

2,991 ratings
ReGrowth: Core
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
85.511 MB
17 Oct, 2020 @ 4:49am
18 Feb @ 10:59am
165 Change Notes ( view )

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ReGrowth: Core

In 2 collections by Helixien
ReGrowth: Biomes of The Rim
11 items
Helixiens Creations
14 items

You can see all changes in the changelog tab!

Current mod version: 3.6-Mundi-rev10

Further refinement.
After the recent updates my attention is now on other modules and mods for the time.

What is ReGrowth?
ReGrowth is a mod deeply influenced by the philosophy of the Vanilla Expanded Series and the understanding how biomes work, what role they play in your game. Everything added was made to fit or mirror vanilla. From a simple UI texture to a new more complex system,being as performance and vanilla friendly as possible is the main objective we have.

This mod is the Core, which is a requirement for all other ReGrowth mods, but don't let yourself be fooled by the name. It in itself also adds a lot of new content to your game.

ReGrowth is designed to be as lightweight as possible, adding the minimum of new code required for its auditions to work.

If you are a modder and want to know how to make use of ReGrowth: Core features in your own mod, please read our Wiki! (ATM the wiki is WIP, more will be added as time goes on!)

For BiomesKit and World Map Beautification Project modders, you can still follow the steps on the old wiki[github.com]. It will work just fine!

These are all the mods we currently support on our end:
  • Vehicle Framework
  • Vanilla Fishing Expanded
  • Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Architect
  • Vanilla Animals Expanded
  • Vanilla Plants Expanded
  • Vanilla Plants Expanded - Mushrooms
  • Vanilla Psycasts Expanded
  • [WD] Realistic Darkness
  • [WD] Realistic Darkness (Light)
  • RimJobWorld
  • The Joris Experience

These mods have World Map Beautification built in:
  • Medieval Overhaul
  • Outland - Toxic Forest

These mods do not work with ReGrowth: Core, or aren't recommended to be used together.
  • World Map Beautification Project: Core has the same code included. Using both shouldn't break anything, but I can't guarantee it.
  • [FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time: Core does the same thing.
  • Animated Marshes: Core does the same thing.
  • Herd Migration Revival(revived): Core does the same thing
  • Project Neutrolope: Core does the same thing.
  • Perspective: Ores: Integrated into Core.
  • Perspective: Trees: Integrated into Core.
  • Replantable Special Trees: Core has mod options for the same thing.
  • Set Up Camp by Alias: Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Two mods adding the same feature might cause issues, I wouldn't risk it.

Q: Can this mod be added to an existing save?
A: Yes it can be!

Q: Can this mod be removed from a save?
A: It's not recommended, no!

Q: Can I use other mods that do similar changes to the game? (GreenRim, etc.)
A: Probably yes, but I can't guarantee that everything works as it should.

Q: Is this mod part of the Vanilla Expanded Series?
A: No.

Q: Does the mod change Rimworlds balance?
A: Yes, it does change Rimworlds balancing to a degree. Personally I think you wont notice as it, at best, makes the early game a bit easier. The biggest change is to the amount of wood you can have, but then again it's wood.

Q: Are all features available for versions of Rimworld before 1.4?
A: No. With 3.5, we no longer support earlier versions. If you still use 1.3 or earlier, grab the legacy version from GitHub!

Q: Does bathing work with Dubs mods?
A: Yes, last time I checked!

Q: Mod Options don't work!?
A: Make sure to restart the game! Most options require a restart.

  • Textures are made by Sir Van, Elseud, OskarPotocki and my humble self.
  • XML and patches are done by me.
  • C# Code done by Taranchuk and erdelf.
  • Thanks to Owlchemist for allowing me to integrate his mods.
  • Thanks to Odeum for allowing me to integrate his mods.
  • Responsible for the amazing storyteller artwork is the artist Vitalii.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0[creativecommons.org]

Popular Discussions View All (5)
25 Jan @ 9:16pm
Incompatible with Dubs Bad Hygiene
23 Jan @ 11:25am
Minerals_SK [forked (continued) cause a map generation error.
10 May, 2024 @ 5:22am
ReGrowth Compatbility with Biomes!
💖⎛⎝Silver Knight⎠⎞
BigGovernment 3 hours ago 
I can get regrowth and M2 to load together. I don't think that's it.
Pixelly_ 11 hours ago 
@Brooke, I can't even get a map to generate so I think something with regrowth and medieval screwed it.
El Punto 13 hours ago 
A patch to add a load rule stating this mod should be loaded after medieval 2 might do the trick.
El Punto 13 hours ago 
@Keeper I had the same issue. I suspect you're loading "Vanilla Factions Expanded: Medieval 2" after this mod. Try moving that mod above this one in the load order.

This mod is adding an entry to "sowResearchPrerequisites" in Ideology-Plants.xml while the other mod is adding an entirely new "sowResearchPrerequisites" node in PlantsPatch.xml causing the duplicate error if done in that order.
Keeper 15 hours ago 
@Crucible: It's in relation to a research tech for plants.
Keeper 15 hours ago 
XML error: Duplicate XML node name sowResearchPrerequisites in this XML block: <plant><fertilityMin>0.01</fertilityMin><fertilitySensitivity>0.15</fertilitySensitivity><growDays>40</growDays><dieIfLeafless>true</dieIfLeafless><harvestYield>8</harvestYield><harvestTag>Standard</harvestTag><harvestedThingDef>VFEM2_RawGlowstool</harvestedThingDef><maxMeshCount>4</maxMeshCount><neverBlightable>true</neverBlightable><visualSizeRange>0.4~0.7</visualSizeRange><topWindExposure>0.05</topWindExposure><wildClusterRadius>3</wildClusterRadius><wildClusterWeight>5</wildClusterWeight><purpose>Food</purpose><pollution>Any</pollution><sowResearchPrerequisites><li>RG_MushroomCultivation</li></sowResearchPrerequisites><immatureGraphicPath>Things/Plant/_Immature/Glowstool_Immature</immatureGraphicPath><sowTags><li>Ground</li><li>Hydroponic</li></sowTags><sowResearchPrerequisites Inherit="False"><li>VFEM2_Alchemy</li></sowResearchPrerequisites></plant>
Brooke 23 hours ago 
for some reason regrowth mods just completely stop any world i generate from generating any sort of trees or plants at all while used with the "Biomes!" series of mods
Crucible 23 hours ago 
@keeper what exactly is the clash with VE Medieval 2?
Keeper 19 Mar @ 12:41am 
Is it possible to get a patch to work with the Vanilla Expanded Medieval 2 mod?
dabeek 18 Mar @ 3:49pm 
@Helixien Does the WMBP code in this mod also cover Alpha Biomes?