Idling to Rule the Gods

Idling to Rule the Gods

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How to do ultimate baal challenge in less than 24 hours
By Philly4eva
The all u need 6 rebirth guide to ubc.
This is intended for midgame and assumes u already played the game for atleast one year. If u are just starting out, u will need more rebirths to complete the challenge, but could pick up some ideas along the way.
This guide will supply a to do list for the 6 rebirths it will take.
It will use one rebirth around 9 hours and four rebirths around 3 hours and lastly one might run rebirth.

Recommended challenges:
25 cbc (for 50 ghost might levels, very helpful)
20 nrdc (for faster and better dungeons, very helpful)
20 nrc (for faster planet eater spawning, allowing u to kill the first one and two around the time might unlocks, very helpful)
25 pbc (for building 40 monument upgrades instead of 20, very helpful)
All "day challenges" (for various bonuses, very helpful)
45 uuc (for faster powersurge, helpful, but could do without)
40 1kc (for faster might training, helpful but could do without)
25 tmc (for some extra stats while training might, helpful but could do without)
As many cpc as possible (for less creating time and clones assigned on crystals, helpful but could do without)
As many aac as possible (for some extra stats + rebirth multi, helpful but could do without)

Recommended pets/gear:
Enough pet gear to have 50% boost to hitpoints/physical/mystic and as much gear as possible to have or be close to 50% creating and building speed.
As for pets u need evolved nightmare and evolved flying spagetthi monster for godpower camp and evolved clam with a mountain d3 team.
All evolved adventures with bonus to godpower camp helps too.
1x v1 chakra Pills per challenge to speedup rebirth 3.
Improved next at and improved next at for challenges will also make your life easier.
You will need 2x rebirth bacon per ubc, craft some beforehand.
If u have pandoras box unlocked, it will help out alot in the gp camps.
Using magic sticks, or sticks/candy canes in general on your godpower camp pets will make it easier.
You also need auto half stats and xp overflow bought from challenge points.

Assuming u have around 40k growth on your 10 godpower campaign pets u will start every rebirth with fighting clones. It will take 5-10 minutes depending on growth to reach
100m stats. This will ensure your godpower camps will be good.
As for actual numbers, some things will be slower or faster depending on where u are in the game, hopefully it can still be useful even if u can't follow everything.
It will be a lifesaver if u assign pets to camps and dungeon teams beforehand and can just click on the auto button.
The guide will keep 25 godpower, this is to buy 99999 for 3gp at start of a new rebirth, to buy divinity twice for 5gp and to rebuy clones from dieing to planet eater 4 times per rebirth.

