Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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Chimera Executioner
Type: Blueprint
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25 Dec, 2021 @ 6:43pm
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Chimera Executioner

Whats the quickest and sure fire way to destroy a ship? Well by cutting it in half of course!
The brighter the laser and capacitors are, the more powerful the beam will be
Once your ready to fire move the piston forward (adjust aiming for camera offset) and destroy everything
Heavy armor is nothing more then cardboard!

I dont really know what to say about it
Its a giant ass ship with a massive ion cannon that obliterates things easy enough!

Max range of the beam is 25km and for comparison the max range of the railguns it has are 4km, youll be fine

Primarily uses weaponcore turrets from northwind and MWI

Decorative pack #2 is nesecary for the catwalks that make up a lot of important sections
Decorative pack #1 isnt important, its just there to make things look nice C: