

63 ratings
Better Solo Crew Start
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12.656 MB
31 Dec, 2021 @ 6:37pm
28 Nov, 2024 @ 3:08pm
166 Change Notes ( view )

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Better Solo Crew Start

See attached album for custom job talent tree (updated as of 1.0 launch day of game)

I wanted to say thanks to my friend yak, who has been very awesome and made many graphics stuff for dive suits, exo suits, and ect, and an overall great human being to know. i think i have not credited him properly in hindsight, so i am thanking him in this little section, and i hope he does well in life and all future endeavors. Thanks yak, for being awesome!

Here are some links to his works of art

This adds a custom job called the senior assistant, more and better equipped crew at the start of a game, and over 30 random items i made, all built and balanced for solo gaming, and small groups of friends. As such, there is barely any balancing at all.

a quick apology note on a sub feature from 6/7/2024

i wanted to apologize for a sub design feature that was added the prior update. It seems my friend who i sent files to for testing stuff changed the name of sub thing from "Eagle Logistics LLC" to "Final Solution Shipyards". i had not noticed till this morning. While personally, as a Jew, i find such jokes funny in context and between friends (aka, since half my family was killed by nazis in ww2 during holocaust, it makes for great inside jokes, fun time annoying my family in a funny way, and ect), but for a public thing, i think its retarded and just plain dickery. I will be changing it shortly, and while i usually hate doing public apologizes and would most of the time say grow a spine or such, in this case, i feel it was a stupid thing to not notice, and it would indeed be very offensive, so i apologize.


TheLegend27 Jan 30 @ 1:06am
This is a really solid mod! I've been using it for many of my adventures now and it makes starting a new playthrough much more enjoyable! Thank you for all your time and hard work, Eagle Scout!

Keypilot Jan 2 @ 1:01pm
Great mod! What's the switch on the nav console do? Couldn't figure it out.

Nothing Clever Dec 19, 2022 @ 3:55pm
weirdly underrated mod
Musty Rodent 20 Mar @ 8:54pm 
I dont know anything about modding, I'm just echoing what the console error told me was causing issues
𝓦𝓲𝔃𝔃 1 Mar @ 3:32am 
@Musty Rodent How do you change the prefab identifier?
CyberBatty7 23 Feb @ 8:28pm 
How do I start with 4 or 5 crew?
Musty Rodent 20 Feb @ 2:57am 
I figured out the issue, there's an incompatability error with baroverhaul, works just fine without it so there's nothing wrong with the mod itself, all that needs to be done is to change the prefab identifier.
Eagle Scout  [author] 6 Feb @ 8:59am 
ill look into it
Musty Rodent 3 Jan @ 2:23am 
Mod isn't loading, there's an error with the double pulse laser.
Eagle Scout  [author] 28 Nov, 2024 @ 3:16pm 
update is live. do let me know of any issues if there are any
Eagle Scout  [author] 28 Nov, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
oh, and happy thanksgiving everyone
Eagle Scout  [author] 28 Nov, 2024 @ 3:12pm 
meh, i mentioned a month long road trip being utter horseshit, and they thought since it was around July, that i was referring to pride month or such. we parted on mostly good terms, so its fine by me. still annoyed they never admitted to the mistake, after i provided an album from trip as proof ect. to each his own though.
catmanmlio 28 Nov, 2024 @ 2:53pm 
how on earth did you get removed from the offical discord