Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Apocalypse Run
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Play Time: 30 minutes
Language: English
File Size
407.501 KB
1 May, 2021 @ 3:19pm
9 May, 2021 @ 12:01pm
8 Change Notes ( view )

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Apocalypse Run

Apocalypse Run is a 2-6 player casual board game in wich players take on the role of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by monsters and creatures. All the characters lived in harmony until the moment they received a radio message that changed everything. It was time to move. It was time to fight back. There was hope now, but only for one of them. The first player to reach the end of the board wins the game, becoming the only survivor in the group.

As the game progresses, players will face several challenges and need to prepare in the best way, making decisions that can be crucial to their journey. Which of those items will you choose to carry? Are you going to attack that creature or just run for your life? Will you take the safest and longest path or the shortest and riskiest one?

This game is currently in beta, so there will be changes and new content added soon, such as new cards, maps and languages. We rely on constructive feedback from the community to improve the game and make it fun for everyone. If you find any problems or have any suggestions, we are always open to new ideas.

We wish you all a great game!
Eldwyr  [author] 9 May, 2021 @ 8:29am 
Oh, got it. In that case, no... as for conditions acquired by encounters, you don't need to roll the dice in the round in which you acquire the condition.
Explosion321 9 May, 2021 @ 7:36am 
as for question 3 for me, let me clarify. the biohazrd cards all say take 3 damage and gain the infected status. and under the infected definition in the rules, you take one damage at the end of all rounds, so the question I have is, do you take the 3 damage, then roll the fate die which then leads to you losing 4 damage, or do you wait till your next turn to start rolling the fate die? the card in question for me at least, is the you touched the biohazard barrels without gloves. hope this clarifies the question
Eldwyr  [author] 8 May, 2021 @ 9:38pm 
About the "mucky":

Great question! In fact, this is another text that will be added to the manual in the next update (which should happen tomorrow and also add new content).

Answer: yes, you remain standing in the same space, but you don't activate the space again.

About the "Careful" card:

No, you cannot avoid death with it. Maybe I'll change the text to make it clearer. Thanks!

I wish you all a great game!
Dishonorable Monkey 8 May, 2021 @ 9:33pm 
Also could you use the Unknown "Careful" card to ignore an event that causes your death?
Dishonorable Monkey 8 May, 2021 @ 9:28pm 
hey, quick question, if you roll a 1 when you're mucky, do you still move one space, or do you just stay on the space you were already on. If so, do you reactivate the space that you stayed on?
Eldwyr  [author] 8 May, 2021 @ 9:17pm 

• Yes, you still receive a -2 penalty if you choose not to use a weapon.

• When you die or get robbed, you choose which items will be lost.

I wish you all a great game!
C0omAr 8 May, 2021 @ 7:35pm 
Quick question. If a player has a weapon, and chooses not to use it, do they still lose 2 on their attack. Or does this only apply if the player does not have any weapons?

Also if a player dies or gets robbed, does the player choose which items they loose or does it go by the order of which they are placed?
Eldwyr  [author] 7 May, 2021 @ 7:09pm 
Hey! First of all, I am very grateful for the feedback. In addition to answering here, I will update this information in the manual to make this clearer for new players as well.

About your questions:

1- No, you cannot combine items during an encounter.

2- Yes, you need to announce the use of an item before rolling the die during an encounter, so you won't be able to avoid using it if you succeed without it.

3- I don't know if I understood your question correctly, but I think I did. If you’re already infected and have just become sick, at the end of this round you still throw only the common infection die, taking a maximum of 1 damage. From the next round on, you take 3 damage if you fail the die (not 4). So yeah, you wait till the next turn for the status to kick in.
Eldwyr  [author] 7 May, 2021 @ 7:09pm 
Thanks for the suggestions!

I will take into consideration your suggestion about making more scenarios that require the same gear. At the moment, there are only two for each and it may be interesting to add at least one more for each one. Still, I believe that it’s not the best option to create different requirements in the biohazards in order not to make these spaces harder than they already are. Soon I will do an update with more cards to resolve this issue!

About the current board: it’s only the first model. I will bring news about this really soon, but I can anticipate that we will have new maps with different sizes to select before starting the game. In addition, I will place some customization objects in the game so that players can replace some spaces to make the game easier or harder.

I hope this has clarified your questions. If you need anything else, I'll be happy to answer.

I wish you all a great game!
Explosion321 7 May, 2021 @ 5:37pm 
So just tried it in a 3 player game. the game itself was pretty well paced, everything was moving right along well enough. couple of rules questions: 1. Can you combine two attack/ Defence items in an encounter? I assumed that was a no. 2. do you need to call out if your going to use said item before you do the encounter or not? can you call it after in case you succeed without it? 3. do you have to take the hitpoints on top of the infection status loss (total of 4 Hitpoints on a failed roll) or do you wait till the next turn for the status to kick in? Finally I recomend comming up with more scenerios that require the same gear. I got the biohazard to wear gloves for the contaminated containers 3 times in a row and I know I shuffled. also maybe lower the hitpoints from 3 to 2 so that an average survivor with nothing can still get through on two attempts. or maybe make the board longer I dont know. hope this helped