Arma 3
181 ratings
Data Type: Composition
File Size
58.183 KB
21 Nov, 2020 @ 12:32pm
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É uma questão ética simples e a única coisa que peço em meus materiais é, usem a vontade e de forma livre, contudo sempre coloquem ou disponibilizem para terceiros a fonte, ou seja o link de onde foi baixado no workshop, é um trabalho artístico e todo autor deve ser valorizado e respeitado.

It is a simple ethical question and the only thing I ask in my materials is, use your will and freely, however always put or make available to third parties the source, that is the link where it was downloaded in the workshop, it is an artwork and every author must be valued and respected.

Ģ◊иℤ◊⚡ℤ∀муpΛй 22 Sep, 2021 @ 4:30pm 
How can i prevent the clipping issues when spawning with zeus, i have problems with all custom compositions like this, they have clipping issues of objects and i have to set them back to their normal state, this can be very frustating and time consuming on larger compositions.
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 7 Sep, 2021 @ 11:57am 
I will be immensely grateful.
shadowhunter388 7 Sep, 2021 @ 9:43am 
I know there was a few mods, (Gotta find it) that allowed you to spawn comp stuff in game, via zeus, I can't remember how they did it, ill ask and let ya know :3
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:41pm 
unfortunately they created the composition system...but what you create cannot be called in a mission that is running with zeus in real do this you have to create a library or commands with sqf... .and I don't know how to do that...the day someone teaches me I start to make compositions more practical...however...we can't group depending on what you do, composition if you call it on the server...when you rotate or place it in the scenario, you will have problems...the one I recommend is:

1. Structures that you believe are essential as part of the scenario, do it in the editor

2. structures with zeus in real time use simple things
shadowhunter388 2 Sep, 2021 @ 1:54am 
How do you spawn these in Zeus?
JediSith1981 10 Jul, 2021 @ 7:52pm 
pretty B-) thx for the comp!
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 24 Dec, 2020 @ 7:10pm 
what never worked ... arma3 or xmas? haha ha
axons 24 Dec, 2020 @ 6:13pm 
merry xmas.. thing never work for me tho
NOFACESPECTRO  [author] 24 Dec, 2020 @ 5:58pm 
The day I learn yes ... I do .... but what I did is open for anyone to do whatever they want ... if you want to create a mod or module feel free ... as I say what I create or I do is for the community ... always feel free to assemble ... disassemble ... throw away ... re-create ... the idea is to create concepts and inspire others to create too!

Thank you for the message, a merry Christmas, a prosperous new year and a lot of health to all.