Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

51 ratings
Ultimate Tooltip - Display Birthday
File Size
100.870 KB
29 Sep, 2020 @ 9:21am
1 Change Note ( view )

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Ultimate Tooltip - Display Birthday

This mod is an addon to and adds information about a characters birth date.

If you want to use this mod, you have to put this mod AFTER the Framework in the LOADORDER.


Q: Why didn't you just use ingame rules to make the mod customizable?
A: I tried, but it didn't work. You can make customizable localizations, which are based on requirements like game rules, but those localizations don't work with commands like "CHARACTER.GetHealth", which makes them useless for this mod.

Q: Can you add feature XY?
A: Tell me what you want and I will look into it, when I have time. Alternatively you can just make your own addon-mod (just look how the other ones are made) and I will include it in the framework.

Q: Is this mod ironman compatible?
A: The mod changes the language / localization files, which in CK2 has no effect on the checksum, but it does in CK3. This means the mod is NOT achievement compatible.