

1,322 ratings
ReGrowth: Arid
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
609.180 KB
24 Apr, 2021 @ 2:34am
18 Feb @ 9:15pm
12 Change Notes ( view )

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ReGrowth: Arid

In 1 collection by Helixien
ReGrowth: Biomes of The Rim
11 items

You can see all changes in the changelog tab!

Current mod version: 2.0-Desertum-rev3

Minor fixes and tweaks, otherwise I consider it complete for now.

What is ReGrowth?

ReGrowth is a mod deeply influenced by the philosophy of the Vanilla Expanded Series and the understanding how biomes work, what role they play in your game. Everything added was made to fit or mirror vanilla. From a simple UI texture to a new more complex system,being as performance and vanilla friendly is the main objective we have.

This is the module for the arid biomes, adding new trees, terrain and plants to enhance how it looks and make it more unique.

ReGrowth is designed to be as lightweight as possible, adding the minimum of new code required for its auditions to work.

As of right now there are not supported mods.

Q: Can this mod be added to an existing save?
A: Yes it can, but be aware some content like new terrain might require a new save to fully work.

Q: Can this mod be removed from a save?
A: It depends. Technically it can be, but I will not provide support if you do.

Q: Can I use other mods that do similar changes to the game? (GreenRim, etc.)
A: Probably yes, but I can't guarantee that everything works as it should.

Q: Is this mod part of the Vanilla Expanded Series?
A: No, while you might see similar people attached, it is NOT a Vanilla Expanded mod.

  • Textures are made by Alastair and me.
  • XML and patches are done by me.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester and he wants you to finally buy his book!

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0[creativecommons.org]

Jackledead 6 Nov, 2024 @ 7:13pm 
typo "ReGrowth is designed to be as lightweight as possible, adding the minimum of new code required for its auditions to work." in steam desc and about file. auditions should be "additions"
greatorder 22 Jul, 2024 @ 7:37am 
Hebrux 14 Apr, 2024 @ 7:55pm 
whenever I select a territory, it always has lots of desert terrains even if I select temperate forest. found that these regrowth mods are the cause though I'm not sure which one
Evyatar 17 Feb, 2024 @ 4:53am 
Arswind 8 Feb, 2024 @ 10:46am 
Please fix
Deon ☣ 3 Nov, 2023 @ 10:08am 

Fix that error by copying "RG_SaguaroCactus_Leafless" folder from "Textures\Things\Plant\Leafless\" to "Textures\Things\Plant\" folder in "Regrowth: Core" mod folder,

@Helixien: FYI this may need fixing.
Yerkisk_TTV 29 Oct, 2023 @ 9:32am 
This mod cause an error when installed alongside SeedsPlease: Lite. The error is concerning RG-D_DesertPalmTree, yet I see nothing in the description of the mod about desert palm trees. Disabling this mod fixes the issue
The Blind One 19 Oct, 2023 @ 2:08am 
Aren't there supposed to be sandstorms in the desert or is that from a different mod?

I've never had a sandstorm in over 5 years of ingame gameplay. But I see that they are references in one of the android subroutines this mod adds where they have a sandstorm weakness.
G~ 23 Aug, 2023 @ 12:55am 
@Boss You might want to use the Vanilla Expanded Animals mods for that. I don't actually remember if there's a scorpion, but they have a lot of additions and variety, so I'm *assuming* they include scorpions.
Boss 9 Aug, 2023 @ 5:32pm 
Sadge there are no animals like sCoRpIoNs. But I love additions to biomes. It gets lonely in deserts/ice places.