

1,525 ratings
ReGrowth: Temperate
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
973.604 KB
18 Oct, 2020 @ 2:37am
18 Feb @ 11:56am
28 Change Notes ( view )

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ReGrowth: Temperate

In 2 collections by Helixien
ReGrowth: Biomes of The Rim
11 items
Helixiens Creations
14 items

You can see all changes in the changelog tab!

Current mod version: 3.2-Silva-rev5

Nothing right now, we are happy with it.

What is ReGrowth?

ReGrowth is a mod deeply influenced by the philosophy of the Vanilla Expanded Series and the understanding how biomes work, what role they play in your game. Everything added was made to fit or mirror vanilla. From a simple UI texture to a new more complex system,being as performance and vanilla friendly is the main objective we have.

This is the module for the temperate biomes, adding new trees, terrain and plants to enhance how it looks and make it more unique.

ReGrowth is designed to be as lightweight as possible, adding the minimum of new code required for its auditions to work.

These are all the mods we currently support from our end:

  • ReGrowth: Core (Grassland Biome)

Q: Can this mod be added to an existing save?
A: Yes it can, but be aware some content like new terrain might require a new save to fully work.

Q: Can this mod be removed from a save?
A: It depends. Technically it can be, but I will not provide support if you do.

Q: Can I use other mods that do similar changes to the game? (GreenRim, etc.)
A: Probably yes, but I can't guarantee that everything works as it should.

Q: Is this mod part of the Vanilla Expanded Series?
A: No, while you might see similar people attached, it is NOT a Vanilla Expanded mod.

  • Textures are made by Alastair and me.
  • XML and patches are done by me.
  • C# Code done by Taranchuk. Thanks to erdelf for his help with the weather overlays.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester and he wants you to finally buy his book!

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0[creativecommons.org]

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 28 Apr, 2024 @ 3:44pm 
you should do clean reinstall after time when swapping alot of mods and so on the game gets f.... and needs clean reinstall . I use all ReGrowth mods and i have zero errors with them
Kodiak 27 Apr, 2024 @ 3:23pm 
@Killian I had the same problem, the mod didn't update right and I had corrupted/missing files. Launch and disable all mods, unsub all the regrowth mods. launch again with no mods, quit and then resub all the regrowth mods you want. launch again and add the regrowth mods back in, and launch to see if it fixed it. Worked for me and I'm back to my 50+ mods without issues.
Helixien  [author] 27 Apr, 2024 @ 8:19am 
@Killian: Idk man, check your mod list until you find the issue. Some mod conflict somewhere.
Killian 27 Apr, 2024 @ 8:14am 
why when i go to use the regrowth mods everything is just sand no matter what biome?
-↟︎⨺↡︎-TTVLIONHEARTE26 21 Apr, 2024 @ 3:28am 
Is there winter for grassland/temperate?
LoganMartin 8 Nov, 2023 @ 4:34pm 
@xKiwiNova I've been looking for a temperate rainforest mod for a very long time. Please let me know if you end up creating a biome mod for that!
Helixien  [author] 28 Sep, 2023 @ 7:46am 
@Axareans: Yes that is normal, ignore it.
Axareans 27 Sep, 2023 @ 5:10am 
(put the full stacktrace in discussions "Bug report: RG-TF_Alastair")
Axareans 27 Sep, 2023 @ 5:09am 
Hi there, got the following error after loading my save file:

Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named RG-TF_Alastair
xKiwiNova 19 Sep, 2023 @ 5:05am 
@Helixien, thank you, also, I was wondering how you do the leaf textures for trees, do you mind giving some pointers?