Car Mechanic Simulator 2018

Car Mechanic Simulator 2018

40 ratings
'71 Plymouth Duster 340 [Livery]
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604.471 KB
24 Sep, 2021 @ 9:05pm
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'71 Plymouth Duster 340 [Livery]

Oh Heartbeat City here we come

'71 Plymouth Duster 340 livery, my brain decided to make this in 3AM for some reason, took 3hr to finish.

Of course, since its base mod is '72 duster, it's not going to be an exact copy of the real car, but i tried to make it look not weird, especially the taillights since their design is drastically different from the ones on '71. though there's some texture glitches i couldn't figure out to fix. see screenshots.


1 Additional Livery

How to install:

1. Navigate to steamapps\workshop\content\645630\2610716128 in File Explorer
2. copy jacki.png
3. paste in steamapps\workshop\content\645630\2120478371\Liveries (make a folder if there's none)
4. Viola!


Q: I still have no idea how to install this livery.
A: Add me, i'll help you.

Q: What took you so long?
A: On just a holiday

Q: REEEEEE it's wrong model!!!1!!
A: I am aware.

Thanks to:
Nick's speedshop for porting the base mod from GTA
FLED for making the original model in GTA
The Cars for the amazing music and inspiration
[☭]-Soviet-Triumph-  [author] 11 Mar, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
@DerTodlichEngel If my memory is correct base mod came with no existing liveries or preset png files so I had to draw random lines in blank palette to figure out where should I put lines to make them appear correctly, having a template (and a stable patient mind) would make this MUCH easier, I bet most people with enough experience can make this kind of simple edit in 10 min or less... I spent too much time on recreating the Heartbeat City cover and finding the decals.
DerTodlichEngel 10 Mar, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
A bit of a side question, but is making liveries as difficult as it seems? :slimescared: Like this looks amazing, but after taking one look at the template, i'm just left asking how tf? AND IN 3 HOURS? :tableflip:
[☭]-Soviet-Triumph-  [author] 2 Dec, 2021 @ 6:18pm 
@Clerenyvald You know at that point i'd rather port usermade chevy van mod made for GTA V, but i already stated that i know absolutely nothing about tweaking/porting models, you'll have more luck contacting the author of the base mod, porting GTA:SA cars are what he's doing anyway.
Clerenyvald 23 Nov, 2021 @ 1:38pm 
I had to think about what would be a better way to port something similar; I know the same truck exists in GTAV, called the Granger 3500LX. There's that as a 4 door SUV, but I think there's also the Granger pickup truck that's the same style. Both can be found in the San Andreas vehicle store. Think about it,let me know your thoughts.
[☭]-Soviet-Triumph-  [author] 14 Nov, 2021 @ 12:07am 
i know nothing about importing and editing a model, i can use image editors to make liveries of existing mods but thats about it
Clerenyvald 13 Nov, 2021 @ 10:54pm 
Well, I would appreciate and share on my stream a mid 1990's Chevy Suburban, with 1 livery that has colorful swirls and stuff from the, "Super Truck" show cars on the internets. I can send a few pictures, and also a 3D model someone made to get the general idea. It is something I'm passionate about because I have one, and building up a model of one would give me more imaginative ideas for the real one. Friend me, and I can start with truck model I found.
[☭]-Soviet-Triumph-  [author] 10 Nov, 2021 @ 1:23am 
@Clerenyvald i had absolutely no plan or thinking when i made this, that depends on my subconscious. but hey, if you have any requests let me know
Clerenyvald 9 Nov, 2021 @ 11:13pm 
This is a great livery, got any more planned for the future?