Door Kickers 2

Door Kickers 2

456 ratings
The film “Sicario” (2015). Map №1. Hostage rescue operation
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19 Sep, 2021 @ 1:03am
18 Sep, 2022 @ 2:08am
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The film “Sicario” (2015). Map №1. Hostage rescue operation

In 1 collection by asdemgt999
My maps for Door Kickers 2
10 items
The new mini-campaign "Old moth and the chamber of secrets" consisting of 2 maps is already available in the workshop and in my collection "My maps for Door Kickers 2"!

Names of maps from the new mini-campaign:
1) Old moth and the chamber of secrets. Mission 1 (Mansion)
2) Old moth and the chamber of secrets. Mission 2 (Bunker).

The FBI has received information that hostages are being held in a house registered on Manuel Diaz (local entrepreneur, possibly affiliated with a Mexican cartel). Intelligence reports that about 10 criminals are being observed at the site, but there is a possibility that there may be more. The hostages were not visible in line of sight, but suspicious sounds were heard from the building. Your squad has been tasked with freeing the hostages.

Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Difficulty: easy / normal

This map is one of four dedicated to the movie "Sicario" (2015). The rest you can download from the collection of maps presented on this page.

In my collection called "My maps for Door Kickers 2" you can find the following maps:
- a map based on the series "Friends";
- 4 maps based on the movie "Sicario" 2015;
- a map based on the TV series "Breaking Bad";
- a map based on the retro game "Pac-Man";
- map "House" 2015 from the game Rainbow Six Siege (all 3 floors);
- campaign of 2 missions "Operation: Bunker Moth".

Нова міні-кампанія "Old moth and the chamber of secrets", що складається з 2 карт вже доступна у воркшопі та в моїй колекції "My maps for Door Kickers 2"!

Назва карт з нової міні-кампанії:
1) Old moth and chamber of secrets. Mission 1 (Mansion)
2) Old moth and chamber of secrets. Mission 2 (Bunker)

У ФБР надійшла інформація, що у будинку, зареєстрованому на Мануелі Діазі (місцевий підприємець, можливо пов'язаний із мексиканським картелем), тримають заручників. Розвідка повідомляє, що на об'єкті спостерігають близько 10 озброєних бійців, але є ймовірність, що їх може бути більше. Заручників не було видно в межах прямої видимості, але з будівлі долунали підозрілі звуки. Вашій команді було доручено завдання щодо звільнення заручників.

Локація: Фенікс, штат Арізона
Складність: легка/нормальна

Ця карта є однією з чотирьох, присвячених фільму «Sicario» (2015). Інші ви можете завантажити з колекції карт, представлених на цій сторінці.

У моїй колекції під назвою «My maps for Door Kickers 2» ви можете знайти такі карти:
- карта за мотивами серіалу «Друзі»;
- 4 карти по фільму «Сікаріо» 2015 року;
- карта по серіалу «Пуститися берега»;
- карта по ретро грі "Pac-Man";
- карта по грі Rainbow Six Siege «House» 2015 року (всі 3 поверхи);
- 2 місії. Операція: Бункерна моль.

DeniZen 27 Aug, 2024 @ 5:47am 
I saw the movie and everything... and it still got me!!!
GrandmaDaewood 16 Apr, 2024 @ 1:33pm 
I'm not gonna spoil the map... but I haven't seen the movie so maybe people will expect a surprise... but I was not, and it was entertaining.
asdemgt999  [author] 23 Dec, 2023 @ 6:13am 
I completely agree =)

By the way, I also love spoilers, like many people. It’s great to play through games or watch movies already knowing how it will all end. That's great! And in support of some comments, I will write another spoiler.

In the movie "Sicario" there was a moment when the police were inspecting a similar small building (like on this map) and suddenly there was an explosion and some of the police were killed. Just shh, it's a secret ;-)
Rake 7 Dec, 2023 @ 1:42am 
Skip this one. Honestly this is pretty boring to clear and to look at, plus doors only half opening causing weird behaviour (operators can't see but through them) and then at the end the shack explodes and kills your operators, no matter how careful you approach it.
asdemgt999  [author] 1 Aug, 2023 @ 5:56am 
I agree, and also Bruce Willis plays the role of a ghost in the movie "The Sixth Sense" ;-)
Rakki9999117 1 Aug, 2023 @ 5:07am 
Stupid hardcoded explosion in the shack to the northeast. Do not download.
Mr. Napalm 12 Mar, 2022 @ 12:59am 
I didn't expect the shack to explode and got two of my guys blown up at the end lol
S.Imyourflower 27 Feb, 2022 @ 7:46am 
NotUrMomButMaybe 16 Feb, 2022 @ 12:32am 
i don't love the invisible wall at the bottom of the map. also, because of the way the walls are double layered, doors don't open all the way, which causes weird sightline issues where an enemy who's a few feet away will disappear behind an open door.
Dettlaff 3 Dec, 2021 @ 3:26am 
damn even tho I watched the movie, i did not expect to shit shack to explode