Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

2,122 ratings
Simple Holster
Content Type: Addon
Addon Type: Weapon
Addon Tags: Movie, Roleplay, Realism
File Size
17.098 KB
13 Jul, 2021 @ 2:16pm
24 Feb @ 9:19am
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Simple Holster

In 1 collection by 22050hz amen break sample
Stuff I've done (and like)
17 items
A relatively simple weapon holstering thing. Should work with most weapons* and by default auto-holsters your weapon in ladders à la CoD, Battlefield, or Apex Legends.
Heavily recommend using my ladder fix with this.
HOW TO USE: Press 0 to holster or unholster your weapon.
Supports Apex Legends: Holster/Melee SWEP by default, but is not a requirement.
It's not a requirement but a personal recommendation.
The default holster also supports VManip.

You can disable/enable ladder holstering or set a custom holster weapon in Spawnmenu > Options > Chen's Addons > Simple Holster.
*that let you swap from your weapon like normal.
If you want a custom bind, open the console (SHIFT+ESC), run "bind h holsterweapon", and press H to holster/unholster. If you do not have one, just press holster key to receive it. You can use any other key for it too.

Important to note:
  • Hasn't been largely tested in multiplayer, so bugs may remain.
  • TTT compatible (will use stock TTT holster weapon, lmk if something doesn't work right.)
  • You can disable automatic ladder holstering in the settings, or using "holsterweapon_ladders 0".
  • Weapon Holsters with Editor is recommended if you want holstered weapons on your playermodel.
  • If you drop your weapon using a weapon dropping script, you'll probably automatically switch to holstered state.
  • You can call it any time using SimpleHolster() global function in your own scripts on the client.
  • Procedural holster animations for weapons without one are planned.
  • Works fine with Holster/Unequip Weapon, even if it's mostly redundant.

bugs & known issues:
  • ladders in source are notoriously jank so things might not always work correctly with every single weapon base
  • if you find yourself unable to shoot or reload after climbing a ladder, manually holster your weapon

"Where's that gun from?"

Made by chen.

Popular Discussions View All (2)
24 Feb @ 10:08am
PINNED: the bug zone
22050hz amen break sample
28 Jul, 2024 @ 6:48am
would it be possible to make the holster weapon different depending on what gamemode i'm playing
Plu 8 Mar @ 11:00am 
Do you think it would be possible to make the weapons automatically holster when picking up a prop? This feature is present in HL2 but Garry's Mod just makes the viewmodel disappear.
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 25 Jan @ 4:05pm 
try pressing R
Sevka Slav 25 Jan @ 3:53pm 
Hey it's me from the crouch mod, this mod is hella cool btw, anyways is there a way to enable crosshair with having holstered selected? Probably a stupid desire but I find it distracting without the crosshair enabled when I have nothing in my arms (as in have holstered selected in my weapons)
L44AS 12 Jan @ 7:52am 
i mean it helped me atleast
L44AS 12 Jan @ 7:52am 
yea i noticed but, i think using the workshop best load loader in properties really helps to most lua errors
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 12 Jan @ 3:50am 
very interesting as it's the same one as the last post in the bug report thread
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 12 Jan @ 3:47am 
interesting interesting
L44AS 12 Jan @ 3:42am 
nevermind, everything is fine, just had to go in game proprs worksshop and find best load loader
L44AS 12 Jan @ 3:39am 
So i got a lua error
[Simple Holster] gamemodes/base/gamemode/shared.lua:253: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. GetOwner - [C]:-1
2. Run - gamemodes/base/gamemode/shared.lua:253
3. func - lua/autorun/sh_holsterweapon.lua:81
4. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:38
22050hz amen break sample  [author] 15 Dec, 2024 @ 3:34pm 
context it appeared in so i can replicate it? that'll make it easier for me to get a proper fix out