

4,572 ratings
Vanilla Books Expanded
Mod, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
3.433 MB
10 Aug, 2020 @ 4:17am
8 Jan @ 6:43am
20 Change Notes ( view )

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Vanilla Books Expanded

In 2 collections by Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
107 items
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 items


10/08/2020: Release

Since Books are now a thing in the base game, it wasn't easy to decide what to do with this mod. Fortunately, books can't be written by the player in the base game, so it was a simple decision: This mod will now allow you to construct writing bench and typewriter bench, and will then allow your colonists to write different types of books, same way it worked before.

You can also write newspapers for a quick and simple recreation bonus for your colonists.

I hope you will appreciate this mod as much as I enjoyed making it!

Vanilla Books Expanded content can be seen below:


Q: Does this mod work with RimWorld 1.1?
A: Yes! We are backwards compatible!

Q: Does this mod work with any other mods adding new joy types?
A: Yes, we are completely separate!

Q: Are there bookshelves? Or are you planning to add bookshelves?
A: No and no. Vanilla shelves are just as good and I don’t see a need to add a simple reskin to it just to look like a bookshelf.

Q: Is this mod compatible with RimWriter or other book mods?
A: Yes, however you will have overlap - most likely two different book writing tables, each writing different/same books.

Q: Where are the fiction books? Can we get an X book type?
A: Fiction books and other books will come in the future. As much as I appreciate suggestions, please don’t suggest a book type unless you can also suggest a way to make it unique other than “It gives more joy”.

Q: How long does it take to write a book?
A: It all depends on your intellectual skill, but generally it’s a kind of job that takes a tremendous amount of time - we are talking quadrums here.

Q: How do I get blueprints or maps?
A: They can only be obtained from traders.

Q: How does a blueprint work?
A: You force your pawn to read it. It will take a massive amount of time, but in the end will result in a given technology being researched.

Q: Is this mod save game compatible?
A: Yes, you can add it whenever you like. Removing it however can cause errors, so back up your save!

Q: How long does a newspaper last?
A: Exactly 24 hours from the time it’s made. It is however fast to craft and provides pawns with joy when read.

Q: CE compatible?
A: Yes. I hope. I say yes but in reality I don’t know. Probably is tho, but I never even played with CE. What is CE?

Graphics, xml and descriptions are created by me, Oskar Potocki.

C# code work created by Taranchuk.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]


Every dollar donated allows us to spend more time refining the mods and creating new content. If you’re feeling generous, even the smallest donation is always welcome!

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Popular Discussions View All (27)
5 Feb @ 3:09pm
17 Jan @ 7:53am
Ideas about possible new books
15 Feb, 2024 @ 5:25pm
Pawns reading books on the toilet? Gripe here
Kamikaze 20 Mar @ 10:00am 
@power724win Should be in "Production".
power724win 18 Mar @ 11:54pm 
i can not find writing workbench where is it?
Haddam_Sussein 4 Mar @ 7:47pm 
scratch that... just if you change a research project
Haddam_Sussein 4 Mar @ 7:46pm 
just noticed something else and i think this is the problem, if i change a research project while there is a pawn working on the book, its immediately destroyed
Haddam_Sussein 4 Mar @ 7:40pm 
what do you mean by quality? Im trying to make them write a book for each skill but they write a bit, sometimes half and when they go off to do something else the unfinished book is destroyed. I do have a restriction where they can only store books from good to legendary.
Kamikaze 3 Mar @ 11:44pm 
What quality of boocks have you set in production?
Haddam_Sussein 3 Mar @ 3:14pm 
Anyone else having a problem where pawns just destroy an unfinished book to haul the cloth somewhere else?
✞ Star∞ 27 Feb @ 8:50am 
heya, so just curious, but this mod is heavily based off of it's predecessor right? if i recall...
Sarg Bjornson 24 Feb @ 10:48pm 
It's the same system vanilla uses
I_is_Zed 24 Feb @ 3:04pm 
I've been noticing that my pawns don't make books at the quality I expect relative to their skill - my 20 Int pawn making only a good quality Int book - Is there some randomness to the quality, or is this a bug?