%, depending on size, of your current group needs their weapon’s PA to make time for the best scores.) This place also has another set of Tundra enemies to deal with so menu out your equipment fast.

The last freebie box is a Blue box, and that will give you 2 sub-units, either a Stamina (+60 hp) or a Wall (+100 def) unit. It doesn’t matter what you get here, but just quickly equip them regardless for a little more survivability until Interval 1.

Getting through all that, the next is a boss fight against De Marmoth and a group of Yedi+King Yedi. There’s nothing really special you have to do here, but you can spread your members apart to deal with each group efficiently. If you decide to roll with at least one Rifle and they have the Piercing Round PA, they can actually aggro De Marmoth down the hill and make it easier for the others to hit the weak point, thus making the kill speed a little faster that way. Just keep watch out for random wide-spread attacks. The boss can potentially drop a 9* Gunblade (Better than Rifle or Jet Boots normal attacks) or a 9* Rod (Can have a niche use with people with Zonde, otherwise grinder fodder) it can also drop Attack Advance, which if someone didn’t manage to get a PA from the green box can use this instead for better damage

Right after that is some Falspawn, really nothing special but one spawn is on top of a hill so if you do have a Jet Boots user they can easily take care of that. Then you face off against a Snow Banshee alongside some random Tundra enemies as the last set of spawns for the area, it’s worth noting you can just focus down the boss first. This boss can also drop the 9* weapons stated above alongside the Attack Advance. There is a good number of Small VR Capsules and a Large VR Capsule here, it might be a good idea to have the VR manage delay the Large + Small capsules here for just a little bit while the rest of the group proceeds to the next area.
Mission 2 (Tunnels 1)

Weapons - Random 2* weapon (Green box choice) 7* Double Saber, 7* Rifle
Discs - Random 1-3* PA/Tech (Green box choice) Gunslinger Spin, Spin Dance, Triple Shot, Guilty Break, Assault Advance, Final Nemesis, Acroblitz, Quake Stomp, Flash of the Lotus, Gran Wave, Piercing Shell

Reaching this area, the first spawns is a couple of Automata and a spike trap along the middle, do take care to try not to get hurt by those since they do deal a decent amount of damage to you. People with Quake Stomp can easily stun the mobs all around the mission making them great CC support.

Now you’ll be faced with the main gimmick of this quest: choosing between VR or Miles. To even sweeten the deal, the first two choice (this one included) gives you a box with extra goodies - this one gives a Green box that gives you a random 2* weapon and a random 1-3* PA/Tech disc (It may not give you an appropriate disc for the weapon you just got though) the others is Miles to give you a better score, and later on you get much more miles for picking this option constantly.

Because this guide is geared towards you doing an all Miles run, we’re just gonna assume here you are picking Miles (But picking VR is a good way to learn the map and by far makes this the easiest quest to run by doing so, if you wanna learn through experience anyways) in which after picking up your miles, you’ll be met with more Automata and spike traps. Deal with them in a fast, but safe manner. There’s also a Small VR Capsule here.

Now there will be a rescue Lilipan E-Trial here - and yes you can fail this via friendly fire. You are basically required to NOT KILL THE LILIPAN AND ACTUALLY CLEAR THIS TRIAL. By clearing it, you are rewarded more Miles which more or less negates the time loss by doing this properly but also the only free Challenge Doll in this entire quest. Make sure you split between the three spawns on each corner properly and don’t have your attacks hit the Lilipan being saved (These mobs have low HP that normal attacks can kill them fast enough, and you only need to stall the ~40 seconds here anyways) One set of spawns have both a group of Sparguns and Sparzile spawning together, if someone has Jet Boots/Knuckles with Quake Stomp they can AoE this part easily on their own. It’s worth noting that the first thing that spawns is actually just Sparguns and Signogun, killing the 3 Signoguns spawns the Sparziles. You actually can stall out the Signoguns until the trial ends too if you have to do it that way, since Sparziles can easily destroy the Lilipan if they get close enough.

