594 ratings
Dwarf Phalanx
Tags: mod, Units
File Size
16.616 MB
27 Sep, 2021 @ 8:58am
25 Oct, 2021 @ 11:42am
7 Change Notes ( view )

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Dwarf Phalanx

Originally posted by Definitely not a dwarf:
My spear! Where is my spear !?

What's in the mod ?

Two new spear units for to the Dwarf roster, delivered with a uniq charge bracing ability, and a defensive formation ability.

SFO version by HangedMark

How does the charge bracing ability works ?

When a enemy unit engage the phalanx, the Braced Charge Defense ability will be triggered for 4 seconds, applying one buff to the phalanx and a debuff to the enemy unit in melee with it.

What am I looking at ?

  1. Enemy charge in phalanx
  2. Effect trigger for 4 seconds
  3. Phalanx in contact with enemy will do 1/2 attack animation
  4. Enemy entities receives high damage because of buff+debuff and die

Like this a lot of enemy entities will die during the first few seconds of an engagement, mimicking their impalement on the dwarven spears.

In campaign, upgrades on Dwarfs Warriors affect them.

Known issue

While under the Phalanx formation ability, few medium units (e.g. Orcs) will be able to hit the dwarfs while their shorts arms won't be able to reach their foes.

One solution is to let the phalanx absorb the charge and then disable the formation. I like this solution as it reminds me of a scene with dwarves, stupid elves and some ugly guys.

Looking for a graphist

My units have always lack custom icons, cool looking unit cards and portholes.
If you are a talented graphist, please contact me on discord: toumai#3164


  • Should be compatible with everything!

  • SFO / Radious / etc version ?
    Their stats are based on vanilla TWW2, but feel free to upload your own version.
  • Can I use your asset / mod in my own project ?
    Feel free to re-upload your own version or patch of this mod.
  • Dwarfs don't use spears !!!
    True until Games Workshop sees this mod :)

  • Huge thanks to my h3ro (yet again <3) x2 this time
  • Big up to Frodo and his precious RPFM (yet again <3)
  • Dungeon Master for his awesome screenshots
  • Bastilean for his mod used as template for the charge bracing ability.
Popular Discussions View All (1)
30 Jan, 2023 @ 7:25pm
Balance Suggestion
Gash 15 Jun, 2024 @ 6:50pm 
why is this not in warhammer 3?.. sad life..
TheSavageOne 5 Apr, 2024 @ 5:37pm 
It would look nice if they marched with the spears pointed up and lowered them when attacking of in phalanx formation. They look awkward when marching with spears lowered.
Kharn the Bloody 12 Jul, 2023 @ 1:08pm 
Subscribed just now and I'm trying to test the 2 new units in a Custom Battle. I see one unit, Dwarf Warrior(Spears) in Infantry units. What's the name of the other unit? I'm not really familiar with Dawi roster in WH2 and I have a ton of Dawi unit mods I just subscribed to today.
AnkleknockaTrev 6 Mar, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
Need this ported to wh3 asap lol
rob_church2002 23 Feb, 2023 @ 11:30pm 
this is one of my fav mods hopefully one day you get warammer 3 and add it thanks agian for this mod either way :)
PeterDön 16 Feb, 2023 @ 1:28pm 
Hi, can you make this mod for the empire spearmen?
Xenophon 25 Jan, 2023 @ 4:57am 
Is there anywhere we can get the unit keys for the added units?
Sol 6 Jan, 2023 @ 8:27am 
please bring to Warhammer 3
jarukrudenko13041 10 Dec, 2022 @ 9:44am 
please bring this to Warhammer 3
n.pedrazalis 2 Dec, 2022 @ 9:51am 
hello can you adapt this to warhammer 3 please i miss them so much