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Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
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36.702 MB
24 Oct, 2021 @ 11:08am
23 Jan @ 11:44am
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Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures

In 2 collections by Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
107 items
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 items

Vanilla Ideology Expanded is a mini-series of mods aimed at expanding the content in ideology - be it memes, relics and symbols or icons alike.

The goal of the Memes and Structures mod is to add unique memes, and… well, structures to your game. For some reason certain obvious choices like Shinto, Taoism and Eldritch were missing from the base DLC, and this mod is here to introduce them to the ideology creation.

With unique memes, players will be able to diversify their playthrough every time they play. This should increase longevity of the game and also make it way more unique and personalised.

This mod adds 36 new memes, alongside many new structures, rituals, precepts, specialist roles, items, objects and mechanics. It should greatly expand what Ideology has to offer, and meshes nicely with the rest of the DLC. With Vanilla Ideology Expanded - Memes and Structures you will be able to create powerful psykers that simply love chocolate, a corporate scrap trading business, a fishing republic, a bunch of god-king radicals, mechanoid technocratic union and much, much more.

A: Can I add it mid-playthrough to an existing save?
A: Yes, albeit to no effect, as ideologies are only created upon starting a new game. You can however edit ideologies in dev-mode.

Q: I don’t like certain meme, can I remove it?
A: No, this whole mod comes as a bundle and there is no way to remove certain elements of it. Remember: You can use dev-mode to tweak ideologies, disable specific precepts, roles etc!

Q: I want more than 4 memes!
A: Check mod options! You can increases number of memes, styles, rituals, relics and ideo buildings.

Q: Can I suggest a new meme?
A: Without a doubt, we accept all suggestions. Please use the pinned Suggestions thread for it!

Q: Where should this mod be placed in the mod load order queue?
A: Under Ideology, our Framework and any mods that specifically mention having to be above this mod.

Q: Is it compatible with another mod that adds memes?
A: Depends on what memes such mod adds. Chances are, if someone else alters the same game components, our memes can become incompatible.

Q: Does this work with Combat Extended?
A: I would believe that potentially yes but I still need confirmation, so if it does not, let me know.

Q: I disagree with you merging Taoism and Shinto into one structure. I feel personally attacked and I hate every fiber of your being.
A: Mod development is in many ways similar to game development. We use something called ‘work-hours’ to evaluate how to distribute time into various ingame features. Creating ideological styles takes a tremendous amount of that time, so I personally decided to merge both Shinto and Taoism into one structure and if you bear with me I will explain why.

Shinto has 3 million followers worldwide. Daoism has 20 million.
Christianity has 2.5 billion followers (lower estimate). The game takes place 3000 years into the future. Shinto and Daoism together only have a 1% of followers compared to Christianity. This is an argument for them two merging into one ideology to survive 3 thousand years.

Shinto and Daoism are both about balance, harmony, attracting opposites and venerating ancestry. There is more similarities between them than you probably realize. I can't spare enough hours to accomodate both Shinto and Daoism. Each structure takes hours upon hours of work, both art-wise as well as creative writing-wise.

I wouldn't do one without doing the other, so at this point it was a choice between merging them to make one, more complex structure, or not doing them at all.

While I understand some people might not like it, there are some ideologies not covered AT ALL in the game - Judaism, Sikhism etc. At least now people who want to have a Shinto or Daoism inspired religion can use the new, merged one.


Oskar Potocki, an artist responsible for graphic design.
Sarg Bjornson, a programmer responsible for the code of this mod.
Chowder, a creative writer responsible for majority of ingame descriptions.
Luizi, artist responsible for Insectoid helmets.
Isorex, artist responsible for esoteric art.
Fire Worship sponsored by TheWelp.
Rimworld is owned by Tynan Sylvester.
(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

Popular Discussions View All (2)
19 Mar @ 12:57pm
PINNED: Suggestions
Oskar Potocki
9 Feb @ 11:51pm
Patch Suggestions
Kasa 17 hours ago 
The vegan meme gives a penalty to attacking animals, this should removed especially if the animal is man eater.

You don't get a mood penalty for attackers raiders?
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 21 hours ago 
Not with this mod on its own it doesn't :)
Pseudo Neutre et Soft 21 hours ago 
Cocoa bush appears even if I don't have sweet teeth
Sun Looker 16 Mar @ 11:24pm 
I'm having the same issue where the obelisks aren't preventing corruption from decreasing
The Ass Disaster 11 Mar @ 10:41pm 
im having an issue with the eldritch corruption need and obelisks, the corruption need decreases even within the obelisk radius, i've disabled all mods except for this one and its still happening
makeshiftwings 10 Mar @ 12:41am 
I'm trying Scrapper for the first time and getting the same behavior as someone mentioned earlier, where everyone gets the "No Junk" -15 mood debuff pretty often even though the base is full of junk because they just happen to be around a corner or something when the 5 hour timer goes off to check. You mentioned it has to work that way to avoid lag. Would it be possible to do something like run the check more often when you have the "No Junk" debuff but then once you see junk you get a 24 hour countdown where you're safe and it doesn't need to make the check anymore? Then you don't need to worry about becoming severely depressed just because your favorite junk pile is in the dining room while you're in the kitchen.
SanDimas 9 Mar @ 2:38pm 
im getting this error
"Could not get new name (first rule pack: VME_NamerCultofPersonality)" could it be a load order error? didnt have this kind of error before
LEONARD 6 Mar @ 12:19pm 
Nevermind it fixed itself somehow
LEONARD 6 Mar @ 12:01pm 
Well when I have this mod enabled, the Transhumanist meme isn't on the screen of selectable memes when making my ideology. And when I disable it, it is on the screen of selectable memes.
Sarg Bjornson  [author] 5 Mar @ 10:39pm 
It doesn't