

3,537 ratings
RPG Style Inventory Revamped
Mod, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
500.656 KB
6 May, 2021 @ 8:26am
22 Mar @ 5:21am
34 Change Notes ( view )

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RPG Style Inventory Revamped

[V4.1] RPG style representation of the pawn's Gear Tab. That's a revamped version by avilmask.
Orginal mod: RPG Style Inventory by Sandy.

So, what the point of this yetanotherfork of an original mod? When I liked that mod've reverted to original layout, I was greatly unsatisfied with how it treated empty space. And I didn't really hate the "new" layout, I just thought it was unfinished and could be better. So I've collected the most of issues that mod had and addressed them in that fork.

- none of the slots are hardcoded. They're still pre-defined, but through xml-defs;
- mod figures out empty columns and rows of slots and removes them;
- anchor mechanic helps the mod to deal with "mosaic" empty spaces between slots, making it look more consolidated;
- gear that didn't fit in the slots now displayed as a separate list of items;
- an option to RETURN "NEW" LAYOUT (called "simplified" in that mod, the "simple" switch). Hey, not everyone hated it. In fact, a lot of people that used alien races liked it. That's why I've made it possible to save the flag state on race-by-race basis, so you can look at normal pawns using classic layout, and at exotic ones using simplified layout;
- you can now see, which slots are available to you, mod will show empty slots for them. Mod doesn't show slots for items that don't exist in your game, but you can enable it in options if you wish so. Mod also doesn't display undefined slots;
- border is thinner (so it fits default background) and color codes can be changed or disabled;
- a separate healthbar that is displayed over an item. You still can return the old "background" healthbar in options;
- it's now visible if item takes more than one slot;

The same way as with original mod, it's completely cosmetic, neither adds or removes anything, so it's completely safe to add or remove midgame.
That said, this mod is still purely cosmetic, just like original mod. It doesn't add any additional interactions with items and inventory.

Relation to other mods
- it still doesn't require any mods to work;
- it's compatible with A Rimworld of Magic (due to integration patch made by an author himself in original mod);
- it's compatible with Combat Extended, but I'm not sure how well. I've made a compatibility patch myself, but didn't really test it because I never played CE. So feedback is welcome;
- I've reused color selector from Quality Colors mod by legodude17, so here's a credit.
- it's compatible with sidearms;
- compatible with MP using this compatibility mod.

Languages that was updated for revamped version:
- engrish;
- chinese simplified by gaogzs, wycac;

External links: github[github.com]
Popular Discussions View All (4)
21 Mar @ 12:32am
PINNED: Issues and stuff
2 May, 2024 @ 5:36am
Suggestions for this amazing mod
31 Oct, 2024 @ 9:11am
Feature request
King brus
turkler 20 Mar @ 9:06am 
@avil thank you so much, and sorry for the trouble >.<
don't worry, I plan to support my mods well in to the future
avil  [author] 20 Mar @ 8:03am 
Sigh. Then patch for a patch it is. I really dislike doing stuff like this. I sure hope your mod won't get "continued" any time soon then.
turkler 20 Mar @ 7:20am 
@avil thanks for taking the time
you could check for the mod id ce.ifitwas.good and then hide the bulk bar if that's present, that's the most reliable way. the mod doesn't (and it can't really) remove bulk, just its affects on pawns, pawn generation and any ui elements associated with it so you can't really check whether the stat exists or not.
avil  [author] 20 Mar @ 6:42am 
Tell me how to recognize that there is no bulk and I'll add it. I would prefer to not make a compatibility mod for a compatibility mod :)
turkler 20 Mar @ 5:33am 
would it be possible to get an option to disable the bulk bar with combat extended? I'm the developer of a mod called 'no bulk for combat extended' that removes bulk, but the bar seems to persist with this mod.
[VoC]Geromet 17 Mar @ 1:06pm 
My bad, it's the Pocket Sand mod that's overriding the inventory items with null.
avil  [author] 15 Mar @ 9:45am 
Not sure what you mean. This mod does nothing to inventory of the pawn.
[VoC]Geromet 15 Mar @ 5:59am 
Can we get an api to get references to all the Thing 's in the pawns inventory? Currently the things are overriden with null, and I can't find a clean way to get all of them. Trying to make a compatibility patch for this + Pocket Sand
Levaneron 25 Feb @ 8:00am 
Thank you. I managed to get it to work by unsubscribing and restarting my PC. :peace:
avil  [author] 24 Feb @ 9:28pm 
Your steam doesn't want to update the mod with latest patch. You need to force update the mod. The long, but sure way would be: unsubscribe, delete mod folder from your PC, restart Steam, subscribe back. There are also other methods that work with varied degree of success.