On the next part, it does depend on how many people you have in your MPA. With 6 people or more, you should be good to just go straight after the Mizer and just beat it down till it’s dead to go onto the next part. If you have less than that (Or would prefer to use this tactic anyways, up to your group) here’s how the breakdown should go:

When arriving up to this part, you need to decide on 2 people going all the way down the East path (Jet Boots > Rifle > Katana priority) and hit all the switches there - there will be one button on the lower piller, another button hidden behind near the topmost pillar, and a pressure button all the way on the top. You need to activate all these to open the fence to the Photon Turret.

While this is going on, 1-2 people head to the West side and wait until the fence is down to use the Photon Turret. When you get on the turret, 2 Gawonda will spawn in and block the front of the Turret, so it’s suggested that at least one other person helps by pulling the mobs away or just killing them. The Turret can one-shot these mobs anywhere so long as you don’t hit their shields.

Anyone else should go and aggro mizer away from it’s spawn point (Rifle > Katana > Knuckle priority) and bring it closer to the Photon Turret. When you’re at least at the middle point, you can try to manipulate Mizer’s movement so that when he does his jump attack, the weak point will be facing towards the Turret, allowing for a lot of damage dealt to the boss, killing it very quickly.

Whichever way you decide to kill it, just know there is a Large VR Capsule in the middle of this part. Mizer, when killed, can drop some 5* units and the following notable drops: 7* Double Saber, 7* Rifle (Impact Slider natural PA), Perfectionist, PP Slayer, and Gunslinger Spin. The PA drop is very important. The teleporter to the next part of the map spawns as soon as Mizer dies.

The teleporter takes you to the last part of this Mission, which is some various mobs and a Dekor Maryuda at the very end. Although all the mobs before the boss does have the ability to drop items, note that they have a very low drop rate for doing so. It’s highly recommended to just rush to the end boss here. Hopefully you’ve timed your VR well to hit the 100 bonus when going into the Interval area here (There will be 4 Small VR Capsules spread about in this part of the map) The boss here also shares similar loot from the Mizer boss, so it’s a 2nd chance here to get a Gunslinger Spin. You will enter the Interval area from here.
Interval 1
A small breather area where you have 5 minutes to buy, exchange, and plan out whatever you may need before the next Mission starts.

Weapons - 5* weapons

PA/Tech - Zandion, Fomelgion, Barantsion, Blaze Parry, Heavenly Drop, Rain of Tears, Symphonic Driver, Turbine Toss, Heartless Impact, Blitzfire Barrage, Cherry Blossom Finale, Disperser Shrike, Impact Slider, Rocket Rodeo, Assault Advance, Torrential Arrow, Strike Gust, Zan, Gimegid

Skills - Photon Blades Fever, Guard Stance, Precision Stance, Extra Chaser Damage, It's Showtime, Combo Variation PA Bonus, Sidestep Perfect Attack Combo, Charge PP Regeneration, Katana Combat, Rapid Fire, Fast Talis Throw, Rapid Boost, Elemental Burst

Items - Various recovery items, Challenge Doll

Units - Browyle set, “Vinculum” set, Stamina/Spirit sub-units.

First things first, BUY ONE OF THE 5* WEAPONS IN THIS SHOP. YOU NEED IT TO UPGRADE IT LATER. Because we are assuming you took Miles on the first choice, that means unequipping your current weapon and buying, if you’re going with the meta, Katana, Knuckles, or Wired Lances. Wired Lances are preferred if you did not obtain Flash of the Lotus or Quake Stomp from Mission 1 or 2. If you happen to obtain Gunslinger Spin, go ahead and buy a TMG from the shop. It’s worth noting that Katana has the best potential DPS here, Knuckles provide great stun ability, and TMG/Wired Lances bring the damage and good AoE capability.

After you get your weapon of choice, do your best to afford the whole “Vinculum” set from the shop. They cost 2 grinders each for a total of 6 grinders needed, you may need to share and convert stuff into grinders as needed to give as many people in the MPA this set. They are good to use throughout the entire quest, but obviously you’ll be a little squishy by the very end. This is taken because they give a noticeable damage boost and a decent amount of PP, therefore more DPS and speed gained.

Finally, always make sure you buy Precision Stance and Katana Combat if you are gonna use Katana. Precision Stance comes at Level 10 so it’s literally just a straight up benefit with no downside to it; strictly rewarding you whenever you hit a weak point on an enemy. Katana Combat is actually used very often here since mobs are pretty packed.

