One Step From Eden

One Step From Eden

60 ratings
Boss Rush to Eden
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22.030 KB
24 Feb, 2021 @ 6:40am
20 Apr, 2021 @ 3:55pm
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Boss Rush to Eden

A simple Boss Rush mode I made for my own entertainment and decided to go ahead and make public.

- You will automatically skip all zones that are not Bosses or Shops (the first world shop is skipped intentionally)
- You gain an additional 200 Sera each time you defeat a boss

- May be buggy
- May or may not play nice with other mods.
- I made this for my own entertainment. I might update it on a whim or I might never touch it again. Fair warning.
- If you don't like how it works, I invite you to learn C#. Modding is fun!

Known Issues:
- Most custom bosses don't provide money. Their creators would need to update those bosses to use MPL's new custom boss feature.
- Music from the previous boss continues to play in the shop room
- The world bar doesn't show the icons for worlds you've visited