

4,410 ratings
Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
3.031 MB
29 Mar, 2021 @ 6:23am
23 Apr, 2024 @ 1:30pm
24 Change Notes ( view )

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Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded

In 2 collections by Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
107 items
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 items


See change notes

3/29/2021: Release

Vanilla Social Interactions Expanded means to bring much more needed life to your pawns and interactions they have. This mod alters what pawns do in their spare time, puts some extra emphasis on relations tab and adds many mechanics that breathe fresh air into otherwise boring and stale game. Pawns now also have aspirations that can be fulfilled to gain powerful mood buffs, and the whole inspiration system is also changed.

Many new mechanics are added and each of them can be individually disabled if you dislike it, through the power of mod options. We are constantly looking to improve, so if you have any feedback, don’t hesitate to leave a comment and let us know!

We spent a lot of time working on this mod and even more time testing it, but if there are any issues you encounter, please make your way to the Known Issues section for instructions what to do.



Oskar Potocki, an artist and a designer, responsible for most of the artwork and visual imagery as well as mod design and xml.

Taranchuk, a programmer responsible for all the code in this mod.

Smash Phil, a programmer who helped with transpilers.

Chowder, a sponsor of the dating mechanic.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

Q: Is this mod compatible with Combat Extended?
A: Should be, I hope.

Q: I dislike X mechanic, can I disable it?
A: Yes, mod options.

Q: Do I need Vanilla Expanded framework for this to work?
A: Absolutely.

Q: Does this mod work with Psychology/other mods that change pawn traits etc?
A: Yes, they should.

Q: Can I add it to an ongoing save? Can I remove it?
A: Yes, you can add it whenever you like, however bear in mind removing a mod from an ongoing save is bad practice and can result in save corruption. Always back up your saves when adding new mods!

Q: Does this work with other mods changing inspirations?
A: If another mod changes vanilla inspirations, chances are our mod will be incompatible.

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Popular Discussions View All (39)
18 Jul, 2024 @ 12:58am
Issues with inspirations/aspirations
6 Mar @ 10:27am
Bug Reports
10 Sep, 2024 @ 7:47am
Debug Log
Catbear 21 Mar @ 1:09am 
@LotLP Agreed. The social interactions and dating is a nice touch, but the inspirations seem massively strange - 0 handling wanting to tame anything that requires a minimum of 3 in handling. Non-surgeons having inspired surgery with 0 medical. My original pawn got the flu and suddenly gained the cowardly trait after killing a few hundred people w/o issue. Wish it was more logical.
LotLP 24 Feb @ 5:54am 
I like the extra social interactions this mod adds, but the changes to inspirations are really annoying. I wish I could disable or change that, but getting -5 for 5 days as a penalty for having high mood (which causes inspiration) is awful. I tend to just remove that moodlet with character editor when it happens so that I don't delete this mod out of frustration.
75Kerbals 9 Feb @ 12:56pm 
Stupid question, but do events like dating, birthday parties, picnics, or one night stands need a certain number of colonists to trigger? My current run has 7 people, with 2 marriages already. They've had a binge party, but nothing else. Thanks in advance.
SpacemanTrashcan 6 Feb @ 6:56pm 
It would be nice to have a more descriptive mod options menu. What are the differences between inspirations and aspirations in the context of the mod? There is nothing in the description defining aspirations. Are they just the goals and mood buffs of the inspirations?
Pumpkin Spice Latte 5 Feb @ 3:03pm 
Posting this to balance the hate; I have about 100 mods and I've never had issues or bugs with this mod, nor have I had any issues with any mods I use for that matter. Thanks for this mod btw, one my absolute favorite!
horse 2 Feb @ 1:56pm 
This mod seemed cool until it made every single one of my pawns do recreation for a split second then go to a different form of recreation over and over and over and over again never actually getting any recreation
Emperor 29 Jan @ 3:39am 
Shouldn't slaves be prohibited from gaining party inspiration?
Tiny4741 18 Jan @ 2:58pm 
Which mod option remove the effect on pawns opinions of each other from eating human flesh? "__ ate human flesh, I will always be afraid of them." Is that even something I can disable?
Tony Soprano Chan 14 Jan @ 6:43pm 
Any way to disable the [pawn] was previously our enemy debuff? I cannot find it in configs and I don't really want to disable the memories as a whole, just that one debuff specifically.
玩联通玩的 12 Jan @ 11:07am 
Been using this mod since probably 1.3 and I finally have enough. New trait mechanic is RIDICULOUS. All my pawns get in my recent saves are shits like slowpoke or chem facination or delicate or slow learner. Pretty sure that the authors always turn this mechanic off when they do their extensive testing, otherwise it would be removed long ago.