Rebirth 1
Rebirth 1: The road to Pontus
1. Adjust the godpower slider to 100% physical while waiting for 56 clones.
2. Assign 56 clones to training physical and mystic, 28 in each.
3. Wait about 1-2 minutes then start training pets on clones, with few clones in the start u have to refresh this often, do this until u reach 10 min in the rebirth.
4. Send out all your pets to 9 hours of godpower campaign and dungeon teams, the rest of the pets I usually send to item/growth/food as nothing else really helps. You can use divinity camp if u want, but it's not really needed.
5. Assign clones to battle, u will not need most of the clones at all for first rebirth so use the little u have for battle.
6. Create 500 light, 500 stone, 250 soil, 150 air as they become avialable, then focus on creating clones. It's worth going offline at this point until the rebirth is done. Before going offline make sure it's set to creating clones.
7. As the pets finish their camps/dungeons, Unleash and kill Pontus, then buy 10k clones 4 times for a total of 100gp. Buy buildspeed for the rest of your godpower, down to 25.
8. Send all your clones against planet eater, killing them all, then rebirth.
Rebirth 2
Rebirth 2: The road to Nephthys
1. Buy upto 99999 clones for 3 godpower.
2. You will be creating alot this rebirth, and it might be tight on time so get started asap. If u did a 9 hour rebirth in rebirth 1 and then went offline u will have the offline creation speed boost, making this easy.
3. Assign 56 clones to train physical and mystic.
4. Assign clones when they are up to fight your pets, when all, or most in your godpower camp have 100m stats send them out to 3 hours camp. If the rebirth reaches 10 min, send them out regardless of stats.
5. Send out your non-mountain teams to 3 hours and your mountain team to 9 hours and 24 minutes, make sure u have atleast 2x rebirth bacon equiped on the mountain team.
6. Assign clones to battle as they become sub - 1000 capped.
7. Create 3000 light, 12250 stone, 250 soil, 1350 air, 450 water, 100 plants then focus on creating clones.
8. While waiting for the creations, dump all your unused clones on powersurge and train it until might is unlocked.
9. When might is unlocked, assign clones to train might levels.
10. When u are finished with the creations, build 2 mighty statues followed by 1 mystic garden.
11. As the pets finish their camps/dungeons, Unleash and kill Nephthys then buy buildspeed down to 25 godpower as u did before.
12. Send all your clones against godly tribunal, killing them all, then rebirth.
Rebirth 3
Rebirth 3: The road to Laima
1. Buy upto 99999 clones for 3 godpower.
2. Assign 56 clones to train physical and mystic.
3. Assign clones when they are up to fight your pets, when all, or most in your godpower camp have 100m stats send them out to 3 hours camp. If the rebirth reaches 10 min, send them out regardless of stats.
4. Send out your non-mountain dungeon teams to 3 hours.
5. Assign clones to battle as they become sub - 1000 capped.
6. Work on killing gods down to and including Cybele, create 500 light, 500 stone, 250 soil, 150 air and then 1 of each following creations down to mountain. You will be missing some divinity for this at first.
7. While creating and waiting for might to unlock, dump unused clones on powersurge.
8. When u unlock might, gather all your clones and quickly kill planet eater, if u timed the rebirth well u will have a 1-2 minute window to do this. Rebuy your clones 2-3 times with the upto 99999 for 3 godpower.
9. After killing it spend 100 energy to unlock physical crystal level 1, don't assign any clones to it yet. Shortly after killing it, it will respawn don't kill it yet.
10. Unleash might and kill Cybele, gather all your clones, while might is unleashed drop your clones in monster fighting and fight (u don't have to kill any) the highest possible,
while fighting the monster spend 5 godpower to buy divinity. You can cancel the unleash and the monster fighting afterwards.
11. Build one of every monument and the divnity generator, if u want u can use a chakra pill v1 here.
12. With the divinity generator built, keep clicking add2 until u have 10 seconds of divinity generator, with this running buy divinity for 5gp, this should give u atleast 4 quadrilion divinity.
After buying divinity u can ignore the divinity generator for the rest of the rebirth.
13. Kill planet eater again and spend 100 energy on mystic crystal, start creating physical and mystic crystals. Turn on the divinity shield on the crystal tab to avoid getting your crystals stolen.
14. Build 90 mighty statues and 15 mystic gardens, upgrade both of them 40 times, then build whatever else u have time for, if u get unused clones dump them on might training.
15. As the pets finish their camps/dungeons, max out and equip your two crystals. Turn off the divinity shield afterwards.
16. Unleash and kill Laima then buy buildspeed down to 25 godpower as u did before.
17. Send all your clones against godly tribunal, killing them all, then rebirth.
Rebirth 4
Rebirth 4: The road to Luna
1. Buy upto 99999 clones for 3 godpower.
2. Assign 56 clones to train physical and mystic.
3. Assign clones when they are up to fight your pets, when all, or most in your godpower camp have 100m stats send them out to 3 hours camp. If the rebirth reaches 10 min, send them out regardless of stats.
