

906 ratings
[ELIF] SRTS - Helicopters
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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29.081 MB
14 Aug, 2021 @ 2:14pm
22 Apr, 2024 @ 11:25am
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[ELIF] SRTS - Helicopters


Ever wanted to fly through Rimworld with style and practicality? Well, helicopters are here to bring you just that, helicopters have always been the king when it comes to aeronautical utility, the ability for helicopters to land without a runway is incredibly useful, especially when secure spaces are of a premium due to pesky raiders trying to steal your tables, it also allows you to launch attack operations without needing an entire airfield to land on, which is great for retaliation and retaking your stolen tables.

We present to you, proper spinning top and tail propellers, for your eyes to consume, each helicopter has its own unique propeller, they ramp up during loading for takeoff and ramp down after landing as you would expect, and the rotors don’t spin when it’s not fueled, giving it that small sense of polish.

And of course, Helicopters also throw out a bunch of dust and dirt because of its high-speed upside-down lawn mower blades, so we made it so that dust effects will be emitted whenever the rotors are spinning, which gives it little bit of visual flavor.

By the time you reach late game, specialized helicopters should become more appealing for you, we have designed 4 helicopters for 4 specific use cases, strategic bombing, fast deploy extra-long-range transport, a huge capacity but slow transport, and a fuel-hungry huge capacity fast transport.

Are you looking for a translation? Well, here’s a list of available translations that have been published in the workshop for this mod (Note: we are not responsible for any inaccuracy in the following list of translations).

Did you make a translation and want it to be shown on this list for people to easily find? Just post the link to your translation down in the comments and we’ll add it to the list.
Available Translations:

If you happen to notice any incompatibilities or partial incompatibilities, feel free to inform us so we can inform and warn other users of possible incompatibilities with other mods.
Compatibility list:
  • [DHM] AIRDOCK – The author has provided support for this mod so you can create a deep storage solution for SRTS vehicles, allowing you to store multiple SRTS vehicles in one area.
Partial Incompatibility list:
  • Combat Extended – Transport jobs work fine, bombing outright does not work.
Incompatibility list:
  • None at this moment

Q: I can't seem to find where I can build the helicopter after researching it?
A: Make sure SRTS is loaded first before this mod.

Q: What's the difference between Precision Run Cap and Bombing Run Cap?
A: Precision Run Cap is how many bombs the helicopter will drop during Precision runs, while Bombing Run Capacity is how many bombs it will carpet bomb during Bombing runs.

Q: Can I add this mod mid-save?
A: There shouldn't be an issue with adding this mod mid-save.

Q: Can I remove this mod mid-save?
A: We do not recommend removing mods mid-save, but if you really want to, it should be fine.

Q: Why isn't my helicopter dropping bombs?
A: The helicopter uses mortar shells in its inventory to bomb, so make sure to load the helicopter with the appropriate shell you wish to use.

Q: Can I suggest a helicopter?
A: Sure, but do not expect a reply or an acknowledgment, we’ll think about it, but with my busy schedule, and other projects I plan to make, it might not be feasible.

Q: Can I create translations/localizations for your mods?
A: Sure, in fact, we welcome translations from other users, simply inform us down in the comments and we’ll put a link to your translation on the workshop above, so people can easily find them.

Q: Do you plan on porting this to Phil’s Vehicle Framework?
A: Yes! Once it's released, we will immediately try to port this to Phil’s Vehicle Framework, along with some changes and improvements to make use of the new features of Phil’s Vehicle Framework.

Q: Can I reupload your mod at other sites/update your mod for you and publish it?
A: No, we strictly would like to ask that you do not reupload or publish an updated version of our mod without our permission, we consider such things rude and we will ask for them to be taken down.

Q: Combat Extended compatible?
A: Refer to the compatiblity section.

Q: Why can't I see the Helicopter Icons on the world map?
A: Well due to how helicopter textures work, there are 2 work arounds:
1) launch to an adjacent tile first, then launch from the adjacent tile to your real destination.
2) Turn off "Dynamic World Textures" in the SRTS options.

Q: There's no room for politics in video games!
A: Don't care, don't like it? use someone else's mod and cry about it somewhere else, my decisions are not open for debate nor discussion any comment about it will be deleted, boohoo censorship, go cry.

- Art, XML, and Mod by ELIF.
- C# by LimeTreeSnake.
- Huge thanks to people over at Drunken Frog.
- And huge thanks to the people over at the official Rimworld discord server.
- Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.

  • West blueprint is offset incorrectly. (minor issue)
Popular Discussions View All (12)
22 Oct, 2024 @ 12:18pm
Where do you even build the helicopters?
PC Reece
17 Jan, 2023 @ 12:25pm
PINNED: SRTS - Helicopters CE Compatibility
20 May, 2024 @ 1:44pm
Question on how to take off in the helicopter
GreyApache 15 Feb @ 8:49pm 
Deleted my units when I left the map
SghHanzMullerSW 16 Nov, 2024 @ 12:48pm 
Do as Elif and many others and donate to ukrain SLAVA UKRAINI
Inflamel 10 Nov, 2024 @ 10:22pm 
I tried using AIRDOCK mod on 1.3, but for some reason I can't use the airdock I made. I tried entering dev mode and spawn a ton of different SRTS ships but no option appeared for me wherein I can open the airdock or put something inside of it.
marpstar 29 Oct, 2024 @ 4:17pm 
Issues saving if I have this mod.
John 21 Oct, 2024 @ 2:24pm 
NOTE: I've only had issues with the heli's not appearing on dev and normal crafting menus when it was loaded improperly.

Will more heli's be added? What happened to the Russian heli in the description picture? Is it difficult to mod additional helicopters in? Thanks for the awesome mod, none come close to yours.
Princess-Luna 1 Oct, 2024 @ 1:13pm 
yes dev mode break on this mod sadly
PurpleMamba 9 Sep, 2024 @ 9:37am 
Your mod makes it impossible to "spawn thing" from the Dev menu.
Scout Gaming 31 Aug, 2024 @ 10:08am 
Any plans to remake this for VF?
NyamiNyamiNyami 9 Aug, 2024 @ 4:15am 
Bombings don't work for some reason. Everything else is fine except the bombings
benadrylbroccoliburger 8 Aug, 2024 @ 12:08pm 
anyone have the link to the CE compatibility mod?