Cookie Clicker

Cookie Clicker

518 ratings
Cookie Garden Helper - Reloaded
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18 Dec, 2021 @ 10:32am
5 Sep, 2022 @ 12:27pm
6 Change Notes ( view )

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Cookie Garden Helper - Reloaded

Automate your garden in Cookie Clicker, and unlock everything for it.

This mod :
  • Auto-Plant a saved layout
  • Auto-Harvest what doesn't match the layout
  • List all seeds and their optimized layout
  • Adapt the suggested layouts to your farm level
  • Auto-Rotate soil depending on what is in your garden
  • Let you fill the garden with one seed, with one button
  • Show all Garden Upgrades, and unlocked ones
  • Manage your garden, based on CpS multiplier

This is the Steam version of cookie-garden-helper ( )

Cookie Garden Helper - Reloaded
How it works
To begin, click the button CGHR at the bottom of your garden / farms. There, you can configure how you would like the mod to operate.

The mod loops through each unlocked tile, then tries to auto-harvest or auto-plant, depending on what is activated.

Save plot
First you should save your plot.
  • Start by manually placing the setup you are interested in.
  • Then press the "Save plot" button to save it for Auto-plant and Auto-Harvest to know what to do.
"Ctrl+click" on the button to delete what was saved. Carefull, Auto-Harvest would clear the actual plot.

First, it will check if the tile is empty.

If not, it will check if the plant is immortal. If it is, and the Avoid immortals option is ON, it will ignore this tile.

If not, it will check if the plant is under Divine Protection. If it is, it will ignore this tile.

If not, it will compute the plant stage. Below is a list of these stages and the conditions when the plant will be harvested:
  • young:
    • if it is a weed, and the option Remove weeds is ON. This option does not prevent fungi from spreading.
    • if the option Clean garden is ON and the seed is not new, or a different plant is on the tile in the saved plot.
  • mature:
    • if it is a new seed and the option New seeds is ON.
    • if the option Check CpS Mult is ON, the plant gives bonus CpS on harvest, and the current CpS multiplier is above or equal to the one specified at Mini CpS multiplier.
    • if the option Matured seeds is ON, all plants will be harvested as soon as they are mature
    Note: Auto-harvesting all mature seeds prevents getting the CpS bonus from letting plants like Crumbspore explode!

  • dying:
    • if the plant is dying, the option Check CpS Mult is ON, the plant gives bonus CpS on harvest, and the current CpS multiplier is above or equal to the one specified at Mini CpS multiplier.
    • if the plant is dying, the last tick is 5 seconds from expiring, and the option Dying plants is ON.
This will plant the saved plot if:
  • the tile is empty
  • a plot has been previously saved with the button Save plot
  • the option Avoid Buffs is:
    • ON, and there is no CpS multiplier from a buff.
    • OFF.
  • the option Check CpS Mult is:
    • ON, and the current CpS multiplier in the Garden is below or equal to the one specified at Maxi CpS multiplier.
    • OFF.

Note: mouse over the message Plot saved to see what was saved.

The option Rotate Soil :
  • ON - The soil is automatically changed to clay or wood chips if there are more mature seeds than young, or to fertilizer if there are more young seeds.
  • OFF - The soil will not change on its own.
Note: Rotate Soil does not require Auto-plant to be ON.

Manual tools
Plant selected seed:
  1. select a seed you have unlocked.
  2. click this button to fill all the empty tiles of your plot, if you can afford it.
  3. don't forget to deselect the seed.

Garden upgrades
This section displays all garden upgrades, shows which ones were bought, or unlocked. The tooltip shows how to unlock the upgrade.

Seed List
This section displays all seeds in the game. Orange if not unlocked yet, but possible, Red if you cannot unlock it yet (one or both parents are not unlocked).

- Hovering on a seed's name will display a suggested seed mutation layout.
- Clicking on its name will overwrite the saved plot by the suggested layout, for use with Auto-plant.
- Ctrl+Clicking on its name will apply, or remove, the Divine Protection, making the Auto-Harvest ignore it.