4. Send out your non-mountain dungeon teams to 3 hours.
5. Assign clones to battle as they become sub - 1000 capped.
6. Put clones on powersurge.
7. Work on killing gods down to and including Cybele, create 1 of each of the creations down to mountain. Buy divinity for 5gp.
8. Remove all clones from powersurge. Build one of every monument and the divnity generator.
9. With the divinity generator built, keep clicking add2 until u have 10 seconds of divinity generator, with this running buy divinity for 5gp, this should give u atleast 4 quadrilion divinity.
After buying divinity u can ignore the divinity generator for the rest of the rebirth.
10. Build 90 mighty statues and 15 mystic gardens, upgrade both of them 40 times, then build 10 godly statues and upgrade them 10 times. Finally build whatever else u have time for, if u get unused clones dump them on might training.
11. When u unlock might, gather all your clones and quickly kill planet eater, if u timed the rebirth well u will have a 1-2 minute window to do this. Rebuy your clones 1-2 times with the upto 99999 for 3 godpower.
12. After killing it spend 100 energy to unlock physical crystal level 1, don't assign any clones to it yet. Shortly after killing it, it will respawn, kill it again. Spend 100 energy on mystic crystals, then turn on divinity shield.
13. Start creating physical and mystic crystal. Doublecheck so divinity shield is turned on.
14. As the pets finish their camps/dungeons, max out and equip your two crystals. Turn off the divinity shield afterwards.
15. Unleash and kill Luna then buy buildspeed down to 25 godpower as u did before.
16. Send all your clones against godly tribunal, killing them all, then rebirth.
Rebirth 5
Rebirth 5: The road to Coatlicue
1. Buy upto 99999 clones for 3 godpower.
2. Assign 56 clones to train physical and mystic.
3. Assign clones when they are up to fight your pets, when all, or most in your godpower camp have 100m stats send them out to 3 hours camp. If the rebirth reaches 10 min, send them out regardless of stats.
4. Send out your dungeon teams to 3 hours.
5. Assign clones to battle as they become sub - 1000 capped.
6. Work on killing gods down to and including Cybele, create 1 of each of the creations down to mountain. Buy some divinity for godpower if needed.
7. Have clones on powersurge until u created a mountain, then build one of every monument and the divinity generator.
8. With the divinity generator built, keep clicking add2 until u have 10 seconds of divinity generator, with this running buy divinity for 5gp, this should give u atleast 4 quadrilion divinity.
After buying divinity u can ignore the divinity generator for the rest of the rebirth.
9. Start building 90 mighty statues with 40 upgrades, 15 mystic garden with 40 upgrades, 10 godly statues with 10 upgrades, 8 pyramids of power with 8 upgrades and 5 temple of god with 3 upgrades. If u get unused clones dump them on might training.
10. Assign the clones to powersurge again if they become idle.
11. When u unlock might, gather all your clones and quickly kill planet eater, if u timed the rebirth well u will have a 1-2 minute window to do this. Rebuy your clones 1-2 times with the upto 99999 for 3 godpower.
12. After killing it spend 100 energy to unlock physical crystal level 1, don't assign any clones to it yet. Shortly after killing it, it will respawn, kill it again. Spend 100 energy on mystic crystals, then turn on divinity shield.
13. Start creating physical and mystic crystal. Doublecheck so divinity shield is turned on.
14. As the pets finish their camps/dungeons, max out and equip your two crystals. Turn off the divinity shield afterwards.
15. Unleash and kill Coatlicue then save all your godpower.
16. Send all your clones against godly tribunal, killing them all, then rebirth.
Rebirth 6
Rebirth 6: The road to Baal
1. Buy upto 99999 clones for 3 godpower.
2. Assign 56 clones to train physical and mystic.
3. Assign clones when they are up to fight your pets, when all, or most in your godpower camp have 100m stats send them out to 1 hour camp. If the rebirth reaches 10 min, send them out regardless of stats.
4. Send out your dungeon teams to 1 hour and 24 minutes.
5. Assign clones to battle as they become sub - 1000 capped.
6. Build one of each monument and the divinity generator.
7. With the divinity generator built, keep clicking add2 until u have 10 seconds of divinity generator, with this running buy divinity for 5gp, this should give u atleast 4 quadrilion divinity.
After buying divinity u can ignore the divinity generator for the rest of the rebirth.
8. Start building 90 mighty statues with 40 upgrades, 15 mystic garden with 40 upgrades, 10 godly statues with 10 upgrades, 8 pyramids of power with 8 upgrades and 5 temple of god with 3 upgrades.
9. When planet eater spawns, kill it with all your clones, rebuy clones as needed. Assign clones to create a physical crystal.
10. As pets finish camps, have them rest for 20 minutes, they earned it.
11. When might is unlocked dump all your idle clones in transformation aura+ and train it to level 5.
12. Equip your crystal, finish your dungeons, kill the planet eater once more, then unleash and kill Baal to finish the challenge.

If u have additional questions drop by the official game discord