

3,660 ratings
Vanilla Outposts Expanded
Mod, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
File Size
1.018 MB
21 Dec, 2021 @ 4:21am
16 Aug, 2024 @ 9:49am
16 Change Notes ( view )

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Vanilla Outposts Expanded

In 2 collections by Oskar Potocki
Vanilla Expanded
107 items
Vanilla Expanded - Empire playthrough
148 items

See change notes

Vanilla Outposts Expanded can be described as an incredibly Lite version of mods like Saakra’s Empire. Players will be able to form a caravan and travel to a location on the world map, where they can set up different kinds of outposts, towns and camps. Each of these location will yield different bonuses depending on the types of pawns as well as their skills.

This is by no means a complex management mod. In fact, we put extra work to make it as intuitive and organic as possible. Outposts can be used to get rid of unwanted pawns - they have no upkeep, and colonists in outposts don’t need to be micromanaged - they will literally provide themselves with the resources they need. All you need to do is find a suitable location for the outpost and send the necessary amount of pawns. Think of it like Outposts in Frostpunk, where everything that happens in the outposts is outside of your control or attention.

Outposts can, however, be raided. It then generates a map with that outpost and all the crew in it, and you have to fend off against the attackers.

Periodically, outposts will send a pack animal with the resources. Create an Outpost drop off spot and the animal will deliver the resources to this location. Consider building defensive outposts, especially in late game, as they will be able to reinforce other locations around themselves via drop pods.

I hope you will enjoy this rather simple on the surface mod. It’s been fun developing it, and I’m sure it will be fun for you to get rid of all the pyromaniacs and wimps, whilst also getting some supplies in return!

There is an ongoing issue that Outposts disappear after battle never to be heard from again. Sometimes the battle never ends. In any case, we were unable to find the issue with just our mods, which means it's a third party mod causing it. With the variety of mods people are using, it's hard to find it.


If you have issues with outpost battles, remember in mod options you can disable them!


Oskar Potocki, an artist and a designer.

legodude17, a mastermind behind the code.

Kikohi, a programmer who helped with CSG.

Chowder, a writer responsible for a large number of descriptions.

(CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)[creativecommons.org]

Q: Do I need to pay upkeep on the outposts?
A: No. Outposts provide themselves with everything they need to function.

Q: Do pawns in the outposts gain skill levels?
A: No. That’s a major drawback. Pawns in the outposts are essentially locked in a separate reality - they do not get any skill in anything, but they also don’t need to be controlled by you. They don’t fall ill, they don’t do social fights, they don’t have mental breaks.

Q: Can I disable some of the Outposts?
A: Not in the settings. You can use an XML patch, though.

Q: Do I need VE Framework for it to work??
A: Yes. All the actually Outpost code is in Framework, this mod just uses that.

Q: Does this mod work with other mods?
A: It should work with majority if not all the mods out there.

Q: Is this mod save game compatible?
A: Hell yeah! I wouldn't be so sure about removing it though, so backup your save!

Q: Can I upgrade the outposts?
A: No. They are meant to be a simple way of getting rid of your pawns, not a next layer of strategy in the game.

Q: If I deconstruct an outpost, are all the pawns lost?
A: No silly, they simply reform a caravan.

Q: Can I put people in and out of the outposts at any time?
A: Yes. In a way, outposts work like a caravan. You simply split it and merge it.

Q: Can I put slaves and prisoners in outposts?
A: Of course you can!

Q: Can I build defenses in the outpost?
A: No, That's why it's important to have some well armed pawns in the outposts, in case a raid comes.

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Popular Discussions View All (121)
8 Aug, 2024 @ 10:34am
Bug: Error in removing Raid
28 Dec, 2024 @ 3:10pm
Pawn Drug Dependency
Game Dev Friend
19 Feb @ 5:23am
Bug: Fishing outpost delivers negative rare items
wyc 8 hours ago 
I've changed the number of people required to build a town outpost, but that doesn't work, and when setting up a outpost, it still says that five people are needed to build a outpost
CrazyAdept 16 Mar @ 5:29am 
For those of us using Vanilla Chemfuel Expanded, Can we have a toggle or option to have it send the Deepchem as is instead of the refined chemfuel?
Mistress 14 Mar @ 4:09am 
Are pawns in outposts and the outposts themselves used when calculating raid strength?
CordialVillain 13 Mar @ 7:13pm 
Have I gone stupid? I can't seem to find a way to disable battles, I'm not seeing anything in the mod options.
Dust 8 Mar @ 10:18pm 
I've unsubscribed and subscribed to this mod and the framework again, but research posts aren't doing anything still. Anything else to try?
Synthawk 5 Mar @ 2:07am 
Is there any reason my fishing outpost is sending me an absolutely ridiculous amount of seemingly random stuff. Guns, clothing, helmets, crowns, capes, etc. I get fish too but the amount of other stuff is just littering up my entire base and causing huge raids. It's so bad I'm about to pack this base up and call it a loss and dev delete everything it's been sending me.
Could be it got thrown into nutrient paste grinders or used in meals, depending on how quickly you noticed the shipment alert.
Thallan 2 Mar @ 2:09am 
I got a delivery of 1200 meat that didn't actually get delivered? A fox can't eat that much meat in an hour, right?
Idiot With A Gun 2 Mar @ 1:58am 
that manufacturing outpost is calling to me like a siren to a sailor, got me salivating for components
Paco Wallo III 24 Feb @ 1:03am 
Does the encampment variant regenerate psyfocus the same way simply waiting in place on a caravan will?