Sacrifice garden
When you sacrifice your garden, a few things will happen:
  • your saved plot will be erased.
  • the auto-harvest will be toggled OFF.
  • the auto-plant will be toggled OFF.
This is to prevent planting locked seeds, as well as allowing you to verify your configuration before restarting automation.

The rest of your configuration will remain.

On GitHub :


Does this mod disable Steam Achievements?
No it does not.

It's loaded and the CGHR button is there, but it never seems to do anything?
Auto-plant does nothing if it doesn't have a saved plot. In other words:
  1. You need to manually plant a first round of plants
  2. You need to press the Save Plot button. When hovering on the text right next to it, you should have a tooltip with your layout
  3. Alternatively, you can directly select a seed from the Seed List.
  4. After that, Auto-Plant: ON should work

The readme doesn't explain well what the CpS check is, or if it's needed at all
The CpS mult check is completely optional.
Depending on the activated check:
  • Auto-plant : It will only plant a new seed if the CpS multiplier is below the given value. A value of 0 is identical to the Avoid Buffs check, no extra CpS, a value of 0.5 means only planting during a Clot, a value of 1 means only planting when there is no buff, etc.
  • Auto-harvest : It will only harvest if the CpS multiplier is above the given value. A value of 1 means never harvest during a Clot or other malus, a value 7 means only harvest during a Frenzy, etc.

The tooltip showing the saved plot is all shuffled around
You might have changed from the default zoom. Press Ctrl + 0 to revert to the normal zoom.

Clean garden is removing new seeds
Make sure you're not switching to a saved plot from the seed list that contains a plant at the spot your new seed is growing. If you want to safely swap, disable clean garden, allow auto-plant to fill the remaining slots with plants, and then save the plot with the new seed included.
Popular Discussions View All (2)
28 Aug, 2023 @ 12:00pm
auto unlock
25 Mar, 2023 @ 3:56pm
Request to change Shriekbulb seed layout
FrOsTy 25 Jan @ 12:42am 
Really liking the mod overall, but found a small issue with it when playing on a mac. Ctrl clicking on mac doesnt work as OS wise it sends a right click instead, so its impossible to toggle protection. Changing it from ctrl clicking to shift clicking would solve this (just change it from key 17 to 16)
polettzz 11 Jan @ 11:18am 
very good 👍
Perrito 13 Nov, 2024 @ 1:21pm 
Mod stopped working, plot wont save, auto plant wont work, the clean function doesn't work as well
Ultimuh 12 Nov, 2024 @ 9:22am 
Same issue here, plot is saved but nothing is ever auto planted.
nighthawk887 11 Nov, 2024 @ 9:49pm 
it just stopped auto planting my crops i saved the plot and the plot showed it saved but it just does nothing any info on what this might be because?
alasseprince 24 Aug, 2024 @ 9:23am 
maybe its possible to add a feature where you can click on a orange text seed and it will automatically ( if you got enough ) plant the best layout for it
SpiritusVulpis 3 Aug, 2024 @ 3:40am 
Does anyone have any direct proof if the Remove Weeds option in this mod prevents new plants entirely from sprouting? I'm currently grinding some of the last seeds I don't have and I haven't had any luck so this would be helpful to know
Ebonsprocket 16 Jun, 2024 @ 6:01am 
Trying to get plant upgrades. I've been doing a combo of Ichorpuff and Keenmoss to help improve my odds (using "Mind over Matter" and all upgrades just missing some plant upgrades). I've disabled every mod but this one. I also check in on it once or twice a day and turn off the mod, reboot the game, manually harvest mature plants, replant them, then turn the mod on and reboot (so if this mod is the problem I'll eventually just get lucky on that particular harvest). I tried "Duketater cookies" too while also just going for the profit. I never got the upgrade and just assumed that it was bad luck but now I'm wondering if there is a problem with the mod.
cheezeEGGSTREEME 7 Jun, 2024 @ 8:28am 
My I suggest a feature that would be super easy to add?
Just the drop rate next to each seed in the seed list. Might be helpful. :sothappy:
Pillar of Milk 3 Jun, 2024 @ 12:34pm 
why did you make the level 5 shriekbulb setup a swastika