

1,296 ratings
ReGrowth: Aspen
Mod, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
2.060 MB
13 Jul, 2021 @ 12:23am
17 Feb @ 11:42am
19 Change Notes ( view )

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ReGrowth: Aspen

In 2 collections by Helixien
ReGrowth: Biomes of The Rim
11 items
Helixiens Creations
14 items

You can see all changes in the changelog tab!

Current mod version: 2.1-Inigo-rev9

Nothing right now, we are happy with it.

"My Heart is in the Rift,...

... my heart is not here. My heart is in the Rift a chasing the deer: Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe. My heart is in the Rift wherever I go!"
- Inigo The Brave

What is ReGrowth?

ReGrowth is a mod deeply influenced by the philosophy of the Vanilla Expanded Series and the understanding how biomes work, what role they play in your game. Everything added was made to fit or mirror vanilla. From a simple UI texture to a new more complex system,being as performance and vanilla friendly is the main objective we have.

Inspired by my favorite game, "Skyrim", Aspen Forests is a new biome filled with genetically engineered Aspen trees, new flowers and grass. It is beautiful, colourful and unique.

Aspen Forests are a simple biome, there is no performance hungry code or new features you will only find there. Its goal is to add variety for the player.

ReGrowth is designed to be as lightweight as possible, adding the minimum of new code required for its auditions to work.

These are all the mods we currently support from our end:

  • Vanilla Fishing Expanded
  • World Map Beautification Project
  • Vanilla Animals Expanded

Q: Can this mod be added to an existing save?
A: Yes, but you won't see the biome unless you create a new save.

Q: Can this mod be removed from a save?
A: No, I do not recommend removing mods that add a biome during an active game.

Q: Can I use other mods that do similar changes to the game? (GreenRim, etc.)
A: Probably yes, but I can't guarantee that everything works as it should.

Q: Is this mod part of the Vanilla Expanded Series?
A: No, while you might see similar people attached, it is NOT a Vanilla Expanded mod.

  • Graphics are made by Alastair and me.
    [li]Preview images are created by Oskar Potocki.
  • XML and patches are done by me.
  • C# Code done by Taranchuk.

Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester and he wants you to finally buy his book!

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0[creativecommons.org]

Popular Discussions View All (1)
1 Nov, 2023 @ 4:51pm
Bog beacons dont regrow?
Deleted Profile
Helixien  [author] 9 Nov, 2024 @ 3:51am 
@Ravenheart: No clue man, you probably have some mod conflict. No clue which mods might do it.
Ravenheart 9 Nov, 2024 @ 3:34am 
A beautiful biome, thank you so much for this mod!
For some reason, no wild animals ever spawn in my aspen forests. Aside from storyteller events. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Trinity 22 Jun, 2024 @ 9:11am 
Hi, great mod thanks. One slight problem. None of the biome locked fruit trees from Vanilla Plants Expanded seem to be plantable in the biome.
Chesse5552024 9 Jun, 2024 @ 2:12pm 
can lower it few biomes.
kukun 5 Jun, 2024 @ 7:43am 
Hello, do modded animals still need patches to spawn in or is it now automatic by basing the spawn rate on a vanilla biome?
ExplorerRowan 26 May, 2024 @ 10:32am 
Are there any fruit trees that grow natively in the Aspen biome?
mkdir 22 May, 2024 @ 9:17am 
Do you have a recommendation for patching all regrowth biomes to support wildlife from a single mod? I couldn't really find a subject on it so I figured I'd ask here, but I'm working on a compatibility patch for Alpha Animals to spawn in the regrowth biomes, and I have Aspen Forest handled but Im curious if I need to make individual patch operations for each biome
Lira 4 May, 2024 @ 2:23am 
I can confirm that malaria pops up in this biome now. Nasty surprise! From Helixien's response to Tesla Coyle back in January it sounds like that's not working as intended?
Thundercraft 29 Mar, 2024 @ 5:16pm 
Is there still some place that we can download or obtain the version for RimWorld 1.3?
I checked the GitHub from the link above, but on the "Releases" page it says "No releases published", nor can I find any forks for the older version...

Did the old version for RimWorld 1.3 simply get paved over by the road crew to make way for 1.4 and later? :lunar2020thinkingtiger: :steamsad:
Lurmey 17 Jan, 2024 @ 11:19am 
Wait, are Aspens supposed to have no disease? Did I miss something?