Now that you’ve settled on the “essentials”, if you do wish to use anything else, you are free to. They really just aren’t as good as those top 4 weapons in this quest however. If you happen to get any of the 7-9* weapons from the previous missions, it’s best to turn those into grinders (You can keep the rifle if you want though, it actually deals some pretty respectable damage and even comes with a built-in PA)

If you want to bet on luck, there are some weapon drops in the later areas that do actually have pretty good potential to be on par or better DPS than the current ones. If you do, just keep a hold on these PAs: Triple Shot (Red Scorpio) Guilty Break/Blaze Parry (Lightning Espada) Dispersion Shrike/Immortal Dove (Hyakkaryolan)

If you managed to get a Zonde, I’d recommend having someone use it for a specific spawn in Mission 3. If you have extra copies of Quake Stomp that also can be saved so extra knuckle drops can be used just to have the Stun effect for everyone.

It’s worth noting a few things specifically for this interval too: Any weapon can be converted into 5 Grinders, any Discs are a 1:1 grinder ratio, and this is the only place where Challenge Dolls are purchased at 7 Grinders (alongside the recovery items besides Moons at a lower price) Keep this in mind and convert/purchase accordingly regarding this information.
Mission 3 (Skyscape 1)

Weapons - Katana, Rifle, Rod, Launcher, Wired Lance, TMG, 9* Quartz Dragon gear, 8* Bow
Discs - Satellite Cannon, Ilzonde, Desperado Dance, Kamikaze Arrow, Cerberus Dance, Nonplussing Knuckle, Strezwei, Shifta, Deband, Critical Field, Iron Will, Healing Guard

Immediately as you spawn in, you are given your choice between VR or Miles here. Inside the VR Box also contains a red box that has class skills in it. Again, this guide is geared towards a Miles only run so pick that. There will be a small group of Dragonkin up ahead - just a reminder some of these include Shield type mobs and any enemy that does a charge/ranged attacks will wind up their attacks as soon as they spawn and always fire all their shots on each player’s screen, so avoid as needed.

A jump pad spawns after dealing with that, in which the next area has 1 Small VR Capsule, and a Small Hidden VR Capsule off to the West. There will be a couple of Ranged Dragonkin, so just watch out for their shots aimed at you and deal with them quickly.

The next set is a Gel Wulf trial, with a moving platform that triggers a trap trial as well. You have to trigger the trap in order to progress, but after the trap has been activated it is possible for someone to use aerial movement techs to get to the other side and use the Photon Turret to take out the Gel Wulfs as needed. Do note this Turret can also one-shot the next set of spawns that appear after dealing with the trap trial, which may be worth holding off on completing the Gel Wulf trials just to rid of the mobs first with the Turret especially on a lower MPA setting, but again that’s purely up to you. It’s a line of Shield, Ranged, and a small set of Healing Dragonkin in any case.

Another jump pad appears when that’s all done, and now you have yet another trial to get through which is the Bomb defusal trial. Refer to this infographic to know how to solve these Bombs properly. There will be 4 bombs in total, and you have to go through at least 2 waves of enemies (consisting of both Dragonkin and Falspawn enemies) to have access to each of the bombs needed to be defused. You can approach this e-trial in whichever way you see fit, with the Bomb Defuser role mentioned above or by brute-forcing the answers; just be sure to keep your distance from the bombs in whatever case to prevent unneeded damage if the answer was wrong.

The last wave of this bomb trial contains 2 Catredransa to deal with among the Falspawn, and they can potentially drop some good PA/8-9* weapons. If at up to this point you have gotten Ilzonde, either give it to a person who doesn't have a good way of dashing around the map or just use it yourself if no one has gotten a Lightning based tech thus far. Completing the bomb trial rewards you with a good chunk of Miles, so it’s very important you try to get this trial done right. There’s also a Medium VR Capsule at the end regardless if the trial was done or not.

