Space Engineers

Space Engineers

92 ratings
Vanilla Survival Experience | VSE
Type: Mod
Mod category: Block, Script, Production
File Size
242.212 MB
14 Aug, 2021 @ 4:35am
5 Sep, 2023 @ 2:48am
82 Change Notes ( view )

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Vanilla Survival Experience | VSE

Implemented hardcore survival into Space Engineers, working with the systems available in Space Engineers to provide a hunger/thirst mechanic, progression, and balance that feels like it is part of the vanilla experience.

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Interested in trying it in Multiplayer? Check out the SE-Hardmode server that is running this mod (steam://connect/ or search for "Subsistence" in the server browser.

Optimized by Design

Working with KSWH systems, such as the "stat" system that already manages player oxygen and health the experience is optimized especially so for multiplayer. This is further applied by food and drink being consumables, using the existing KSWH systems but simply extending them.

Custom Assets

Custom assets are provided for the Food, water, and waste packets, as well as all the manufacturing and storage blocks required.

Nutrition and Hydration needs are suspended when inside a Bed or CryoTube, but will run at all other times.

Food and hydration needs using inbuilt game systems, providing a survival experience that feels like it part of the vanilla game.

Nutrition and Hydration rates are affected by temperature of the environment you are in as well as what you are doing in the environment, such as running, sprinting, or standing idle.

Making Organics

The simplest way to make organics is in the Survival Kit. Mining grassy areas will produce dirt, which can be processed in the Survival Kit with either ice or a water packet. The organics can then be used to make food. The survival kit is very inefficient, the most efficient way to make organics is in an Organics Farm. Placing Solid Waste or Dirt in the organics farm, as well as connecting it to water, will over time produce a lot of organics that you can then use.


When outside of a safe magnetic field you will begin to accumulate radiation, displayed as "Rads" on the HUD. The current radiation level is shown as Rad Level. When you have 100 Rads, you will begin to take radiation damage. This is much slower than other damage rates but will eventually kill you.
Organics farms are affected by radiation, check the "habitability" state to see it's effectiveness. They will not function unshielded in space, and will function poorly in high radiation environments

To reduce your radiation exposure back to normal you have a few options:
  • Head to a shielded area, such as a planet with a good atmosphere and gravity. Multiple aspects will affect the radiation level of a planet, so different planets will offer different exposure levels at different altitudes.
  • Dig under the surface of a planet/moon. The deeper you go the more pronounced the impact on rad level reduction
  • Operating inside an airtight area will offer increase rad protection
  • Additional protection offered in environments with atmospheric pressure, so pressurizing your spacecraft will reduce the rad exposure
  • Pressurized fighter cockpits offer a base level of minimum shielding
  • You can manufacture Anti-Rad kits on the Survival Kits, which will quickly reduce radiation exposure.
  • Gravity Generators provide a magnetic field which provide some additional rad protection.


Collect Dirt from under grass and you can refine it into Organics either in the Survival Kit (inefficient/slow) or the new Organics Farm (very efficient). These organics can then be processed at either the Survival Kit or Kitchen Block into Food Packets, using organics and some silicon.


Ice and silicon can be processed into a Water Packet at the Survival kit, or you can construct a Water Bottle and fill it using the H20 Generator or Water Tank, just like Oxygen or Hydration. Your hydration will decrease more when exerting yourself, and especially so in a hot environment.

To replenish Hydration you can:
  • Water Bottles are passively used just like an oxygen bottle and can be refilled in either the H20 Generator or Water Tank
  • Water Packets are a consumable, manufactured at a Survival kit from silicon and ice.
  • Water Condenser can be constructed, but is power hungry. Inside an atmosphere it will gather water, dependent on the biome it is in. Only works in planetary atmosphere. Best biomes are those with grass.

Waste Products

Over time you will produce Liquid and Solid waste. The Liquid waste can be processed back into Water at the H20 Generator or into water packets at the Survival Kit.

Supplementary Files

Additional balance changes have been packed into the following mod, which is used on the VSE server:
Popular Discussions View All (1)
3 Feb, 2024 @ 3:25pm
SecretSeptus 21 Oct, 2024 @ 11:34am 
water packets have 0% hydration. Is there any way to check the config files for conflicts
Chipstix213 28 Jun, 2024 @ 2:57pm 
ryangoslinglover306 it'll work just fine being added to a existing save
ryangoslinglover306 28 Jun, 2024 @ 9:28am 
hello, is it possible to add this to a savefile already created?
Chipstix213 7 Jun, 2024 @ 5:24am 
air tight pressurised areas offer protection, but i have experienced random death as host from un-known causes
PanicOregon281 7 Jun, 2024 @ 12:28am 
Thing is tho, if I live on a ship with this mod. I'll eventually die with my ship pressurized?
I figure wouldn't it be better to treat hull blocks as shielded and windows as low radiation shielding using a method of cheap path tracing?
Alius 10 Dec, 2023 @ 4:38pm 
Or h2O Gen, refills just like an oxygen bottle in an O2/H2 Gen
Chipstix213 6 Nov, 2023 @ 11:59am 
You'll need a water tank
Sodium Chloride 6 Nov, 2023 @ 8:06am 
How to refill a water bottle?
requiem☆; 19 Jul, 2023 @ 12:08pm 
Does the defense shields mod protect against Radiation ?