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58 ratings
Swish's Unholy Mod A34
Type: Mod
Tags: Alpha34
File Size
836.412 KB
10 Apr, 2021 @ 8:42am
18 Feb, 2022 @ 6:41am
18 Change Notes ( view )

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Swish's Unholy Mod A34

In 1 collection by Swishos
Swish's KeeperRL Mods
5 items
In this mod you take control of an aspiring Necromancer, with an ultimate goal to ascend to Lichdom! Starting as a little necromancer the early game will be quite hard as you must venture out to collect corpses for your undead army. As you progress however you'll become a skeletal mage with stronger allies such as the corrupted knights to fight alongside you. Eventually achieving Lichdom and gaining an army of demons vampyrs and more :D Including summoning your own Lichs to fight for you ^^

The Mod includes a new Keeper that comes with a large roster of new custom made sprites (alot of them are also animated)

Also includes so small decorative pieces, new tech and some new items (more planned in the future)
Popular Discussions View All (1)
24 Jun, 2022 @ 3:34am
Chicken Breeding
Swishos  [author] 28 Dec, 2022 @ 9:57am 
currently too busy to update my mods, basically all my spare time is being used making sprites for a future game update for vanilla. Until that is complete all modding work has been paused. Though i have given permission for others to release updated versions of my mods and i know some of these have been done by shadowing such as purelands
xOnexEyedxWolfx 27 Dec, 2022 @ 9:34pm 
can get mod to work which version?
0Cain0 20 Dec, 2022 @ 5:49am 
pls update
Bruce Wayne 11 Aug, 2022 @ 4:09pm 
Dumpster Fire 6 Jan, 2022 @ 7:24pm 
Never mind, I found it. Guess I need more bodies!! :)
Dumpster Fire 6 Jan, 2022 @ 7:21pm 
How do you apply a balsam to a unit? I can't figure it out...
Swishos  [author] 8 Dec, 2021 @ 4:12am 
yeah they are limited just for balance reasons, you have to be careful with the legendary craftsmen i usually just lock them in to rooms with the crafting stuff they require and leave them as glorified prisoners.

@macadaciouse It's a common issue i have seen with steam updater. If you unsub, unistall the unholy mod file completely and then resub it usually starts working for people (or at least that's worked for everyone i've spoken with about it)
Spikyuno 8 Dec, 2021 @ 3:29am 
There is a limit on some creatures. Is it supposed to be one and done, or are you supposed to be able to recruit more if you lose them? My two legendary craftsmen died to an unknown cause, and now I can't craft and spicy gear. I also can't recruit any more skeleton abominations or juggernauts. I just have the one big boy.
macadaciouse 11 Nov, 2021 @ 3:07pm 
Keeps saying something about traps being undefined. Tried reinstalling the whole game and no dice
The Hat 7 Nov, 2021 @ 10:06pm 
That was a big facepalm moment. I assumed because many of the other units didn't require corpses that the skeletons didn't either. Turns out I was playing too much vanilla. Strange that lack of items doesn't stop things showing in immigration but lack of resources does. Well the more you know. Sorry to bother you with this.