The 3rd jump pad here first will take you to a spawn that mainly has Krabahdas lined up near 3 Lightning pillars and some El Ardas. Dodge the charges, and try to kill the crabs as fast as possible by Hitting Their Weak Point for Massive Damage™ - If you happened to get a Zonde/Ilzonde disc here, you can use it to activate the Lightning pillars when they place up their shields so you can go back to wailing on their weak points. Wired Lances with Heavenly Drop can also just keep picking up these mobs so they can’t move until they do die. Either way, try not to let them shield regardless because it can waste a bit of time. There is a Small Hidden VR Capsule behind the left pillar.

While this was all happening, the Baize e-trial you would have noticed already had been ticking down and you simply need to destroy it. Unless half your MPA was asleep, getting to and destroying the Baize would have been no problem at all, but again is no less annoying to deal with if it somehow does explode. There is no penalty for failing it if you somehow did. Whatever happens, a group of Goldrahdas will spawn in a circle formation - if you had some Katana users it would be a good idea to have used Katana Combat when destroying the Baize so they can get a good amount of hits in to use KC as soon as the mobs spawn, generally at least destroying the explosive backsides on all of them. TMGs can also hold them down really well. Either way, it’s best not to let them run around too much and try to group together.

There will be more Dragonkin+Falspawn on the next section of the island, those with TMG or Katana deal with the Dragonkin spawn more easily while the rest can clear out the Falspawn. Nothing really much more to this part.

The last jump pad of this map leads to the final room, where you face off against 2 Wolguarda and it’s goons with a Quartz Dragon flying in from the behind. You can really take on this set of spawns however you see fit, but they all need to die regardless - and also making sure you don’t die a lot too as well. All of these bosses also can drop more of the rare items mentioned above. This part also has 1 Large and 1 Small VR Capsule at the area exit, and a Small Hidden VR Capsule a little bit behind where Quartz Dragon spawns. I actually would recommend delaying picking up the VR here since the next map won’t have a lot of VR to get to reach that 100 perfect.
Mission 4 (Tundra 2)

Weapons: 10-12* Weapons
Discs: Hurricane Hurl, Morning Mistreaver, Grim Barrage, Photonic Laser, Sacrifice Bite, Chaser Arrow, Burst Infinity, Shocktether, Zenith Throw, Juggle March, Nocturnal Blossom, Dash Wing, Surging Gale, Rayblade Shot
Units: 9* Tian set, 9* Vent set
Items: Red/Green/Blue/Yellow stone (Guaranteed 3 from Green box, RNG from Elder)

A small group of Tundra Natives blocks the way from this area’s choice between VR or Miles. In the VR choice, you are also given a box that contains 3 pieces of a single type of R/G/B/Y stone which can be traded in for some very powerful equipment at the Interval. However despite that, you will be picking Miles here. Hopefully. Please.

When you have made your choice there, simply open the blocked fence ahead to battle against a Dal Malri and it’s small posse of Tundra mobs. Behind the spawns is a little cave with a blue box containing rare units, if the VR manager is deciding to delay the VR a little bit you may want to wait until they come along before opening the box so they get the drops too. The boss itself can potentially drop 10* weapons, which is really nice to get through the next parts of this map but not much further after.

Now this map actually has a second choice here: the North or the South path. Each of these paths has different mobs to go through and will give you different rewards for reaching the end of either of these pathways (it is possible to get both if you really want to) I will make this very easy for all of you though: Only the North path is worth taking here. Don’t bother with the South.

Regardless, I will explain both: To start with the South pathway you will fight against two waves of Ultimate Naberius enemies that lead up to a Plosiogrs boss fight. The reward for completing this pathway is a Photon Laser to be used against the next section of this map. Unsurprisingly, these mobs are quite beefy and will take awhile to kill, when all of them can easily kill you in mere seconds for a pretty underwhelming reward in the end due to the time spent getting to this reward anyways, especially for a lower group of people. Theoretically, it is possible to split to get both rewards but really again unless it’s just for fun don’t go down here.

Now for the only path you should only care about regardless: the North path has you dashing to it’s end of the path where you need to hit a Pressure Switch to open a fence rewarding you 500(!!) Miles and the teleporter to the next part. You are blocked off by Falspawn walls you have to break through with your attacks, all the while being pelted by upgraded Falspawn turrets and some corrupted Falspawn that cannot be killed and will one-shot you easily so it’s best to ignore all these threats as best you can and destroy the walls. Unlike the South path though, these walls have very little HP so not only do you clear this in seconds you also get a huge reward better than the bottom in regards to time spent and relative score. It is very easy to die here though, and no matter which pathway was taken if either one was completed a teleporter will appear at the center area anyways so some people can just wait while only a few people complete the North path if they don’t feel confident enough.

Whichever method was taken, the teleporter will take you to the last part of this area: a duel against both Elder Hunar and Elder Arms. If you took the South path, the Photon Turrets should be on the back hills. If there was any players still progressing through either pathway, then they have 2 minutes counting down to clear it before getting teleported here. The arena is pretty small, making a lot of their attacks pretty deadly especially on higher player numbers but the best thing to try and do is have someone just aggro Hunar as far away from the Arms, and just focus down the Arms first (you can keep it stunned until it’s death with good enough coordination) so you can focus on Hunar last. These two have a rare chance of dropping either very powerful 11-12* weapons (Which yes, are better than the upgrades mentioned before) or even one of the colored stones, either one of those being a huge boost. There is a Large VR Capsule here, be sure someone freezes the timer before picking it up and hope it was enough to push you to the 100 bonus. You will now enter an Interval area.
Interval 2
Weapons - 11-12* Weapons

PA/Tech - None.

Skills - Photon Blades Escape, Jet Boots Evasion, Omnidirectional Guard, Double Saber Wind Parry, Twin Dagger Somersault, Knuckles Focus Boost, Dive Roll Shot, Charge Escape, Sidestep Plus, Advanced Dive Roll

Items - Moon Atomizer, Challenge Doll

Units - Brissa set (R/B/G/Y Stone Exchange)

Red Stone Exchange - Blight Rounds, Hunter Focus Boost, Advanced Guard Stance, Cross Cut, Twist Driver, Volkraptor, Poistron Blast, Ilfoie

Blue Stone Exchange - Chain Trigger, Overload, Time After Time, Sarabande Shredder, Chaoslicer, Decimator, Satellite Aim, Ilmegid

Green Stone Exchange - Shifta Strike, Fortifying Deband, Talis Technique Bonus, Peerless Combat, Rapid Fire Mastery, Sideswiper Slash, Thriving Bellflower, Banishing Arrow, Ilbarta

Yellow Stone Exchange - Shifta Aerial Attack Boost, Deband Attack PP Restorate, Photon Blades Fever Up, Rapid Boost Perfect ATK Bonus, Heavenly Kite, Cosmos Breaker, Jetsweep Kick, Zanverse, Ilzan

For weapons, if you have gotten an 11-12* version of the weapon you currently use from Elder then use those - they will be more powerful to use. Otherwise, use the 5* weapon you got from Interval 1 in order to upgrade it to an 11* weapon here. It’s worth noting there’s two special weapons here that instead require a drop from elder to obtain - the 12* Double Saber might be worth it if you want to use it’s PA’s but the Soaring Blade is most definitely not, just use the Yasha as a proper katana instead.

If any one of your weapon uses a skill from the normal disc exchange, then be sure to pick it up here (It’ll usually be Omnidirectional Guard for the WL/Sword users in your MPA)

If you were lucky enough to get a stone, or just picked the VR choice in Mission 4, then you can have your selection at either one of the appropriate stone exchanges or get a Brissa unit. Getting one of the more powerful skills in the stone exchanges is most definitely better than a unit, but if there isn’t anything you want in there then do go ahead and buy a unit (The ones that should be must buys is Poistron Blast if you got the 12* Rifle, Satellite Aim for TMGs, Shifta Strike if you got Shifta, and Thriving Bellflower for Katanas)

If you have a knuckles user in your party, giving them a weapon with a better dodge/block function might not be a bad idea for the next Mission up ahead. Unless they’re confident in their dodging abilities.

When you have those main things settled, you might wanna convert any junk you don’t need - Challenge Dolls costs 15 grinders here and you definitely want to stock up. Note that this is the last Interval, and you’ll be heading into the last Mission from here.
Mission 5 (Corrupted Tunnels)
There are no drops in this mission. JUST KEEP PUSHING ON FORWARD AS FAST AS YOU CAN

This last Mission definitely doesn’t let up, with each spawn being very tricky to deal with. First, you choose between VR or Miles here, and of course you pick Miles here. After that is the Snow kitty duo with a mix of Tundra and Ultimate Natives. One person should go and take care of the two King Yedi spawns at the back of all the mobs since they will wreck the most havoc unchecked, all the while the rest of the MPA AoEs the rest of them down as best they can. It can be worth to aggro the bosses away first to focus them down last, but it’s pretty chaotic from here on out anyways.

You will be given a jump pad after the spawns, and it’s worth noting that there is a Small Hidden VR Capsule at the height of your jump during this, make sure you keep pressing the confirm button to pick this up. You will then face off a circle of Gunkaiser and Signogun spawns and seriously ♥♥♥♥ these guys. They will 100-0 you really quick, all I can hope is that you Stun/CC/AoE them fast enough before they eat through your dolls.

If by some miracle you got past that unscathed, the next jump pad that appears also has a Small Hidden VR Capsule at the height of the jump, be sure to grab it. You then face of a nearly pointless Baize trial that you should basically be able to destroy it in a matter of seconds (And I seriously will be somehow impressed if you can’t) do note that if it does expand anyways, if you’re still using the Vinculum units here (Totally fine to do) it will actually deal a lot of damage to you. When it’s destroyed or not, Quartz Dragon will spawn in shortly with a small pack of Goldrahda around it. It’s definitely the least threatening part of this whole area relatively, but since it is a small space just watch out for Quart’s wide sweeping attacks and the potential explosions of the Goldrahdas.

Now the last jump pad (this one doesn’t have a Hidden VR to it) will take you to the very last area, and if you have been picking miles this whole way through you are rewarded with a 1000(!!!) Mile crystal for being a real one. It won’t be there if you picked VR at all so don’t!

There will be two pillars on the side with a Small VR Capsule on each of them (Although it looks like they are on a high place, you can easily reach them by the height of a full jump) and there will be two waves of enemies to fight in the middle: the first set is a group of Ultimate Automata enemies led by a Zeta Granz. If you stuck with the meta weapons here and especially the more AoE heavy ones, these guys actually should go down pretty quickly. Of course being the types of enemies they are, the same is said to yourself so just try to minimize damage wherever you can.

If you got through that, you now face the last threats of this quest which will be a couple of normal and Ultimate Falspawn, with Anga Phandaj in the middle. The yuuga mobs are a huge pain in the ♥♥♥♥ and there will be Solza Brahda on top of the platforms mentioned earlier. I personally like to take these two mob types out first, but technically you don’t need to kill any of the mobs here - only Anga needs to fall here to complete the quest so if you can somehow get away with it you can just ignore most of the mobs running around and just focus on Anga (Of course, this would be a lot more hard to do.)

Anga cannot be resistant to any of your attack type, but otherwise goes normally through each it’s phases. When it dies the first time and revives, it will perform it’s sword slap attack shortly after - the best way to deal with this is to have as much people group up together with a weapon that can parry/block so you can properly do so against the barrage of attacks (Which obviously Katana is the best for this, since it’s parry gives a counter-attack)

Just don’t forget there are two Small VR Capsules before completing the quest!

Did you manage to kill it? Congrats, had you taken full miles here you can expect a score of 51xx-53xx or so. Let's aim for a high 53xx score!
Update history/Credits
Version 1 - Imported from the google doc version! Still a bit rough, but all the information is here. Will be organized throughout the days.

Sylinder (PID: Sylinder), MahoganyGod01 (PID: MainCharacter) - the actual CHADS
Ten Evil Stars (PID: Ten Evil Stars) - i hate him but don’t tell anyone shhhhh
Berry (PID: Lucario) - its me!
Unintentional - still very cool and epic
Rushi - STILL #1 (Created the VR overlay program)
Shachao - cuz I wanna give a shoutouts
C-ma[] - also made the maps shown here!
r/ExiledFromSpace - created the bomb defusal reference guide
Matt#4744 - VR management via timer pasta
NothingToSeeHere 8 Aug, 2020 @ 11:46am 
tfw secretly hated.